Delivery set
3. Main units and parts
Operating procedure
Preparing the camera for loading
Film magazine loading
Preparing the camera for shooting
4.4 Shooting
5. Determining the exposure time with the aid of prism
6. Unloading the camera
7. Replacement of lens
8. Flash photography
9. Replacement of power supply source
Acceptance certificate
The KIEV 88 CM is a medium-size reflex
camera with a curtain shutter and interchangeable film magazines of sizes 6x6
and 6x4,5 cm.
The camera is intended for amateur photography. With a proper handling and care
it will enable you to obtain high-quality
slides, large-size black-and-white or colour pictures.
The camera is designed for use of a 61.5
mm wide roll film (type 120 or 220).
The camera curtain shutter offers exposure times over a range from
1/2 s and manual exposure "B".
The shutter cocking mechanism is interlocked with the film transport mechanism,
thus preventing double film exposure.
The camera is provided with a prism
viewfinder TTL/SPOT measuring the exposure in integral or spot metering mode.
The camera comes complete with ARSAT
C 2,8/80 with a multilayerantireflection coating which upgrades the image quality and
enhances its contrast due to better integrated transparence and reduced light dispersion.
The focal length of the lens is 80 mm, the
relative aperture is
setting limit is 22, the near focusing limit is
0.6 m.
The sharp focusing is carried out with the
aid of a microraster or a rangef inder wedge
arranged in the centre of the field of view
and with the aid of a ground-glass surface
or distance scale.
The camera design envisages the use of
interchangeable lenses fitted on a bayonet
of "Pentacon Six" type.
The hood-type viewfinder enables the picture to be viewed on the ground glass with
the diaphragm
or without a magnifying lens. The field of
vision of the hood-type viewfinder measures 53x53 mm. Magnification of the TILT
SPOT prism finder eyepiece is 2,8X, the
field of vision measures 53x53 mm.
Schematic representation of the field of
vision when operating with the interchangeable viewfinders is given in the Figure.
The camera operates with interchangeable film magazines which allow to obtain
12 pictures of 6x6 cm size or 15 pictures of
6x4,5 cm size on film type 120 as well as
24 pictures of 6x6 cm size on film type 220.
The interchangeable film magazines offer
the opportunity for quick change in the process of photographing from a black-andwhite to colour film or to a more or less
removed from the camera irrespective of
the number of the pictures taken.
The camera is provided with a synchronizer for photographing with cable and cableless flash lamps.
The camera operates in the temperature
interval from minus 15 to 45 °C.
Before starting the photographing , please
get acquainted in detail with these Instructions and you will know all the peculiarities
of the camera.
The film magazine may be
Camera with ARSAT C 2,8/80 lens with a cover, finder hood,
film magazine with spool and insert 1
TTL/Spot prism viewfinder 1
Eyecap 1
Lens hood 1
Shoulder strap 1
Packing box 1
Instructions for Use 1
The KIEV 88 CM camera set can include one or two magazines of similar
or different frame sizes.
Your camera complete set is given in section 11 "Acceptance certificate".
1 — lens;
2 — lens focusing
3 — distance scale;
4 — depth-of-field scale;
5 — diaphragm and distance scale index;
6 — diaphragm scale;
7 — battery seat cap;
8 — prism finder,
9 — insulating plate ;
10 — film magazine;
11 — shutter;
strap fitting eye;
13 — tripod socket and guide of
attaching handle;
14 — synchronizer plug socket;
15 — flash lamp yoke;
16 — film magazine lock button ;
17 — exposure scale index;
finder hood;