KI Unite System Assembly Instructions Manual

Assembly Instructions
Transaction Countertops
February 2017
Unite® System Transaction Countertops - Table of Contents
Assembly Instructions
Straight Transaction Countertop ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 3
Straight Transaction Countertop Adjacent to Change-of-Height Panel ������������������������������������������������������������������������� 5
Corner Transaction Countertop ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 6
Corner Transaction Countertop Adjacent to Change-of-Height Panel ��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 9
ADA Straight Transaction Countertop ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 10
ADA Straight Transaction Countertop Adjacent to Change-of-Height ADA Panel ������������������������������������������������������� 12
ADA Corner Transaction Countertop �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 13
ADA Corner Transaction Countertop Adjacent to Change-of-Height ADA Panel ��������������������������������������������������������� 16
Figure 1
panel top
Unite® System - Straight Transaction Countertop
Assembly Instructions
Assemble units as described herein only. To do otherwise may result in instability. All screws, nuts and bolts must be tightened securely and must be checked periodically after assembly. Failure to assemble properly, or to secure parts may result in assembly failure and personal injury.
Standard 40” High Straight Transaction Countertop Assembly
Overview: Installation below is
for a single rectangular transaction countertop installed to a 40” high Unite Panel� If the countertop length is 60” or less, the transaction countertop width must match the width of the Unite Panel it installs onto, and two design cantilever brackets are used�
top cap
rubber button
cantilever bracket
Detail A
6” design
rubber button
6” design
cantilever bracket
6” design
cantilever bracket
Note: If transaction countertop length is over 60” (not illustrated below), the countertop will span the width of two Unite Panels and three design cantilever brackets are required�
1� Ensure that the Unite Panel top cap is
installed prior to attaching brackets and transaction countertop� Install two self-stick rubber buttons to the top cap as illustrated� Spacing of buttons is approximate, and buttons prevent the countertop from incidental contact with the top cap (Figure 1)�
2� The 6” design cantilever brackets
are right- or left-hand in design, so one style of bracket will install to the left-hand side, and the other style will install on the right-hand side of the panel to support a transaction countertop� They must be installed to the inside (workstation side) of the panel� To install a bracket, identify the top slot of the panel vertical post and insert the top tooth of the appropriate cantilever design bracket into that top slot� Engage all teeth into slots in the vertical post, then press down firmly to engage all teeth into the slots� The horizontal top of the bracket should be about 1/8” above the top of the panel top cap� Check bracket for full engagement by pulling straight back firmly in a horizontal motion (Figure 1 & Detail A)�
Unite® System - Straight Transaction Countertop
Assembly Instructions
Assemble units as described herein only. To do otherwise may result in instability. All screws, nuts and bolts must be tightened securely and must be checked periodically after assembly. Failure to assemble properly, or to secure parts may result in assembly failure and personal injury.
Standard 40” High Straight Transaction Countertop Assembly (cont.)
Note: The transaction countertop is
designed to be installed off-center on the panel top� Per ADA guidelines, only 4” of counter may extend into the aisle side� The larger amount of overhang is to extend over the worksurface side�
3� After the cantilever brackets have
been installed to the workstation side of the panel, position the transaction countertop onto the brackets as illustrated, with the smaller, 4” countertop overhang into the aisle side� Align mounting holes of the brackets with the corresponding pre-drilled holes in the underside of the transaction countertop� Using one #12 x 1” screw per bracket, at the front side of the bracket (hole closest the worksurface user), secure the bracket to the transaction countertop as illustrated (Figure 2 and Detail B)�
Note: Design bracket lock clips are right- and left-hand by design, so each must be paired with the design cantilever bracket of the same hand type�
4� Position a design lock clip as
illustrated (Detail B) and insert the thin prong end of the clip into the top panel notch, just above the top tooth of the left-hand design cantilever bracket� Fully inserted properly, the mounting hole of the lock clip will align over the unused mounting hole in the cantilever bracket� Insert and tighten the second #12 x 1” screw to secure the clip over the cantilever bracket, and to the transaction countertop (Figure 2 & Details B & C)�
6” design
cantilever bracket
#12 x 1”
Detail B
lock clip
lock clip
#12 x 1”
Detail C
6” design
cantilever bracket
#12 x 1”
transaction countertop
6” design
cantilever bracket
lock clip
5� Repeat step 4 above for the
right-hand design lock clip to the right-hand design cantilever bracket� Check and assure that all four mounting screws are tight� The transaction countertop must be snug and no movement should be felt (Figure 2 & Details B & C)�
Unite® System - Straight Transaction Countertop Adjacent to Change-of-Height Panel
Assembly Instructions
Assemble units as described herein only. To do otherwise may result in instability. All screws, nuts and bolts must be tightened securely and must be checked periodically after assembly. Failure to assemble properly, or to secure parts may result in assembly failure and personal injury.
Straight Transaction Countertop Installed Adjacent to Change-of-Height - Standard 40” High Unite Panel
If a transaction countertop is specified for installation adjacent to a taller Unite Panel, the countertop will be supplied with a notch to
accommodate the end-of-run trim of the taller panel (Figure 3)� A countertop designed to install between two adjacent taller Unite Panels will have a notch at both ends (not shown)�
transaction countertop
transaction countertop
(one notch)
Unite® System - Corner Transaction Countertop
Figure 4
Assembly Instructions
Assemble units as described herein only. To do otherwise may result in instability. All screws, nuts and bolts must be tightened securely and must be checked periodically after assembly. Failure to assemble properly, or to secure parts may result in assembly failure and personal injury.
Corner Transaction Countertop ­Top Assembly
Note: The corner transaction counter
top comes disassembled and must be joined together at the 45-degree miter using KV joint fasteners� Follow the directions below carefully�
1� Place the two corner counter surfaces
to be joined upside down on a soft protective surface� Position the surfaces as illustrated, then locate and identify the KV joint fastener components from the hardware pack (Figure 4)�
2� Center the hardwood spline into the
routered slot in one corner top to be joined� Press the two tops together, aligning the hardwood spline� Check to make sure the tops join together completely with the spline in place� If they do not, sand the spline if necessary or adjust its location in the slot (Figure 4)�
Important: For step 3 below, it is important that the KV joint fastener slots in the undersides of the surfaces to be joined are aligned perfectly�
Important: Each pound of pressure on the tightening tool exerts 500 pounds of force on the joint� Overtightening the KV fasteners will cause the tops to delaminate�
corner transaction countertop
KV joint
fastner set
3� Assemble KV fasteners by first
twisting a draw bolt into each tightening nut a few turns, then press each pair into a 7/8” hole and slot in the underside of the transaction countertop surfaces to be joined� The flat-end of each draw bolt will be visible in the 7/8” hole on one side of the units being joined� One at a time, position each locking sleeve as illustrated and insert locking sleeves into the 7/8” holes so that the slotted sleeve engages the rounded collar on the bolt (Figure 4)�
4� Tighten the nut with a tightening tool
or a nail-set� Check the front and back edges, and more importantly the top side of the joint for proper alignment� The top-side joint should be smooth and level with no gaps� Adjust as necessary to achieve a “seamless” look (Figure 4)�
corner transaction countertop
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