The electronic rotational speed monitoring device JMNC
is applied together with a pulse indicator for monitoring
the rotational speed of drives.
The device is intended for use in stationary installations
and in vehicles.
Applications other than specified and unauthorised modifications to the device or its components may lead to injury to persons and damage to the device for which the
manufacturer is not liable.
Make sure that the intended use is not impaired in any
way, even after unexpected outside influence on the device.
"Intended Application" particularly means that any work
performed with the device or on the device must be carried out in accordance with the present operating instructions. Only qualified personnel that are familiar with
the regulations for the prevention of accidents as well as
the standard safety rules are allowed to work on the device.
Observing the intended application protects yourself and prevents damage to the device!
Please pay particular attention to the text passages that
are marked by the following symbols:
Information that must be observed under all
circumstances in order to prevent the operator from being injured.
Information that must be observed in order
to prevent damage to the device.
Helpful additional information.
JMNC Operating Instructions
2 Transport, Packing, Storage, and Disposal
2Transport, Packing, Storage, and Disposal
2.1Transport and Packing
Choose a suitable packing in order to prevent damage
to the device during transport or when sending devices
or components to Vossloh Kiepe GmbH for repair. Take
great care that the device is protected against shocks
and humidity. Thus, damage due to transport is prevented, for which the manufacturer is not liable.
Avoid significant variations in temperature that may
cause the formation of condensation water, as this might
damage the device.
The permissible storage temperature is between -35°C
to +80°C.
Keep the device clean and dry.
If possible, reuse the packing material or dispose of it in
an environmentally friendly way.
Send defective devices and components to Vossloh
Kiepe GmbH for correct recycling or disposal (company
address see back cover).
JMNC Operating Instructions
3 Design and Function
3Design and Function
The electronic rotational speed monitoring device JMNC
is applied together with a pulse indicator for monitoring
and controlling drives. The pulses of the indicator are
analysed by the speed monitoring device which signals
the overspeeding or underspeeding of a nominal rotational speed.
The electronic rotational speed monitoring device JMNC
is equipped into a solid plastic housing (8), which can be
mounted onto an operating panel by means of screws.
All indicating and operating elements are assigned to
the front side of the device (s. fig. 3-1).
This potentiometer serves to set the duration of the runup bridging in between 0 and approx. 45 seconds.
Pulse selection switch (2)
Start-up delay (1)
(run-up bridging)
Pulse selection switch (2)
Fine (3)
(Fine setting of the nominal value)
LED orange (4)
(Input supervision)
LED green (5)
(Switching status indication)
Coarse (6)
(Nominal value setting)
Set button (7)
Fig. 3-1:Operating elements of the monitoring device
JMNC Operating Instructions
3 Design and Function
Set the required range of pulses by means of this
Switch position / Range of pulses
8 to 120pulses/minute
80 to 1200pulses/minute
800 to 12000pulses/minute
Fine (3), fine setting of the nominal value
The setting of the nominal value can be readjusted by
± 10%. Thereby, the switching point of the output relay
can be changed about 10% of the set rotational speed.
LED orange (4), input supervision
This light-emitting diode flashes with the cycle of the indicator pulses. When the pulses increase 1500/minute,
the diode lights continually.
LED status, orange
Flashing:Pulses of the rotational speed indicator
are applied.
Permanently:Number of pulses > 1500/minute
Off:Malfunction (e. g. pulse indicator or con-
nection line defective).
By means of this light-emitting diode the switching status
of the rotational speed monitoring device can be
LED status, green
On:output relay (16) attracted
Off:output relay (16) dropped
Coarse (6), nominal value setting
By means of this potentiometer the rotational speed
monitoring devices can be aligned to the operating
speed of the drive.
Set button (7)
By pressing the red button the output relay (16) can be
controlled directly and will not drop during the setting.
LED green (5), switching status of the relay
JMNC Operating Instructions
3 Design and Function
3.2Function Principle of the JMNC
In connection with a rotational speed indicator, the rotational speed monitoring device JMNC is used to monitor
drives for underspeed, standstill, or overspeed.
The pulses of the rotational speed indicator are analysed by the monitoring device, which signals the underspeeding or overspeeding of a set nominal rotational
The indicator input (17) (terminals 1/2) of the rotational
speed monitoring device is designed for rotational speed
indicators complying with the npn and Namur regulations. The indicator input (17) can be monitored by
means of the light-emitting diode LED orange (4).
Any number of monitoring devices JMNC can be connected to one pulse indicator.
The output relay (16) of the rotational speed monitoring
device is a change-over contact. The current switching
status of the relay is indicated by the light-emitting diode
LED green (5).
Typ eNumber/switch-over contact
JMNC1 x change-over contact (open contact/closed
In addition, the rotational speed monitoring device JMNC is
provided with a pulse output to connect common digital rotational speed counters (see section 5.3.1, Connection As-signment).
3.2.2Run-up Bridging
In order to start up the plant, the rotational speed monitoring device JMNC is provided with the feature run-up
By means of the potentiometer start-up delay (1) the period of the run-up bridging can be set in between 0 and
45 seconds. During this time, the output relay (16) remains attracted, and the plant can be started.
JMNC Operating Instructions
3 Design and Function
3.2.3Underspeed Monitoring/Switching Function
(with run-up bridging)
During the set run-up bridging period the output relay (16)
is attracted (see also fig. 5-4).
Rotational speed
JMNC8 and 10
the following relay contacts are
After expiration of the run-up bridging period, and when
the drive operates with a constant rotational speed, the
output relay (16) remains attracted and the green LED (5)
lights. The orange LED (4) flashes in the cycle of the incoming pulses.
Underspeeding of the nominal rotational speed
If the set rotational speed is not reached, the output relay
(16) drops and the green LED (5) extinguishes (see alsofig. 5-4).
Rotational speed
JMNC9 and 10
the following relay contacts are
Item DescriptionContact closedgreen
IIIwith run-up bridging8 -10
green LED (5) on: output relay (16) attracted
green LED (5) off: output relay (16) dropped
relay triggering time,
t = 200 ms
without run-up
number of pulses
above nominal value
number of pulses
below nominal value
Rotational speed
of the drive
Standard operation
9 -10
9 -10
8 -10
9 -10
Operating speed
Switched speed
Fig. 3-2:Time table for underspeed counter
JMNC Operating Instructions
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