Kinesys K2 Product Manual

Product Manual
Manual Version 1.2.0
© 2010 Kinesys
© 2010 Kinesys
All rights reserved. No parts of this work may be reproduced in any form or by any means - graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, or information storage and retrieval systems - without the written permission of the publisher.
While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this document, the publisher and the author assume no responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from the use of information contained in this document or from the use of programs and source code that may accompany it. In no event shall the publisher and the author be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damage caused or alleged to have been caused directly or indirectly by this document.
Printed: April 2010
Kinesys Projects Ltd
Technical Editors
Dave Weatherhead Martin Honeywill Andy Hicks
Table of Contents
Part 1 Introduction Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11
Safety Notice Whats New Version and Legal Information Application Modes Scaling conventions Logging In and Out of K2 Live and Offline Modes Exiting the Application The Patch Browser The Visualiser
6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15
Channel Alignment Console Setting up a Show Show Properties
................................................................................................................................... 211 Properties
2 Environment Variables 3 Wing Configuration 4 Advanced Settings
................................................................................................................................... 22
................................................................................................................................... 23
................................................................................................................................... 24
Part 16 Construct Building and Editing
................................................................................................................................... 261 Adding Constructs
2 Selecting a Construct Type
................................................................................................................................... 27
......................................................................................................................................................... 28Identification
Origin Safety Parameters
......................................................................................................................................................... 28
......................................................................................................................................................... 29
......................................................................................................................................................... 30
17 18 19 20
© 2010 Kinesys
Model Links Finish
......................................................................................................................................................... 32
......................................................................................................................................................... 33
......................................................................................................................................................... 34
................................................................................................................................... 353 Editing Constructs
4 Drawing Construct and Stage Models in CAD
................................................................................................................................... 36
Part 17 Channel Creation and Editing
................................................................................................................................... 381 Adding Channels
2 Channel Properties
................................................................................................................................... 39
......................................................................................................................................................... 40Setup
Motor Settings Drive Parameters
......................................................................................................................................................... 41
......................................................................................................................................................... 42
................................................................................................................................... 433 Patching
4 Channel Details
................................................................................................................................... 44
......................................................................................................................................................... 44Status Descriptions
Alarm Descriptions
......................................................................................................................................................... 45
Part 18 Working with Cues
................................................................................................................................... 471 Cue Selection and Display
2 Programming Cues
5 Keyboard Shortcuts
................................................................................................................................... 50
......................................................................................................................................................... 50Construct Selection
3D Visualiser Programmer Spreadsheet Programmer Spreadsheet Headings Outputting the Programmer Rewinding the Programmer Recording the Programmer Updating Cues
Cue Triggers Playback Controls Locking and Releasing Constructs Playback Lookahead Construct Details
.................................................................................................................................................. 51
.................................................................................................................................................. 52
.................................................................................................................................................. 53
.................................................................................................................................................. 55
.................................................................................................................................................. 55
.................................................................................................................................................. 55
.................................................................................................................................................. 56
......................................................................................................................................................... 56
......................................................................................................................................................... 57
......................................................................................................................................................... 59
......................................................................................................................................................... 59
......................................................................................................................................................... 60
................................................................................................................................... 613 Programming Effects
......................................................................................................................................................... 61Presetting Constructs
Delaying Effects Stopping Effects
......................................................................................................................................................... 62
......................................................................................................................................................... 63
................................................................................................................................... 644 Pages
................................................................................................................................... 65
Part 19 Action Part 20 Part 21
User Management Direct Motor Control
................................................................................................................................... 721 Channel Buttons
2 Status Descriptions
................................................................................................................................... 73
66 69 70
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................................................................................................................................... 743 Alarm Descriptions
Part 22 Working with Presets Part 23 Part 24 Part 25
Working with Spreadsheets Working with the Command Line Window
................................................................................................................................... 831 Browser
......................................................................................................................................................... 83Constructs
3 Channel Schedule 4 Cuelist/Preset Directory 5 Cuelists 6 Cue/Preset Editor 7 Direct Motor Control 8 Launch Show
9 Log 10 Page Directory 11 Playback Controls 12 Programmer 13 Status Bar 14 Visualiser
......................................................................................................................................................... 84
................................................................................................................................... 852 Channel Alignment
................................................................................................................................... 86
................................................................................................................................... 87
................................................................................................................................... 88
................................................................................................................................... 90
................................................................................................................................... 91
................................................................................................................................... 93
................................................................................................................................... 94
................................................................................................................................... 95
................................................................................................................................... 96
................................................................................................................................... 99
................................................................................................................................... 102
................................................................................................................................... 103
75 77 79 82
Part 26 Toolbar
................................................................................................................................... 1061 File Operations
2 Show Setup 3 Motion Control 4 Show Contents 5 Windowing 6 Views Toolbar 7 User Management 8 Logout 9 Quit
................................................................................................................................... 108
................................................................................................................................... 111
................................................................................................................................... 113
................................................................................................................................... 116
................................................................................................................................... 117
................................................................................................................................... 118
................................................................................................................................... 119
................................................................................................................................... 120
Part 27 Contact Information
................................................................................................................................... 1221 Feedback
© 2010 Kinesys
1 Introduction
K2 is a powerful, graphically based, control solution for automation and motion control. It employs a brand new approach to automation programming using the concept of click and drag to position the items you wish to move in precisely the positions they need to be.
All programming and Cue playback can be seen real-time using the built-in 3D viewers. 3D worlds can be created in graphics and CAD packages and exported into a compatible format to work with K2. Constructs, the actual moving elements, are imported as 3D CAD files also, allowing seamless integration with the 3D worlds.
The ability to move the Constructs in real world axes, X, Y, Z, pitch, tilt and rotate makes programming very intuitive with the K2 shielding the user from the complex multi-dimensional calculations required and instead presenting them with easy to use programming parameters. This concept of True Axis Programming also makes the application of effects to one or several parameters within a Cue very simple. Previously impossible to program effects are now just a few clicks away with the results being instantly available via the visualiser windows.
This manual has been written to guide you intuitively through the K2 software package. It has been laid out in such a way to make understanding K2 as simple as possible. The fundamental principles are explained at the start of each section with the more in depth and advanced features being towards the rear of each section. If you are uncertain of the function of a particular control within the program refer to the Windows
section, which lists each window that is displayed within the software and includes an explanation of the controls on the window, what they do and how to navigate them.
© 2010 Kinesys
2 Safety Notice
7Safety Notice
K2 is a highly sophisticated motion control software package, however, circumstances
beyond the control of the software e.g. faulty computer equipment or 3
party programs
running on the same computer always offer the possibility for unexpected behaviour.
As in all motion control applications the control software should never be relied upon as the sole means of stopping motion. Alternative, software independent, means of bring all movement to a halt must be provided including a hardware emergency stop system that is compliant with all local regulations.
It is the responsibility of the user to perform a risk assessment for the whole system and to take appropriate action as a consequence of that assessment.
Although K2 provides realistic 3D feedback of the movement of objects a line of sight view of the actual moving pieces should always be ensured. Where necessary additional observers should be employed utilising clear lines of communication to be able to advise the operator of any issues that may arise during the movement of objects.
If in doubt about any aspect of moving objects always seek professional advice.
© 2010 Kinesys
3 Whats New
The new version of K2 includes many new features and updates. For ease of reference they are all listed here and are also identified in the rest of the manual by the New icon (shown above).
Auto Alignment
There is now an Auto Align button on the toolbar of K2. This button aligns the virtual objects in K2 to the real world positions of the objects, allowing K2 to realign itself without any movement in the real world. For more information see the Channel
Alignment section.
Construct Values in Percentages
Users now have the ability to specify percentages instead of a figure in millimeters when controlling a construct. This is setup on a construct by construct basis via the Parameters section when creating a new construct. You can also invert the percentages so that 100% is the minimum and 0% is the maximum. See the Parameters more information.
section for
DMX on a Construct by Construct Basis
DMX control can now be setup on a construct by construct basis, enabling remote operation of cues or movement of those constructs by lighting desk or other DMX enabled devices. This granular level of control means that only those constructs that have been specifically setup to be DMX controlled are capable of doing so. The only information that K2 needs is the DMX universe and starting address. You can find this new feature when creating a new construct in the Parameters
Log File Location
Log files can now be saved in a user specified location. By default they save in the Documents and Settings/All Users/Application Data/Kinesys/K2/log file folder. Users can specify another location on the computer running K2, an external drive or another machine or server on the same network. This feature is located in the Show window.
State Multicast
K2 has the ability to multicast its positional information out over the network, enabling other services such as media servers to know the exact position of objects on stage. As part of this broadcast it is also possible to "listen in" on just one construct and one parameter of that constructs movement. This feature is located in the Parameters section.
© 2010 Kinesys
4 Version and Legal Information
For information on which version of K2 software you are running, click on Show Setup and then About. All copyright and legal information is also contained in this window.
9Version and Legal Information
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10 K2
5 Application Modes
The application mode that K2 runs in is determined by the licence code that is supplied by Kinesys. There are three modes in total, each offering different functions to the user.
Full mode is the top level mode for K2. In this mode all features are available to the user, there are no restrictions on moving devices.
In Demonstration mode K2 is not capable of issuing motion commands to control Channels. Full editing, programming and visualisation is possible and show files created in Demonstration mode are fully compatible with a Full version of K2 and vice versa. No login or password is required when in Demonstration mode and Channel Alignment is not required at any stage as there are no external Channels to align with. Direct Channel Control is disabled for the same reason.
Active Backup
Active Backup mode provides a tracking backup facility to K2. This mode is designed for systems that require a backup system to supplement the master K2 system. The Active Backup system is designed to share an Ethernet network with the K2 master running in Full licence mode. In this mode K2 will track the positions of all the Constructs and Channels being controlled by the master K2 system. Current show and Cue and Cuelist information is also passed to the Active Backup system to allow it track the master successfully.
The Active Backup system is not capable of issuing motion commands while in communication with the master K2 system. If communications are lost with the master system the Active Backup system will automatically ‘go live’ and will take over communications with the control Channels and will become capable of issuing live motion commands. The automatic 'upgrade' from Tracking Backup licence to Live licence lasts 2 days. After that the Tracking Backup will either need to be upgraded to a Full licence (time-limited or unlimited) or it will need reconnected to a fully licensed K2 program in order to reset its full licence timer.
For completeness this manual is written for use with a Full version of K2, sections that are not relevant when running in other modes should simply be ignored.
© 2010 Kinesys
6 Scaling conventions
All World and Construct models should be scaled in millimeters. All movement within K2 is recorded and displayed in whole millimeters. Meters and the decimal point are not used so ten meters would be entered and displayed as 10000.
11Scaling conventions
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12 K2
7 Logging In and Out of K2
All users of fully licensed versions of K2 must enter a username and password before the application will start. The application comes with two default passwords that will have been supplied to the owner of the software as a separate document. They should supply all users with an access password to the software. Contact the software owner or rental company for a password to access K2.
Once logged in all the features are available with the exception of full user management which is only available to users who log in with the top level password. User management for all other users simply allows them to change their own individual password.
You can log out of K2 without exiting the application. This leaves the application in a safe state where a username and password must be entered before access to K2 is available again. To log out click on File on the main toolbar and then Logout. You will be asked if you wish to save changes. When the application is next logged into you will asked to select a file to load so any unsaved changes will be lost if they are not saved when logging off.
© 2010 Kinesys
8 Live and Offline Modes
K2 can operate in two main modes, Live and Offline. In Live mode all motion commands are outputted onto the network for action by the external control Channels and their respective machines. Unaligned Constructs and inhibited Channels are the only reasons that motion commands will be not be outputted. Live mode is the default mode on program startup and is the mode that must be used whenever movement is to be initiated.
The system is switched in and out of Offline mode by clicking on Setup on the main toolbar and then Offline. In Offline mode all motion commands are blocked from being output on to the network and therefore onto the control Channels and their machines. Full programming is possible in Offline mode and all Cues can be run and viewed within the Programmer and Visualiser window.
13Live and Offline Modes
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14 K2
9 Exiting the Application
To exit K2 click on File on the main toolbar and then Quit. You will be prompted to save changes, click on the appropriate button and you will exit the application.
© 2010 Kinesys
10 The Patch Browser
The Patch Browser contains a summary of all the Constructs, Channels, Links and patching in your show. It is divided up into two areas. The left hand pane contains all the Constructs in the show. Within each Construct are six icons representing the six possible parameters of motion; X, Y, Z, P(pitch), T(tilt) and R(rotate). If a Construct has a parameter enabled then the letter is in black, if it does not have access to a parameter then the letter is in grey. To view the properties of an individual parameter either double-click the letter or right-click and select Properties. To view properties for the whole Construct double-click in the main Construct box or right-click and select Properties.
15The Patch Browser
Links for each Construct are shown on the right hand side of the Construct box. Patched Channels are displayed as white boxes containing the Channel name, un-patched Links are shown as grey boxes with a dashed outline.
In the right hand pane are a list of all the Channels in the show. Patched Channels are shown as grey boxes while un-patched Channels are shown in white. The properties of an individual Channel patched or un-patched can be viewed by double-clicking an a Channel’s box or by right-clicking and selecting Properties. To view the properties of several Channels left-click on the relevant Channels while holding down the Ctrl key on the keyboard then right-click one of the Channels and select Properties.
To patch a Channel to a Link on a Construct drag and drop the Channel onto the dashed box beside the Construct box. To replace an existing Channel drop the new Channel on top of the existing one. A confirmation box will appear, click Yes to finish the patch or No to cancel the operation.
© 2010 Kinesys
16 K2
11 The Visualiser
On the Main Toolbar, press Visualiser to open the Visualiser. This allows you to see the position of the Constructs in 3D space.
To move the camera in perspective view, click and drag the mouse left and right to rotate about the origin of the stage, and drag up and down to vary the height above the stage that you are viewing from. In the orthographic views, Front, Side and Top, the mouse moves the viewpoint around the plane of projection. In all views the mouse wheel will zoom the camera in and out.
Use the toolbar buttons to toggle between the perspective view and orthographic elevations, or to display them all. The projections are XY (front elevation), YZ (side elevation) and XZ (top elevation). In all but the Perspective view, rulers are displayed at the side of the viewer to help with approximating position. To show the world origin click on Toggle Datum in the Visualiser toolbar. The Front, Side and Top views allow a grid to be superimposed onto the Visualiser window. This makes using the rulers to approximate position much simpler, to turn the grid on and off use the Toggle Grid button on the Visualiser toolbar.
© 2010 Kinesys
12 Channel Alignment
Channel alignment is the process of connecting the virtual Channels to the physical Channels. K2 knows where the Construct is in its 3D world and it knows where it thinks that the Channels should be in order to achieve that position. The process of alignment confirms that the two match and can therefore be controlled. Channels are considered to be aligned when the physical position of the moving item on the stage matches the position displayed within K2. If there is a difference between the two positions then either the 3D representation must be moved to match the real world or the physical object must be moved to match the position that K2 is displaying.
Once the two worlds are aligned the relevant Channels can be enabled and K2 can take control of the moving object.
Channel Alignment is always required when a show is loaded into K2, it is also required whenever movement has been initiated through the Direct
To enable a Channel either double click on ‘No’ in the Enabled column or click on the cell and press Insert. If you wish to enable all Channels then click on the Enable All button at the bottom of the window.
17Channel Alignment
MotorControl window.
There may be occasions where you wish to disable the Channel Alignment so that you can move objects in the real world without affecting the virtual one or vice versa. To access the Channel Alignment window, click the Channels button on the main toolbar. From the Channels window click on the Channel Alignment button. This window will only appear if you have linked Channels in your show and if those Channel controllers are connected to the system.
Auto Alignment
There is now an Auto Align button on the toolbar of K2. This button aligns the virtual objects in K2 to the real world positions of the objects, allowing K2 to realign itself without any movement in the real world. If you are using K2 with Constructs that only have a Z axis movement, this is especially useful. Dealing with Constructs that have more than one axis makes the Auto Alignment harder to achieve, as there are obviously far more variables, but K2 will still do it's best to auto align. The Auto Align feature uses the information that K2 has about the real world positions of Constructs and Channels to match the virtual positions to them. Once this alignment has been achieved, K2 will allow movement to continue
For more information on the functions of this window see the Channel of the Window
Alignment section
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18 K2
13 Console
K2 is available as self contained console, which contains the computer hardware that runs K2 as well as providing a control surface, keyboard and mouse. The console offers a whole range of selection and programming possibilities that are not available through the keyboard and mouse alone. Although this manual primarily concerns itself with the K2 software, where appropriate the wing commands and shortcuts will also be listed.
To adjust settings relating to a connected K2 console click on Show
toolbar and then click on the Wing tab. From here the brightness of the desklight,
Properties from the
bargraph indicators and illuminated keys can be set. The serial number and firmware revision of the console can also be read from here. Finally firmware can be reloaded to the wing from this tab. Click on the Reload Firmware button to have K2 reload the latest version of the firmware to the console.
© 2010 Kinesys
14 Setting up a Show
The following areas outline the steps to take when setting up, saving and backing up a show. For further information on the properties of a show see the Show section.
Creating a New Show
On the main toolbar click on File then New Show. You will be prompted to select a filename for the show and a folder to store the show in. Once both of these have been entered click on OK.
Loading an Existing Show
On the main toolbar press File then Load Show. Select a show from the dialog and then click on OK.
Once the show has been loaded you will be asked to align the Channels. This process locks the position of the physical machines (motors, winches, rams etc.) to the virtual Channels within K2. See Channel
Saving a Show
On the main toolbar click on File then Save Show. This will save all changes to disk.
19Setting up a Show
Alignment for more details.
Backing up a Show
Use Backup to save a copy of the existing show for archiving purposes. On the main toolbar click on File then Backup. You will prompted to enter a new filename and/or new folder for the backup file. Click on OK to save the backup copy. Subsequent saves will use the current filename and location. Backup purely saves a snapshot copy of the file.
Automatic Backup
Automatic backup performs background saves of the show so that should the application stop running for any reason a minimal amount of programming will be lost. The Auto Backup feature is turned on and off in the Show Properties window which is accessed by clicking on Setup and then Show Properties. Select the check box to turn Auto Backup on and then choose how many generations of backup file you wish to maintain as well as the frequency of the automatic saves.
Advanced Properties
The advanced tab contains variables relating to the low-level running of the motion and communications software engines. These should not be adjusted unless you are specifically requested to do so by a member of the Kinesys support team or one of their approved K2 partners.
© 2010 Kinesys
20 K2
15 Show Properties
The show properties are global settings that apply to the whole show and are applied to all data. This window allows you to choose the world model, define the security settings for the show and adjust properties relating to the wing. For full details of the contents of this window refer to Show
Properties in the Window chapter of this manual.
To access the Show Properties window click on Show
Setup and then Show Properties.
© 2010 Kinesys
15.1 Properties
Stage Model
To set the stage model for the visualiser and programmer click on Setup on the main toolbar and then Show Properties. Click on the Show Data tab and then on Browse in the Stage Model section. Select the required .3ds file and click on OK. Exit the window by clicking on the Close cross in the top right hand corner of the window.
21Show Properties
Password Checking
K2 can be set to request password confirmation when exiting Safe mode and also after a period of inactivity. These can be turned on and off individually. Click on Show Properties from the Setup toolbar and then set the check boxes appropriately to set the password protection appropriately.
Dead Man's Handle
The default Construct timeout specifies the time that will be applied to all Constructs when they are created. The dead man’s handle must be activated on a Construct by Construct basis from its default disabled state if you wish to use it. The timeout can also be varied for each Construct if you so desire. Details of these settings can be found under Edit Construct in the Window Detail section of this manual.
Auto Backup
This turns on the automatic show backup feature. Refer to the Auto Backup section of the Working with Files chapter above for more details.
Log Files
K2 will automatically set the log files to save to Documents and Settings/All Users/Application Data/Kinesys/K2/log file. You also have the option of specifying this path yourself, so if you wanted to set the log files to save to an external hard drive or a server (so they were accessible remotely) that is very easy to setup.
© 2010 Kinesys
22 K2
15.2 Environment Variables
K2 has a number of global show variables that can be referenced throughout the application but can only be changed in one place. Anything that references a show variable will therefore be affected whenever the show variable is altered. The system comes with a number of preset variables but new ones can be added if you wish. Variables are categorised by type e.g. height, angle, speed. The value of the default variables can be altered but not the name of the variable type.
Creating a New Variable
Click on Show Properties from the Setup toolbar. Click on the Environment Variables tab and then on New. A new variable will be added to the end of the variable list. Scroll to the end of list and double click on the appropriate field to edit the name, value or type. Once declared this new variable can be accessed from any relevant field within the application.
Referencing Variables
Throughout the application the show variables can be accessed whenever you see the
symbol at the end of a number field. Click on the symbol and a list of show variables of the correct type will be shown. For example you will not see Speed variables for fields relating to Position.
Offsets can also be applied to show variables. After you have selected the correct show variable add a + or – symbol and then the offset you require. E.g. maximum value for a Z parameter can be set to ‘Rig Height – 1000’ if you want the maximum to always be one meter below whatever value the rig height is set to.
© 2010 Kinesys
15.3 Wing Configuration
23Show Properties
The Wing Configuration tab contains options for altering the brightness of the LEDs in the wing, retrieve information from it including serial number and firmware and reload or update the firmware on the wing.
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24 K2
15.4 Advanced Settings
The Advanced Settings tab allows fine tuning of advanced settings within K2. It is strongly advised that these settings are not altered without prior consultation with Kinesys or associated partners, see the Contact Us section of this manual for contact details.
© 2010 Kinesys
16 Construct Building and Editing
A Construct represents a moving item within K2. You will need to add one Construct for every item you wish to control. It is important to remember when creating constructs (or entering any information into K2) that the results that K2 produces are only as good the information that is entered. If incorrect information is given to K2, then the results that K2 outputs will also be incorrect.
25Construct Building and Editing
© 2010 Kinesys
26 K2
16.1 Adding Constructs
To add a Construct to your show click on Setup on the main toolbar and then click on Patch Browser, within the Patch Browser window click on Add Construct .
Alternatively if you have already created a Construct of the required type and you simply wish to duplicate the type and basic settings then open the Browser by clicking on Setup on the main toolbar and then Patch Browser. Find the Construct to be copied and right click on it. From the drop down menu select Clone. A duplicate Construct will be created of the same type and with the same settings. The Edit Construct window will open with the new Construct loaded. Change any settings as necessary and then click on OK to load the new Construct into the show.
For more information on the functions of this window see the Patch the Window
Browser section of
© 2010 Kinesys
16.2 Selecting a Construct Type
An initial window will ask you to select the base Construct Type. A number of options are available. Base Constructs are grouped by type using headings in the Construct explorer part of the window. Under each heading are variations on the base type, if you cannot see any variations under the heading expand it by clicking on the plus symbol next to the heading. Select the type that is correct for the mechanical limitations of the item you are modeling and then click on Start. This will open a multi-step dialog that will ensure that you enter all the required information to define the Construct. On the left hand side of the multi-step dialog are listed a number of steps. Next to each step is either a cross or a tick. Once all the steps have been completed with the required information the OK button will enable and the dialog can be closed and the Construct created.
27Construct Building and Editing
To move from step to step you can click on the step name, use the Previous and Next buttons in the bottom left of the window or by tabbing through the fields in each tab.Once all fields have information correctly entered you will automatically move onto the next step.
© 2010 Kinesys
28 K2
16.2.1 Identification
Enter a name for the Construct and pick a Construct number, the number must be unique, the software will not allow selection of numbers that are already allocated to previously created Constructs within the same show.
16.2.2 Origin
Specify the location of the origin of the Construct within the 3D world. You must specify an X and Y co-ordinate. If the Construct does not lie directly along a co-ordinate axis then its angle to that axis should be specified in the Angle Z (angle to the Z axis) field. An example of this would be a flown straight truss. Its model will show it as a straight
© 2010 Kinesys
truss lying along the x axis, that is to say from stage right to stage left. If in reality that truss is actually hung diagonally across the stage for the upstage right corner to the downstage left corner then a value must be entered into the Angle Z field so that the application knows to display this truss at an angle.
You can also specify if the Construct is a child of another Construct, this would be used to accurately represent one truss suspended underneath another one in the 3D world.
16.2.3 Safety
29Construct Building and Editing
In this step you set whether the Construct needs the Dead Man’s Handle (DMH) pressed to allow movement. The default state is disabled, you can select Held for the DMH to be pressed at all times when the Construct is moving or Periodic if the DMH must only be pressed occasionally to maintain movement. If Periodic is selected you can set the interval upon which the DMH must be pressed. By default it is set to the value specified in the Show Properties but you can set it any value in units of one second.
A minimum and maximum collision limit must be specified to define the range of travel of the Construct. These collision limits take into account the size and shape of the Construct model and therefore protect against the Constructs colliding with other items even though the individual Channels that control it may be within limits. By default the collision limits reference two Environment Variables. The Environment Variables that they use can be changed by clicking on the small button at the end of the text field and selecting from the list presented. Alternatively an actual value can be entered directly into the text field.
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30 K2
16.2.4 Parameters
Depending on the base Construct type selected, between one and six parameter steps are required to be completed. Each parameter requires minimum and maximum values to be entered for position, speed, acceleration and deceleration. In addition an initial value is required for the position and a default value for the speed, acceleration and deceleration. All these values can reference environment
variables if desired.
Enter the minimum and maximum amount of travel you want in the direction that you are editing, also enter the initial position that the Construct model should be displayed at when it is first created. The units are in millimeters for all linear motion parameters, X, Y and Z and in degrees for all angular motion parameters, Pitch, Tilt and Rotate.
Enter the minimum, maximum and default speeds that you wish the Construct to travel at for the current parameter. The units are in millimeters/second for the linear motion parameters, X, Y and Z and in degrees/second for the angular motion parameters, Pitch, Tilt and Rotate. When selecting these values it is important to take into account the maximum and minimum speeds of the machines attached to the Construct, otherwise what is programmed in the 3D world will not be achievable in the real world.
Enter the minimum, maximum and default ramps that you wish the Construct to accelerate at for the current parameter. The units are in millimeters/second/second for the linear motion parameters, X, Y and Z and in degrees/second/second for the angular
© 2010 Kinesys
+ 92 hidden pages