e•MMC —
the perfect storage solution for
mobile and embedded applications.
Kingston® e•MMC™ Flash memory follows the JEDEC e•MMC 5.1 standard and encloses the NAND Flash and e•MMC controller
inside one JEDEC standard package to provide a standard interface to the host CPU. The e•MMC controller directs the
Flash management, including ECC, wear-leveling, lOPS optimization and read sensing, signicantly reducing the storage
management burden on the host CPU. A universal storage solution, Kingston e•MMC is ideal for many electronic devices,
including: smartphones, tablet PCs, eBook readers, electronic learning products, smart TVs, set-top boxes, smart home
appliances and many wearable devices. Beyond its use in consumer products, e•MMC is being rapidly adopted in many other
embedded applications, such as Single Board Computers (SBC), robotics, medical devices, networking and building control
devices because of its compact size, low-power consumption and numerous enhanced features. With the rapid growth of the
IoT market, e•MMC is nding its way to newer applications.
Key Benets
• Simplies system design and reduces time to market. The standard interface makes fast-changing NAND technology
invisible to the host and the host processor doesn’t have to keep changing its software to accommodate every
NAND technology change and variation. This helps to signicantly reduce the design-in complexity and shorten the
qualication cycle.
• Helps to improve whole system performance. The e•MMC controller frees up the host processor’s valuable resources
from NAND management so the host processor can use its processing power on other tasks.
• Provides a cost-eective solution. As opposed to SLC NAND, e•MMC uses MLC NAND so it makes higher capacity storage
in embedded applications much more aordable and enables today’s embedded designs to meet increasing demands
for storage.
e•MMC Part Numbers and Specications Key Features
Part Number Capacity
EMMC04G-M627 4GB 5.0/5.1 (HS400) 11.5x13x1.0 MLC
EMMC04G-M657 4GB 5.0/5.1 (HS400) 9.0x7. 5x 0. 8 MLC
EMMC08G-MB29 8GB 5.1 (HS400) 11. 5x13x0.8
EMMC16G-TB29 16GB 5.1 (HS400) 11. 5x13x0.8 3D TLC
EMMC32G-TB29 32GB 5.1 (HS400) 11. 5x13x0.8 3D TLC
EMMC32G-TA29 32GB 5.1 (HS400) 11. 5x13x 0 . 8 3D TLC
EMMC64G-TA29 64GB 5.1 (HS400) 11.5x13 x0 .8 3D TLC
EMMC128-TA29 128 GB 5.1 (HS400) 11.5x13x1.0 3D TLC
Package NAND
in pMLC
For more information, please visit kingston.com/emmc
©2020 Kingston Technol ogy Corporatio n, 17600 Newhop e Street, Fountain Valley, CA 92708 USA .
All rights res erved. All tra demarks and reg istered tradema rks are the prope rty of their res pective owne rs. Printe d in the USA MK F-625.4US
JEDEC Standard Features e•MMC 5.0 e•MMC 5.1
Boot Operation
Sleep Mode
Replay Protec ted Memory Block
Secure Trim/Secure Erase
Hardware Reset
Reliable Write
Background Operation
High Priority Interrupt
DDR Interf ace
Discard/Sanitize CMD
Packed Commands, Context IDs
Power OFF Notic ation
Data Tag
Device Health Report
Field FW Update
Production State Awareness
CMD Queuing
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