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Manual Part Number
Second Edition, August 2017
Available in electronic format only
Keysight Technologies
1900 Garden of the Gods Road
Colorado Springs, CO 80907 USA
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This document provides installation information for the following Keysight products:
W6601A LPDDR4 BGA Interposer, 200-ball, 2-wings
U4208A 61-pin ZIF from left wing probe/cable (160 pin direct connect to LA).
This probe/cable is for use with the W6601A interposer.
U4209A 61-pin ZIF from right wing probe/cable (160 pin direct connect to LA)
This probe/cable is for use with the W6601A interposer.
W6602A LPDDR4 RC BGA Interposer, 200-ball, rigid
U4207A Zero ohm, 34 channels, Soft Touch Pro, single-ended probe/cable (160 pin direct connect to LA)
This probe/cable is for use with the W6602A interposer.
The W6600A-series LPDDR4 BGA Interposers enable probing of 200-pin JEDEC standard footprint
directly at the ball grid array using the Keysight U4164A logic analyzer. These interposers provide
• single touch probing of DQ signals
• capture of CA, Control, and DQ signals at data rates tested up to 3200MT/s.
• access to LPDDR4 DQ signals above 2.5Gb/s without double probe load by utilizing the Quad
Sampling features of a U4164A logic analyzer module.
A W6600A-series interposer interposes between the DRAM being probed and the PC board where
the DRAM would normally be soldered. The interposer is designed to be soldered to the PCB
footprint for the DRAM on top of either the LPDDR riser included with the W6600-series BGA
interposer or an optional Grypper socket (not included with the interposer) or both. The DRAM being
probed is then soldered to the top side of the interposer.
Each DRAM signal in the common footprint passes directly from the bottom side of the interposer to
the top side of the interposer.
Currently, in this series, Keysight provides the following interposers:
W6600A-series InterposerDescription
W6601A LPDDR4 BGA Interposer,
200-ball, 2-wings
Interposer, 200-ball, rigid
All probing including BGA interposers, become a part of the system under test when installed.
Maximum data rates and performance results will vary by systems under test, BGA rework, and
probing irregularities.
Compatibility with Logic Analyzer Modules
The W6600-series interposers are compatible with the Keysight U4164A AXIe-based logic analyzer
All W6600A-series interposers are tested for via connections through the interposer and
signal trace connectivity to the wing connections.
A flexible interposer with two wings
Provides access to partial DQ signals and only one channel of CA signals on an LPDDR4 200
ball DRAM.
Refer to the chapter “Introduction to W6601A LPDDR4 BGA Interposer" on
page 11.
A rigid interposer
Provides access to all DQ and CA signals for both channels of an LPDDR4 200 ball DRAM.
Refer to the chapter “Introduction to W6602A LPDDR4 BGA Interposer" on
page 21.
W6601A LPDDR4 BGA Interposer, 200-ball, 2-wings / 12
U4208A 61-pin ZIF Probe / Cable (for Left Wing) / 14
U4209A 61-pin ZIF Probe / Cable (for Right Wing) / 15
Hardware and Software Requirements / 16
Mechanical Considerations / 18
This chapter introduces the hardware components that are needed for the W6601A LPDDR4 BGA
interposer setup. It also lists the software requirements as well as describes the mechanical
considerations such as various dimensions and KOV that you should know before you start setting up
and using the W6601A interposer.
2Introduction to W6601A LPDDR4 BGA Interposer
2 Flex wings with
ZIF connectors
Pin 1 Marking
W6601A LPDDR4 BGA Interposer, 200-ball, 2-wings
The W6601A interposer has two flexible wings, each with a set of fingers for Zero Insertion Force
(ZIF) connections that connect it to a U4208A or a U4209A 61-pin ZIF probe/cable. For the left wing
of the interposer, you use the U4208A probe/cable and for the right wing of the interposer, you use
the U4209A probe/cable. These cables are then connected to the U4164A Logic Analyzer module’s
The following figure shows a W6601A interposer’s top view.
Figure 1W6601A Interposer
The W6601A interposer supports dual bank 16-bit data LPDDR4 200 ball DRAM that is being used as
a single 32-bit channel device. The interposer probes a subset of the DQ data lines of both banks of
such an LPDDR4 BGA 200 DRAM.
If the DRAM is used as two single x16 channel devices, then the W6601A interposer can
probe only CA signals from channel A.
This interposer is optimized to work with the U4164A logic Analyzer module to achieve higher data
rates with smaller KOV.
Software Configurations
The W6601A interposer can be used in the following three logic analyzer software configurations:
• 10 GHz Timing mode
• State mode under 2500 Mb/s (double edge clocking)
• State mode over 2500 Mb/s (single edge clocking)
This interposer effectively utilizes the single touch probing and quad sampling features of the
U4164A logic analyzer module thereby allowing you to probe LPDDR4 DQ signals above 2.5Gb/s
without double probe load. (In quad sampling, four samples are captured per clock edge at two
different thresholds. Two samples are taken at each threshold.)
For probing signals under 2.5Gb/s, you can use the W6601A interposer with the U4164A module’s
Pin 1 Marking
dual clock edge clocking and dual sample mode instead of the quad sample mode. The U4164A
module’s dual sampling with dual thresholds allows you to capture separate Read and Write samples
per clock edge.
W6601A Technical Features Summary
• Probes a JEDEC LPDDR4 BGA 200 footprint. Maximum of 10 mm wide X 15 mm long LPDDR4
DRAM package can fit on top of the W6601A interposer without an additional riser or a socket to
provide clearance for the RC components.
• For the two flex wings of the interposer, the recommended bend radius is 2.5 mm (0.09") if flex is
bent at a rigid portion of the interposer.
• Logic analyzer connections are made using U4208A and U4209A ZIF probe cables. The
U4208A/U4209A ZIF connectors doors open on the top of the W6601A wings and away from
these wings.
• An isolation Tip Resistor (100 Ohms) and RC components network is present on the W6601A
interposer. No RC network present on the U4208A/U4209A probe cables. Also, there are no RCs
on the bottom of the interposer.
• Has a power plane and separate ground planes - 1.1 V (VDD2/VDDQ) and 1.8 V (VDD1).
• Also provides VDD and VDDQ power filter capacitors to allow you to make power integrity
measurements using the Keysight Power Rail probe and Infiniium S-series oscilloscope.
Introduction to W6601A LPDDR4 BGA Interposer2
W6601A Riser
An LPDDR4 BGA 200 ball riser is provided with each W6601A interposer to allow the interposer to
clear surrounding devices. Optionally, you can use a Grypper socket. It is not provided with the
The following figure displays a riser that is provided with the W6601A interposer.
Figure 2Riser that accompanies the W6601A interposer
The LPDDR 200 ball riser includes ground planes for optimal signal integrity. Due to these
ground planes, the riser’s alignment with the DRAM should be such that the TOP side of the
riser must point towards the DRAM and the Pin 1 indicator on the riser must orient towards the
“A1” pin of the DRAM.
To know how to solder the riser to the W6601A interposer and PC board, refer to the chapter
“W6600A-Series Interposers and Riser Soldering Guidelines" on page 31.
Connector to connect
to the left flex wing of
the W6601A interposer
Two pods to connect
to the Logic Analyzer
U4208A 61-pin ZIF Probe / Cable (for Left Wing)
One U4208A probe cable is required to connect a W6601A interposer’s left wing to a U4164A Logic
Analyzer module.
Figure 3U4208A 61-pin ZIF probe cable
To know how to connect a W6601A interposer to a U4208A probe/cable, refer to the following topics
in this guide:
• “Step 2 - Connecting the W6601A Interposer to U4208A and U4209A Probe Cables" on page 40
To get information such as its characteristics, specifications, pinout, safety information, accessories,
and dimensions of the U4208A probe/cable, refer to the Keysight U4200A-Series Probes and Cables User Guide (part number U4200-97000) available on
Connector to connect to the right flex
wing of the W6601A interposer
Two pods to connect to the Logic
Analyzer pods
One U4209A probe cable is required to connect a W6601A interposer’s right wing to a U4164A Logic
Analyzer module.
Introduction to W6601A LPDDR4 BGA Interposer2
Figure 4U4209A 61-pin ZIF probe cable
To know how to connect a W6601A interposer with a U4209A probe/cable, refer to the topic:
• “Step 2 - Connecting the W6601A Interposer to U4208A and U4209A Probe Cables" on page 40
To get information such as its characteristics, specifications, pinout, safety information, accessories,
and dimensions of the U4209A probe/cable, refer to the Keysight U4200A-Series Probes and Cables User Guide (part number U4200-97000) available on
Before you start installing the W6600A-series interposers, ensure that you have the following list of
hardware and software components needed for these interposers.
Hardware Requirements for W6601A
U4164A AXIe-based Logic Analyzer Module
M9502A 2-slot or M9505A 5-slot AXIe chassis to install the U4164A module
M9536A embedded controller or host PC with PCI express adapter card for the chassis
W6601A LPDDR4 Interposer(s)
U4208A 61-pin ZIF probe cables to connect the W6601A interposer to Logic Analyzer module
One cable needed for each interposer
U4209A 61-pin ZIF probe cables to connect the W6601A interposer to Logic Analyzer module
One cable needed for each interposer
Software RequirementsLicensingDescription
Logic and Protocol Analyzer software version 6.30 or
B4661A Memory Analysis Software Tools Package
version 6.30 or higher. (Required)
The below-mentioned licensed/unlicensed software features from the B4661A software package are required for W6601A.
Default LPDDR configuration files
DDR Setup Assistant and DDR Eyefinder software
version 6.30 or higher.
DDR Custom Configuration Creator Tool version 6.30
or higher
B4661A-2FP LPDDR Bus Decoder software version
6.30 or higher.
B4661A-3FP DDR 2/3/4 Protocol Compliance and
Analysis toolset version 6.30 or higher.
Unlicensed base software with
additional licensing options
Includes unlicensed as well as
licensed features
Available as an unlicensed standard
feature with the B4661A package.
Available as an unlicensed standard
feature with the B4661A package.
Available as an unlicensed standard
feature with the B4661A package.
Available as a licensed feature with
the B4661A package
Available as a licensed feature with
the B4661A package
Base software platform for configuring and using Keysight’s logic
analyzer modules.
Base software package that includes configuration files and tools
to help you perform DDR/LPDDR post-process as well as
real-time protocol compliance violation testing, decode and view
memory transactions, and set up your logic analyzer for
DDR/LPDDR data capture and analysis.
Includes default XML configuration files for use with the W6601A
A wizard- like application to help you set up your U4164A logic
analyzer properly for use with the W6600A-series interposers.
Allows you to define the footprint layout as per your custom
probing solution used in the DDR/LPDDR setup and then create
an XML configuration file based on this footprint information.
Allows you to decode and view transactions, commands, and
data from a LPDDR1, LPDDR2, LPDDR3 or LPDDR4 SDRAM
memory bus in your device under test.
A set of tools to:
• evaluate and analyze the captured LPDDR data.
• perform real-time or post process compliance.
• set up a trigger on the specified address.
• graphically profile the distribution of memory accesses.
B4661A-4FP DDR 2/3/4 Memory Analysis Viewer
version 6.30 or higher.
Available as a licensed feature with
the B4661A package
A viewer installed and displayed within the Logic and Protocol
Analyzer GUI to analyze:
• memory traffic statistics.
• refresh rate and self-refresh periods.
• distribution of memory accesses.
• memory performance measurements.
Introduction to W6601A LPDDR4 BGA Interposer2
You can install the above-mentioned software components by downloading the required
executables from the Keysight web site at:
The following table displays the number of W6600-series interposers and cables required to provide
connections to channels of your logic analyzer module.
DRAMData WidthAccess to Number of InterposersNumber of ZIF ProbesNumber of Logic Analyzer
LPDDR4 200 ball
DRAM used as a
single 32-bit
channel device
Dual bank 16 bit• Ck_A
• All Channel A CA and control
signals for Bank 0 and Bank 1
This chapter introduces the hardware components that are needed for the W6602A LPDDR4 BGA
interposer setup. It also lists the software requirements as well as describes the mechanical
considerations such as various dimensions that you should know before you start setting up and
using the W6602A interposer.
3Introduction to W6602A LPDDR4 BGA Interposer
W6602A LPDDR4 RC BGA Interposer, 200-ball, Rigid
The W6602A interposer is a rigid interposer that connects to U4207A zero ohm, Soft Touch Pro,
single-ended probes/cables. These cables are then directly connected to the U4164A Logic Analyzer
module’s pods.
The W6602A LPDDR4 BGA Interposer enables passive probing of 200-pin JEDEC standard footprint
directly at the ball grid array using the Keysight U4164A logic analyzers.
The W6602A interposer with the U4207A cable passively monitors the LPDDR4 200-ball DRAM
package. After tuning the Keysight logic analyzer, Command/Address bits can be reliably
captured up to 3200 MT/s using this interposer and cable. However, at some data rates, the logic
analyzer may not be able to provide an error-free capture of all DQ data bits.
The W6602A interposer can work in the following configurations of a 200 ball LPDDR4 DRAM:
• An LPDDR4 DRAM used as two 16-bit channels
• An LPDDR4 DRAM used as a single 32-bit channel
This interposer supports:
• probing of all CA and DQ/DQS signals for both channels of a 200 ball LPDDR4 DRAM.
• high speed data capture (data rates up to 3.2 Gb/s)
• lower system loading
If the DRAM is used as a single 32-bit channel device, then the W6602A interposer probes and
uses only one set of CA signals as the single channel 32-bit configuration implies that the two
CA channels on the DRAM are identical.
J1 and J2 footprints to attach the interposer to U4207A
probes using retention modules
Pin 1
The following figure shows a W6602A interposer’s top view.
Figure 7W6602A Interposer
The W6602A interposer has two connectorless footprints, J1 and J2 on its top side. A retention
module (shipped with the U4207A Soft Touch Pro probe) is soldered to each footprint. Each retention
module attaches to a U4207A probe. These probes are then connected to the Logic Analyzer
module’s pods.
Software Configurations
The W6602A interposer can be used in the following seven logic analyzer software configurations:
• 10 GHz Timing mode
• CHA State mode 16 DQ under 2500MT/s (double edge clocking)
• CHA State mode 16 DQ over 2500MT/s (single edge clocking)
• CHA State mode 32 DQ under 2500MT/s (double edge clocking)
• CHA State mode 32 DQ over 2500MT/s (single edge clocking)
• CHB State mode 16 DQ under 2500MT/s (double edge clocking)
• CHB State mode 16 DQ over 2500MT/s (single edge clocking)
This interposer effectively utilizes the single touch probing and quad sampling features of the
U4164A logic analyzer module thereby allowing you to probe LPDDR4 DQ signals above 2.5Gb/s
without double probe load. (In quad sampling, four samples are captured per clock edge at two
different thresholds. Two samples are taken at each threshold.) The Quad Sample State mode is only
available with the U4164A-02G licensed speed grade option.
For probing signals under 2.5Gb/s, you can use the W6602A interposer with the U4164A module’s
dual clock edge clocking and dual sample mode instead of the quad sample mode. Dual Sample
state mode supports data rates on LPDDR4 up to 2500MT/s and is available with the U4164A-01G
licensed speed grade option. The U4164A-02G licensed option supports all modes of operation and
the highest data rates.
• Probes a JEDEC LPDDR4 BGA 200 footprint. Maximum of 10 mm wide X 15 mm long LPDDR4
DRAM package can fit on top of the W6601A interposer without an additional riser or a socket to
provide clearance for the RC components.
• Logic analyzer connections are made using U4207A Soft Touch Pro probe cables.
• RC components network is present on the top of the W6602A interposer. No RC network present
on the U4207A probe cables. Also, there are no RCs on the bottom of the interposer.
• The maximum non destructive input voltage for W6602A is 40 Vdc.
• Has a power plane and separate ground planes - 1.2 V (VDDQ) and 1.8 V (VDD1).
• Also provides VDD and VDDQ power filter capacitors to allow you to make power integrity
measurements using the Keysight Power Rail probe and Infiniium S-series oscilloscope.
W6602A Riser
An LPDDR4 BGA 200 ball riser is provided with each W6602A interposer to allow the interposer to
clear surrounding devices. Optionally, you can use a Grypper socket. It is not provided with the
The following figure displays a riser that is provided with the W6602A interposer.
Figure 8Riser that accompanies the W6602A interposer
The LPDDR 200 ball riser includes ground planes for optimal signal integrity. Due to these
ground planes, the riser’s alignment with the DRAM should be such that the TOP side of the
riser must point towards the DRAM and the Pin 1 indicator on the riser must orient towards the
“A1” pin of the DRAM.
To know how to solder the riser to the W6602A interposer and PC board, refer to the chapter
“W6600A-Series Interposers and Riser Soldering Guidelines" on page 31.