Helping rapid on-premises application growth
with Kingston Memory and SSD solutions
About Hosteur
For more than 17 years, HOSTEUR has been offering its customers innovative and reliable solutions that adapt to their
needs. They are proud to have never compromised the principles that have shaped their culture and built their reputation.
Motivated and enthusiastic for the projects to come, they are always happy to work in collaboration with companies that
share their values, in particular respect for nature and people, privacy protection, honesty and loyalty.
They have multiple data centers across Europe: two of them in Southern France, one in Switzerland and another in Bulgaria.
They are also currently developing a new branch in Africa.
Their infrastructure in France is certified ISO 27001 and is also validated as a Health Data Host (HDS), which is proof that
they are compliant with legislative frameworks for storage and protection of health data.
Today they serve more than 100,000 customers on their various systems and offer
them hosting services, cloud computing, managed services, security solutions
(SSL, Firewalls), email platforms, digital signatures and many others. They use
a wide range of Virtualised Environments (VMware, Proxmox and Virtuozzo
technologies) or Dockerized Environments with Kubernetes custom platform.
The demand for hosting services has grown significantly in recent years. This
increase in demand translates into a large requirement for DRAM and storage to
ensure that they can meet their customer’s needs. They deploy a lot of new on-
premises servers, upscale their existing servers with large capacities of DRAM.
They need to provide good MTBF (Mean Time Before Failure) to support the SLAs
to their customers. From a procurement and logistics perspective, they needed a
partner that would supply DRAM and storage quickly and have a fast return policy
in case they receive a defective product.
“We gained more
DRAM for the
same investment
than we would
have from the
achieved the
same quality and
better support.”
Sebastien Comte
CISO at Hosteur
Kingston provided them with proof of concept pre-serial enterprise class SSDs,
which allowed them to test the performance of the product before implementing
it. That way, they could validate the project much quicker and place their order
and have it delivered and installed in a timely manner.
They have set up 300 customers on approximately 2TB of DRAM on a server
cluster. “We gained more DRAM for the same investment than we would have
from the OEM DRAM. We achieved the same quality and better support”. - says
Sebastien Comte, CISO at Hosteur. Kingston were able to provide a large quantity
of DRAM or SSD with a good balance between speed/durability/quality and all
that, at a good price.
Kingston SSDs provide 30% more server performance and has helped them
obtain better availability. They have minimal downtime on their cloud cluster:
their customers benefit from 99.995% of availability throughout the year.
In addition, they are planning to build another data center room to expand
their business globally. Plus, they are launching their new Kubernetes-based
platform called “FlexOne” late in 2020 with more SSD storage (1TB of DRAM and
50TB of storage).
“Kingston were chosen for the open mindedness of their sales and technical
team. They always take the necessary time to find and deliver the best possible
solution for Hosteur. We benefit from Kingston’s 32 years of experience with
memory and storage which comes through sales and technical teams.”
- Sebastien Comte, CISO at Hosteur.
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