Keysight Technologies N524 A Series, N5264B, N524 B Series, N5264A, N5244B Installation Note

Keysight 2-Port/4-Port
N524xA to N524xB and N5264A to N5264B Model
PNA-X Upgrade Kit
This manual provides documentation for the following models: N524xA and N5264A
To Upgrade 2-Port/4-Port "A" models to 2-Port/4-Port "B" models
N5241AU-690 (For N5241B), N5242AU-690 (For N5242B), N5244AU-690 (For
N5244B), N5245AU-690 (For N5245B), N5247AU-690 (For N5247B), N5249AU-690
(For N5249B), and N5264AU-690 (For N5264B)
Upgrade Kit Numbers: N5242-60117, N5245-60115, N5247-60114, N5264-60102
Installation Note


© Keysight Technologies, Inc. 2007-2019
No part of this manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means (including electronic storage and retrieval or translation into a foreign language) without prior agreement and written consent from Keysight Technologies, Inc. as governed by United States and international copyright laws.
Trademark Acknowledgments
Manual Part Number
Edition 1, September 2019
Supersedes: August 9, 2019
Printed in USA/Malaysia
Published by: Keysight Technologies
1400 Fountaingrove Parkway Santa Rosa, CA 95403
Technology Licenses
The hardware and/or software described in this document are furnished under a license and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of such license.
U.S. Government Rights
The Software is “commercial computer software,” as defined by Federal Acquisition Regulation (“FAR”) 2.101. Pursuant to FAR
12.212 and 27.405-3 and Department of Defense FAR Supplement (“DFARS”) 227.7202, the U.S. government acquires commercial computer software under the same terms by which the software is customarily provided to the public. Accordingly, Keysight provides the Software to U.S. government customers under its standard commercial license, which is embodied in its End User License Agreement (EULA), a copy of which can be found at
The license set forth in the EULA represents the exclusive authority by which the U.S. government may use, modify, distribute, or disclose the Software. The EULA and the license set forth therein, does not require or permit, among other things, that Keysight: (1) Furnish technical information related to commercial computer software or commercial computer software documentation that is not customarily provided to the public; or (2) Relinquish to, or otherwise provide, the government rights in excess of these rights customarily provided to the public to use, modify, reproduce, release, perform, display, or disclose commercial computer software or
commercial computer software documentation. No additional government requirements beyond those set forth in the EULA shall apply, except to the extent that those terms, rights, or licenses are explicitly required from all providers of commercial computer software pursuant to the FAR and the DFARS and are set forth specifically in writing elsewhere in the EULA. Keysight shall be under no obligation to update, revise or otherwise modify the Software. With respect to any technical data as defined by FAR 2.101, pursuant to FAR 12.211 and 27.404.2 and DFARS 227.7102, the U.S. government acquires no greater than Limited Rights as defined in FAR 27.401 or DFAR 227.7103-5 (c), as applicable in any technical data.
Safety Notices
A CAUTION notice denotes a hazard. It calls attention to an operating procedure, practice, or the like that, if not correctly performed or adhered to, could result in damage to the product or loss of important data. Do not proceed beyond a CAUTION notice until the indicated conditions are fully understood and met.
A WARNING notice denotes a hazard. It calls attention to an operating procedure, practice, or the like that, if not correctly performed or adhered to, could result in personal injury or death. Do not proceed beyond a WARNING notice until the indicated conditions are fully understood and met.
Keysight Licensed Functionality Upgrade Kit Upgrade Kit Numbers: N5242-60117, N5245-60116, N5247-60114,
N5264-60102 Installation Note

Description of this Upgrade

This upgrade converts your N52xxA microwave network analyzer or N5264A microwave receiver to an equivalent N52xxB or N5264B. This is done by removing the existing front panel assembly, outer covers, and installing a new front panel assembly, SSDA, and outer covers.
As part of this upgrade, there are other assemblies that need to be verified, because the boards must be of a certain type to be compatible with the B model upgrade. Refer to “Initial Instrument Inspection” on page 18.
After installation of this upgrade, your analyzer will be a “B” model rather than an “A” model.
STOP! This repair must be done at a service center! Refer to “Getting
Assistance from Keysight” on page 4.
IMPORTANT! As part of the upgrade, the service center needs a copy of
the customer’s Keysight License files that were sent to them from Keysight. Refer to “License Key File Redemption” on page 5.
IMPORTANT! N5244/5A PNAs with H29 cannot upgrade to N5244/5B.
Included in the contents of this kit is a Software Entitlement Certificate instructions on how to redeem it. Do NOT attempt to redeem this until you have read “License Key File Redemption” on page 5.
For additional information on using the Keysight Software Manager and redeeming a Software Entitlement Certificate, refer to
Description of this Upgrade Getting Assistance from Keysight

Getting Assistance from Keysight

Installing this upgrade kit requires special skills and experience. If you think you may not be qualified to do the work, or need advice, contact Keysight.

If You Have Problems With the Upgrade Kit Contents

Keysight stands behind the quality of the upgrade kit contents. If you have problems with any item in the kit, refer to and the Contact
Keysight () link.
4 Installation Note N5242-90023
Description of this Upgrade Getting Prepared

Getting Prepared

License Key File Redemption

IMPORTANT! As part of the upgrade, the service center needs to
request a the customer’s Keysight License files from Keysight. Refer to
“License Key File Redemption” on page 5.
IMPORTANT! Also, you will need to contact the Keysight factory support node to request multiple license key files. Refer to “Obtain Multiple
License Key Files” on page 7.
Ensure that you are connected to an external server, before attempting to download your email and license key file.
The enclosed Software Entitlement Certificate is a receipt, verifying that you have purchased a licensed option for the analyzer of your choice. You must now use a Keysight Web page to request a license key file for the instrument that will receive the option.
To upgrade model(s), you must request an Option 690 license key file from the Keysight Software Manager:
To complete the request, you will need to gather the following information:
— From the certificate
— Order number
— Certificate number
— From your instrument
(Instrument information is available in the network analyzer - on the toolbar, click Help, then click About Network Analyzer.)
— Model number
— Serial number
Using the information just gathered, you must request license key file from the Keysight Software Manager:
The following Keysight Software Manager (KSM) procedure has been added— but is abbreviated—for users that are familiar with the KSM process and has steps that are specific to the A model to B model upgrade (Option 690).
1. Enter your login and password or setup a login as required.
Installation Note N5242-90023 5
Description of this Upgrade Getting Prepared
2. In the Keysight License Manager welcome window, click You can add a new certificate.
3. In the "Keysight Software Manager: Add Certificate" window that opens, in
the "Enter your certificate information" section, refer to your Software License Certificate that you received with your upgrade kit and enter the following:
Order Number
Certificate Number
4. Click Continue (to return to the Keysight Software Manager welcome
5. If there are multiple "A" model PNAs that are being upgraded to a "B" model, repeat steps 3 and 4.
Else, continue to next step.
6. In the Keysight Software Manager welcome screen, click "You can request new licenses".
7. In the "Keysight Software Manager: Request Licenses" window that opens, in the "Select the host to assign licenses to" section, click the Click to add
or select a host drop-down.
8. Click Add a new License Notifier Host ID host...
9. In the License Notifier Host ID: box that is displayed, enter your
instrument’s model and serial number, separated by only a comma—no spaces). Example:
— New License Host Notifier Host ID host: N5242A,MY12345678
10. In the Select the licenses to assign section, scroll down until you see a
Option 690 upgrade with your instrument’s "A" and "B" model values— similar to this example—and then click the box to select:
N5247AU-690 Upgrade N5247A to N5247B
IMPORTANT: To avoid the loss of an option license, ensure that you only
have a single Option 690 upgrade checked.
11. Click Assign Licenses
12. In the "Assigned licenses:" section that opens, listing all of the License
Notifier Host IDs and associated instrument information, verify the following:
License Notifier Host ID: contains the correct "B" model and serial
the associated N52xxAU-690 Upgrade lists the correct "A" model to
"B" model
6 Installation Note N5242-90023
Description of this Upgrade Getting Prepared
If any of the information listed in the "Assigned licenses:" section is incorrect, click Remove next to the incorrect License Notifier Host ID: or N52xxAU-690 Upgrade to remove them from the "Assigned Licenses" list.
13. If there are multiple "A" model PNAs that are being upgraded to a "B" model, repeat steps 7 through 12.
Else, continue to next step.
14. Once you have verified the License Notifier Host ID & N52xxAU-690 Option models are correct, click Continue > (an email is sent to you with an Option 690 license file for each specific License Notifier Host ID’d PNA).
15. Keysight will promptly email your license key file(s) to your profile’s email address.
Obtain Multiple License Key Files
All of the licenses in your instrument need to be converted to a new format for your "B" model instrument. Contact Keysight Technologies factory support early in your upgrade process to receive your licenses in a timely manner. See
“Getting Assistance from Keysight” on page 4.
You will need to provide Keysight with the foll
owing information:
—model number
— serial number
— email address of the technician performing this upgrade (i.e., to send the
license key files)
Installation Note N5242-90023 7
Description of this Upgrade Protecting Your Workspace from Electrostatic Discharge

Downloading the Online PNA Service Guide

To view the Service Guide for your PNA model number, use the following steps:
1. Go to
2. In the Search box, enter the model number of the analyzer (Ex: N5242B)
and click Search.
3. Click Technical Support > Document Library > Manuals or under Refine Your Results:
4. Click Manuals > Service Manual.
5. Click the service guide title to download the PDF file.
6. When the PDF of the Service Guide is displayed, scroll through the
Contents section bookmarks to locate the information needed.

Protecting Your Workspace from Electrostatic Discharge

For information, click on the Chapter 1 bookmark, "Electrostatic Discharge Protection" in the PDF of your instrument’s Service Guide on

ESD Equipment Required for the Installation

Description Keysight Part Number
ESD grounding wrist strap 9300-1367
5-ft grounding cord for wrist strap 9300-0980
2 x 4 ft conductive table mat and 15-ft grounding wire 9300-0797
ESD heel strap (for use with conductive floors) 9300-1308
1. See “Downloading the Online PNA Service Guide” on page 8.
8 Installation Note N5242-90023
Description of this Upgrade Tools Required for the Installation

Tools Required for the Installation

Description Qty
T-10 TORX driver - set to 9 in-lbs (1.02 N.m) 1
T-20 TORX driver - set to 21 in-lbs (2.38 N.m) 1
5/16-in (8 mm) nutsetter or open end torque wrench - set to 10 in-lbs (1.13 N.m) 1
5/16-in (8 mm) nutsetter or open end torque wrench - set to 21 in-lbs (2.38 N.m) 1
9 mm nutsetter or open end torque wrench - set to 21 in-lbs) (2.38 N.m) 1
1/4-in (6 mm) open end wrench 1
Use a 5/16-in torque wrench set to 10 in-lbs on all cable connections except the front and rear panel bulkhead connectors. On these, use a 9 mm nutsetter or open end torque wrench set to 21 in-lb.

About Installing the Upgrade

Products affected All N524xA microwave network analyzers and all N5264A
Installation to be performed by Keysight service center, personnel qualified by Keysight, or
Estimated installation time 4 hours
Estimated adjustment time 1.5 hours
Estimated full instrument calibration time 4.5 to 8.0 hours
microwave receivers
Installation Note N5242-90023 9
Description of this Upgrade Items Included in the Upgrade Kit

Items Included in the Upgrade Kit

Check the contents of your kit against the following list. If any part is missing or damaged, contact Keysight Technologies. Refer to “Description of this
Upgrade” on page 3.
This section applies to multiple models and upgrade kits. Please refer to the model and upgrade kit for your instrument’s upgrade.
Extra quantities of items such as protective plastic caps, screws, cable ties, and cable clamps may be included in this upgrade kit. It is normal for some of these items to remain unused after the upgrade is completed.
Table 1 Contents of Upgrade Kit N5242-60117 for N5241AU-690 (N5241B),
N5242AU-690 (N5242B), and N5249AU-690 (N5249B)
Qty Description Part Number
1 Installation Note (this document) N5242-90023
1 Software Entitlement Certificate 5964-5145
2 Front handle 5023-3074
4 Rear foot 5041-7903
4 Bottom foot 5041-7906
2 Trim strip, side, phantom gray 5041-7908
1 Caution label 5190-1799
1 Win10 IoT Ent LTSB 2016 Multi-Lang OEI Value 9010-0335
1 China RoHS Addendum 9320-6722
1 Front frame – (assembly) N5240-60071
4 Machine screw, M4.0 x 25 pan head (To attach rear feet to chassis.) 0515-1619
10 Installation Note N5242-90023
Machine screw, M3.0 x 10 mm flat head (To attach lower dress panel chassis).
5 Machine screw, M4.0 x 10 flat head (To attach front frame to chassis.) 0515-2044
1 Cable Assembly–Flat Ribbon 230 mm LG - Handler I/O cable (LFE) 8121-2919
1 Solid-state drive assembly (SSDA), imaged, for 2.2 GHz CPU and Win 10 N5242-60135
1 Lower front panel overlay, 2-port (N5241/2/9B Options 201/219)
Lower front panel overlay, 2-port (N5241/2/9B Option 224)
Lower front panel overlay, 4-port (N5241/2/9B Option 401/419 /423)
Lower front panel overlay, 2-port (N5241/2/9B Option 219 with Option 029) N5242-80026
overlay frame to
Description of this Upgrade Items Included in the Upgrade Kit
Table 1 Contents of Upgrade Kit N5242-60117 for N5241AU-690 (N5241B),
N5242AU-690 (N5242B), and N5249AU-690 (N5249B)
Qty Description Part Number
Lower front panel overlay, 2-port (N5241/2/9B Option 224 with Option 029) N5242-80027
Lower front panel overlay, 4-port (N5241/2/9B Option 419/423 with Option 029) N5242-80028
Lower front panel overlay, 2-port (N5241/2/9B Option 217) N5242-80029
Lower front panel overlay, 2-port (N5241/2/9B Option 222) N5242-80030
Lower front panel overlay, 4-port (N5241/2/9B Option 417 or 422) N5242-80031
Lower front panel overlay, 2-port (N5241/2/9B Option 217 with Option 029) N5242-80032
Lower front panel overlay, 2-port (N5241/2/9B Option 222 with Option 029) N5242-80033
Lower front panel overlay, 4-port (N5241/2/9B Option 417/422 with Option 029) N5242-80034
1 Nameplate, N5241B N5241-80002
Nameplate, N5242B N5242-80022
Nameplate, N5249B N5249-80003
Lower Dress Panel, 2-Port (ALL PNA models). Goes on, before lower front
overlay. Attach with 0515-1946 subpanel screws.
Lower Dress Panel, 4-Port (ALL PNA models). Goes on, before lower front overlay. Attach with 0515-1946 subpanel screws.
1 Rear panel, power supply N5240-00012
1 Cable, assembly 60C 30 AWG 60F 60F N5240-60090
1 Label, KCC N5240-80041
2 Guard, jumper cables, side—2-Port & 4-Port N5242-00048
1 Outer cover N5242-00047
1 Guard, jumper cables, center—4-Port N5242-00049
1 Front impact cover N9040-40007
1 Rear impact cover N9040-40008
2 Strap handle assembly N5242-60076
4 Key lock (for bottom foot) 5021-2840
Not Included - (For Reference Only) - External Hard ware and Miscellaneous Parts, All Options
Machine screw M5.0 x 18, flat head (To attach strap handle.) 0515-0710
Hole plug (When analyzer is rack mounted.) N9020-40007
Test set, subpanel (2-port)
- N5241/2/9B only
Installation Note N5242-90023 11
Description of this Upgrade Items Included in the Upgrade Kit
Table 1 Contents of Upgrade Kit N5242-60117 for N5241AU-690 (N5241B),
N5242AU-690 (N5242B), and N5249AU-690 (N5249B)
Qty Description Part Number
Test set, subpanel (4-port)1 - N5241/2/9B only
Wire assy, LED PCA
- N5241/2/9B only
Synthesizer board (With tabs for s/n 5200 and above) N5240-60074
Synthesizer board (Without tabs for s/n’s below 5200) N5240-60076
Synthesizer board kit (Without tabs for s/n’s below 5200) – Qty is 3 boards N5242-60168
DSP (SPAM) version 5 board N5240-60077
1 DSP (SPAM) cable (2-port only) N5247-60023
1 N5247-60024
IF Multiplexer board N5240-60062
Version 7 CPU assembly W1312-60211
1. If it is necessary to replace these parts, Keysight will replace these parts at no cost to the customer.
12 Installation Note N5242-90023
Description of this Upgrade Items Included in the Upgrade Kit
Table 2 Contents of Upgrade Kit N5245-60116 for N5244AU-690 (N5244B) and
N5245AU-690 (N5245B)
Qty Description Part Number
1 Installation Note (this document) N5242-90023
1 Software Entitlement Certificate 5964-5145
2 Front handle 5023-3074
4 Rear foot 5041-7903
4 Bottom foot 5041-7906
2 Trim strip, side, phantom gray 5041-7908
1 Caution label 5190-1799
1 Win10 IoT Ent LTSB 2016 Multi-Lang OEI Value 9010-0335
1 China RoHS Addendum 9320-6722
1 Front frame – (assembly) N5240-60071
4 Machine screw, M4.0 x 25 pan head (To attach rear feet to chassis.) 0515-1619
Machine screw, M3.0 x 10 mm flat head (To attach lower dress panel chassis).
overlay frame to
5 Machine screw, M4.0 x 12 flat head (To attach front frame to chassis.) 0515-2044
1 Cable Assembly–Flat Ribbon 230 mm LG - Handler I/O cable (LFE) 8121-2919
1 Solid-state drive assembly (SSDA), imaged, for 2.2 GHz CPU and Win 10 N5242-60135
1 Lower front panel overlay, 2-port (N5244/5B Options 201/219) N5242-80023
Lower front panel overlay, 2-port (N5244/5B Option 224) N5245-80027
Lower front panel overlay, 4-port (N5244/5B Option 401/419 /423) N5242-80025
Lower front panel overlay, 2-port (N5244/5B Option 222) N5245-80028
Lower front panel overlay, 2-port (N5244/5B Option 224 with Option 029) N5245-80029
Lower front panel overlay, 4-port (N5244/5B Option 423 with Option 029) N5245-80030
Lower front panel overlay, 2-port (N5244/5B Option 217) N5242-80029
Lower front panel overlay, 4-port (N5244/5B Option 417/422) N5242-80031
Lower front panel overlay, 2-port (N5244/5B Option 222 with Options 029) N5245-80033
Lower front panel overlay, 4-port (N5244/5B Option 417/422 with Options
1 Nameplate, N5244B N5244-80002
Nameplate, N5245B N5245-80026
029) N5245-80031
Lower Dress Panel, 2-Port (ALL PNA models). Goes on, before lower front
overlay. Attach with 0515-1946 subpanel screws.
Installation Note N5242-90023 13
Description of this Upgrade Items Included in the Upgrade Kit
Table 2 Contents of Upgrade Kit N5245-60116 for N5244AU-690 (N5244B) and
N5245AU-690 (N5245B)
Qty Description Part Number
Lower Dress Panel, 4-Port (ALL PNA models). Goes on, before lower front panel overlay. Attach with 0515-1946 subpanel screws.
1 Rear panel, power supply N5240-00012
1 Cable, assembly 60C 30 AWG 60F 60F N5240-60090
1 Label, KCC n5240-80041
1 Outer cover N5245-00035
2 Guard, jumper cables, side—2-Port & 4-Port N5242-00048
1 Guard, jumper cables, center—4-Port N5242-00049
1 Front impact cover N9040-40007
1 Rear impact cover N9040-40008
2 Strap handle assembly N5247-60030
4 Key lock (for bottom foot) 5021-2840
Not Included - (For Reference Only) - External Hard ware and Miscellaneous Parts, All Options
Machine screw M5.0 x 18, flat head (To attach strap handle.) 0515-0710
Hole plug (When analyzer is rack mounted.) N9020-40007
Synthesizer board (With tabs for s/n 5200 and above) N5240-60074
Synthesizer board (Without tabs for s/n’s below 5200) N5240-60076
Synthesizer board kit (Without tabs for s/n’s below 5200) – Qty is 3 boards N5242-60168
DSP (SPAM) version 5 board N5240-60077
1 DSP (SPAM) cable (2-port only) N5247-60023
1 N5247-60024
IF Multiplexer board N5240-60062
Version 7 CPU assembly W1312-60211
Test set, subpanel (2-port)
Test set, subpanel (4-port)
Wire assy, LED PCA
1. If it is necessary to replace these parts, Keysight will replace these parts at no cost to the customer.
- N5244/45B only
- N5244/45B only
- N5244/45B only
14 Installation Note N5242-90023
Description of this Upgrade Items Included in the Upgrade Kit
Table 3 Contents of Upgrade Kit N5247-60114 for N5247AU-690 (N5247B))
Qty Description Part Number
1 Installation Note (this document) N5242-90023
1 Software Entitlement Certificate 5964-5145
1 Front frame – (assembly) N5240-60100
4 Machine screw, M4.0 x 25 pan head (To attach rear feet to chassis.) 0515-1619
12 Machine screw, M4.0 x 12 flat head (To attach front frame to chassis.) 0515-2044
Machine screw, M3.0 x 10 mm flat head (To attach lower dress panel chassis).
1 Win10 IoT Ent LTSB 2016 Multi-Lang OEI Value 9010-0335
1 China RoHS Addendum 9320-6722
1 Solid-state drive assembly (SSDA), imaged, for 2.2 GHz CPU and Win 10 N5242-60135
2 Front handle 5023-3074
overlay frame to
4 Rear foot 5041-7903
4 Bottom foot 5041-7906
2 Trim strip, filler (For analyzers without handles.) 5041-7908
1 Two person Caution label 5190-1799
1 Cable Assembly–Flat Ribbon 230 mm LG - Handler I/O cable (LFE) 8121-2919
1 Lower front panel overlay, 2-port (N5247B Options 201 or 219)
Lower front panel overlay, 2-port (N5247B Option 224)
Lower front panel overlay, 4-port (N5247B Option 401 or 419)
Lower front panel overlay, 2-port (N5247B Option 423)
Lower front panel overlay, 2-port (N5247B Option 224 with Option 029)
Lower front panel overlay, 4-port (N524xB Option 423 with Option 029) N5247-80023
Lower front panel overlay, 4-port (N524xB Option 425 with Option 029) N5247-80028
1 Nameplate, N5247B N5247-80017
Lower Dress Panel, 2-Port (ALL PNA models). Goes on, before lower front
overlay. Attach with 0515-1946 subpanel screws.
Lower Dress Panel, 4-Port (ALL PNA models). Goes on, before lower front overlay. Attach with 0515-1946 subpanel screws.
1 Rear panel, power supply N5240-00012
1 Cable, assembly 60C 30 AWG 60F 60F N5240-60090
1 Label, KCC N5240-80041
Installation Note N5242-90023 15
Description of this Upgrade Items Included in the Upgrade Kit
Table 3 Contents of Upgrade Kit N5247-60114 for N5247AU-690 (N5247B))
Qty Description Part Number
1 Outer cover N5245-00035
2 Guard, jumper cables, side—2-Port & 4-Port N5242-00048
1 Guard, jumper cables, center—4-Port N5242-00049
1 Guard, jumper cables, center—4-Port N5247-00024
1 Front impact cover N9040-40007
1 Rear impact cover N9040-40008
2 Strap handle assembly N5247-60030
4 Key lock (for bottom foot) 5021-2840
Not Included - (For Reference Only) - External Hard ware and Miscellaneous Parts, All Options
Machine screw M5.0 x 18, flat head (To attach strap handle.) 0515-0710
Hole plug (When analyzer is rack mounted.) N9020-40007
Synthesizer board (With tabs for s/n 5200 and above) N5240-60074
Synthesizer board (Without tabs for s/n’s below 5200) N5240-60076
Synthesizer board kit (Without tabs for s/n’s below 5200) – Qty is 3 boards N5242-60168
DSP (SPAM) version 5 board N5240-60077
1 DSP (SPAM) cable (2-port only) N5247-60023
1 N5247-60024
IF Multiplexer board N5240-60062
Version 7 CPU assembly W1312-60211
16 Installation Note N5242-90023
Description of this Upgrade Items Included in the Upgrade Kit
Table 4 Contents of Upgrade Kit N5264-60102 for N5264AU-690 (N5264B)
Qty Description Part Number
1 Installation Note (this document) N5242-90023
1 Software Entitlement Certificate 5964-5145
1 Front frame – (assembly) N5240-60071
4 Machine screw, M4.0 x 25 pan head (To attach rear feet to chassis.) 0515-1619
12 Machine screw, M4.0 x 12 flat head (To attach front frame to chassis.) 0515-2044
Machine screw, M3.0 x 10 mm flat head (To attach lower dress panel chassis).
1 Win10 IoT Ent LTSB 2016 Multi-Lang OEI Value 9010-0335
1 China RoHS Addendum 9320-6722
1 Solid-state drive assembly (SSDA), imaged, for 2.2 GHz CPU and Win 10 N5242-60135
2 Front handle 5023-3074
overlay frame to
4 Rear foot 5041-7903
4 Bottom foot 5041-7906
2 Trim strip, filler (For analyzers without handles.) 5041-7908
1 Lower front panel overlay, N5264B N5264-80005
1 Nameplate, N5264B N5264-80004
1 Lower Dress Panel, attach with 0515-1946 subpanel screws. N5264-00005
1 Rear panel, power supply N5240-00012
1 Cable, assembly 60C 30 AWG 60F 60F N5240-60090
1 Label, KCC n5240-80041
2 Guard, jumper cables, side—2-Port & 4-Port N5242-00048
1 Outer cover N5242-00047
1 Guard, jumper cables, center—4-Port N5242-00049
1 Front impact cover N9040-40007
1 Rear impact cover N9040-40008
2 Strap handle assembly N5242-60076
4 Key lock (for bottom foot) 5021-2840
Not Included - (For Reference Only) - External Hard ware and Miscellaneous Parts, All Options
Machine screw M5.0 x 18, flat head (To attach strap handle.) 0515-0710
Hole plug (When analyzer is rack mounted.) N9020-40007
Installation Note N5242-90023 17
Description of this Upgrade Initial Instrument Inspection

Initial Instrument Inspection

STOP! This repair must be done at a service center! Refer to “Getting
Assistance from Keysight” on page 4.
This section and all steps must be completed before proceeding to the following sections or customer data may be lost or instrument repair delayed!
The purpose of this section is to verify where the instrument should begin the model conversion process. This section verifies that the instrument has all of the required board assemblies for a B model upgrade.
If your instrument does not have all of the required board assemblies, contact the customer, to provide a quote on parts and labor. Upon customer approval, order up all of the new upgrade kits and boards, before the "B" model upgrade can be completed.
Refer to Table 6 on page 19 and then to “Verifying the Board Assemblies” on
page 20.
18 Installation Note N5242-90023
Description of this Upgrade Initial Instrument Inspection
Table 6 Overview of Assembly Requirements for B Model Upgrade
Assembly Part Number Serial Number for PNAs that start using
these boards (PNAs with these serial prefixes do not need to be upgraded)
CPU, version 7 W1312-60211 MY/US5540 and above N8989A-PC7
SPAM 5 N5240-60078
For 2-port PNAs, also order x1 N5247-60023 and x1 N5247-60024
IF Multiplexer, version B
Synthesizers, versions E, F, or G
N5240-60062 MY/US5540 and above N889A-MX2
N5240-60076 (single board) or N5242-60168 (3 board kit)
MY/US5200 and above N8989A-SP5
MY/US5120 and above N8989A-SR6
Can be ordered using the part number, or:
2-port PNAs without option 224 need two synthesizer boards. 4-port PNAs or 2-port option 224 PNAs need three synthesizer boards.
Test Set Motherboard –
N5245-60163 MY/US4940 and above ––––
N5241/2A only
Installation Note N5242-90023 19
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