Keysight Technologies M8000 Series, M8040A, M8040A-BU1, M8040A-BU2 Getting Started Manual

Keysight M8000 Series of BER Test Solutions
M8040A High-Performance BERT
Getting Started Guide
© Keysight Technologies 2017
No part of this manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means (including electronic storage and retrieval or transla­tion into a foreign language) without prior agreement and written consent from Keysight Technologies as governed by United States and international copyright laws.
PCI Express® and PCIe® are registered trademarks of PCI-SIG.
Manual Part Number
Edition 4.0, June 2017
Printed in Germany
Keysight Technologies Deutschland GmbH Herrenberger Strasse 130, 71034 Böblingen, Germany
Technology Licenses
The hard ware and/or software described in this document are furnished under a license and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of such license.
U.S. Government Rights
The Software is “commercial computer software,” as defined by Federal Acquisition Regulation (“FAR”) 2.101. Pursuant to FAR
12.212 and 27.405-3 and Department of Defense FAR Supplement
(“DFARS”) 227.7202, the U.S. government acquires commercial computer software under the same terms by which the soft­ware is customarily provided to the public. Accordingly, Keysight provides the Soft­ware to U.S. government customers under its standard commercial license, which is
embodied in its End User License Agree­ment (EULA), a copy of which can be found at The license set forth in the EULA represents the exclusive authority by which the U.S. government may use, modify, distribute, or disclose the Software. The EULA and the license set forth therein, does not require or permit, among other things, that Key­sight: (1) Furnish technical information related to commercial computer software or commercial computer software docu­mentation that is not customarily provided to the public; or (2) Relinquish to, or other­wise provide, the government rights in excess of these rights customarily provided to the public to use, mod ify, reproduce, release, perform, display, or d isclose com­mercial computer software or commercial computer software documentation. No additional government requirements beyond those set forth in the EULA shall apply, except to the extent that those terms, rights, or licenses are explicitly required from all providers of commercial computer software pursuant to the FAR and the DFARS and are set forth specifically in writing elsewhere in the EULA. Keysight shall be under no obligation to update, revise or otherwise modify the Software. With respect to any technical data as defined by FAR 2.101, pursuant to FAR
12.211 and 27.404.2 and DFARS 227.7102, the U.S. government acquires no greater than Limited Rights as defined in FAR
27.401 or DFAR 227.7103-5 (c), as appli­cable in any technical data.
Safety Notices
A CAUTION notice denotes a hazard. It calls attention to an operating pro­cedure, practice, or the like that, if not correctly performed or adhered to, could result in damage to the product or loss of important data. Do not proceed beyond a CAUTION notice until the indicated conditions are fully understood and met.
A WARNING notice denotes a hazard. It calls attention to an operating pro­cedure, practice, or the like that, if not correctly performed or adhered to, could result in personal injury or death. Do not proceed beyond a WARNING notice until the indicated conditions are fully understood and met.
2 Keysight M8040A High-Performance BERT Getting Started Guide

Safety Summary

General This product is a Safety Class 1 instrument (provided with a protective earth terminal).
The following general safety precautions must be observed during all phases of operation of this instrument. Failure to comply with these precautions or with specific warnings or operating instructions in the product manuals violates safety standards of design, manufacture, and intended use of the instrument. Keysight Technologies assumes no liability for the customer's failure to comply with these requirements. Product manuals are provided with your instrument on CD-ROM and/or in printed form. Printed manuals are an option for many products. Manuals may also be available on the Web. Go to and type in your product number in the Search field at the top of the
The protective features of this product may be impaired if it is used in a manner not specified in the operation instructions.
All Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) used in this product are Class 1 LEDs as per IEC 60825-1.
Environment Conditions
Before Applying Power
Ground the Instrument
Do Not Operate in an
Explosive Atmosphere
Do Not Remove the
Instrument Cover
This instrument is intended for indoor use in an installation category II, pollution degree 2 environment. It is designed to operate at a maximum relative humidity of 95% and at altitudes of up to 2000 meters.
Refer to the specifications tables for the ac mains voltage requirements and ambient operating temperature range.
Verify that all safety precautions are taken. The power cable inlet of the instrument serves as a device to disconnect from the mains in case of hazard. The instrument must be positioned so that the operator can easily access the power cable inlet. When the instrument is rack mounted the rack must be provided with an easily accessible mains switch.
To minimize shock hazard, the instrument chassis and cover must be connected to an electrical protective earth ground. The instrument must be connected to the ac power mains through a grounded power cable, with the ground wire firmly connected to an electrical ground (safety ground) at the power outlet. Any interruption of the protective (grounding) conductor or disconnection of the protective earth terminal will cause a potential shock hazard that could result in personal injury.
Do not operate the instrument in the presence of flammable gases or fumes.
Operating personnel must not remove instrument covers. Component replacement and internal adjustments must be made only by qualified personnel.
Instruments that appear damaged or defective should be made inoperative and secured against unintended operation until they can be repaired by qualified service personnel.
Keysight M8040A High-Performance BERT Getting Started Guide 3

Safety Symbols

Table 1 Safety Symbol
Symbol Description
Indicates warning or caution. If you see this symbol on a product, you must refer to the manuals for specific Warning or Caution information to avoid personal injury or damage to the product.
Frame or chassis ground terminal. Typically connects to the equipment’s metal frame.
KC is the Korean certification mark to demonstrate that the equipment is Class A suitable for professional use and is for use in electromagnetic environments outside of the home.
Indicates that antistatic precautions should be taken.
Indicates the time period d uring which no hazardous or toxic substance elements are expected to leak or deteriorate during normal use. Forty years is the expected useful life of the product.
The RCM Mark is a compliance mark to the ACMA (Australian Spectrum Management Agency). This indicates compl iance with all Australian EMC regulatory information.
4 Keysight M8040A High-Performance BERT Getting Started Guide
Symbol Description
CSA is the Canadian certification mark to demonstrate compliance with the Safety requirements.
CE compliance marking to the EU Safety and EMC Directives. ISM GRP-1A classification according to the international EMC standard. ICES/NMB-001 compliance marking to the Canad ian EMC standard.
This symbol on all primary and secondary packaging indicates compliance to China standard GB 18455-2001.
Keysight M8040A High-Performance BERT Getting Started Guide 5

Compliance and Environmental Information

Table 2 Compliance and Environmental Information
Safety Symbol Description
This product complies with WEEE Directive (2002/96/EC) marking requirements. The affixed label ind icates that you must not discard this electrical/electronic product in domestic household waste.
Product Category: With reference to the equipment types in WEEE Directive Annex I, this product is classed as a “Monitoring and Control instrumentation” product.
Do not dispose in domestic household waste.
To return unwanted products, contact your local Keysight office, or see for more
6 Keysight M8040A High-Performance BERT Getting Started Guide

About This Guide

This guide provides high-level information for an initial setup of the Keysight J-BERT M8040A High-Performance BERT. This guide focuses on setting up “bundled” systems such as the M8040A-BU1 and M8040A-BU2.
The M8040A-BU1 system has the M8000 module(s), M9537A AXIe Embedded Host Computer, M8070A software plus license, and module licenses pre-installed.
The M8040A-BU2 and M8030A-BU2 bundled systems has the M8000 module(s) and their licenses pre-installed but will require host computer connection and M8070A software plus license installation. These procedures are located in this guide.
Network licenses are not pre-installed on any system. If you plan to use the M8040A system over a network, you must perform the network license installation procedures in this guide.
If you ordered a system that requires on-site installation of individual M8000 modules or the M9537A AXIe Embedded Host Computer into the M9505A AXIe Chassis, refer to the Keysight M8000 Series of BER Test Solutions Installation Guide for detailed module-level installation instructions.
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1 Introduction
Safety Summary 3
Compliance and Environmental Information 6
About This Guide 7
Introduction 14
Key Features 14 Applications 14
M8040A Modules 16
M9505A AXIe Chassis 17 AXIe Embedded System Module (USB ESM) 18 Keysight M9537A AXIe Embedded Controller Module 19 Host Computer 20
M8045A High-Performance BERT Pattern Generator-Clock Module 21
M8045A Features 21 M8045A Module Components 21 M8045A Front Panel Input/Output Ports 23
M8046A High-Performance BERT Analyzer Module 25
M8046A Features 25 M8046A Module Components 25 M8046A Front Panel Inputs/Outputs Ports 26
M8057A Pattern Generator Remote Head 28
M8057A Remote Head Components 28
Keysight M8040A High-Performance BERT Getting Started Guide 9
2 Basic Setup for M8040A
Step 1 - Unpack the Shipment 32
Return the Damaged/Defective Item to Keysight for Repair/Replacement
Step 2 - Set up the M8040A 33
Step 3 - Set up the External Host Computer (not required for M8040A-BU1) 33
Computer Hardware and Software Requirements 34 To connect via USB 35 To connect via PCIe 35
Step 4 - Connect the M9505A AXIe Chassis to a Power Supply 36
Step 5 - Power Up (if connecting via PCIe) 37
Step 6 - Verify Basic M8040A Operation 38
Step 7 - Install Keysight IO Libraries Suite (not required for M8040A-BU1) 39
Step 8 - Install M8070A Software (not required for M8040A-BU1) 39
Step 9 - Install the Licenses 40
Installing M8070A-0TP License (not required for M8040A-BU1) 41 Installing Temporary License (Trial License) for the M8000 Series 41 Installing M8070A-0NP Floating/Networked License 42 Installing the FlexNet License Manager 43 Installing Module Licenses (for upgrades only) 49 Transporting an M8070A License 50 Affix Option Label (optional) 50
Step 10 - Turning off the Chassis and Modules 52
Step 11 - Connect the M8040A to the Device Under Test (DUT) 52
Typical Test Setup Example 52 M9537A Embedded Controller Setup Example 53 Hard ware Connections 54
10 Keysight M8040A High-Performance BERT Getting Started Guide
3 Using the M8040A High-Performance BERT
Locating Electronic Manuals and Onl ine Help 56
Routine Care 56
Starting the M8070A Software 57
Perform a Measurement 58
Updating Software Components 66
Contacting Keysight Service and Support 66
Quick Troubleshooting 66
Keysight M8040A High-Performance BERT Getting Started Guide 11
Keysight M8040A High-Performance BERT
Getting Started Guide

1 Introduction

Introduction / 14 M8040A Modules / 16 M8045A High-Performance BERT Pattern Generator-Clock Module / 21 M8046A High-Performance BERT Analyzer Module / 25 M8057A Pattern Generator Remote Head / 28
This chapter introduces you to Keysight’s M8040A High-performance BERT. It also introduces you to the concept of using a host computer to communicate with the M8040A.
1 Introduction


The Keysight Technologies M8040A is a highly integrated BERT for physical layer characterization and compliance testing.
With support for pulse amplitude modulation 4-level (PAM-4) and non-return-to-zero (NRZ) signals, and symbol rates up to 64 GBaud (corresponds to 112 Gbit/s) it covers all flavors of the emerging 400 GbE and CEI-56G standards.
The M8040A BERT´ s true error analysis provides repeatable and accurate results, optimizing the performance margins of your devices.

Key Features

The M8040A provides the following features:
• Data rates from 2 to 32 and 64 GBaud
• PAM-4 and NRZ selectable from M8070A user interface
• Built-in 4 tap de-emphasis to compensate loss
• Integrated and calibrated jitter injection: RJ, PJ1, PJ2, SJ, BUJ, and even-odd jitter
• Two pattern generator channels per module to emulate aggressor
• Linearity tests with adjustable PAM-4 levels
• Short connections to the DUT with remote heads for the pattern generator
• True PAM-4 error detection in real-time for low BER levels
• Graphical user interface and remote control via M8000 system software
• Scalable and upgradeable with options and modules


The M8040A is designed for R&D and test engineers who characterize chips, devices, transceiver modules and sub-components, boards and systems with serial I/O ports operating with data rates up to 32 GBaud and 64 GBaud in the data center and communications industries.
The M8040A can be used for receiver (input) testing for many popular interconnect standards, such as:
• 400 Gigabit Ethernet (IEEE 802.3bs)
• 200/100/50 Gigabit Ethernet
• OIF CEI - 56G (NRZ and PAM-4 versions)
14 Keysight M8040A High-Performance BERT Getting Started Guide
Introduction 1
• 64G/112G Fibre Channel
• Infiniband-HDR
• Proprietary interfaces for chip-to-chip, chip-to-module, backplanes, repeaters, and active optical cables, operating up to 64 GBaud.
Keysight M8040A High-Performance BERT Getting Started Guide 15
1 Introduction
M8046A Module
M8045A Module (2 Channels)
M8085A Remote Head

M8040A Modules

The M8040A modules are recognized by the model number and name located on their front panel.
Each of the supported modules has some standard hardware and software features that are available with a standard license for that module. Some upgraded features/components of a module are licensed and are only available when you purchase and install a license for that option.
The M8040A supports the following modules.
• M8045A High-Performance BERT Pattern Generator-Clock
• M8046A High-Performance BERT Analyzer
• M8057A Pattern Generator Remote Head
The M8045A module occupies three slots of the 5-slot M9505A AXIe chassis. It must be installed in slots 1 through 3 in the AXIe chassis unless the M9537A AXIe Embedded Controller is installed. The M9537A AXIe Embedded Controller must be installed in slot 1.
The M8046A module occupies a single slot of the 5-slot M9505A AXIe chassis.
16 Keysight M8040A High-Performance BERT Getting Started Guide
The M8057A remote head is an external box which must be connected to each channel of M8045A module. Three cables are fixed on the back side of M8057A which need to be connected to M8045A remote head, P and N connectors.
Figure 1 on page -16 shows a typical configuration of M8045A, M8046A
and M8057A.
Figure 1 M8045A, M8046A and M8057A configuration

M9505A AXIe Chassis

Introduction 1
Details on the features and hardware components of each of the above mentioned modules are further described in this chapter.
The M9505A AXIe chassis is a modular instrument chassis that supports complex and high density testing. The chassis provides five slots for installing multiple AXIe based instrument modules such as the M8045A, M8046A, etc. Besides providing a frame for the installation of these instrument modules, the M9505A AXIe chassis also provides power, a cooling system, a PCIe Gen2 local data bus, a Gigabit LAN interconnect, and a USB and PCIe connection for external host computer connectivity.
The USB connection is recommended when using a laptop or desktop PC as an external controller. The PCIe connection is recommended for use with a desktop PC as an external controller only.
PCIe connectivity between the M9505A AXIe Chassis and an external desktop PC controller is recommended when full channel plus large patterns need to be downloaded.
Refer to the Keysight M9505A AXIe Chassis Startup Guide to get detailed information about the AXIe chassis.
Figure 2 M9505A 5-slot chassis
Keysight M8040A High-Performance BERT Getting Started Guide 17
1 Introduction
PCIe Port
USB Port

AXIe Embedded System Module (USB ESM)

The bottom slot of the AXIe chassis is reserved for the Embedded System Module (ESM) which is factory installed. The ESM has a USB 2.0 interface as well as a PCIe x8, Gen1 and Gen2 compliant interface to connect an external host computer to the chassis.
Figure 3 AXIe Embedded System Module
18 Keysight M8040A High-Performance BERT Getting Started Guide
Introduction 1
The ESM:
• runs the chassis embedded operating system (Windows 7) which manages all internal tasks and communications.
• tracks inserted modules and manages power requirements.
• monitors chassis temperature and controls variable- speed chassis fans.
• monitors module sensors and reports component failures to a system log.
• acts as a Gigabit Ethernet switch; forwards frames along the backplane.
• connects an external host computer to the chassis.
• synchronizes timing across all modules through the Keysight Trigger Bus, using an internal or external clock source.
LAN connector on AXIe ESM is not used. Only use LAN connection on the host computer. Either the PCIe (desktop only) or USB (desktop or laptop) port can be used in this ESM but not both simultaneously. When you use the PCIe port, the USB port is automatically disabled until the PCIe port is no longer in use.

Keysight M9537A AXIe Embedded Controller Module

The M9537A AXIe Embedded Controller is a one slot module that you can install in the M9505A AXIe chassis like any other instrument module. This module acts as a host computer when installed in the M9505A AXIe chassis. It is always installed in slot 1 of the M9505A AXIe chassis.
The following figure displays this module.
Figure 4 M9537A AXIe Embedded Controller Module
Keysight M8040A High-Performance BERT Getting Started Guide 19
1 Introduction

Host Computer

A host computer is used to:
• host all the software components of the instrument modules needed to control, configure, and use the modules.
• communicate with the ESM of the M9505A AXIe chassis to allow you to monitor and control the chassis.
A host computer can be:
• the M9537A AXIe Embedded Controller module.
• a laptop with a USB port.
• a desktop PC with a USB port or x8 or wider PCIe slot for the cabled PCIe adapter card.
Refer to the Computer Hardware and Software Requirements on page 34 for external host computer minimum requirements.
20 Keysight M8040A High-Performance BERT Getting Started Guide

M8045A High-Performance BERT Pattern Generator-Clock Module

The M8045A is an instrument module that can be installed into the M9505A 5-slot AXIe Chassis. This module occupies three slots.

M8045A Features

• Up to two Pattern Generator channels per 2-slot-module
• Symbol rate 2 to 64.8 GBaud
• NRZ and PAM-4 format is software-selectable
• Minimum data rate = 2 Gb/s
• PAM-4 up to 64 Gbaud
• Built in de-emphasis
• Built in and calibrated jitter generation
• External jitter modulation per channel
• Remote head to get close to the DUT
• Pattern memory, PRBS, pattern sequencing
• Sequencing control by external control signals
Introduction 1
Refer to the Online Help installed and integrated into the M8070A software to learn about how to use this module.

M8045A Module Components

The following figure displays the front panel of the M8045A module:
Figure 5 M8045A module front panel
Keysight M8040A High-Performance BERT Getting Started Guide 21
1 Introduction
As displayed in Figure 5 on page -21, the M8045A module has the following components.
Table 3 Insertion/Extraction and Retaining
Component Description
Retaining screws The screws on both ends of the module are used to retain the module tightly
Module Insertion/Extraction Handles
Table 4 Front Panel LEDs
Connector Name Active when... Color
Fail power-up fault condition red
Access power-up ready state green
Data Mod In 1/2 output is active green
Clk Out 1/2 output is active green
Ctrl Out 1/2 output is active green
Ctrl In 1/2 logic level is detected green
P & N 1/2 output is active green
Clk In signal is detected green
Ref Clk In signal is detected green
inside the M9505A AXIe Chassis slot once you have fully placed it inside the chassis. To remove the module, you first need to loosen these screws ensuring that these screws disengage completely.
The handles on both sides of the mod ule to insert or eject the module from the slot of the M9505A AXIe Chassis.
Ref Clk Out not used green
Aux In not used n/a
Clk Out output is active green
Trig Out output is active green
22 Keysight M8040A High-Performance BERT Getting Started Guide
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