Keystone KSTRC24CBU, KSTRC24CBP User Manual

User manual
Safet y warn ings
Meaning of saf ety w arn ing s ymb ols ·················2 Related w arn ing s for u se ······················2 Electri cit y rel ate d war nin gs ·····················2 War nin gs re lat ed to p lac ing i tem s ··················3 War nin gs re lat ed to d isp osa l ····················3
Prope r use of r efri gera tors
Names of co mpo nen ts ·······················4 Ther mos tat ····························5 placeme nt ·····························5 Star t ·······························5
Maint enan ce of re frig erat ors
Cleaning ······························6 Defr ost ······························6 Stop u sin g ·····························6
Frequ entl y aske d ques tion s
Door i nst all g uid eli nes a bou t swa ppi ng le ft& rig ht
Than k yo u fo r bu yi ng t his ref ri ge ra to r-fre ez er. To en su re t ha t yo u ge t the b es t re su lt s fr om your n ew refr ig er at or -f reeze r, pl ea se t ak e time to r ea d th ro ug h the sim pl e in st ru ct ion s in t hi s bo ok le t. Plea se e ns ur e th at t he pack in g ma te ri al is dis po se d of i n ac corda nc e wi th t he c urren t en vi ro nm en tal requ ir em en ts . When d is po si ng o f an y refri ge ra to r- freez er e qu ip me nt plea se c on ta ct y our loc al w as te d is po sal depa rt me nt f or a dv ice on sa fe d is po sa l. This a pp li an ce m us t be on ly u se d fo r it s in tende d pu rp os e.
Safety warnings
Meaning of saf ety w arn ing s ymb ols
The sy mb ols i nd ic ate p ro hibit ed m att er s, and th os e beha vi ors a re f or bid de n. No n- co mpl ia nce wit h th e inst ru cti on s ma y res ul t in prod uc t dam ag es or end an ger
Proh ib iti on s ym bol s
War ni ng sy mb ols
Note s ym bol s
the pe rs ona l sa fe ty of u se rs.
The sy mb ols i nd ic ate m at ters th at m ust b e fo llowe d, a nd thos e be hav io rs m ust b e st rictl y ex ecu te d in line w it h the oper at ion r eq ui rem en ts. N on -c omp li ance wi th t he inst ru cti on s ma y res ul t in prod uc t dam ag es or end an ger the pe rs ona l sa fe ty of u se rs.
The sy mb ols i nd icate m at ter s to p ay a tte nt ion to, a nd thes e be hav io rs shal l be s pec ia lly not ed . Due prec au tio ns a re n eed ed o r min or o r mo der at e inj ur ie s or dam ag es of t he p ro duc t wi ll be c au se d.
The ap pl ian ce i s no t int en ded f or u se b y you ng c hil dr en o r inf ir m perso ns w ith ou t supe rv isi on .
Youn g ch ild re n shoul d be s upe rv ised to e ns ure t ha t they do n ot p lay w it h the appl ia nce .
This t yp e of re fr ig era to r-fre ez er is w id ely use d in p lac es s uch as ho te ls ,o ff ic es, stud en t dor mi to rie s an d hou se s. I t is mo st ly suit ab le fo r re frige ra tin g an d prese rv ing food s su ch as f ru it s and b ev era ge . It e njo ys t he adva nt age s of s mall si ze , Lig ht weigh t, Low el ec tri c co ns ump ti on an d ea sy u se.
This m an ual c on ta ins l ot s of im po rt ant s af ety inf or mat io n whic h sh all b e ob se rve d by t he us er s.
Safety warnings
Elec tri cit y rel ate d war nin gs
Do not pull the power cord when pulling the power plug of the refrigerator. Please firmly grasp the plug and pull out it from the socket directly. Do not damage the power cord under any condition so as to ensure safety use, do not use when the power cord is damaged or the plug is worn. Worn or damaged power cord shall be replaced in manufacture-authorized maintenance stations.
Please use a dedicated three-hole power socket which is 10A or more and the power socket shall not be shared with other electrical appliances. The power cord should be firmly contacted with the socket or else fires might be caused. Please ensure that the grounding electrode of the power socket is equipped with a reliable grounding line.
The refrigerator adopts 115V/60Hz AC power, voltage fluctuations over the range of 115±10%V will cause malfunction or even damage, so a 750 W automatic voltage regulator must be installed in concert with the AC power. Please turn off the valve of the leaking gas and then open the doors and windows in case of leakage of gas and other flammable gases. Do not unplug the refrigerator and other electrical appliances considering that spark may cause a fire.
To ensure safety, it is not recommended that to place regulators, rice cookers, microwave ovens and other appliances at the top of the refrigerator, those recommended by the manufacture are not included. Do not use electrical appliances in the food pantry.
Rela ted w arn ing s for u se
Authorized demolition or renovation of the refrigerator is not prohibited. It is forbidden to damage the refrigerant lines and the repair and maintenance of the refrigerator must be carried out by professionals. Damaged power cord must be replaced by the manufacturer, its maintenance department or related professionals in order to avoid danger.
The surrounding of the appliances around or the embedded structure shall not be obstructed while good ventilation shall be maintained. The gaps between refrigerator doors and between doors and refrigerator body are small, be noted not to put your hand in these areas to prevent squeezing the finger. Please be gentle when switching off the refrigerator door to avoid falling articles. Do not pick foods or containers in the freezing chamber when the refrigerator is running, especially metal containers in order to avoid frostbite.
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