Consumer SDHC Class 4 Card
Performance and capacity redefined.
Kingston Technology’s Secure Digital High Capacity (SDHC) memory cards
are fully compliant with the latest SD Association specication. They are
a performance class of SD memory cards designed to meet the storage
demands of high-quality digital still and video cameras and other personal
electronic devices.
Starting at 8GB, SDHC cards oer larger-volume data storage and
optimized recording performance with support for FAT 32 le formats. In
addition, Kingston’s SDHC cards use speed “class” ratings known as Class 4
that deliver a minimum data transfer rate of 4MB/s for optimum performance
with SDHC devices.
Although identical in size to standard SD cards, the SDHC cards are designed
dierently and are only recognized by SDHC & SDXC host devices. To ensure
compatibility, look for the SDHC logo on cards and host devices (cameras,
camcorders, etc.).
Temperature proof
Shock and vibration proof
For added reliability and durability, our solid-state SDHC memory cards are
built of nonvolatile memory components and have no moving parts that
could wear out or break. All cards are 100-percent tested and are backed by
a lifetime warranty.
Protected from airport X-rays
Features/specs on reverse >>

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Consumer SDHC Class 4 Card
> Compliant — with the SD Card Association specication
> Secure — built-in write-protect switch prevents accidental data loss
> Compatible — with SDHC & SDXC host devices; not compatible
with standard SD-enabled devices/readers
> Durable — for your peace of mind, the card has been extensively
tested and proven to be waterproof,
vibration proof
and X-ray proof
> File format — FAT32
> Reliable — lifetime warranty
> Capacities5 8GB, 16GB
> Dimensions 24mm x 32mm x 2.1mm
> Speed Class Rating:
Class 4: 4MB/s minimum data transfer rate
> Storage Temperatures -40°C to 85°C
> Operating Temperatures -25°C to 85°C
temperature proof,2 shock and
, free technical support
FCR-MLG4 – MobileLite G4, USB 3.0 Card Reader
FCR-HS4 – USB 3.0 All-in-One Media Reader
> Voltage 3.3v
1 IEC/EN 60529 I PX7 certied for prote ction against conti nual water submersion f or up to 30 min. and
depths of up to 1m.
2 Withsta nds temperature rang e from -25 °C to 85 °C
3 Based on MI L-STD-8 83H, METHOD 2002.5 m ilitary standar d test method.
4 ISO 7816-1 certied for p rotection against 0 .1 Gy of X-ray ra diation to both sides of c ard.
5 Some of the li sted capacity o n a Flash storage device is us ed for formattin g and other functio ns and
thus is not avail able for data storage . As such, the actual av ailable capacit y for data storage is le ss
than what is list ed on the product s. For more informatio n, go to Kingston’s Flash Gui de at kingston.
6 These Clas s 10 cards are m eant for HD video recordi ng but do not suppor t some simultaneo us video
and still capture features.
7 Kingston Fl ash Cards are designed an d tested for compatibil ity with consumer gr ade market
products. It is recommended that you contact Kingston directly for any OEM opportunities or
special use a pplications that are b eyond the standard d aily consumer usage. Fo r more information
on intended us e, please refer to the Flash M emory Guide at kin gston.com/ashgu ide.
MKD -240.4