Kidde Sealed Baery, Long Life Carbon Monoxide Alarm
EN50291-1 :2010
LicenseNo. KM98848
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1. What is Carbon Monoxide (CO)?
2. Important Safety Informaon
3. What To Do If Your Alarm Sounds
4. Switching on Your CO Alarm
5. Installaon Instrucons – Recommended Locaons
6. Installaon Instrucons – Mounng
7. Using your CO Alarm
Warning Signals, Tesng / Re-seng, LCD read-outs (model 10LLDCO only), Peak Level
Display (model 10LLDCO only)
8. Maintenance of your Alarm
9. Troubleshoong
10. Product Specificaons
11. Warnings and Important Noces
12. Guarantee
13. Environmental Protecon
13. Useful Contact Informaon
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Power LED
Test / Reset
Model 10LL CO
Model 10LLDCO
Alarm LED
Power LED
Alarm LED
Test / Reset
Peak Level
Digital Display
Move to
Fresh Air
Carbon Monoxide Alarm
LicenceNo:KM 98848
PPMof CO displayed
LB=Low Battery
End=End of Unit Life
Move to
Fresh Air
Carbon Monoxide Alarm
LicenceNo:KM 98848
Product Features and Specificaons
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1. What is Carbon Monoxide?
Carbon monoxide (CO) is a highly poisonous gas with no taste, colour or smell.
Potenal Sources of CO
• Wood-burning stoves
• Gas boilers and fires
• Gas Hobs
• Oil and coal burning appliances
• Portable gas heaters
• Blocked flues and chimneys
• Fumes from integral garages
• Barbecues
This CO alarm is not a substute for the correct maintenance of your
Carbon monoxide can be produced from poorly burning appliances
or from blocked flues and chimneys.
If your alarm has sounded and you have venlated the room the CO
may have dispersed before help arrives. It is crucial that the source
of CO is determined and appropriate maintenance carried out.
Carbon monoxide is a cumulave poison. This Kidde alarm is me-weighted – the higher the level of
CO, the sooner it will alarm.
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Further informaon for Caravan and Boat Owners
The following can lead to carbon monoxide being produced:
• Using LPG cooking appliances for space heang
• Leaving LPG appliances on overnight
• Barbecues within the boat cabin or near a caravan door (e.g. under an awning)
To be safe, know the possible sources of CO in your home. Keep fuel burning appliances,
chimneys and vents in good working condion. Learn the early symptoms of exposure, and if
you suspect CO poisoning, move outside into fresh air and get emergency help. Your first line of
defence is an annual inspecon and regular maintenance of your appliances. Contact a licensed
contractor or call your local ulity company for assistance.
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Alarm levels as defined by EN50291-1:2010
The table below shows the response mes at which your CO alarm will sound;
CO Advice and Informaon
The table below shows the effects of different levels of CO poisoning on the body;
Parts per Million (PPM) of CO Time unl Alarm
50 60 – 90 minutes
100 10 – 40 minutes
300 Must alarm in less than 3 minutes
Parts per Million (PPM) Effects on Adults
100 Slight headache, nausea, fague (flu-like symptoms)
200 Dizziness and headache within 2 – 3 hours
400 Nausea, frontal headache,drowsiness,confusion and rapidheart rate.
Riskto life aer over 3 hours of exposure
800 Severe headaches, convulsions, vitalorgan failures.Death possible within
2 – 3 hours
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2. Important Safety Informaon
If you recognise any of the above symptoms consult your Doctor immediately.
Young children, elderly and pets are more suscepble to the dangers of CO.
Your Kidde alarm is designed to detect CO gas. It is not designed to detect smoke, fire
or other gas such natural gas.
This product is intended for use in ordinary family homes. It is not designed to
measure compliance with occupaonal safety and the HSE.
Individuals with certain specific medical condions may need an alarm that operates
below 30ppm. If this applies consult your Doctor.
IMPORTANT: Ensure that all family members are familiar with the symptoms of CO
poisoning and how your alarm works.
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