SMART Attribute Details
SMART Attribute Details
Provides a detailed description of SMART Attribute support and how each may be used.
Kingston® DC1000H, DC1000B, A1000, A2000, KC1000 and KC2000 SMART Attribute Details
Byte Index Description
0 Critical Warning: This eld indicates critical warnings for the state of the controller. Each bit corresponds
to a critical warning type; multiple bits may be set. If a bit is cleared to ‘0’, then that critical warning does
not apply. Critical warnings may result in an asynchronous event notication to the host. Bits in this eld
represent the current associated state and are not persistent.
Bit Denition
00: If set to ‘1’, then the available spare space has fallen below the threshold.
01: If set to ‘1’, then a temperature is above an over temperature threshold or below an under temperature
02: If set to ‘1’, then the NVM subsystem reliability has been degraded due to signicant media related
errors or any internal error that degrades NVM subsystem reliability.
03: If set to ‘1’, then the media has been placed in read only mode.
04: If set to ‘1’, then the volatile memory backup device has failed. This eld is only valid if the controller
has a volatile memory backup solution.
07:05: Reserved
2:1 Composite Temperature: Contains a value corresponding to a temperature in degrees Kelvin that
represents the current composite temperature of the controller and namespace(s) associated with that
controller. The manner in which this value is computed is implementation specic and may not represent the
actual temperature of any physical point in the NVM subsystem. The value of this eld may be used to trigger
an asynchronous event.
Warning and critical overheating composite temperature threshold values are reported by the WCTEMP and
CCTEMP elds in the Identify Controller data structure.
3 Available Spare: Contains a normalized percentage (0 to 100%) of the remaining spare capacity available.
4 Available Spare Threshold: When the Available Spare falls below the threshold indicated in this eld, an
asynchronous event completion may occur. The value is indicated as a normalized percentage (0 to 100%).
5 Percentage Used: Contains a vendor specic estimate of the percentage of NVM subsystem life used
based on the actual usage and the manufacturer’s prediction of NVM life. A value of 100 indicates that the
estimated endurance of the NVM in the NVM subsystem has been consumed, but may not indicate an NVM
subsystem failure. The value is allowed to exceed 100. Percentages greater than 254 shall be represented as
255. This value shall be updated once per power-on hour (when the controller is not in a sleep state).
Refer to the JEDEC JESD218A standard for SSD device life and endurance measurement techniques
31:6 Reserved
47:32 Data Units Read: Contains the number of 512 byte data units the host has read from the controller; this
value does not include metadata. This value is reported in thousands (i.e., a value of 1 corresponds to 1000
units of 512 bytes read) and is rounded up. When the LBA size is a value other than 512 bytes, the controller
shall convert the amount of data read to 512 byte units.
For the NVM command set, logical blocks read as part of Compare and Read operations shall
be included in this value.
63:48 Data Units Written: Contains the number of 512 byte data units the host has written to the controller;
this value does not include metadata. This value is reported in thousands (i.e., a value of 1 corresponds to
1000 units of 512 bytes written) and is rounded up. When the LBA size is a value other than 512 bytes, the
controller shall convert the amount of data written to 512 byte units.
For the NVM command set, logical blocks written as part of Write operations shall be included
in this value. Write Uncorrectable commands shall not impact this value.