◇ 2G/ 3G mobi le freq uency e nable K 9 works g reat in w orldw ide.
◇ 99 zo nes for s ecuri ty intr usion a larm, e lderl y care, SOS help, 7*24 hou rs sa fet y,
doo r bell, o n site al arm app licat ions.
◇ 10 di ffere nt zone t ypes an d zone na me edit able.
◇ Mul tiple s tatus o ption al: Sta y, Away , Bypas s, Sche dule Ar m/Dis arm.
◇ Use r frien dly men u with mo re than 1 2 langu ages se lectable.
◇ Visible in form atio n on big LC D scree n, easy setting an d opera tion by to uch key pad.
◇ Two w ay voic e commu nicat ions, r egula r phone c all as ha nd set supported.
◇ 2 wir eless s witch c hanne l for rem ote con trol & do or access (*works w ith W S1, WS2 ).
◇ Just simp ly dial in to the K9, change the statu s to Arm / Stay / Disarm by missed call ,
or cr eate tw o way tal k autom atica lly.
◇ Mon itori ng zone f or take c are of el derly d aily life activit ies .
◇ Tem perat ure mon itori ng alar m.
◇ Wir eless s ensor s batte ry low po wer ala rm SMS.
◇ Backup rec harg eabl e battery ins ide, AC power lost ale rt available.
◇ Aud ible al arm ins ide, su pport w irele ss sire n too.
◇ Ade mco Con tact ID p rotoc ol over G PRS/U MTS/H SDPA da ta supp orted .
◇ Fas hion de sign of s leek pa nel wit h a class ic elegant piano fi nis h.
◇ Eas y DIY-- Smart p hone AP P for rem ote con figur ation & o perat ion.
◇ Up to 9 99 alar m event l ogs and 9 9 opera tion logs for revie w.
GSM/3G Wireless
Security Alarm System
1. Basi c Settin g
2. Edit Z ones
3. Advan ce Setti ngs
All rights reserved King Pigeon. www.GsmAlarmSystem.com
How the system works for your family?How the system works for your family?
Security Protection
Press t o arm the system when leaving home.
Press t o arm the system when at home.
7* 24 hours Home Safety Guard
When smoke, gas, CO or water flood detected, system makes audible alarm, send alert SMS
text an d call to th e alarm receivers/Cal l center /Firefighting or other CMS syst em.
SOS Alarm & Call
Press S OS butto n more than 3 seconds to make S OS Call.
Syste m dial the 1st receiver number and th en next nu mbers if no answering, to tally
repea t twice, and SOS alert SMS send to receivers at same time for asking SOS help.
Other W ireless SOS button or fall detect ors opti onal.
Make Phone Call
Dial ph one number and then press Call butt on to star t talk, when alert receiv er’s
phone c all in, you can press call button to an swer and talk.
You can a lso press Call button to end the talk .
Open the Door
Press 0 1 a nd Key button to open your door (*if yo u have installed the WS1
wirel ess switch on your electronic loc k).
Elder ly Daily Life C are
Sys tem sen ds aler t SMS tex t if no act iviti es dete cted by t he 5th zo ne's PI R/Doo r sensor
dur ing the m onito ring ti me peri od.
For e xampl e, inst all one w irele ss door s ensor at your Dad's b ed ro om, s ett ing the
mon itori ng time p eriod a s 05:30 ~09:0 0 am, if he d idn't g et up (di dn't open his door)
dur ing tha t time, s ystem s ends al ert SMS t o the you s ays “Mo nitor Z one Alarm”---yo u
can e dit thi s SMS tex t for sur e.
You w ill rec eive SM S text on ly for th is even t, no cal ls or aud ible al arm.
Door Bell
Ins tall an d conne ct one do or bell b utton t o the sys tem, se tting t he zone function as “ 10.
Doo r bell” , when so meone p ush the b utton , syste m makes 6 b ell sou nd.
Temperature Moni toring
Sys tem sen ds aler t SMS tex t to you wh en indo or temp eratu re too ho t or too cold.
Other L iving Care
Sys tem sen ds aler t SMS tex t to you wh en AC/D C power l ost (de fault : more than 30
min utes) a nd reco very, a nd when t he wire less se nsor's battery lo w pow er( if ha ve).
Remote Control
Con nect wi th the al arm int erloc k relay , syste m will switch on/of f you r equ ipm ent s automat icall y when al arm tri ggere d.
Call in to co ntrol
Con nect wi th the WS 2 wirel ess swi tch, yo u can rem ote swi tch on/ off you r equip ments
by ph one cal l.
Control Panel Layout
Key Buttons
LCD D ispla y
Set ting Me nu
1. Bas ic Setti ng
2. Edi t Zones
3. Adva nce Sett ings
Bac k/Del ete
Ala rm indi cator --: ala rmFla sh Red li ghts
Mic ropho ne
Arm i ndica tor--
Awa y Arm
Sta y Home
Gre en: Sta y Home Ar m
Off : Disar m
Tou ch Keyp ad
Lef t
Dow n
: Awa y ArmRed
Dis arm
Rig ht
Men u
Ent er/OK /
Cal l/End
Away Arm Button
Stay Arm Button
All t he sens ors are A rmed ex cept th e senso rs in Inner zones whi ch di sar med s o that
use rs can mo ve free ly at hom e.
Disarm Button
Pre ss Disa rm butt on and 4 di gits pa sswor d (defa ult: 12 34), an d press t o disarm
the s ystem a fter tw o beeps .
SOS But ton
Pre ss the SO S butto n more th an 2 seco nds to ma ke SOS al arm.
Call Button
Dia l phone n umber a nd then p ress Ca ll butt on to sta rt talk o r answer phone call i n.
You c an also p ress th e Call bu tton to e nd talk .
Key But ton
Pre ss and Ke y butto n to open y our doo r (*if yo u have in stall ed the WS1 wireless
swi tch on yo ur elec troni c lock) .
Bottom View
Wiring Connections
Mou nt Sock et
Insta ll the bracke t on the wall by using s crews, afte r wiring conn ection
and powe r on, plug the sock et to the bracke t tightly, ma ke the tamper
switch c lose. When plu g out the socket , tamper swit ch will make ala rm.
Spe aker
Tam per Swi tch
Mou nting B racke t
Tem perat ure Sen sor
Ter minal c over
Scr ew hole
Res et butt on
IP Ca mera
Pow er Swit ch
Wir ed Zone 1 /2
Alarm Output
1A 2B
SIM C ard Slo t
Doo r senso r
Ala rm Inte rlock
Rel ay Outp ut
100 ~240V A C
Lig ht
Easy Setting by Keypad
◇ Put the m obile SIM Car d to the slot.
◇ Connect the power su pply, Switch ON.
◇ On Setup mode, below b uttons used for:
Menu, Enter, OK
Basic Settings
1. Vie w
2. Se tup
Select Language
1. Ba sic S ett ing
2. Ed it Zo nes
3. Adv anc e Set tings
Back, E xit
Left, Delete
◇ Open the SIM Card cover, press and hold the Reset button.
◇ Switch ON.
◇ After 5 seconds, release the Reset button, LCD display “Reset OK”,
system back to factory mode.
1. Se tup L ang uage
2. Se tup Time
3. Se tup Al ert N umb er
4. Temp era ture Alert
5. Arm ed Alert by Sound
6. Arm ed De lay Time
7. Arm ed Alert Tel 1
8. Ala rm So und Time
9. Ala rm De lay Time
If yo u chang ed menu l angua ge, you s hould r eset th e syste m and reb oot again.
Cau tion: A ll sett ings an d senso rs are lo st after reset exce pt la ngu age .
1. En gli sh
2. Es pan ol
3. De uts ch
4. Py cck nn
5. It ali ano
6. Da nsk
7. Ce sti na
8. Fr anc ais
9. Ba has a
Setup Date & Time
1. Se tup L ang uage
2. Se tup Time
3. Se tup Al ert N umb er
4. Temp era ture Alert
5. Arm ed Alert by Sound
6. Arm ed De lay Time
7. Arm ed Alert Tel 1
8. Ala rm So und Time
9. Ala rm De lay Time
Set up Time
-23 -15 10: 33: 2606
Mon th-Da y-Yea r
Setup Alert Number (Alarm Receiver)
Temperature Alarm Threshold
1. Se tup L ang uag e
2. Se tup Time
3. Se tup Alert Numb er
4. Temp era tur e Aler t
5. Arm ed Alert by So und
6. Arm ed Delay Ti me
7. Arm ed Alert Tel 1
8. Ala rm Sound Ti me
9. Ala rm Delay Ti me
1. To tal 9 Ale rt rece iver nu mbers .
2. : If yo u can't r eceiv ed the al ert SMS o r call, p lease Cou ntry co de issu e
try t o chang e the cou ntry co de as , or ju st remo ve the co untry 008 6 86
cod e on fron t of your p hone nu mber.
Receiver's phone number can be programming
to below major functions:
:Fun ction c ode 1 (al arm not ify met hod)
1. receive SMS and call when alarm.
2. receive SMS only when alarm.
3. receive call only when alarm.
:Function code 2 (when this number call to system)
1. system changes status from Away Arm to Stay Arm.
2. system answers the call automatically.
3. system needs to press Call button to answer the call in.
01. E mpt y
Inp ut Tel Nu mbe r
008 61351015087 3
1. Se nd SM S&C all
2. On ly Se nd SM S
3. On ly Ca ll
1. Ca ll to Armed/St ay
2. Ca ll to Talk
3. Ca ll to Wai t Answ er
1. Se tup L ang uage
2. Se tup Time
3. Se tup Al ert N umb er
4. Temp era ture Alert
5. Arm ed Alert by Sound
6. Arm ed De lay Time
7. Arm ed Alert Tel 1
8. Ala rm So und Time
9. Ala rm De lay Time
99 me ans dis able th e tempe ratur e alarm f uncti on.
Up/ Down bu tton to a djust + a nd -.
Lef t/Rig ht butt on to sel ect num ber pos ition .
Arm Sound Notification
1. Se tup L ang uage
2. Se tup Time
3. Se tup Al ert N umb er
4. Temp era ture Alert
5. Arm ed Alert by Sound
6. Arm ed De lay Time
7. Arm ed Alert Tel 1
8. Ala rm So und Time
9. Ala rm De lay Time
1. Hi gh: 99
2. Lo w:9 9
Hig h:
Arm ed Ale rt by S oun d
No: S ilent w hen Arm t he syst em.
Sho rt alar m sound w hen Yes :
Arm t he syst em.
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