Memory Module Specification
4GB 512M x 72-Bit DDR2-400
This document describes ValueRAM's 512M x 72-bit 4GB (4096MB) DDR2-400 CL3
SDRAM (Synchronous DRAM) "dual rank" registered ECC "Intel Certified" memory
module.The components on this module include eighteen stacked 512M x 4-Bit (thirtysix 256M x 4-bit) DDR2-400 SDRAM. This 240-pin DIMM uses gold contact fingers and
requires +1.8V. The electrical and mechanical specifications are as follows:
Clock Cycle Time (tCK) CL=3 5ns (min.) / 8ns (max.)
Row Cycle Time (tRC) 55ns (min.)
Refresh to Active/Refresh Command Time (tRFC) 105ns
Row Active Time (tRAS) 40ns (min.) / 70,000ns (max.)
Single Power Supply of +1.8V (+/- .1V)
Power 5.310 W (operating)
UL Rating 94 V - 0
CL3 Registered 240-Pin ECC DIMM
Note: The module defined in this data sheet is one of several configurations available under this part number. While
all configurations are compatible, the DRAM combination and/or the module height may vary from what is described
here. However, in no configuration will the module height exceed 1.250" (31.75mm).
(Units = millimeters)
Figure 1: KVR400D2D4R3/4GI 240-Pin DIMM
Document No. VALUERAM0490-001.A00