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Manual Part Number
Ninth Edition, January 2019
Available in electronic format only
Published by:
Keysight Technologies, Inc.
1900 Garden of the Gods Road
Colorado Springs, CO 80907 USA
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1 Getting Started
2Using Probe Heads
Introduction 8
Probe Handling 12
Using Offset With InfiniiMax Active Probes 16
Slew Rate Requirements for Different Technologies 18
Available Accessories 20
Safety Information 31
Troubleshooting 33
Recommended Configurations at a Glance 36
1. MX0100A InfiniiMax Micro Probe Head 38
2. E2677B Differential Solder-in Head with Full BW Resistors 49
3. E2678B Differential Socketed Head 51
4. E2675B Differential Browser 54
5. N5380B SMA Head 57
6. N2851A QuickTip Probe Head 60
7. E2679B Single-Ended Solder-In Head 64
8. E2676B Single-Ended Browser 65
9. E2677B Differential Solder-In Head with Medium BW Resistors 67
10. E2679B Single-Ended Solder-In Head with Long Wire 69
11. E2678B Differential Socketed Head with Damped Wire Accessory 71
12. E2678B Differential Socketed Head with Header Adapter 73
Replacing Resistors on E2677B/9B Solder-In Probe Heads 74
3 Calibrating Probes
Calibration for Solder-In and Socketed Probe Heads 80
Calibration for Hand-held Browser Probe Heads 87
Calibration for N5380A/B SMA Probe Heads 89
4 Characteristics and Specifications
General 92
Environmental 94
Regulatory 95
Probe Dimensions 96
MX0100A Probe Head Dimensions 97
E2677B Differential Solder-in Probe Head (Full BW) 106
E2677B Differential Solder-in Probe Head (Medium BW) 109
E2678A/B Differential Socketed Probe Head (Full BW) 112
E2678A/B Differential Socketed Probe Head with Damped Wire Accessory 115
E2679B Single-Ended Solder-in Probe Head (Full BW) 118
E2679B Single-Ended Solder-in Probe Head (Medium BW) 121
N2851A QuickTip Head with N2849A QuickTip 124
6 1131B Performance Data Plots
E2675B Differential Browser 126
E2676B Single-Ended Browser 129
E2677B Differential Solder-in Probe Head (Full BW) 132
E2677B Differential Solder-in Probe Head (Medium BW) 135
E2678A/B Differential Socketed Probe Head (Full BW) 138
E2678A/B Differential Socketed Probe Head with Damped Wire Accessory 141
E2679B Single-Ended Solder-in Probe Head (Full BW) 144
E2679B Single-Ended Solder-in Probe Head (Medium BW) 147
N2851A QuickTip Head with N2849A QuickTip 150
7 1132B Performance Data Plots
E2675B Differential Browser 152
E2676B Single-Ended Browser 155
E2677B Differential Solder-in Probe Head (Full BW) 158
E2677B Differential Solder-in Probe Head (Medium BW) 161
E2678A/B Differential Socketed Probe Head (Full BW) 164
E2678A/B Differential Socketed Probe Head with Damped Wire Accessory 167
E2679B Single-Ended Solder-in Probe Head (Full BW) 170
E2679B Single-Ended Solder-in Probe Head (Medium BW) 173
N2851A QuickTip Head with N2849A QuickTip 176
8 1134B Performance Data Plots
E2675B Differential Browser 178
E2676B Single-Ended Browser 181
E2677B Differential Solder-in Probe Head (Full BW) 184
E2677B Differential Solder-in Probe Head (Medium BW) 187
E2678A/B Differential Socketed Probe Head (Full BW) 190
E2678A/B Differential Socketed Probe Head with Damped Wire Accessory 193
E2679B Single-Ended Solder-in Probe Head (Full BW) 196
E2679B Single-Ended Solder-in Probe Head (Medium BW) 199
N5380B SMA Probe Head 202
N2851A QuickTip Head with N2849A QuickTip 204
9 Performance Verification
Using the 8720ES VNA successfully 206
Procedure 207
Performance Test Record 214
41130B-Series Probes User’s Guide
10 SPICE Models
SPICE Model for Differential Probe Heads 217
SPICE Model for Single-Ended Probe Heads 218
SPICE Deck and Measured/Modeled Data Matching 219
11 Replacement Parts
E2675B Differential Browser Probe Head 230
E2677B Differential Solder-In Probe Head 230
E2678A/B Differential Socketed Probe Head 231
E2679B Single-Ended Solder-in Probe Head 231
Other Accessories 232
1130B-Series Probes User’s Guide5
61130B-Series Probes User’s Guide
Keysight InfiniiMax I Series Probes
User’s Guide
1Getting Started
Introduction 8
Probe Handling 12
Using Offset With InfiniiMax Active Probes 16
Slew Rate Requirements for Different Technologies 18
Available Accessories 20
E2668B Single-Ended Connectivity Kit 20
E2669B Differential Connectivity Kit 21
N5450B Extreme Temp Cable Extension Kit 23
N2880A InfiniiMax In-Line Attenuator Kit 24
N2881A InfiniiMax DC Blocking Caps 28
MX0102A Soldering Toolkit 29
Safety Information 31
Troubleshooting 33
The 1130/1/2/4B InfiniiMax active probes are designed for probing differential and
single-ended high-frequency signals. The probes are compatible with the Infiniium
AutoProbe Interface which completely configures the Infiniium series of
oscilloscopes for the probes.
Before using the probe, refer to “Safety Information" on page 31.
Before using the probes, refer to “Probe Handling" on page 12.
1Getting Started
Before you can use the probe, you must connect one of the available probe heads
to an 1130/1/2/4B probe amplifier.
Figure 1Probe Amplifier with Attached Head
Probe Heads
The available probe heads are shown in Figure 2 on page 9 and are documented in
Chapter 2, “Using Probe Heads". The InfiniiMax I probe heads are designed
specifically for the 1130/1/2/4B probes amplifiers. The InfiniiMax II probe heads
are designed for 1168/9B probe amplifiers, but can also be used with the
1130/1/2/4B probe amplifiers.
The probe heads can be ordered at the same time as 1130/1/2/4B probe
amplifiers. The E2669B and E2668B connectivity kits, described on page 21 and
page 20 conveniently package multiple probe heads and their accessories.
Differential probe heads offer easy measurement of differential signals and greatly
improve the measurement of single-ended signals. Single-ended probe heads
offer extremely small size for probing single-ended signals in confined spaces.
Compatible Oscilloscopes
Table 1 on page 10 lists the oscilloscopes that are compatible with the
1130/1/2/4B probes. Is Your Oscilloscope Software Up-to-Date? Keysight
periodically releases Oscilloscope software updates to support your probe, fix
known defects, and incorporate product enhancements. To download the latest
firmware, go to and search for your oscilloscope’s topic. Click
on the “Drivers, Firmware & Software” tab.
81130B-Series Probes User’s Guide
Getting Started1
Figure 2Available Probe Heads and Accessories
N2849A QuickTips are also compatible with the N2848A InfiniiMode probe heads which are
designed for N2830/1/2A InfiniiMax III+ and N2800/1/2/3A InfiniiMax III probes.
1130B-Series Probes User’s Guide9
1Getting Started
Table 1Compatible Oscilloscopes
OscilloscopeAdapter Required
Infiniium Oscilloscopes
90000 X-, and Q-SeriesN5442A
90000A Seriesnone
86100C/D SeriesN1022A/B
9000 H-Seriesnone
InfiniiVision Oscilloscopes
6000 X-Seriesnone
4000 X-Seriesnone
3000 X-Seriesnone
7000A Seriesnone
6000A Series (350 MHz — 1 GHz)none
5000A Seriesnone
Channel Identification Rings
When multiple probes are connected to the oscilloscope, use the channel
identification rings to associate the channel inputs with each probe. Place one
colored ring near the probe’s channel connector and place an identical color ring
near the probe head.
Inspecting the Probe
Figure 3 on page 11 shows the accessories that are shipped with the 1130/1/2/4B
probe amplifiers. The probe amplifiers do not come with a probe head unless
selected at the time of order. Any head shown in Figure 2 on page 9 can be
ordered at any time for any 1130/1/2/4B probes.
•Inspect the shipping container for damage.
Keep the damaged shipping container or cushioning material until the contents
of the shipment have been checked for completeness and the probe has been
checked mechanically and electrically.
•Check the accessories.
101130B-Series Probes User’s Guide
Getting Started1
•If the contents are incomplete or damaged, notify your Keysight Technologies
Sales Office.
•Inspect the probe. If there is mechanical damage or defect, or if the probe does
not operate properly or pass calibration tests, notify your Keysight Technologies
Sales Office.
If the shipping container is damaged, or the cushioning materials show signs of
stress, notify the carrier as well as your Keysight Technologies Sales Office. Keep
the shipping materials for the carrier’s inspection. The Keysight Technologies
office will arrange for repair or replacement at Keysight Technologies’ option
without waiting for claim settlement.
Figure 3Accessories Supplied With the Probe Amplifier
Cleaning the probe
If the probe requires cleaning, disconnect it from the oscilloscope and clean it with
a soft cloth dampened with a mild soap and water solution. Make sure the probe is
completely dry before reconnecting it to the oscilloscope.
1130B-Series Probes User’s Guide11
1Getting Started
Probe Handling
This probe has been designed to withstand a moderate amount of physical and
electrical stress. However, with an active probe, the technologies necessary to
achieve high performance do not allow the probe to be unbreakable. Treat the
probe with care. It can be damaged if excessive force is applied to the probe tip.
This damage is considered to be abuse and will void the warranty when verified by
Keysight Technologies service professionals.
•Exercise care to prevent the probe end from receiving mechanical shock.
•Store the probe in a shock-resistant case such as the foam-lined shipping case
which came with the probe.
Connecting and Disconnecting Probe Heads
When disconnecting a probe head from an amplifier, pull the probe head
connectors straight out of the sockets as shown in Figure 4. When connecting a
probe head to an amplifier, push straight in. Always grasp the indentations located
on the sides of the amplifier as shown in Figure 4. There are also indentations on
many of the probe head sockets so you have a convenient place to grasp there as
Figure 4Properly Pulling the Probe Head Straight Out
Avoid damaging the connection pins. Never bend the probe head in order to “pop” it
loose from the amplifier. Do not wiggle the probe head up and down or twist it to
remove the connectors from the sockets.
121130B-Series Probes User’s Guide
Figure 5Improperly Disconnecting a Probe Head From an Amplifier
Handling the Probe Cable
Getting Started1
Avoid degrading the probe’s performance. Do not twist, kink, or tightly bend the
probe’s cable.
When the probe is attached to an oscilloscope, avoid letting object hit the probe cable
where the cable exits the probe amplifier and bend it well beyond its limit.
When storing the probe, coil the cable in a large loops and avoid twisting the
cable. Coil the cable in a similar manner to how garden hoses or extension cords
are typically coiled. You can start by wrapping the cable around your thumb as
shown in Figure 6. Then continue to circle your thumb, but provide a slight twist
with each rotation. This allows the cable rotations to lie flat against each other and
will eliminate the net twisting of the cable in the end.
Figure 6Recommended Coil for Storage
1130B-Series Probes User’s Guide13
1Getting Started
Connecting the Probe to an Oscilloscope
Handling the Probe Amplifier
Make the coil’s radius fairly large so it does not induce kinking or bending.
The probes are only meant to be plugged into gold plated BNCs (like those on
Infiniium oscilloscopes). To connect the probe to the oscilloscope, simply push the
probe into the BNC connector and the locking mechanism automatically engages.
To disconnect the probe, push and hold the locking lever to the left and then
remove the probe.
The probe amplifier contains a delicate circuit board. Treat it carefully and take
standard precautions (for example, not dropping it repeatedly or from large
heights, not getting it wet, not smashing it with heavy objects, etc.). These probes
are sensitive ESD devices so standard precautions need to be used to not ruin the
probe from the build-up of static charges.
Securing Probe Heads and Amplifiers to Your DUTs
When soldering a probe head to a circuit, first provide strain relief by using low
temperature hot glue (use as little as possible) or non-conductive double-sided
tape. Do not use super glue and do not get the low temperature hot glue on the
actual probe head tip as this can damage the precision components of your
probing system (only use the low temperature hot glue on the probe head cables).
The provided velcro pads can be used to secure your probe amplifier casing to the
Once strain relief has been provided, solder the probe tip to the circuit board and
then plug the probe head into the probe amplifier.
Figure 7Correct Securing Methods
141130B-Series Probes User’s Guide
Getting Started1
Figure 8Incorrect Securing Method Because Glue is Placed on the Probe Head Tip
The velcro dots can be used to secure the probe amplifier to a circuit board
removing the weight of the probe from the circuit connection. Attach a Velcro dots
to both the probe amplifier and the circuit board as shown in Figure 9 on page 15.
Figure 9Using the Velcro Dots
1130B-Series Probes User’s Guide15
1Getting Started
Using Offset With InfiniiMax Active Probes
It is important to understand how the 113xA probes behave with respect to offset
when different probe head / signal combinations are used.
The purpose of offset in active probes or oscilloscope front ends is to allow the
subtraction of most or all of the dc component of the input signal so the signal can
better utilize the dynamic range of the input. When using an InfiniiMax probe with
an Infiniium oscilloscope, you can select the case (see the three cases described
below) that applies for your measurement by selecting the Probes button under the
channel setup menu. This allows you to select which type of probe head is being
used and, if it is a differential probe head, allows you to select whether you are
probing a differential or single-ended signal. With these inputs, the oscilloscope
will use the proper type of offset for your measurement case. The specifics for each
case are discussed below.
As an important side note, whenever adjusting the offset for a particular probe
head, make sure to have a triggered signal.
Case 1. A single-ended probe head probing a single-ended signal
For this case, the offset control on the oscilloscope controls the probe offset and
the channel offset is set to zero. This allows the offset voltage to be subtracted
from the input signal before the signal gets to the differential amplifier. Since this
subtraction is done before any active circuits, the offset range is large (±12V for
the 113X amplifiers and 25-kW probe heads). Note that the minus probe tip is not
present when using a single-ended probe head which means nothing is plugged
into the "–" input of the probe amp. This is normal and causes no problems.
Case 2. A differential probe head probing a single-ended signal
For this case, the offset control on the oscilloscope controls the probe offset and
the channel offset is set to zero. This allows the offset voltage to be subtracted
from the input signal before the signal gets to the differential amplifier. Since this
subtraction is done before any active circuits, the offset range is large (±12V for
the 113X amplifiers and 25-kW probe heads). A differential probe can make higher
bandwidth and more accurate measurements on single-ended signals than a
single-ended probe and this method of applying offset to only the plus side of a
differential probe means there is no sacrificing of offset range.
Case 3. A differential probe head probing a differential signal
For this case, the offset control on the oscilloscope controls the oscilloscope
channel offset. The probe offset is not used and set to zero. Since the plus and
minus sides of differential signals have the same dc component, it will be
subtracted out and the output of the probe will by definition be centered around
161130B-Series Probes User’s Guide
Getting Started1
The channel offset allows the waveform seen on screen to be moved as desired.
The allowable dc component in the plus and minus signals is determined by the
common mode range of the probe which for the 113x probe amps and 25 kW probe
heads is ±6.75 V.
1130B-Series Probes User’s Guide17
1Getting Started
Slew Rate Requirements for Different Technologies
The following table shows the slew rates for several different technologies. The
maximum allowed input slew rate is 18 V/ns for single-ended signals and 30 V/ns
for differential signals. Table 2 shows that the maximum required slew rate for the
different technologies is much less that of the probe.
Table 2Slew Rate Requirements
Name of Technology
PCI Express (3GIO)YES9.619.2501.6
RapidIO Serial 3.125GbYES8.016.0601.6
10GbE XAUI (4x3.125Gb)YES8.016.0601.6
Fibre Channel 2125YES8.016.0751
Gigabit Ethernet 1000Base-CX YES7.815.5852.2
RapidIO 8/16 2GbYES7.214.4501.2
Infiniband 2.5GbYES4.89.61001.6
HyperTransport 1.6GbYES4.08.01131.5
SATA (1.5Gb)YES1.32.71340.6
USB 2.0YES0.91.83751.1
DDR 200/266/333NO7.2n/a3003.6
Slew Rate
Slew Rate
Driver Min Edge
Rate (20%-80%
Max Transmitter
Level (Diff V)
* The probe specification is 18 V/ns
† The probe specification is 30 V/ns
181130B-Series Probes User’s Guide
Getting Started1
Slew Rates of Popular Technologies Compared to Maximum Probe Slew Rates
A (
Edge Slew Rates (V/nS) +
Diff erential Slew Rates
Maximum Probe Differ ential Slew Rate (30 V /nS)
Slew Rates of Popular Te chnologies Compared to Maximum Probe Slew Rates
Figure 10Slew Rates of Popular Technologies Compared to Maximum Probe Slew Rates
1Getting Started
Available Accessories
This section lists accessories that are available in addition to the probe heads
described in Chapter 2, “Using Probe Heads".
E2668B Single-Ended Connectivity Kit
The optional E2668B single-ended connectivity kit is an accessory that provides
the three probe heads shown in Figure 11. A single-ended socket-tip probe head
was not developed since it did not offer a significant size advantage. The kit can be
ordered at the same time as 1130/1/2/4B probe amplifiers.
Figure 11E2668B Single-Ended Connectivity Kit (not to scale)
Table 3Supplied Accessories (Sheet 1 of 2)
E2679B Single-Ended Solder-In Head1————
E2678B Differential Socketed Head1————
E2676B Single-Ended Browser1————
91W resistor for full bandwidth16
150W resistor for medium bandwidth8
0W resistor for full and medium bandwidth24
91W resistor template2
150W resistor template2
160W damped wire accessory6
82W resistor for full bandwidth48
Socket for 25 mil (25/1000 inch) square pins, female on
both ends
Used With
E2679B E2678BE2676B
201130B-Series Probes User’s Guide
Table 3Supplied Accessories (Sheet 2 of 2)
Getting Started1
25 mil female socket w/20 mil round male pin on other end 4
Heat shrink tubing for square-pin socket accessory4
Header adapter, 91W 2
82W resistor template1
Resistive tip (blue), 91W 10
Ergonomic handle1
Ground collar assembly for single-ended browser2
Socketed ground lead 6 inches1
* Not orderable.
Used With
E2679B E2678BE2676B
E2669B Differential Connectivity Kit
The optional E2669B differential connectivity kit provides multiple quantities of the
three probe heads as shown in Figure 12. These probe heads allow full bandwidth
probing of differential and single-ended signals. The kit can be ordered at the
same time as 1130/1/2/4B probe amplifiers.
Figure 12E2669B Differential Connectivity Kit (not to scale)
1130B-Series Probes User’s Guide21
1Getting Started
Table 4Supplied Accessories
E2678B Differential Socketed Head2————
E2677B Differential Solder-In Head4————
E2675B Differential Browser1————
160W damped wire accessory12
82W resistor for full bandwidth96
Socket for 25 mil (25/1000 inch) square pins, female on
both ends
25 mil female socket w/20 mil round male pin on other
Heat shrink socket accessory8
Header adapter, 91W 4
82W resistor template1
91W resistor for full bandwidth80
150W resistor for medium bandwidth40
91W resistor template1
Used With
150W resistor template1
Resistive tip (blue), 91W 20
Ergonomic handle1
* Not orderable.
Resistor performance. The S2 resistors were changed from 100W to 91W for slightly better
performance. Either value produces a response that is well within specifications.If you have
some of the older 100W resistors, ensure that you use either two 100W or two 91W resistors.
Do not mix them.
221130B-Series Probes User’s Guide
N5450B Extreme Temp Cable Extension Kit
The extreme temperature cable extension kit is an
accessory that allows an oscilloscope probe to be used to
monitor a device in a temperature chamber. Keysight’s
Infiniimax probe amplifiers have a specified operating
temperature range from 5
can be operated over a much larger range of temperatures.
Use the extension cables to physically separate the
amplifier from the probe head which allows you to operate
the probe head inside a temperature chamber while the
probe amplifier remains outside the chamber.
To ensure a high-quality measurement, the N5450B cable set have been
phase-matched at the factory. A coupling tag is included with the cables to ensure
the cables stay as a matched pair. To install the coupling tag, slip the small end of
each cable through the holes in the tag. The tag can be positioned anywhere along
the length of the cable and can withstand the temperature ranges specified.
Table 5Probing Temperature Ranges
C to 40o C, but the probe heads
Getting Started1
Probe Head Configuration
E2677B–25 to +80 > 1000
E2678A/B–25 to +80 > 1000
N5425B + N5426A –40 to +85 > 500
N5451A–25 to +80 > 1000
MX0100A-55° C dwell, 1000 hours minimum
* Refers to the probe head or tip that is attached to the cable extension kit.
Operating Temperature Range (oC)
+150° C dwell, 1000 hours minimum
-55° C to 150° C cycles, 1000 cycles minimum
(as per JEDEC JESD22-A104 revision E)
Avoid rapid changes in temperature that can lead to moisture accumulating in the
form of condensation on the probe components, as well as the DUT. If this occurs, wait
until the moisture has evaporated before making any measurements.
Additional care must be taken when handling probe heads used during extreme
temperature cycling because this process makes the probe heads less robust.
Expected Lifetime of the
Probe Head (cycles)
> 1000
Secure the ends of the extension cable near the probe head in the temperature
chamber such that the probe head legs are not tugged or moved around significantly.
1130B-Series Probes User’s Guide23
1Getting Started
N2880A InfiniiMax In-Line Attenuator Kit
Prevent abrasion and tears in the cable’s jacket, do not rest the extension cables on
any metal objects or objects with sharp edges.
Do not kink the cables. The cables are designed to be flexible, but are not designed to
be bent sharply.
Keep your extreme temperature testing probes separate from the probes they use under
milder conditions. This is because cycling probe heads through extreme temperature ranges
has a marked affect on their lifetimes as listed in Table 5. Only the lifetime of the probe head
is affected by temperature cycling. The extension cables and probe amplifier should not need
to be replaced with extended temperature cycling.
Discoloration or texture changes are possible with the extension cables. These changes do
not, however, affect the performance or the quality of a measurement.
The in-line attenuators are an accessory for probes. The maximum input range of
the 1130B probes are 5 V
design allows you to add the N2880A InfiniiMax in-line attenuators between the
probe head and probe amplifier to increase the maximum input range (as listed in
Table 6 on page 25). Additionally, these attenuators enable you to increase the
offset range of the probe as specified in Table 6 on page 25. When using the
N2880A In-Line Attenuators, the bandwidth and rise time of your probing system
is not affected. There is, however, a trade-off in noise (refer to Table 6) and in the
accuracy of DC offset relative to the input.
The N2880A provides a pair of 6 dB, 12 dB, and 20 dB attenuators. The
attenuators come as matched pairs and should only be used with each other. Each
attenuator has a serial number. The pair of matching attenuators in each set will
have the same four digit numeric prefix and will differ by the last letter (one
attenuator in the matched pair will be labeled A and the other will be labeled B).
. If you need to measure larger signals, the probe’s
Figure 13Placement of Attenuators Between Probe Amplifier and Head
241130B-Series Probes User’s Guide
Compatibility with probe heads and amplifiers
All InfiniiMax I probe heads and amplifiers are compatible with the N2880A In-line
attenuators. However, the following two limitations should be considered when
planning to use N2880A attenuators.
•The maximum input voltage of the InfiniiMax probe heads is ±30 Vdc
(depending on the frequencies of your signal, the maximum allowed slew rate
(see table below) may require that the maximum input voltage magnitude be
less than 30V), so they should not be used to measure signals that exceed this
range. This places a practical limit of 20 dB on the attenuators used with the
InfiniiMax probing system. Larger attenuation ratios will only degrade the noise
performance and gain of the system.
•Due to the N5380B dual-SMA probe head’s maximum input voltage
specification of 2.28 V
large enough to require an added attenuator.
Table 6N2880A With 1130B-Series Probe Amplifiers
Getting Started1
, the N5380B is not suitable for measuring signals
* These slew rate do not apply when the N5380B SMA probe head is used with the InfiniiMax amplifiers.
† The actual range of DC voltage for these attenuators is greater than +/- 30 V, but the usable range of DC voltage at the probe input is limited
to ±30 Vdc. Also, depending on the frequencies of your signal, the maximum allowed slew rate may require that the maximum input voltage
magnitude be less than 30 V.
The values shown above do not apply to the N5380B dual-SMA probe head. Due to the
maximum input voltage specification of 2.28 VRMS (mains isolated circuits only) for the
N5380B, it is not suitable for measuring signals large enough to require an added attenuator.
Calibrating and Configuring Attenuators on an Infiniium Series
The software in the Infiniium and InfiniiVision oscilloscopes will detect a probe
when it is connected and by default will assume that no additional attenuators are
installed. If you want to scale readings and settings on the oscilloscope so they are
correct with the attenuators installed, refer to the procedures below for your
specific oscilloscope series.
Configuring Attenuators on a Infiniium Scope
1130B-Series Probes User’s Guide25
1Getting Started
You cannot calibrate your InfiniiMax probes with the attenuators attached.
Calibrate the InfiniiMax probes as you normally would (with no attenuators),
configure the attenuators as discussed in the next section, and begin probing.
First, plug your InfiniiMax probe amplifier / probe head into one of the oscilloscope
channels with the attenuators connected. Then enter the Probe Setup dialog box
(can be reached via Setup > Probes on the oscilloscope menu). Press the Configure
Probing System button. A pop-up window will appear where you can select
External Scaling. Click the Decibel radio button under the External Scaling section
and then set the Gain field to either –6 dB, –12 dB, or –20 dB depending on the
attenuator you are using (be sure to include the negative sign). Finally, you will
need to manually set the Offset field in this dialog box to zero out the signal.
Calibrating Probe with Attenuators on a InfiniiVision Scope
The following instructions only apply if you have InfiniiVision software release 5.25
or newer installed on your oscilloscope.
1 Plug your InfiniiMax probe amplifier / probe head into one of the oscilloscope
channels with the attenuators attached.
2 Press the Channel on/off key to turn the channel on (if the channel is off).
3 Press the Probe softkey in the Channel menu. A series of probe related softkeys
will appear.
4 Repeatedly press the second softkey from the left softkey until the probe head
selection matches the attenuator you are using. The choices are:
•10:1 single-ended browser
•10:1 differential browser
•10:1 (+6 dB Atten) single-ended browser
•10:1 (+6 dB Atten) differential browser
•10:1 (+12 dB Atten) single-ended browser
•10:1 (+12 dB Atten) differential browser
•10:1 (+20 dB Atten) single-ended browser
•10:1 (+20 dB Atten) differential browser
Once the probe head configuration has been selected, you can press the
Calibration key in the same probe menu and follow the on-screen instructions to
calibrate the probe/attenuator setup.
Frequency Response Plots
Figure 14 on page 27 shows the frequency response plots for four setups: the
probe without any attenuators, the probe with the 6 dB attenuators, the probe with
the 12 dB attenuators, and the probe with the 20 dB attenuators.
261130B-Series Probes User’s Guide
Getting Started1
Red = dB(Vout/Vin) + 10.8 dB of probe
Black = dB(Vout/Vin) + 6dB attenuator + 10.8 dB
Blue = dB (Vout/Vin) + 12 dB attenuator + 10.8 dB of probe
Green = dB(Vout/Vin) + 20 dB attenuator + 10.8 dB of probe
Figure 14Frequency Response
1130B-Series Probes User’s Guide27
1Getting Started
N2881A InfiniiMax DC Blocking Caps
The DC blocking capacitors are an accessory for the probes. The architecture of
the InfiniiMax probing system allows you to place the N2881A DC Blocking Caps in
between the probe amplifier and the probe head (as shown in the picture below).
These N2881A InfiniiMax DC Blocking Caps block out the DC component of the
input signal (up to 30 Vdc). The N2881A InfiniiMax DC Blocking Caps can be used
with the N2880A In-Line Attenuators. The order of the two products in the probing
system (i.e. which one is closest to the probe amplifier) does not matter.
Figure 15Placement of DC Blocking Caps Between Probe Amplifier and Head
Figure 16 on page 28 shows the frequency response plot of the N2881A DC
Blocking Caps (no probe included).
Figure 16Graph of DC Blocking Cap insertion loss (S2,1) versus frequency (DC Blocking Cap
281130B-Series Probes User’s Guide
MX0102A Soldering Toolkit
Tweezer s
Double-sided Foam Tape
Low Temperature
Solder Wire
Regular Solder Wire
Probe Tip Wire
Kapton Tape
The optional MX0102A soldering toolkit provides tools that can make soldering
tasks easier. For instance, you can use the tools available in this kit while soldering
the lead wires of the MX0100A Micro probe head to a DUT (see page 41).
Getting Started1
Table 7Accessories supplied in the soldering toolkit
Straight Tweezers
(Anti-magnetic straight pointed tip 120mm)
For general purpose manipulation / movement of com-
ponents such as probe tip wires and probe head.
Cutting Tweezers
(Narrow oblique head 115mm)
To cut a probe tip wire to a desired length.
Kapton Tape (36 yards roll)
To provide strain-relief to the neck portion of the probe
head by taping it to a flat surface (such as a DUT circuit
1130B-Series Probes User’s Guide29
1Getting Started
Double-sided Foam Tape
To provide strain-relief to either the neck portion of the
probe head or the plastic housings by taping it to a flat
surface such as a tabletop or a DUT circuit board.
Regular Solder Wire
Lead free, .009" diameter, 2 feet long
To attach the probe tip wires to a DUT using standard
lead-free soldering temperatures (330 °C to 350 °C).
(NOTE: This alloy melts at 217
Low Temperature Solder Wire
Lead free, .010" diameter, 2 feet long
To attach the probe tip wires to a DUT using a low tem-
perature setting on your soldering iron.
(NOTE: This alloy melts at 138
Probe Tip Wire
.004" diameter, 2 feet long
To add ground wires to your probe tip if InfiniiMode mea-
surements (differential, single ended, and common
mode signals with a single probe tip) are desired. Clip as
short as possible using the cutting tweezers included in
the kit.
* You can reorder these items using the part numbers included in the table above.
301130B-Series Probes User’s Guide
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