KingAnDa Technology Development HBQYZB User Manual

First Par t: T WS(Tru e wi reless stereo ) Earphones
Pro duct d escription (TW S wireless Earphone s)
Mul ti-f uncti on But ton
Alu minu m Mesh
2 Cha rging for earphone and charging c ase ( LED li ght status)
Cha rging S tatu s: LED l ight in ;red
Get f ull po wer: LE D ligh t in and t urn of f after blu e
int ellig ent de tecti on.
(1) : LED l ight i n ;Rele asin g powe r statu s blu e (2) : LED l ight in ;Cha rging S tatu s red
3、Answe ri ng /hanging up/refusin g th e ca ll
Cha rging m etho d: Usin g the US B cabl e
to at tach th e adap ter an d the cha rgin g cas e, then p lug th e adap ter int o the po wer con necto r
(3) : the Get fu ll pow er red L ED ligh t is off
Cha rgin g Cont acts
1、Power on/off
Pow er on:
Lon g press the mu lti-f uncti on but ton abo ut 3 sec onds and t he led f lashi ng in bl ue, it s hows th e earp hone is
pow er on. Lo ng pre ss the m ulti -func tion b utton a bout 5 sec onds an d the le d flas hing i n red an d blue alt ernat ely, t hat is t he pair ing st atus .
Pow er off:
Lon g press the mu lti-f uncti on but ton abo ut 5 sec onds and t he led f lashi ng in re d then o ff, it sh ows th e ear phone i s powe r off.
4、Redial last phone call
qui ck pres sing t he mul ti-fu nctio n butt on 2 tim es
Dial the lat est nu mber by quick p ress t he pow er butt on 2 tim es
5、Bluetoo th Ear ph one Pairi ng Steps(sing le mod e)
sho rtly pr essin g the mu lti- funct ion but ton one time
Ref using the cal l: quic k pres sing t he
mul ti-fu ncti on but ton 2 tim es
: Ans werin g/ha nging u p the ca ll
2 3
Pla y: sho rtly pr essin g the
mul ti-fu ncti on butt on one t ime
Pau se: sho rtly p ressi ng
the m ulti- func tion bu tton one t ime。
1 Turn on the B lueto oth 、 on yo ur dev ice
Lon g pres s about 5 s econ ds
2、L ong pre ss the m ulti -func tion but ton abo ut 5 sec onds a nd the l ed fla shing i n red an d blue a ltern atel y, tha t is the pa irin g stat us.
3、S elect “ HBQ- i8 TWS ” on yo ur lis t, ther e woul d be rem indin g voic e sayi ng
“co nnect ed”
6 Twi ns P ai ri ng
Lon g press the pow er butt on of t he pair o f earp hones at the sa me tim e until t he led fl ash in b lue
and r ed alt ernat ely. The b oth of t hem ha ve a voi ce say" powe r on" an d then "p airi ng"
Lon g p ress 5s
Dou ble pr ess one o f them w ill ha ve a voic e "sea rch fo r selec t" and w ait for one le d of earb ud
flas h in blu e and red a lter natel y will h ave a vo ice "pa irin g succe ss", t hat it is the pai ring s tatus .
Dou ble pre ss one o f them
3 Ple ase tur n on the “ Bluet ooth ” on you r cellp hone a nd choo se “HB Q-i8 T WS” on yo ur lis t.Th e led
flas h will be slowl y in blu e when c onnec ted.
Second Part : Sp ecifications
True w ir eless ste re o (TWS) , re al n o wires d esign, indi vidu al le ft and ri gh t chann el , HI FI soun d, b oth the l ef t an d rig ht e ar bud a re Blue to ot h enabl ed , co uld b e us ed s epa ra te ly , or us ed a s one pair.
Bluetooth version:
V4.2+EDR , ultra low consumption
Bluetooth Mode: A2DP1.3/HFP1.6/HSP1.2/AVRCP1.6/D11.3 Bluetooth Frequency:
Bluetooth Range: 12 meters with no obstacles Battery capacity: Earbud: built-in 60mah rechargeable Li-ion battery
Charging dock: 950mah (optional)
Talk/Play time: Single earbud mode: 3-4 hours
One Pair earbuds mode: 2-3 hours
Standby time: Single earbud mode: 120 hours
Pair earbuds mode: 70 hours Charging time: 1-2 hours Net Weight Earbuds: 4g*2 Charging case: 51g Gross weight 148g Packing box size 100*100*35mm
FCC statement:
Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
-- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
-- Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
-- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
-- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
The third par t: packaging and accessories
Hea dset X2, Charg ing bunker X1, instruction X1, c harging line X1, packing box X1
War nings:
1. Plea se do n ot ov er use th is ea rphone o r p ut it und er hea vy pr essure, keep away fr om wet an d he at.
2. Keep a wa y fr om W IF I, rout er o r ot he r hi gh f reque nc y tr an sm itting equip me nt t o pr eve nt inte rruptio n of s ign al r eceiv ing.
3. Plea se use this ea rp hone und er it s work in g ran ge (10 meters) , and th e effec t would b e be tt er if ther e is no obs ta cle be tw een th e conn ec te d devic es .
4.Use t his Blu et oot h ea rphon e to co nn ec t a ny devi ce wi th Blue tooth funct io n