No part of this manual may be reproduced
in any form or by any means (including
electronic storage and retrieval or translation into a foreign language) without prior
agreement and written consent from Keysight Technologies as governed by United
States and international copyright laws.
Manual Part Number
Edition 4, March 2015
Printed in Malaysia
Keysight Technologies Microwave Products
(Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd.
Bayan Lepas Free Industrial Zone
11900 Penang, Malaysia
Technical Assistance
You can find information about technical
and professional services, product support,
and equipment repair and service on the
Double-click the link to Tes t & Me a s u r e -ment. Select your country from the
drop-down menus. The Web page that
appears next has contact information specific for your country.
If you do not have access to the Internet,
call one of the numbers in Ta b l e 1.
Tab l e 1Keysight Call Centers
United States
and Canada:
Europe:(41 22) 780 8111
Latin America: 305 269 7548
Asia-Pacific:(85 22) 599 7777
United States
and Canada:
Te s t a n d
Measurement Call
(800) 452 4844
(toll-free in US)
Assistance Center
(81) 0426 56 7832
Te s t a n d
Measurement Call
(800) 452 4844
(toll-free in US)
1Legal Information
Legal Information 1-2
Warranty 1-2
Technology Licenses 1-2
Restricted Rights Legend 1-2
Service And Support 1-3
Keysight On The Web 1-3
Keysight By Phone 1-3
2Safety and Regulatory Information
Safety Information 2-2
Safety Summary 2-2
Safety Notice 2-2
General 2-2
Environmental Conditions 2-3
Before Applying Power 2-3
Ground The System 2-4
Fuses 2-4
Operator Safety Information 2-4
Safety Symbols and Regulatory Markings 2-5
Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) Precautions 2-7
End of Life: Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive 2002/96/EC 2-8
3System Overview
System Intended Use 3-2
Instructions For Use 3-2
Test System Specifications and Capabilities 3-3
Test Capabilities – Measurement Sample Methods 3-4
System Capability DC Accuracy Sample 3-4
Test System Interface Description 3-6
Test System Interface Connectors 3-6
Rack Layout with Express Connect Test System Interface 3-28
Rack Layout with L2000 (TITAN) Test System Interface 3-29
System Block Diagrams with Express Connect Test System Interface 3-30
System Block Diagrams with L2000 (TITAN) Test System Interface 3-31
The Keysight 34980A Multifunction Switch/Measure Unit 3-32
Slot Allocation of the 34980A 3-32
TS-5020 Automotive Electronics Functional Test System Wiring Guide and Hardware Referenceiii
System Interconnects for Express Connect Interface 4-2
Connector Keying 4-2
Connectors and Tools 4-3
Connecting Wiring to Test Connectors TC1- TC8 4-3
Crimping Wires to Contacts 4-4
Inserting Contacts and Assembling the Connectors 4-5
Connecting To The Test System Interface 4-6
ESD Protection Measures 4-7
Test Connector Signal Definitions 4-9
General TC Pins Assignment 4-13
Express Connect PCA Connector Definition and Pin Access 4-15
High-Power Connector 4-21
E6170-61623 Twinax DMM To Inst Matrix Cable 5-4
E6170-61626 DIO And Utility Power Supply To ICA Cable 5-4
E6170-61627 DMM Trig 34980 To ICA 5-6
E6170-61628 DAC 34951 To ICA Cable 5-6
E6170-61629 GP Relay 34938A And Power Supply To ICA Cable 5-8
E6170-61620 General Purpose 96-96 DINC Cable 5-10
E6170-61621 48 Channel Load Card Express Connect Cable 5-10
E6170-61630 CAN PCI To ICA Cable 5-11
E6170-61605 Cable for 8-CH/16-CH/24-CH Load Card to Express Connect 5-12
E6230-61603 Cable for 8-CH Heavy Duty Load Card to Express Connect 5-13
Cables For L2000 (TITAN) Interface 5-14
ivTS-5020 Automotive Electronics Functional Test System Wiring Guide and Hardware Reference
E6218-61601 Cable, One Matrix (34933A) to L2000 (TITAN) 5-14
E6218-61614 CABLE, E6175A TO L2000 (TITAN) 5-15
E6218-61615 CABLE, E6176A TO L2000 (TITAN) 5-15
E6218-61620 CABLE, N9379A TO L2000 (TITAN) 5-16
E6218-61621 CABLE, 34951-DAC TO L2000 (TITAN) 5-17
E6218-61622 CABLE, 34980-DMM (TRIG) TO L2000 (TITAN) 5-17
E6218-61624 CABLE, E6178B TO L2000 (TITAN) 5-18
E6218-61625 CABLE, ONE U7177A TO L2000 (TITAN) 5-19
E6218-61627 CABLE, DIO TO L2000 (TITAN) 5-20
E6218-61628 CABLE, PS TO L2000 (TITAN) (MED CURRENT) 5-20
E6218-61629 CABLE, 34938 TO L2000 (TITAN) 5-21
E6218-61630 CABLE, CAN TO L2000 (TITAN) 5-21
E2240-61621 Cable, 34934A to ICA (TITAN) 5-22
E2240-61622 Cable, 34939A to ICA (TITAN) 5-23
E2240-61623 Cable, Electronic Load to ICA (TITAN) 5-24
E2240-61626 Cable, System Resources E6198B and PCI DIO 1750 5-25
E6218-61619 Cable, System Resources To L2000 (TITAN) 5-26
E6218-61626 CABLE, Dual 24-CH Load Card To L2000 (TITAN) 5-27
6Replaceable And Spare Parts
Keysight E2230A Replaceable Parts 6-2
Keysight E2240A Recommended Spare Parts for Express Connect 6-4
Keysight E2240A Recommended Spare Parts for L2000 (TITAN) 6-5
TS-5020 Automotive Electronics Functional Test System Wiring Guide and Hardware Referencev
viTS-5020 Automotive Electronics Functional Test System Wiring Guide and Hardware Reference
List of Figures
1Legal Information
2Safety and Regulatory Information
3System Overview
Figure 3-1. Express Connect Test System Interface TC1 Through TC4 3-7
Figure 3-2. Express Connect Test system Interface TC1 Through TC8 3-8
Figure 3-3. Macpanel L2000 (TITAN) Test System Interface 3-10
Figure 3-4. Typical TS-5020 System Rack with Express Connect Layout 3-28
Figure 3-5. Typical TS-5020 System with L2000 (TITAN) test interface 3-29
Figure 3-6. TS-5020 Simplified System with Express Connect Block Diagram 3-30
Figure 3-7. TS-5020 Simplified System with L2000 (TITAN) Block Diagram 3-31
Figure 3-8. Rear View Of 34980A Multifunction Switch / Measure Unit 3-32
Figure 3-9. Cut-out View of Slot 4 with Terminal Card To Create Instument/Pin
Figure 3-10. Multiple 34933A configured as Instrumentation and Pin Matrix 3-34
Figure 3-11. Multiple 34934A configured as Instrumentation and Pin Matrix 3-35
Matrix 3-33
4System Interconnects
Figure 4-1. TC1-TC4 Connector Keying 4-2
Figure 4-2. TC1-TC8 Connector Key Configuration 4-2
Figure 4-3. Crimping Wires to Contacts 4-4
Figure 4-4. Assembling TC1 to TC4 4-5
Figure 4-5. Connecting To The Test System Interface 4-6
Figure 4-6. Adding A Grounding Strap To Reduce ESD 4-7
Figure 4-7. Wrist Strap ESD Connector 4-8
Figure 4-8. Removing A Test Connector Contact 4-8
Figure 4-9. TC1 Pinouts 4-11
Figure 4-10. TC2 Pinouts 4-12
Figure 4-11. TCn Pin Assignments 4-13
Figure 4-12. TCn+1 Pin Assignments 4-14
Figure 4-13. PCA Layout For Full Profile Express Connect (For TC1-TC8 Use) 4-15
Figure 4-14. View of Full Profile Express Connect PC Assembly (2 of 4 possible PC
Assembly shown) 4-16
Figure 4-15. PCA Layout For Low Profile Express Connect (For TC1-TC4 Use) 4-17
Figure 4-16. TS-5020 System Connector (J6 or J60) TC1 and TC2 Assignments 4-18
Figure 4-17. TS-5020 System Connector (J6 or J60) TCn Assignments 4-19
Figure 4-18. TS-5020 Configuration Connector (J7 or J40) 4-20
Figure 4-20. Recommended System Grounding 4-22
TS-5020 Automotive Electronics Functional Test System Wiring Guide and Hardware Referencevii
5Test System Interface Cables
Figure 5-1. U8970-61702 (Dual Banana Metric Cable) 5-3
Figure 5-2. U8970-61701 (Cable BNC Coax to 3x1) 5-3
Figure 5-3. U8970-61700 (Cable Isolated Instrument BNC) 5-3
Figure 5-4. E6170-61623 Twinax DMM To Inst Matrix Cable 5-4
Figure 5-5. E6170-61626 DIO And Utility Power Supply To ICA Cable 5-4
Figure 5-6. E6170-61627 DMM Trig 34980 To ICA 5-6
Figure 5-7. E6170-61628 DAC 34951 To ICA Cable 5-6
Figure 5-8. E6170-61629 Cable 5-8
Figure 5-9. E6170-61620 General Purpose 96-96 DINC Cable 5-10
Figure 5-10. E6170-61621 48 Channel Load Card Express Connect Cable 5-10
Figure 5-11. E6170-61630 CAN PCI To ICA Cable 5-11
Figure 5-12. E6170-61605 Cable for Load card to Express Connect. This cable can be used
for E6175A, N9377A, E6176A, E6177A, U7177A and N9378A. 5-12
Figure 5-13. Cable for E6178B 8-CH Heavy duty Load card to Express Connect 5-13
Figure 5-14. E6218-61601 Cable, One Matrix (34933A) to L2000 (TITAN) 5-14
Figure 5-15. E6218-61614 CABLE, E6175A TO L2000 (TITAN) 5-15
Figure 5-16. E6218-61615 Cable, E6176A to L2000. This cable is used for E6176A and
N9377A 5-15
Figure 5-17. E6218-61620 CABLE, N9379A TO L2000 (TITAN) 5-16
Figure 5-18. E6218-61621 CABLE, 34951-DAC TO L2000 (TITAN) 5-17
Figure 5-19. E6218-61622 CABLE, 34980-DMM (TRIG) TO L2000 (TITAN) 5-17
Figure 5-20. E6218-61624 CABLE, E6178B TO L2000 (TITAN) 5-18
Figure 5-21. E6218-61625 Cable, One U7177A to L2000. This cable is used for E6177A,
U7177A and N9378A. 5-19
Figure 5-22. E6218-61627 CABLE, DIO TO L2000 (TITAN) 5-20
Figure 5-23. E6218-61628 CABLE, PS TO L2000 (TITAN) (MED CURRENT) 5-20
Figure 5-24. E6218-61629 CABLE, 34938 TO L2000 (TITAN) 5-21
Figure 5-25. E6218-61630 CABLE, CAN TO L2000 (TITAN) 5-21
Figure 5-26. E2240-61621 Cable, 34934A to ICA (TITAN). One cable requires two TITAN
receiver block. 5-22
Figure 5-27. E2240-61622 Cable, 34934A to ICA (TITAN) 5-23
Figure 5-28. E2240-61623 Cable, Electronic Load to ICA (TITAN). This cable has an in-line
50A fuse. 5-24
Figure 5-29. E2240-61626 Cable, System Resources E6198B and PCI DIO 1750. This cable
combines the system resources cable for E6198B with the cable for PCI DIO
1750. 5-25
Figure 5-30. E6218-61619 Cable, System Resources to L2000 (TITAN). This cable
combines the system resources cable for E6218A with the cable for PCI DIO
1750. 5-26
Figure 5-31. E6218-61626 Cable, Dual 24-CH Load Card to L2000 (TITAN). This cable
combines 2 24-CH load card cable to a single receiver block. 5-27
6Replaceable And Spare Parts
viiiTS-5020 Automotive Electronics Functional Test System Wiring Guide and Hardware Reference
List of Tables
1Legal Information
2Safety and Regulatory Information
3System Overview
Table 1-1. Keysight Call Centers and Regional Headquarters 1-3
Table 2-1. Environment Requirements 2-3
Table 2-2. Safety Symbols and Regulatory Markings 2-5
Table 2-3. Suggested Anti-Static Solutions for Site Planning 2-7
TS-5020 Automotive Electronics Functional Test System Wiring Guide and Hardware Referenceix
xTS-5020 Automotive Electronics Functional Test System
Legal Information
Warranty .... 1-2
Technology Licenses .... 1-2
Restricted Rights Legend .... 1-2
Service And Support .... 1-3
Keysight On The Web .... 1-3
Keysight By Phone .... 1-3
1Legal Information
Legal Information
The material contained in this document is provided “as is,” and
is subject to being changed, without notice, in future editions.
Further, to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law,
Keysight disclaims all warranties, either express or implied,
with regard to this manual and any information contained
herein, including but not limited to the implied warranties of
merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Keysight
shall not be liable for errors or for incidental or consequential
damages in connection with the furnishing, use, or performance
of this document or of any information contained herein.
Should Keysight and the user have a separate written
agreement with warranty terms covering the material in this
document that conflict with these terms, the warranty terms in
the separate agreement shall control.
Technology Licenses
The hardware and/or software described in this document are
furnished under a license and may be used or copied only in
accordance with the terms of such license.
Restricted Rights Legend
If software is for use in the performance of a U.S. Government
prime contract or subcontract, Software is delivered and
licensed as “Commercial computer software” as defined in
DFAR 252.227-7014 (June 1995), or as a “commercial item” as
defined in FAR 2.101(a) or as “Restricted computer software” as
defined in FAR 52.227-19 (June 1987) or any equivalent agency
regulation or contract clause. Use, duplication or disclosure of
Software is subject to Keysight Technologies’ standard
commercial license terms, and non-DOD Departments and
Agencies of the U.S. Government will receive no greater than
Restricted Rights as defined in FAR 52.227-19(c)(1-2)(June
1987). U.S. Government users will receive no greater than
Limited Rights as defined in FAR 52.227-14 (June 1987) or
DFAR 252.227-7015 (b)(2)(November 1995), as applicable in any
technical data.
1-2TS-5020 Automotive Electronics Functional Test System Wiring Guide and Hardware Reference
Service And Support
Keysight On The Web
Keysight By Phone
Legal Information1
Any adjustment, maintenance, or repair of this product must be
performed by qualified personnel. Contact your customer
engineer through your local Keysight Technologies Service
You can find information about technical and professional
services, product support, and equipment repair and service on
the Web:
Double-click the link to Test & Measurement. Select your country
from the drop-down menus. The Web page that appears next has
contact information specific for your country
If you do not have access to the Internet, call one of the
numbers in
Table 1-1 Keysight Call Centers and Regional Headquarters
United States and Canada:Test and Measurement Call Center
End of Life: Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE)
Directive 2002/96/EC .... 2-8
2Safety and Regulatory Information
Safety Information
Safety Summary
Safety Notice
The following general safety precautions must be observed
during all phases of operation of this instrument. Failure to
comply with these precautions or with specific warnings
elsewhere in this manual violates safety standards of design,
manufacture, and intended use of the instrument. Keysight
Technologies assumes no liability for the customer's failure to
comply with these requirements.
A CAUTION notice denotes a hazard. It calls attention to an
operating procedure, practice, or the like, that, if not correctly
performed or adhered to, could result in damage to the product or
loss of important data. Do not proceed beyond a CAUTION notice
until the indicated conditions are fully understood and met.
A WARNING notice denotes a hazard. It calls attention to an operating
procedure, practice, or the like that, if not correctly performed or
adhered to, could result in personal injury or death. Do not proceed
beyond a WARNING notice until the indicated conditions are fully
understood and met.
This product is provided with a protective earth terminal. The
protective features of this product may be impaired if it is used
in a manner not specified in the operation instructions.
product in the presence of flammable gases or flames.
2-2TS-5020 Automotive Electronics Functional Test System Wiring Guide and Hardware Reference
personnel must not remove any rack panels or instrument covers.
Component replacement and internal adjustments must be made only
by qualified service personnel. Products that appear damaged or
defective should be made inoperative and secured against unintended
operation until they can be repaired by a qualified service personnel.
The protection provided by the TS-5020 system may be impaired if
the system is used in a manner not specified by Keysight.
Environmental Conditions
Safety and Regulatory Information2
The TS-5020 Automotive Electronics Functional Test System is
designed for indoor use only.
mental requirements.
Table 2-1 Environment Requirements
Environment ConditionsRequirements
Maximum Altitude2000 meters
Temperature (Operation)5 C to 40 C
Maximum Relative HumidityThe test system is designed to operate
This product is designed for use in Installation Category II and
Pollution Degree 2, per IEC 61010-1 and 664 respectively.
Before Applying Power
Table 2-1 shows general environ-
in the range from 5% to 80% relative
humidity (non-condensing).
Verify that the product is set to match the available line voltage
and all safety precautions are taken. Note the external markings
of the instruments described in
Regulatory Markings”.
TS-5020 Automotive Electronics Functional Test System Wiring Guide and Hardware Reference2-3
“Safety Symbols and
2Safety and Regulatory Information
Ground The System
To minimize shock hazard, the instrument chassis and cover
must be connected to an electrical protective earth ground. The
instrument must be connected to the ac power mains through a
grounded power cable, with the ground wire firmly connected
to an electrical ground (safety ground) at the power outlet. Any
interruption of the protective (grounding) conductor or
disconnection of the protective earth terminal will cause a
potential shock hazard that could result in personal injury.
Use only fuses with the required rated current, voltage, and
specified type (normal blow, time delay). Do not use repaired
fuses or short-circuited fuse holders. To do so could cause a
shock or fire hazard.
In order to avoid electrical hazards, all system internal fuses must
be replaced by trained and qualified personnel.
Operator Safety Information
Module connectors and Test Signal cables connected to them
cannot be operator accessible.
Cables and connectors are considered inaccessible if a tool (e.g.
screwdriver, wrench, socket, etc.) or a key (equipment in a
locked cabinet) is required to gain access to a conductive
surface connected to any cable conductor (High, Low or Guard).
Assure the equipment under test has adequate insulation
between the cable connections and any operator-accessible parts
(doors, covers, panels shields, cases, cabinets, etc.)
Verify there are multiple and sufficient protective means (rated
for the voltages you are applying) to assure the operator will
NOT come into contact with any energized conductor even if
one of the protective means fails to work as intended. For
2-4TS-5020 Automotive Electronics Functional Test System Wiring Guide and Hardware Reference
Safety symbols
Safety and Regulatory Information2
example, the inner side of a case, cabinet, door cover or panel
can be covered with an insulating material as well as routing the
test cables to the front panel connectors of the module through
non-conductive, flexible conduit such as that used in electrical
power distribution.
Safety Symbols and Regulatory Markings
Symbols and markings on the system, in manuals and on
instruments alert you to potential risks, provide information
about conditions, and comply with international regulations.
Table 2-2 defines the symbols and markings you may find in a
manual or on an instrument.
Table 2-2 Safety Symbols and Regulatory Markings
Warning: risk of electric shock.
Warning: hot surface
Caution: refer to accompanying documents.
Laser radiation symbol: marked on products that have a laser output.
Alternating current.
Both direct and alternating current.
Three-phase alternating current.
Earth (ground) terminal
Protective earth (ground) terminal
Frame or chassis terminal
Terminal is at earth potential. Used for measurement and control circuits designed to be operated
with one terminal at earth potential.
Terminal for neutral conductor on permanently installed equipment.
TS-5020 Automotive Electronics Functional Test System Wiring Guide and Hardware Reference2-5
2Safety and Regulatory Information
Safety symbols
Terminal for line conductor on permanently installed equipment.
Standby (supply); units with this symbol are not completely disconnected from ac mains when this
switch is off. To completely disconnect the unit from ac mains, either disconnect the power cord, or
have a qualified electrician install an external switch.
Regulatory markings
This text indicates that the ISM device complies with Canadian ICES-001.
Cet appareil ISM est conforme à la norme NMB-001 du Canada.
The CSA mark is a registered trademark of the Canadian Standards Association. A CSA mark with
the indicators “C” and “US” means that the product is certified for both the U.S. and Canadian
markets, to the applicable American and Canadian standards.
The C-tick mark is a registered trademark of the Spectrum Management Agency of Australia. This
signifies compliance with the Australia EMC Framework regulations under the terms of the Radio
Communication Act of 1992.
This instrument complies with the WEEE Directive (2002/96/EC) marking requirement. This affixed
product label indicates that you must not discard this electrical/electronic product in domestic
The CE mark is a registered trademark of the European Community. This CE mark shows that the
product complies with all the relevant European Legal Directives.
2-6TS-5020 Automotive Electronics Functional Test System Wiring Guide and Hardware Reference
Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) Precautions
Static electricity is destructive to your production process and
the TS-5020. Careless handling and poor site planning can cause
system reliability problems and reduce your product yield. The
system may not be as easily damaged as the modules you will be
testing, but good anti-static planning will help ensure high
The ESD symbol below indicates areas where ESD caution must
be exercised. This is to prevent damage to instruments and/or
test disruption.
ESD Symbol
Caution: Static Sensitive.
Electrostatic discharge in this area may cause equipment damage or
test disruption.
Safety and Regulatory Information2
While not an exhaustive list of anti-static precautions, Table 2-3
shows suggestions to consider as you plan your system area:
Table 2-3 Suggested Anti-Static Solutions for Site Planning
PrecautionSuggested Solution
Anti-static flooringPlan to use an anti-static floor
covering or mats.
Grounding strapsPlan for foot straps in conjunction
with anti-static flooring and wrist
straps for system operators.
The system test rack is secured to the pallet of the shipping crate
and wrapped with a plastic wrap. Do not move the crate or the test
rack and pallet to a static sensitive area until you have removed the
plastic wrap from the test rack.
TS-5020 Automotive Electronics Functional Test System Wiring Guide and Hardware Reference2-7
2Safety and Regulatory Information
End of Life: Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive
This product complies with the WEEE Directive (2002/96/EC)
marking requirement. The affixed product label (see below)
indicates that you must not discard this electrical/electronic
product in domestic household waste.
Product Category:
With reference to the equipment types in the WEEE directive
Annex 1, this product is classified as a “Monitoring and Control
Instrumentation” product.
Do not dispose in domestic household waste
To return unwanted products, contact your local Keysight
office, or see:
for more information.
2-8TS-5020 Automotive Electronics Functional Test System Wiring Guide and Hardware Reference
System Overview
System Intended Use .... 3-2
Instructions For Use .... 3-2
Test System Specifications and Capabilities .... 3-3
Test Capabilities – Measurement Sample Methods .... 3-4
System Capability DC Accuracy Sample .... 3-4
Test System Interface Description .... 3-6
Test System Interface Connectors .... 3-6
Rack Layout with Express Connect Test System Interface .... 3-28
Rack Layout with L2000 (TITAN) Test System Interface .... 3-29
System Block Diagrams with Express Connect Test System Interface ....
System Block Diagrams with L2000 (TITAN) Test System Interface .... 3-31
The Keysight 34980A Multifunction Switch/Measure Unit .... 3-32
The Keysight TS-5020 systems are designed to be used in high
volume Electronic Control Modules (ECM) manufacturing sites.
The systems can test ECU’s with 5-80 pins with voltages
0-60Vdc and currents in the 0-30Amp ranges. Typical
applications for TS-5020 system include testing of smart
sensors and ECMs for Antilock-brake, airbag, remote keyless
entry, climate control, sunroof and windows.
The Keysight TS-5020 systems contain all of the
instrumentation needed to test most electronics modules. You
may also add additional instruments and cabling to increase the
test capabilities of the system. The locations of the instruments
and test system interface or mass interconnect are standardized
as much as possible. Because the Keysight TS-5020 Series uses
open system standards, and is configurable by the system
integrator, systems at your site may be different from the
factory configurations.
In the event that additional instrumentation is added that will
shift the center of gravity, a rack stability test must be completed
to verify the stability of the modified rack.
Typical system operation is dependant on the target application. The
system is to be modified by trained personal for the target test module
application. Typically, the test system development process consists of:
•Identify the number of load resources required and assign load
•Identify the number of measurement resources required and assign
measurement resources
•Identify ECM serial interface communications needs and assign
serial resource
•Identify fixture control resources required and assign I/O & power
•Construct test fixture and test system interconnect cabling
required for the specific application
•Develop TXSL based test-plan for specific application
•Develop Software operator user interface for specific application
•Validate and deploy test system to manufacturing site.
3-2TS-5020 Automotive Electronics Functional Test System Wiring Guide and Hardware Reference
Test System Specifications and Capabilities
Ag ilent Technologies Quad 4x8 reed relay switch modu le.
34938A Agilent Technologies 20 Chann el, 5am p form A switch.
33220A Agilent Technologies 20M hz Function/Arbitrary W aveform Generator
N6762A Agilent Technologies Power supply
N665xA Agilent Technologies Power supply
Agilent Technologies 21 slot switch/load unit
E6176A Agilent Technologies 16 Ch loadcard
E6178B Agilent Technologies 8 Ch Heavy Duty loadcard
N9377A Agilent Technologies 16 Ch dual load
Ag ilent Technologies 8 Ch low resistance loadca rd
The TS-5020 test system specifications are derived directly from
the specifications of the instrumentation that make up the
system. The overall test system measurement capability is a
combination of the measurement uncertainty as specified by
the individual instrumentation combined with the system
switch paths of the switching sub-systems.
For test system instrumentation specifications &
characteristics, refer directly to the manufacturer
may be configured into the system. Refer to the manufacturer
supplied datasheets for detailed specifications.
Table 3-1 Typical TS-5020 Instrumentation
Table 3-1 lists various instrumentations that
System Overview3
P/N Mfg Descri
34980A A
34934A Agilent TechnologiesQuad 4x32 Reed Matrix
34939A Agilent Technologies64 Channel From A GP Sw itch
53220A Agilent Technologies350 MH z Universal Frequency Co un ter /Tim e r
N6752A Agilent Technologie sP o w e r suppl
N664xA Agilent Technologie sP o w e r suppl
E6175A Agilent Technologie s8 C h loa dc ard
E6177A Agilent Technologies24 Ch loadcard
U7177A Agilent Technologies24 Ch loadcard with current sense
N9379A Agilent Technologie s4 8 C h high density loadcard
ilent Technologies8 slot switch /m easu rem ent u nit w / d mm .
TS-5020 Automotive Electronics Functional Test System Wiring Guide and Hardware Reference3-3
3System Overview
Test Capabilities – Measurement Sample Methods
The following test capabilities calculations help you determine
if the Keysight TS-5020 Test System can meet your Electronic
Control Module (ECM) test requirements. The test capabilities
of the Keysight TS-5020 system include the specifications of the
individual instruments used in the test(s) combined with the
offsets in the system environment due to the measurement
paths. The largest contributors to measurement variations are
the instruments and the relays in the paths. The process for
determining system capabilities is:
•Determine the accuracy required to test the ECM. For example, a
particular output driver test measurement requires a measurement
of 12.5 volts ±10 mV.
•Determine the path, including the number of relays, to the DUT
from the based DMM.
•Determine the specification of the instrument from the module
manual specifications section for the particular range which will be
used for the test.
•Calculate the sum of the accuracy uncertainty due to instrument
modules' specifications and system switch paths, and compare it
to accuracy required by the DUT.
System Capability DC Accuracy Sample
relay in the measurement path needs to be included in the algorithm for
calculating the system-level capability. The source voltage of 12.5 volts
is supplied by Power Supply. The 1-year Accuracy vs. Aperture (±(% of
reading + volts)) specification of the Keysight 34980A internal DMM
for dc voltage on the 100-volt range for 16.7/20 milliseconds is
0.0045% + 0.6 millivolt.
The relays for the measurement system route through the 34933 matrix
card, and are all the specified at 50 microvolts offset.
The calculated system capability (accuracy) on the 100-volt range, using
16.7/20 millisecond aperture range, when using the Keysight 34980A
internal DMM within its defined accuracy conditions is:
3-4TS-5020 Automotive Electronics Functional Test System Wiring Guide and Hardware Reference
System Overview3
DMM DC Accuracy + offset
+ relay V offset (DvmHi to abus1)
+ relay V offset (abus1 to Row matrix relay)
+ relay V offset (row matrix relay to abus2)
+ relay V offset (abus2 to DvmLo)
(This equals 4 relay offsets of 50uV each)
Calculated system capability = ±[(0.0045%*12.5 + 0.6 mV) + 4*50uV]
= ±1.36 mV
TS-5020 Automotive Electronics Functional Test System Wiring Guide and Hardware Reference3-5
3System Overview
Test System Interface Description
The Keysight TS-5020 Test System Interface provides a common
connection interface between the test stand and your test
fixture/Unit Under Test (UUT). The Test System Interface
provides flexibility for specific test requirements and is
pre-wired and integrated to test stand equipment,
Test System Interface Connectors
There two types of Test system Interface Connectors;
•Express Connect
•Macpanel L2000 (TITAN)
Express Connect Test System Interface
The Express Connect Test System Interface can contain either
of the following sets of test connectors:
•TC1 through TC4
•TC1 through TC8
Test connectors TC1 to TC4 or TC1 to TC8 provide the majority
of the connections to the UUT.
These connectors are 156-pin, ITT Cannon Zero-Insertion-Force
Figure 3-1 and Figure 3-2 show the outline of the connector
3-6TS-5020 Automotive Electronics Functional Test System Wiring Guide and Hardware Reference
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