Keysight Technologies J-BERT M8020A, J-BERT M8030A, J-BERT M8040A Programming Manual

Keysight M8000 Series of BER Test Solutions
J-BERT M8020A High-Performance BERT M8030A Multi-Channel BERT M8040A High-Performance BERT
Programming Guide
No part of this manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means (including electronic storage and retrieval or transla­tion into a foreign language) without prior agreement and written consent from Keysight Technologies as governed by United States and international copyright laws.
PCI Express® and PCIe® are registered trademarks of PCI-SIG.
Manual Part Number
Edition 9.1, August 2017 Keysight Technologies Deutschland GmbH Herrenberger Strasse 130, 71034 Böblingen, Germany
Technology Licenses
The hard ware and/or software described in this document are furnished under a license and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of such license.
U.S. Government Rights
The Software is “commercial computer software,” as defined by Federal Acquisition Regulation (“FAR”) 2.101. Pursuant to FAR
12.212 and 27.405-3 and Department of Defense FAR Supplement
(“DFARS”) 227.7202, the U.S. government acquires commercial computer software under the same terms by which the soft­ware is customarily provided to the public. Accordingly, Keysight provides the Soft­ware to U.S. government customers under its standard commercial license, which is embodied in its End User License Agree-
ment (EULA), a copy of which can be found at The license set forth in the EULA represents the exclusive authority by which the U.S. government may use, modify, distribute, or disclose the Software. The EULA and the license set forth therein, does not require or permit, among other things, that Key­sight: (1) Furnish technical information related to commercial computer software or commercial computer software docu­mentation that is not customarily provided to the public; or (2) Relinquish to, or other­wise provide, the government rights in excess of these rights customarily provided to the public to use, mod ify, reproduce, release, perform, display, or d isclose com­mercial computer software or commercial computer software documentation. No additional government requirements beyond those set forth in the EULA shall apply, except to the extent that those terms, rights, or licenses are explicitly required from all providers of commercial computer software pursuant to the FAR and the DFARS and are set forth specifically in writing elsewhere in the EULA. Keysight shall be under no obligation to update, revise or otherwise modify the Software. With respect to any technical data as defined by FAR 2.101, pursuant to FAR
12.211 and 27.404.2 and DFARS 227.7102, the U.S. government acquires no greater than Limited Rights as defined in FAR
27.401 or DFAR 227.7103-5 (c), as appli­cable in any technical data.
Safety Notices
A CAUTION notice denotes a hazard. It calls attention to an operating pro­cedure, practice, or the like that, if not correctly performed or adhered to, could result in damage to the product or loss of important data. Do not proceed beyond a CAUTION notice until the indicated conditions are fully understood and met.
A WARNING notice denotes a hazard. It calls attention to an operating pro­cedure, practice, or the like that, if not correctly performed or adhered to, could result in personal injury or death. Do not proceed beyond a WARNING notice until the indicated conditions are fully understood and met.
2 Keysight M8070A Programming Guide

Safety Summary

General This product is a Safety Class 1 instrument (provided with a protective earth terminal).
The following general safety precautions must be observed during all phases of operation of this instrument. Failure to comply with these precautions or with specific warnings or operating instructions in the product manuals violates safety standards of design, manufacture and intended use of the instrument. Keysight Technologies assumes no liability for the customer's failure to comply with these requirements. Product manuals are provided with your instrument on CD-ROM and/or in printed form. Printed manuals are an option for many products. Manuals may also be available on the Web. Go to and type in your product number in the Search field at the top of the
The protective features of this product may be impaired if it is used in a manner not specified in the operation instructions.
All Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) used in this product are Class 1 LEDs as per IEC 60825-1.
Environment Conditions
Before Applying Power
Ground the Instrument
Do Not Operate in an
Explosive Atmosphere
Do Not Remove the
Instrument Cover
This instrument is intended for indoor use in an installation category II, pollution degree 2 environment. It is designed to operate at a maximum relative humidity of 95% and at altitudes of up to 2000 meters.
Refer to the specifications tables for the ac mains voltage requirements and ambient operating temperature range.
Verify that all safety precautions are taken. The power cable inlet of the instrument serves as a device to disconnect from the mains in case of hazard. The instrument must be positioned so that the operator can easily access the power cable inlet. When the instrument is rack mounted the rack must be provided with an easily accessible mains switch.
To minimize shock hazard, the instrument chassis and cover must be connected to an electrical protective earth ground. The instrument must be connected to the ac power mains through a grounded power cable, with the ground wire firmly connected to an electrical ground (safety ground) at the power outlet. Any interruption of the protective (grounding) conductor or disconnection of the protective earth terminal will cause a potential shock hazard that could result in personal injury.
Do not operate the instrument in the presence of flammable gases or fumes.
Operating personnel must not remove instrument covers. Component replacement and internal adjustments must be made only by qualified personnel.
Instruments that appear damaged or defective should be made inoperative and secured against unintended operation until they can be repaired by qualified service personnel.
Keysight M8070A Programming Guide 3

Safety Symbols

Table 1 Safety Symbol
Symbol Description
Indicates warning or caution. If you see this symbol on a product, you must refer to the manuals for specific Warning or Caution information to avoid personal injury or damage to the product.
Frame or chassis ground terminal. Typically connects to the equipment’s metal frame.
KC is the Korean certification mark to demonstrate that the equipment is Class A suitable for professional use and is for use in electromagnetic environments outside of the home.
Indicates that antistatic precautions should be taken.
Indicates the time period d uring which no hazardous or toxic substance elements are expected to leak or deteriorate during normal use. Forty years is the expected useful life of the product.
The RCM Mark is a compliance mark to the ACMA (Australian Spectrum Management Agency). This indicates compliance with all Australian EMC regulatory information.
4 Keysight M8070A Programming Guide

Compliance and Environmental Information

Table 2 Compliance and Environmental Information
Safety Symbol Description
This product complies with WEEE Directive (2002/96/EC) marking requirements. The affixed label ind icates that you must not discard this electrical/electronic product in domestic household waste.
Product Category: With reference to the equipment types in WEEE Directive Annex I, this product is classed as a “Monitoring and Control instrumentation” product.
Do not dispose in domestic household waste.
To return unwanted products, contact your local Keysight office, or see
for more information.
Keysight M8070A Programming Guide 5


1 Programming Basics
2 Recommended Programming Techniques
Safety Summary 3
Safety Symbols 4
Compliance and Environmental Information 5
Modular Configuration 14
M8020A Modular Configuration 14 M8030A Modular Configuration 17 M8040A Modular Configuration 19
Using Identifiers 21
Location Identifiers 21 Group Name Identifiers 22 Measurement Name Identifiers 22
PLUGin Subsystem 23
Output Protection 26
Pattern Generator Output Termination 26 Output Protection Algorithm 26
Controlling the Output Level s 27
Controlling the Output Levels - Concepts 27 Controlling the Output Levels - Procedures 27
Allowing the M8020A/M8030A/M8040A to Settle 28
Allowing the M8020A/M8030A/M8040A to Settle - Concepts 28
Keysight M8070A Programming Guide 7
Reading the M8020A/M8030A/M8040A’s Status 29
Reading the M8020A/M8030A/M8040A’s Status - Concepts 29 M8020A/M8030A/M8040A Status Reporting Structure 32
Working with Patterns 36
Symbol Coding Descriptions 37 Symbol Sequences 42
Creating Pattern Sequences 43
Sequence Editor 43 Pattern Sequence Building Blocks 45 Sequencer Triggers 49 Block Branching 50 Link Training Events 51 Block Controls 51 Coding Configuration 52 Link Training Configuration 56 Downloading Pattern Sequence to Hardware 58
3 Programming Examples
Introduction 60
Initializing the Connection 60
N4903B Initialization 60 M8020A Initialization 61
SJ Example 62
N4903B SJ Example 62 M8020A SJ Example 64
PJ Ex am pl e 68
N4903B PJ Example 68 M8020A PJ Example 70
Sampling Point Alignment Example 74
N4903B Sampling Point Alignment Example 74 M8020A Sampling Point Alignment Example 76
8 Keysight M8070A Programming Guide
BER Example 78
M8070A Jitter Tolerance Measurement CSV Output 83
4 SCPI Command Language
SCPI Command Language - Introduction 86
Important Points about SCPI 89
Sending Commands to the M8020A/M8030A/M8040A 93
N4903B BER Example 78 M8020A BER Example 79
SCPI Common Commands 86 SCPI Instrument Control Commands 86 IEEE 488.2 Mandatory Commands 87 Overlapped and Sequential Commands 87 Data Types 88
Important Points about SCPI - Concepts 89
Sending Commands to the M8020A/M8030A/M8040A - Overview 93 Sending Commands using VISA 93
Command Line Arguments 94
Communication 95
5 SCPI Command Reference
Subsystems 98
IEEE Commands - Reference 100
Mandatory Commands 100
SCPI Standard Commands 106
Miscellaneous Commands 107
Command Syntax to Find Min/Max Values 108
Location and Module Mapping - Reference 109
Keysight M8070A Programming Guide 9
STATus Subsystem 110
:STATus:QUEStionable Subnode 111 :STATus:OPERation Subnode 121 :STATus:INSTrument Subnode 125
TRIGger Subsystem 129
Source Subsystem 136
[:SOURce]:PULSe Subnode 141 [:SOURce]:VOLTage Subnode 145 [:SOURce]:JITTer Subnode 149
[:SOURce]:JITTer:HFRequency Subnode 152 [:SOURce]:JITTer:HFRequency:PERiodic Subnode 155 [:SOURce]:JITTer:HFRequency:BUNCorrelate Subnode 158 [:SOURce]:JITTer:HFRequency:RANDom Subnode 162 [:SOURce]:JITTer:HFRequency:SPECtrally Subnode 166 [:SOURce]:JITTer:LFRequency Subnode 169 [:SOURce]:JITTer:LFRequency:PERiodic Subnode 171 [:SOURce]:JITTer:LFRequency:RSSClocking Subnode 173
[:SOURce]:JITTer:SWEep Subnode 175 [:SOURce]:SSCLocking Subnode 182 [:SOURce]:INTerference Subnode 187
[:SOURce]:INTerference:RANDom Subnode 198
[:SOURce]:INTerference:SINUsoidal Subnode 201 [:SOURce]:CONFigure Subnode 202
OUTPut Subsystem 203
:OUTPut:DEEMphasis Subnode 212 :OUTPut:EINSertion Subnode 221 :OUTPut:TRIGger Subnode 225 :OUTPut:DEMBedding Subnode 227 :OUTPut:EMBedding Subnode 230
INPut Subsystem 233
:INPut:CDR Subnode 245 :INPut:ALIGnment Subnode 253
10 Keysight M8070A Programming Guide
SENSe Subsystem 258
CLOCk Subsystem 259
N71000 Subsystem 263
FETCh Subsystem 271
MMEMory Subsystem 276
PLUGin Subsystem 282
:PLUGin:ERATio Subnode 284 :PLUGin:OTIMing Subnode 305
:PLUGin:OTIMing:FETCh Subnode 324 :PLUGin:OLEVel Subnode 335
:PLUGin:OLEVel:ACQuisition Subnode 341
:PLUGin:OLEVel:EVALuation Subnode 346
:PLUGin:OLEVel:FETCh Subnode 348
:PLUGin:OLEVel:FETCh:LEVel Subnode 350
:PLUGin:OLEVel:FETCh:NOISe Subnode 353
:PLUGin:OLEVel:FETCh:QLEVel Subnode 356
:PLUGin:OLEVel:SHOW Subnode 361
:PLUGin:OLEVel:RUN Subnode 364 :PLUGin:JTOLerance Subnode 368 :PLUGin:EDIagram Subnode 394
:PLUGin:EDIagram:ACQuisition Subnode 400
:PLUGin:EDIagram:EVALuation Subnode 403
:PLUGin:EDIagram:FETCh[:RESult] Subnode 405
:PLUGin:EDIagram:RUN Subnode 411
:PLUGin:EDIagram:SHOW Subnode 414 :PLUGin:PSWEep Subnode 418
:PLUGin:PSWEep:ACQuisition Subnode 424
:PLUGin:PSWEep:RUN Subnode 430
:PLUGin:PSWEep:SHOW Subnode 434 :PLUGin:CCAPture Subnode 436
:PLUGin:CCAPture:FETCh Subnode 443
:PLUGin:CCAPture:ACQuisition Subnode 448
:PLUGin:CCAPture:RUN Subnode 451
Keysight M8070A Programming Guide 11
SYSTem Subsystem 454
DATA Subsystem 471
:DATA:PATTern Subnode 472 :DATA:SEQuence Subnode 480 :DATA:SYNC Subnode 487 :DATA:LINecoding Subnode 489
12 Keysight M8070A Programming Guide
Keysight M8070A System Software for M8000 Series of BER Test Solutions
Programming Guide

1 Programming Basics

Modular Configuration / 14 Using Identifiers / 21 PLUGin Subsystem / 23
1 Programming Basics

Modular Configuration

In order to describe remote programming for the M8020A, M8030A and M8040A, the modular configuration must be discussed.
The M8020A, M8030A and M8040A are modular instruments. They can consist of several numbers of components. A component can be an AXIe chassis, modules, channels, etc. All these components ‘form’ an instrument. These instruments can be controlled by M8070A system software.
The M8020A instrument supports the following modules.
• M8041A high-performance BERT generator-analyzer-clock 8/16 Gb/s
• M8051A high-performance BERT generator-analyzer 8/16 Gb/s
• M8061A multiplexer 2:1 with de-emphasis 32 Gb/s
• M8062A 32Gb/s Front-end for J-BERT M8020A High-Performance BERT
The M8020A modules must be installed in the M9505A 5-slot chassis.
The M8030A instrument supports the following modules.
• M8041A high-performance BERT generator-analyzer-clock 8/16 Gb/s
• M8051A high-performance BERT generator-analyzer 8/16 Gb/s
• M8192A Multi-channel synchronization module
The M8030A modules must be installed in the M9514A AXIe 14-slot chassis.
For complete details on the features and hardware components of each of the above mentioned modules, refer to M8020A and M8030A Getting Started Guide.

M8020A Modular Configuration

The following section describes and illustrates various setup combinations in which you can install the M8020A modules.
The following configurations are possible in an M9505A 5-slot chassis:
• 1 or 2-channel, 16 Gb/s - (1) M8041A
• 3 or 4-channel, 16 Gb/s - (1) M8041A + (1) M8051A
• 1-channel, 32 Gb/s (Pattern Generator only) - (1) M8041A + (1) M8061A
• 1-channel, 32 Gb/s (Pattern Generator only or full BERT) -(1) M8041A + (1) M8062A
14 Keysight M8070A Programming Guide
1 or 2-channel System Configuration
The 1 or 2-channel configuration is a single channel system (a second channel can be added with license) consisting of the 5-slot M9505A AXIe Chassis and an M8041A module. The M8041A occupies three slots. A maximum of two M8020A modules can be installed in a 5-slot chassis.
Programming Basics 1
Figure 1 M8020A configuration for 16 Gb/s BERT with 1 to 2 channel
3 or 4-channel System Configuration
The four channel configuration consists of the 5-slot M9505A AXIe Chassis, an M8041A module, and an M8051A module. The M8041A occupies three slots and the M8051A occupies two slots.
This configuration requires a cable (provided with the M8051A) that connects the M8041A SYNC OUT to the M8051A SYNC IN to synchronize the two modules to a common system clock.
Keysight M8070A Programming Guide 15
1 Programming Basics
Figure 2 M8020A configuration for 16 Gb/s BERT for up to 4 channels
1-channel, 32 Gb/s (Pattern Generator Only)
A typical configuration using the M8061A 32 Gb/s multiplexer with de-emphasis consists of the 5-slot M9505A AXIe Chassis, an M8041A module, and an M8061A module. The M8041A occupies three slots and the M8061A occupies two slots.
Figure 3 M8020A configuration for 32 Gb/s BERT (external de-multiplexer is
16 Keysight M8070A Programming Guide
1-channel, 32 Gb/s (Pattern Generator only or full BERT)
A typical configuration for an M8020A 32 Gb/s full BERT consists of the 5-slot M9505A AXIe Chassis, an M8041A module, and an M8062A module. The M8041A occupies three slots and the M8062A occupies two slots.
Figure 4 M8020A configuration for 32 Gb/s BERT
Programming Basics 1

M8030A Modular Configuration

The M8030A is a modular test solution which can be tailored to specific needs from two channels with one M8041A to up to 10 channels.
The modules must be installed in the M9514A AXIe 14-slot chassis as shown in
Table 3 M8030A modules’ arrangement in the M9514A AXIe chassis
Slot Number Module
# 1 For M8030A-BU1, M9537A AXIe embedded controller. For M8030A-BU2, this
# 2-4 M8041A module
# 5-6 M8051A module
# 7 M9521A AXIe system module, always included in M8030A-BU1 or
# 8-9 M8051A module
Keysight M8070A Programming Guide 17
Table 3 on page -17:
slot is empty and covered with filler front-panel
M8030A-BU2, mandatory
1 Programming Basics
Slot Number Module
# 10-11 M8051A module
# 12-13 M8051A module
# 14 M8192A multi-channel synchronization module, mandatory
Figure 5 on page -18 shows an example of modules arrangement in the
M9514A AXIe 14-slot chassis.
Figure 5 Example of M8030A module arrangement
18 Keysight M8070A Programming Guide

M8040A Modular Configuration

M8045A Module (2 Channels)
The M8040A is a modular test solution which simplifies accurate receiver characterization of devices operating up to 32 and 64 GBaud with NRZ and PAM-4. It supports the following modules.
• M8045A pattern generator
• M8046A analyzer
• M8057A remote head
The following section describes and illustrates various setup combinations in which you can install the M8040A modules.
M8045A Pattern Generator Module
The M8045A module can be a one or two data channel system (a second channel can be added with license). A one channel instrument has to be returned to the factory for installing the second channel (hardware) and license. It occupies three slots of the 5-slot M9505A AXIe chassis. The following figure illustrates an M8045A module two data channel system) installed in an M9595A AXIe chassis.
Programming Basics 1
Keysight M8070A Programming Guide 19
Figure 6 M8045A configuration for 2 channels
The M8045A module must be installed in slots 1 through 3 of the M9505A AXIe chassis for proper local bus communication unless the M9537A AXIe Embedded Controller is installed (must be in slot 1).
1 Programming Basics
M8046A Module
M8057A Remote Head
M8046A Analyzer Module
The M8046A module occupies single slot of the 5-slot M9505A AXIe chassis. The following figure illustrates an M8045A module with M8046A module installed in an M9505A AXIe chassis.
Figure 7 M8045A and M8046A configuration
M8057A Remote Head
The M8057A remote head is an external box which can be connected to each channel of M8045A module, using the matched pair of cables. It helps in minimizing signal degradations caused by lossy channels. The following figure illustrates an M8057A remote head connected with one channel of M8045A module.
Figure 8 M8045A, M8046A and M8057A configuration
20 Keysight M8070A Programming Guide

Using Identifiers

Location Identifiers

Programming Basics 1
There are three different types of Identifiers:
• Location
• Group Name
• Measurement Name
When an instrument has several output channels with identical capabilities or a subset of capabilities and has more than one module, the selection of which module/channel to use is done using its location identifier.
The location identifier is a predefined notation that can be used to address certain properties, like high level, low level etc., of channels. The location identifier is surrounded by single quotes (‘identifier’) or double quotes (“identifier”). A location identifier will be appended to a SCPI command followed by its argument(s). The location identifier addresses the corresponding components. The location identifier consists of two parts: the first part specifies the module, the second part addresses, in most cases, a visible ‘component’ of a module, like an input or output connector.
For example, SCPI command :OUTP ‘M1.DataOut1’, OFF turns channel 1 (DataOut1) of module 1 (M1) output off.
If a SCPI command is to be sent to a specific module only and not a specific channel, simply use “M1” or “M2” as the location identifier.
If you want to set a value that acts on all components of a modular instrument (for example, set all jitter sources to off), omit the location identifier.
Multiple Source Per Channel Identifier
Some features have multiple sources per channel. To identify these sources, the “(*)” suffix is used.
For example, there are two periodic jitter sources per channel in a module. The following SCPI command specifies periodic jitter source 2 as the source for module 1/data out channel 1:
[:SOURce]:JITTer:PERiodic2[:STATe] ‘m1.dataout1’,ON
Keysight M8070A Programming Guide 21
1 Programming Basics

Group Name Identifiers

Group name identifiers are used to affect a group of inputs or outputs using a single SCPI command. That is, all properties belonging to these identifiers can be addressed simultaneously using the group name.
The following SCPI command shows the syntax for creating a group name then adding the desired location identifiers.
SYSTem:INSTrument:GROup:DEFine ‘GroupName’,‘Identifier’,‘Identifier’,‘Identifier’,‘...’
The following is an example showing ‘Outputs’ as the group name followed by ‘M1.DataOut1’ and ‘M1.DataOut2’ location identifiers assigned to the ‘Outputs’ group name identifier.
:SYST:INST:GRO:DEF ‘Outputs’,‘M1.DataOut1’,‘M1.DataOut2’
The following SCPI command will set all voltage amplitudes in the ‘Outputs’ group to 0.05.
[:SOURce]:VOLTage[:AMPLitude]VOLT:AMPL ‘Outputs’,0.05

Measurement Name Identifiers

Measurement name identifiers are used to set up parameters associated with a specific measurement name. For example, the following shows the bit error ratio plugin SCPI command used to define a measurement name called ‘MyMeasurement’:
:PLUGin:ERATio:NEW ‘MyMeasurement’
You can now set up parameters within the :PLUGin:ERATio subsystem to be associated with the ‘MyMeasurement’ identifier.
The following shows the accumulation duration mode (set to fixed time) and duration (set to 120 seconds) parameters associated with the ‘MyMeasurement’ identifier.
PLUGin:ERATio:ACQuisition:DURation ‘MyMeasurement’, FTIM
:PLUGin:ERATio:ACQuisition:TIME ‘MyMeasurement’,120
22 Keysight M8070A Programming Guide

PLUGin Subsystem

Programming Basics 1
The M8020A/M8030A/M8040A platform supports a plugin interface. C# assemblies which implement certain interfaces are recognized by the software and integrated into the M8070A GUI and instrument software. Error ratio, Output Timing and Jitter Tolerance measurements are examples of the plugin concept. These C# assemblies are placed in a predefined location and are integrated into the M8070A software at start up time automatically.
These measurements can be controlled by the GUI and by SCPI commands. This means that the SCPI tree has to be defined by the plugin itself and is integrated into the existing SCPI tree of the M8020A/M8030A/M8040A platform. SCPI commands for a plugin are placed below a predefined node named “:PLUGin” followed by the type of the plug in.
There is a set of “general” SCPI commands for creating, deleting and controlling a plugin. Also, there is a flexible set of SCPI commands provided by the plugin itself for setting and reading measurement parameters.
Additionally, a user can create multiple measurements of the same type. A measurement name identifier is used to address a created measurement.
Keysight M8070A Programming Guide 23
Keysight M8070A System Software for M8000 Series of BER Test Solutions
Programming Guide
2 Recommended
Programming Techniques
Output Protection / 26 Controlling the Output Levels / 27 Allowing the M8020A/M8030A/M8040A to Settle / 28 Reading the M8020A/M8030A/M8040A’s Status / 29 Working with Patterns / 36 Creating Pattern Sequences / 43
2 Recommended Programming Techniques

Output Protection

Pattern Generator Output Termination

Output Protection Algorithm

The pattern generator's output ports must be terminated with 50 if they are not connected. Termination of output ports improves the test performance.
Refer also to the M8020A/M8030A/M8040A Getting Started Guide for information on terminating the M8061A outputs to ensure proper performance.
The instrument has an internal protection algorithm that protects the instrument from improper termination of the pattern generator's output ports.
The algorithm checks whether the termination voltage and termination resistance are correct before the output is enabled. This check happens once only.
In non-balanced dc coupled mode, the termination voltage must be within ± 0.1 V of the specified value. The resistance must be between 40 and 60 Ω.
In balanced mode, the resistance must be between 80 and 120 (differential termination).
In ac coupled mode, which is intended for balanced only (for example, 8b/10b coded patterns), the output is enabled if no termination voltage and no termination resistance are detected. This is the case if ac capacitors are in front of the outputs. The check distinguishes between a terminated or an open output.
Do not operate the output driver into an open.
26 Keysight M8070A Programming Guide

Controlling the Output Levels

Controlling the Output Levels - Concepts

Controlling the Output Levels - Procedures

Changing the Voltages with SCPI
Recommended Programming Techniques 2
When the output levels are changed at the M8020A/M8030A/M8040A data and clock output ports, four parameters are changed:
The M8020A/M8030A groups these parameters into "pairs" (V V
). If one of these values is modified, its "partner" remains
constant and the values in the other pair are modified accordingly. For example, if V
is changed, V
stays constant and V
and V
modified accordingly.
The following commands show how you would set the data output so that it has an amplitude of 1 V and an offset of 0.5 V:
:SOUR:VOLT:AMPL ‘M1.DataOut1’,1; OFFS ‘M1.DataOut1’,0.5
This sets the output accordingly (V
Conversely, you could set V
and V
= 1 V, V
= 0 V).
:SOUR:VOLT:HIGH ‘M1.DataOut1’,1;
LOW ‘M1.DataOut1’,0
Keysight M8070A Programming Guide 27
2 Recommended Programming Techniques

Allowing the M8020A/M8030A/M8040A to Settle

Allowing the M8020A/M8030A/M8040A to Settle - Concepts

When patterns are sent to the pattern generator or error detector, the M8020A/M8030A/M8040A requires some time to settle. The following topics explain how the instruments react to pattern changes.
How Pattern Changes Affect the Pattern Generator
The M8020A/M8030A/M8040A requires some time to change the patterns at the pattern generator and error detector. This is particularly true for large text-based (ASCII) patterns that have to be loaded from the file system.
In such a case, it is a recommended technique to always query the M8020A/M8030A/M8040A's Operation Complete status after changing the pattern.
How Pattern Changes Affect the Error Detector
When the pattern changes, the error detector has to resynchronize to the new incoming signal. Depending on the signal, the alignment method used and the desired BER threshold, this procedure can take up to half a minute or more.
Checking Operation Status and Sync using SCPI Commands
The :STATus:OPERation:RUN? SCPI command returns the status of all pattern generators, error detectors and clock generator. Query the desired hardware component using the identifier (for example, ‘M1.DataOut1’).
The :STATus:INSTrument:SLOSs? SCPI command is a query that indicates the status of the error detector synchronization. This query returns either true (1) if all error detectors are synchronized, or false (0) if the error detectors are not synchronized.
28 Keysight M8070A Programming Guide

Reading the M8020A/M8030A/M8040A’s Status

Reading the M8020A/M8030A/M8040A’s Status - Concepts

The M8020A/M8030A/M8040A has a set of status registers that you can use to monitor the status of the hardware, software and any running tests.
Overview of Registers
Specifically, it has the following registers:
• Status Byte The Status Byte is a single register that stores the events occurring in the other registers.
• Standard Event Status Register The Standard Event Status Register monitors some non-critical errors and basic operations.
• Questionable Data Status Register The bits in the Questionable Data Status Register are set when certain events occur in the M8020A/M8030A/M8040A that can lead to questionable results.
• Operation Status Register The Operation Status Register indicates when certain operations have been completed.
Recommended Programming Techniques 2
How the M8020A/M8030A/M8040A Uses Status Registers
You can determine the state of certain instrument hardware and firmware events and conditions by programming the status register system.
The following subsections provide you with details about the M8020A/M8030A/M8040A's status system.
Overview of the M8020A/M8030A/M8040A’s Status System
The M8020A/M8030A/M8040A has status reporting features that give important information about events and conditions within the instrument. For example, a flag may be set to indicate the end of a measurement or perhaps a command error. To access this information, it is necessary to query a set of registers using SCPI.
Keysight M8070A Programming Guide 29
2 Recommended Programming Techniques
M8020A/M8030A/M8040A Status System Structure
Status Register Group Model
The M8020A/M8030A/M8040A's status system is comprised of multiple registers that are arranged in a hierarchical order. The lower-level status registers propagate their data to the higher-level registers in the data structures by means of summary bits. The Status Byte register is at the top of the hierarchy and contains general status information for the M8020A/M8030A/M8040A's events and conditions. All other individual registers are used to determine the specific events or conditions.
Figure 9 on page -30 illustrates the typical structure of a status register.
The M8020A/M8030A/M8040A instrument status register model follows the structure described in IEEE 488.2, section 11.4.2.
Figure 9 Status register structure
A condition is a device state which is either TRUE or FALSE. A condition register reflects these states in its condition bits.
A Condition Register is embedded in a register structure consisting of Transition Filters, an Event Register and an Event Enable Register.
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