Keysight Truevolt Series, 34461A, 34465A, 34470A, 34460A Operating And Service Manual

Operating and
Service Guide
Keysight Truevolt Series Digital Multimeters
Notice: This document contains referencesto Agilent Tech-
nologies. Agilent's former Test and Measurement business has become Keysight Technologies. For more information, go to
Safety and Regulatory Information 11
Notices 11
Manual Information 11 Software Revision 11 Warranty 11 Technology Licenses 11 Restricted Rights Legend 12
Safety Notices 13 Safety Symbols 13 Safety Information 14
General 14 Measurement Limits 16 Input Terminal Measurement Limits 18 Sense Terminal Measurement Limits 18 IEC Measurement Category II 19
Keysight 34138A Test Lead Set 19
Test Lead Ratings 19 Operation 19 Maintenance 19 Declaration of Conformity 20
Welcome 21
Introductory Information 21 User Information 21 SCPI Programming Reference 22 Service and Repair 22 Performance Verification 22 Calibration Procedures 22
Introduction to the Instrument 23
Instrument at a Glance 23
Display – Easily display, save and document your measurement results 23 Measurements – Keysight’s Truevolt measurement performance with modern I/O accessibility 23 Programming Language 23
Front Panel at a Glance 24
Front Panel Keys 24
Rear Panel at a Glance 25 Models and Options 26
Options Installed at Factory 26 Options Installed by Distributor or End Customer 26
Remote Interface Configuration 27
Connectivity Software 27 GPIB Configuration 27 LAN Configuration 28 Web Interface 31
LAN Configuration Procedure 32
More about IP Addresses and Dot Notation 33
Firmware Update 34 Contacting Keysight Technologies 35
Quick Start 36
Prepare Instrument for Use 36 Setting the AC Mains Line Voltage Selector and Fuse Installation 37
Connect Power and I/O Cables 39
Keysight TruevoltSeries Operating and Service Guide
Adjust the Carrying Handle 40 Use Built-in Help System 41
View the help information for a front panel key 41 View the list of help topics and use interactive demos 42 View the list of recent instrument errors. 43 View the help information for displayed messages. 43
Rack Mount the Instrument 44
Removing the Handle and Bumpers 44 Rack Mounting a Single Instrument 44 Rack Mounting Instruments Side-by-Side 44 Sliding Support Shelf 45
Features and Functions 46
Continuous, Data Log, and Digitize Modes 47
Continuous Mode 47 Data Log Mode 47 Digitize Mode 47 Data Log and Digitize Mode Default Settings 48 Additional Data Log Default Settings 48 Additional Digitize Default Settings 49
Front Panel Menu Reference 50
[Acquire] key 54 [Math] key 54 [Display] key 54 [Utility] key 55
Measurements 56
DC Voltage 57 AC Voltage 60 DC Current 62 AC Current 64 Resistance 66 Temperature (34460A and 34461A) 69 Temperature (34465A and 34470A) 71 Capacitance 76 Continuity 77 Diode 78 Frequency and Period 79 Data Logging 81 Digitizing 86 Level Triggering 91 Secondary Measurements 93
Triggering and Readings 95
Instrument trigger model 95 Trigger delay and multiple samples 97 Storing and clearing readings 98
Probe Hold 100 Math - Introduction 101
Math - Null 102 Math - dB/dBm Scaling 103 Math - Scaling 105 Math - Smoothing 108 Math - Statistics 109 Math - Limits 110
Keysight TruevoltSeries Operating and Service Guide
Display - Introduction 114
Selecting the Display 114 Number 116 Bar Meter 121 Trend Chart (Continuous Measurement Mode) 124 Trend Chart (Digitize and Data Log Modes) 127 Histogram 133
Utility Menu - Introduction 138
Utility - Autocalibration (34465A/70A only) 139 Utility - Store and RecallState and Preference Files 140 Utility Menu - Manage Files 142 Utility Menu - I/O Configuration 144 Utility Menu - Test/Admin 147 Utility Menu - System Setup 149
Web Interface 152
Welcome Page 152 Instrument Monitor and Control Page 153 Configuration Page 157 Help 158
Measurement Tutorial 159
Measurement Considerations 160 Metrology 161 DC Measurement Considerations 162
Thermal EMF Errors 162 Loading Errors (DC Voltage) 162
Noise Rejection 163
Rejecting Power–Line Noise Voltages 163 Common Mode Rejection (CMR) 163 Noise Caused by Magnetic Loops 163 Noise Caused by Ground Loops 164
Resistance Measurement Considerations 165
Removing Test Lead Resistance Errors 165 Minimizing Power Dissipation Effects 166 Errors in High Resistance Measurements 166
True RMS AC Measurements 167
True RMS Accuracy and High–Frequency Signal Content 168 Estimating High–Frequency (Out–of–Band) Error 169
Other Primary Measurement Functions 171
Frequency and Period Measurement Errors 171 DC Current 171 Temperature Measurements 172 NULL Reading 173 Autozero On/Off 173
Making High–Speed AC Measurements 173 Making High–Speed DC and Resistance Measurements 174 Capacitance 175
Capacitance Measurement Considerations 176
Digitizing Measurements 177
The Sampling Rate 177 Level Triggering 178 About Digitize Mode 178 Data Log and Digitizing Local Remote Interaction 180
Keysight TruevoltSeries Operating and Service Guide
Data Log Mode 181
Data Log Mode Features 181 Data Logging and the Trend Chart Display 185 Data Log and Digitizing Local Remote Interaction 186
Level Triggering 187
About Level Trigger 187
Other Sources of Measurement Error 189
Settling Time Effects 189 Loading Errors (AC volts) 189 Measurements Below Full Scale 190 High-Voltage Self-Heating Errors 190 AC Current Measurement Errors (Burden Voltage) 190 Low–Level Measurement Errors 191 Common Mode Errors 191 Leakage Current Errors 192 Unnecessary Signal Errors 192
How Sample Rate/Interval is Determined 193
SCPI Programming Reference 194
Related Information 194
IO Libraries and Instrument Drivers 194 Keysight Truevolt Series Documentation 194 Web Interface 194
Introduction to the SCPI Language 195
Syntax Conventions 195 Command Separators 196 Using the MIN,MAX and DEF Parameters 196 Querying Parameter Settings 196 SCPI Command Terminators 197 IEEE-488.2 Common Commands 197 SCPI Parameter Types 197 Using Device Clear 199
Commands by Subsystem 199
ABORt 201 FETCh? 202 INITiate[:IMMediate] 203 OUTPut:TRIGger:SLOPe {POSitive|NEGative}OUTPut:TRIGger:SLOPe? 204 R? [<max_readings>] 205 READ? 206 ROUTe:TERMinals? 207 TEST:ALL? 208 UNIT:TEMPerature {C|F|K}UNIT:TEMPerature? 209 CALCulate Subsystem Introduction 210 CALibration Subsystem 237 CONFigure Subsystem 243 DATA Subsystem 256 DISPlay Subsystem 259 FORMat Subsystem 261 HCOPy Subsystem 263 IEEE 488.2 Common Commands 264 LXI Subsystem 277 MEASure Subsystem 280 MMEMory Subsystem - General Purpose File Management 291
Keysight TruevoltSeries Operating and Service Guide
MMEMory Subsystem - STATe and PREFerence Files 296 MMEMory Subsystem - Data Transfer Commands 301 SAMPle Subsystem 306 SENSe Subsystem Introduction 313 STATus Subsystem 386 SYSTem Subsystem - General Purpose Commands 392 SYSTem Subsystem - I/O Configuration 405 SYSTem Subsystem LOCK Commands 419 SYSTem Subsystem LICense Commands 422 TRIGger Subsystem 427
Command Quick Reference 434
Configuration Commands 434 Measurement Commands 434 Measurement Configuration Commands 434 Sample Commands 441 Triggering Commands 441 Calculation (Math) Commands 442 Reading Memory Commands 444 Calibration Commands 445 State Storage and Preferences Commands 445 General Purpose File Management Commands 446 Data Transfer Commands 447 IEEE-488 Commands 447 Format Subsystem 448 System-Related Commands 448 Interface Locking Commands 449 License Management Commands 450 Interface Configuration Commands 450 Status System Commands 451
Range, Resolution and Integration Time (shown in Aperture and NPLCs) 452 Resolution and Integration Time for DC Measurements 455 Automatic Trigger Delays 456
DC Voltage Default Delays 456 DC Current Default Delays 456 Resistance (2-wire) Default Delays 457 Resistance (4-wire) Default Delays 457 AC Voltage Default Delays 457 AC Current Default Delays 458 Frequency and Period 458
VM Comp Output (BNC) 459 SCPI Error Messages 460
Command Errors (-100…) 462 Execution Errors (-200…) 464 Device-Specific Errors (-300…) 467 Query Errors (-400…) 467 Network Errors (+100...) 467 Instrument Errors (+200…) 468 Miscellaneous Errors (+300... and +500..) 468 Licensing and Self-test Errors (+600...) 469 Calibration Errors (+700...) 471 Miscellaneous Errors (+800...) 473
Power-On and Reset State 474
Factory Default Settings 474
Keysight TruevoltSeries Operating and Service Guide
Service and Repair 477
Types of Service Available 477
Obtaining Repair Service (Worldwide) 477 Repackaging for Shipment 478
Cleaning 478 Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) Precautions 478 Power Supplies 479 Troubleshooting 482
Troubleshooting Procedure 483
Self-Test Procedures 486
Power-On Self-Test 486 FullSelf-Test 486
User Replaceable Parts 487 Disassembly 488
Tools Required 488 General Disassembly Procedure 489
Battery Replacement 492
Tools Required 492 Procedure 493
3 A and 10 A Current Path Fuse Replacement 494
Tools Required 494 Testing the Fuses 495 Internal Fuse Replacement Procedure 496
Installing the Optional GPIB Interface 497
Tools Required 497 Installation Procedure 497 Retain GPIB Cover Plate 497
Security Code Override 499
Which Procedure Should I Use? 499 Procedure A: For Firmware Revision Ending in 02, or Greater 500 Procedure B: For Firmware Revision Ending in 01 502
Performance Verification 503
Quick Performance Check 504 Performance VerificationTests 505 Recommended Test Equipment 505 Zero Offset Verification 506 DC Volts and DC Current Gain Verification 510 Frequency Accuracy Verification 515 AC Voltage and AC Current Verification 516 High Current Verification 521 Capacitance Verification (Optional Verification Test) 522
Calibration Adjustment Procedures 523
Calibration Procedures 524
Input Connections 525 Test Considerations 525 Recommended Test Equipment 526 Calibration Adjustment Process 527 Gain Calibration Adjustment Overview 528 Gain and Flatness Calibration Adjustment Overview 529 Entering Calibration Values and Storing Calibration Constants 530 Calibration Security 531
Keysight TruevoltSeries Operating and Service Guide
Calibration Message 532 Calibration Count 533 Aborting a Calibration in Progress 534 Security Code Override 535
34460A and 34461A Calibration Procedures 540
ADC and Zero Calibration 541 AC Voltage Low Frequency Gain and Flatness Calibration 543 AC Voltage Gain and Flatness Calibration 544 AC Current Gain and Flatness Calibration 545 AC Zero Calibration 546 Frequency Accuracy Calibration 547 DC Voltage Gain Calibration 548 Ohms Gain Calibration 549 DC Current Gain Calibration 550 AC Current 10 A Gain Calibration 551 DC Current 10 A Gain Calibration 552 Capacitance Offset Calibration (Optional) 553 Finishing Calibration 554
34465A and 34470A Calibration Procedures 555
ADC and Zero Calibration 556 AC Voltage Low Frequency Gain and Flatness Calibration 558 AC Voltage Gain and Flatness Calibration 559 AC Current Gain and Flatness Calibration 560 AC Zero Calibration 561 Frequency Accuracy Calibration 562 DC Voltage Gain Calibration 563 Ohms Gain Calibration 564 DC Current Gain Calibration 565 DC High Voltage Gain Calibration 566 AC Current 10 A Gain Calibration 567 DC Current 10 A Gain Calibration 568 Capacitance Offset Calibration (Optional) 569 Finishing Calibration 570
Index 571
Keysight TruevoltSeries Operating and Service Guide

Safety and Regulatory Information

Safety and Regulatory Information


© Keysight Technologies, Inc. 2013 - 2018
No part of this manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means (including electronic storage and retrieval or translation into a foreign language) without prior agreement and written consent from Key­sight Technologies, Inc. asgoverned by United States and international copyright laws.

Manual Information

Part Number: 34460-90901, Edition 6, ( November 27, 2018)
Keysight Technologies, Inc. 900 S. Taft Ave. Loveland, CO 80537 USA

Software Revision

For the latest firmware, go to the product page at
The latest product documentation is available at For doc- umentation for mobile devices, see
A portion of the software in this product is licensed under terms of the General Public License Version 2 ("GPLv2"). The text of the license and source code can be found at
This product uses Microsoft Windows CE. Keysight highly recommends that all Windows-based com­puters connected to Windows CE instruments use current anti-virus software. For more information, see


The material contained in this document is provided "as is," and is subject to being changed, without notice, in future editions. Further, to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, Keysight disclaims all warranties, either express or implied, with regard to this manual and any information contained herein, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitnessfor a particular purpose. Keysight shall not be liable for errors or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the fur­nishing, use, or performance of this document or of any information contained herein. Should Keysight and the user have a separate written agreement with warranty terms covering the material in this doc­ument that conflict with these terms, the warranty terms in the separate agreement shall control.

Technology Licenses

The hardware and/or software described in this document are furnished under a license and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of such license.
Keysight TruevoltSeries Operating and Service Guide
Safety and Regulatory Information

Restricted Rights Legend

U.S. Government Restricted Rights. Software and technical data rights granted to the federal government include only those rights customarily provided to end user customers. Keysight provides this customary commercial license in Software and technical data pursuant to FAR 12.211 (Technical Data) and 12.212 (Computer Software) and, for the Department of Defense, DFARS 252.227-7015 (Technical Data – Com­mercial Items) and DFARS 227.7202-3 (Rights in Commercial Computer Software or Computer Software Documentation).
Keysight TruevoltSeries Operating and Service Guide
Safety and Regulatory Information

Safety Notices

A CAUTION notice denotes a hazard. It calls attention to an operating procedure, practice, or the like that, if not correctly performed or adhered to, could result in damage to the product or loss of important data. Do not proceed beyond a CAUTION notice until the indicated conditions are fully understood and met.
A WARNING notice denotes a hazard. It calls attention to an operating procedure, practice, or the like that, if not correctly performed or adhered to, could result in personal injury or death. Do not proceed bey­ond a WARNING notice until the indicated conditions are fully understood and met.

Safety Symbols

Alternating current
Frame or chassis terminal
Standby supply. Unit is not completely disconnected from AC mains power when switch is off.
Risk of electric shock
Refer to accompanying documents
The CE mark is a registered trademark of the European Community.
The CSA mark with the 'c' and 'us' subscript indicates the instrument is certified to the applic­able Canadian and United States of America standards respectively.
CAT II (300V)
ISM 1-A This text indicates that the instrument is an Industrial Scientific and Medical Group 1 Class A product
IEC Measurement Category II. Inputs may be connected to AC mains power (up to 300 VAC) under Category II overvoltage conditions.
This product ismarked with the ACMA RCM mark for compliance in Australia / New Zealand. A copy of the Manufacturer’s Australia Declaration of Conformity for this instrument can be obtained by contacting your local Keysight Technologies Sales Representative.
(CISPR 11, Clause 4).
This ISM device complies with Canadian ICES-001.
Cet appareil ISM est conforme à la norme NMB-001 du Canada.
Keysight TruevoltSeries Operating and Service Guide
Safety and Regulatory Information
This product complies with the WEEE Directive (2002/96/EC) marking equipment. The affixed product label indicates that you must not discard thiselectrical/electronic product in domestic household waste.
To return unwanted products, contact your local Keysight office, or see www.key- for more information.
This equipment isClass A suitable for professional use and is for use in electromagnetic envir­onments outside of the home.
Contains one or more of the 6 hazardous substances above the maximum concentration value (MCV), 40 Year EPUP.

Safety Information


Do not use this product in any manner not specified by the manufacturer. The protective features of this product may be impaired if it is used in a manner not specified in the operation instructions. Do not install substitute parts or perform any unauthorized modification to the product. Return the product to a Key­sight Technologies Sales and Service Office for service and repair to ensure that safety features are main­tained.
Product Grounding
The instrument is a Class 1 product and is provided with a grounding-type power cord set. The instru­ment chassis and cover are connected to the instrument electrical ground to minimize shock hazard. The ground pin of the cord set plug must be firmly connected to the electrical ground (safety ground) terminal at the power outlet. Any interruption of the protective earth (grounding) conductor or dis­connection of the protective earth terminal will cause a potential shock hazard that could result in per­sonal injury or death.
To prevent electrical shock, disconnect the instrument from AC mains power and disconnect all test leads before cleaning. Clean the outside of the instrument using a soft, lint-free, cloth slightly dampened with water.Do not use detergent or solvents.Do not attempt to clean internally.If needed, contact a KeysightTechnologies Sales and Service office to arrange for proper cleaning to ensure that safety features and performance are maintained.
AC Power Cord
Removal of the AC power cord is the disconnect method to remove power from the instrument. Be sure to allow for adequate access to the power cord to permit disconnection from AC power. Use only the Keysightspecified power cord for the country of use or one with equivalent ratings.
Keysight TruevoltSeries Operating and Service Guide
Safety and Regulatory Information
Do Not Remove Instrument Cover
Only qualified, service-trained personnel should remove the cover from the instrument. Service: Unplug instrument from wall outlet, remove power cord, and remove all probes from all terminals before servicing.
AC Mains Power Line Fuse
For continued protection against fire, replace the line fuse only with fuses of the specified type and rat­ing. The instrument must be disconnected from AC mains power, and all measurement terminals must be disconnected before changing the fuse.
Current Measurement Protection Fuse
For continued protection against fire, replace current-protection fuses only with fuses of the specified type and rating. The instrument must be disconnected from AC mains power, and all measurement ter­minals must be disconnected before changing the fuse.
Front/Rear Switch
Do not change the position of the Front/Rear switch on the front panel while signals are present on either the front or rear set of terminals. The switch is not intended as an active multiplexer. Switching while current or high voltage is present may cause instrument damage and lead to the risk of electric shock.
Do Not Operate in an Explosive Atmosphere
This instrument is not designed to be operated in an explosive environment. The instrument enclosure complies with the IP 20 rating.
In Case of Damage
An instrument that appears damaged or defective should be made inoperative and secured against unintended operation until qualified service personnel can repair it.
Before measuring any hazardous voltage or current, remove all test leads to the instrument, run the TEST:ALL? query from the remote interface, and read the result to verify that the instrument is per­forming properly.
The TEST:ALL? query is a self-testthat returns +0 if the instrument passes and +1if the instrument fails. You can also perform this query from the front panel by pressing [Shift] > [Utility] > Test/Admin > Self Test > Full Test. If this self-test fails, make sure thatthe instrument is repaired and passes the complete self-test before continuing.
Measuring AC Power Mains
The HI, LO, and current input terminals may be connected to AC mains power in IEC Category II install­ations for line voltages up to 300VAC. To avoid the danger of electric shock, do not connect the inputs to AC mains power for line voltages above 300 VAC. See IEC Measurement Category II for further information.
Keysight TruevoltSeries Operating and Service Guide
Safety and Regulatory Information
Measuring Current with A Current Transformer
If a current transformer is used for measuring current, you must use a current transformer with internal secondary protection. Using a current transformer without protection may result in a haz­ardous voltage resulting in a severe shock or death. In addition, this may cause damage to the instru­ment.
Crest Factor
Exceeding the crest factor limit may result in an inaccurate or lower reading display. Do not exceed the crest factor limit to avoid instrument damage and risk of electric shock. The crest factor limit is lis­ted in the product data sheet at

Measurement Limits

To avoid instrument damage and the risk of electric shock, do not exceed any of the Measurement Lim­its defined in the following section.
This product complies with EN/IEC 61326-2-1, for sensitive test and measurement equip­ment:
When subjected to transient radiated and/or conducted electromagnetic phenomena, the product may have temporary loss of function or performance which is self-recovering. Recov­ery may take longer than 10 seconds.
When subjected to continuously present electromagnetic phenomena, some degradation of performance may occur.
Unless otherwise noted in the specifications, this instrument or system is intended for indoor use in an installation category II, pollution degree 2 environment per IEC 61010-1 and 664 respectively. It is designed to operate at a maximum relative humidity of 5% to 80% at 40 °C or less (non-condensing). This instrument or system is designed to operate at altitudes up to 3000 meters, and at temperatures between 0 and 55 °C.
Measurement Limits
The Truevolt Series DMMs provide protection circuitry to prevent damage to the instrument and to protect against the danger of electric shock, provided the Measurement Limits are not exceeded. To ensure safe operation of the instrument, do not exceed the Measurement Limits shown on the front and rear panel, and defined as follows:
Keysight TruevoltSeries Operating and Service Guide
34460A Front Panel Terminal Area
Safety and Regulatory Information
34461A, 34465A, 34470A Front Panel Terminal Area
34461A, 34465A, 34470A Rear Panel Terminal Area
Keysight TruevoltSeries Operating and Service Guide
Safety and Regulatory Information
For the 34461A, 34465A, and 34470A, the Front/Rear switch selects the terminal set to be used. DO NOT operate this switch while signals are present on the front or rear terminals.
The user-replaceable 3 A current-protection fuse is on the rear panel. There are 3 A and 10 A (34461A, 34465A and 34470A) current-protection fuses located inside the unit. Contact your Keysight Sales and Service Center or refer to product service documentation for replacement instructions.
To maintain protection, replace fuses only with fuses of the specified type and rating.

Input Terminal Measurement Limits

Measurement Limits are defined for the input terminals:
Main Input (HI and LO) Terminals. The HI and LO input terminals are used for voltage, resistance, fre-
quency (period), capacitance, and diode test measurements. Two Measurement Limits are defined for these terminals:
HI to LO Measurement Limit. The Measurement Limit from HI to LO (Input terminals) is 1000 VDC or
750 VAC, which is also the maximum voltage measurement. This limit can also be expressed as 1000 Vpk maximum.
LO to Ground Measurement Limit. The LO input terminal can safely "float" a maximum of 500 Vpk
relative to ground, where ground is defined as the Protective Earth Conductor in the AC mains power cord connected to the instrument.
As implied by the above limits, the Measurement Limit for the HI input terminal is a maximum of 1500 Vpk relative to ground when LO is at its maximum of 500 Vpk relative to ground.
Current Input Terminal. The current input ("I") terminal has a Measurement Limit of 3 A or 10 A (DC or
AC) between the "I" terminal (3 A or 10 A) and the LO input terminal. Note that the current input terminals will always be at approximately the same voltage as the LO terminal, unless a current protection fuse is open. The 10 A terminal isnot available on the 34460A.

Sense Terminal Measurement Limits

The HI and LO sense terminals are used for DCV ratio measurements and four-wire resistance and tem­perature measurements. The Measurement Limit is 200 Vpk for all of the terminal pairings: LO sense to LO input, HI sense to LO input, and HI sense to LO sense.
The 200 Vpk limit on the sense terminals is the Measurement Limit. Operational voltages in resistance meas­urements are much lower – up to ± 12 V in normal operation.
Keysight TruevoltSeries Operating and Service Guide
Safety and Regulatory Information

IEC Measurement Category II

To protect against the danger of electric shock, the Keysight Truevolt Series DMM protects the user from AC mains power overvoltage events. When measuring AC mains, the HI and LO input terminals may be connected to AC mains power up to 300 VAC under Measurement Category II conditions as defined below.
IEC Measurement Category II includes electrical devices connected to AC mains power at an outlet on a branch circuit. Such devices include most small appliances, test equipment, and other devices that plug into a branch outlet or socket. The instrument may be used to make measurements with the HI and LO inputs connected to AC mains power in such devices, or to the branch outlet itself (up to 300 VAC). However, the instrument may not be used with its HI and LO inputs connected to AC mains power in per­manently installed electrical devices such asthe main circuit-breaker panel, sub-panel disconnect boxes, or permanently wired motors. Such devicesand circuits are subject to overvoltages that may exceed the instrument’s protection capabilities.
Voltages above 300 VAC may be measured only in circuits that are isolated from AC mains power. However, transient overvoltages are also present on circuits that are isolated from ACmains power. The instrument is designed to safely withstand occasional transient overvoltages up to 1500 Vpk when measuring voltages greater than 300 VAC. Do not use this equipment to measure circuits where transient overvoltages could exceed this level.

Keysight 34138A Test Lead Set

The Keysight 34138A Test Lead Set, described below, is compatible with the Truevolt Series DMMs.

Test Lead Ratings

l Test Leads - 1000V, 15A
l Fine Tip Probe Attachments - 300V
l 3A Mini Grabber Attachment - 300V, 3A
l SMT Grabber Attachments - 300V, 3A


The Fine Tip, Mini Grabber, and SMT Grabber attachments plug onto the probe end of the Test Leads.


If any portion of the Test Lead Set is worn or damaged, do not use. Replace with a new Keysight 34138A Test Lead Set.
If the Test Lead Set is used in a manner not specified by KeysightTechnologies, the protection provided by the Test Lead Set may be impaired. Also, do not use a damaged or worn Test Lead Set. Per­sonal injury or death may result.
Keysight TruevoltSeries Operating and Service Guide
Safety and Regulatory Information

Declaration of Conformity

Declarations of Conformity for this product and for other Keysight products may be downloaded from the Keysight Regulatory Web site:
Keysight TruevoltSeries Operating and Service Guide


This Operating and Service Guide contains information for using, programming, and servicing the Keysight Truevolt Series Digital Multimeters (DMMs). If you have feedback on this document, please go to www.key-

Introductory Information

Safety and Regulatory Information
Models and Options
Quick Start
Contacting Keysight Technologies
Introduction to the Instrument

User Information

Front Panel Menu Reference
Features and Functions
Remote Interface Configuration
LAN Configuration Procedure
Web Interface
Triggering and Readings
Probe Hold
Utility Menu
Measurement Tutorial
Keysight TruevoltSeries Operating and Service Guide

SCPI Programming Reference

Welcome to SCPI
Introduction to the SCPI Language
Commands by Subsystem
Command Quick Reference
Range, Resolution, and NPLC
Resolution Table
VM Comp Output
SCPI Error Messages
Power-On and Reset State

Service and Repair

Service and Repair
Power Supplies
Self-Test Procedures
Battery Replacement
Installing the Optional GPIB Interface
User Replaceable Parts

Performance Verification

Performance Verification

Calibration Procedures

Calibration Procedures
34460A and 34461A Calibration Procedures
34465A and 34470A Calibration Procedures
Firmware Update
Keysight TruevoltSeries Operating and Service Guide

Introduction to the Instrument

Introduction to the Instrument
The Keysight Technologies 34460A/61A/65A instruments are 6½-digit digital multimeters (DMMs); the 34470A is a 7½-digit DMM.

Instrument at a Glance

Front Panel at a Glance
Rear Panel at a Glance
Models and Options
Contacting Keysight Technologies
Instrument at a Glance
The instrument’s combination of bench-top and system features make it a versatile solution now and in the future. The instrument can make a wide range of accurate and flexible measurements.

Display – Easily display, save and document your measurement results

l High usability with an intuitive, menu driven user interface
l Histogram, trend chart (not available on the 34460A), meter, and numeric views on a high-resolution
color display
l USB, LAN (optional on 34460A), and optional GPIB interface
l Drag and drop, driverless USB connectivity
Measurements – Keysight’s Truevolt measurement performance with modern I/O accessibility
l Patented, metrology-level performance that serves as the foundation for all measurements

Programming Language

l SCPI (Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments) programming language
Keysight TruevoltSeries Operating and Service Guide
Introduction to the Instrument

Front Panel at a Glance

Item Description
1 USB Port
2 Display
3 Measurement Configuration and Instrument Operation Keys
4 HI and LO Sense Terminals
5 HI and LO Input Terminals
6 AC/DC Current Input Terminals (10 A terminal not available on 34460A)
7 On/Standby Switch
8 Softkeys
9 Cursor Navigation Keypad
10 Range Selection Keys
11 Front/Rear Switch (34461A/65A/70A only)

Front Panel Keys

Some of the front panel keys have text above them. This indicates that the key has a function that you can access by pressing and releasing [Shift] before pressing the key. For example, if you press and release [Shift] before pressing [Display], you will access the [Utility] function:
Keysight TruevoltSeries Operating and Service Guide

Rear Panel at a Glance

Introduction to the Instrument
Item Description
1 HI and LO Sense Terminals (34461A/65A/70A only)
2 HI and LO Input Terminals (34461A/65A/70A only)
3 Fan Vents (34461A/65A/70A only)
4 GPIB Connector (optional)
5 AC Mains Line Voltage Selector and Fuse Access
6 3 A Current Terminal Fuse
7 3 A Current Terminal (34461A/65A/70A only)
8 Voltmeter Measurement Complete Output
9 External Trigger Input
10 Local Area Network (LAN) Connector
11 USB Interface Connector
12 Instrument Cable Lock
13 Chassis Ground Screw
14 AC Mains Input
Keysight TruevoltSeries Operating and Service Guide
Introduction to the Instrument

Models and Options

The available Truevolt Digital Multimeter (DMM) models are:
l 34460A - 6½-digit Basic DMM
l 34461A - 6½-digit 34401A Replacement DMM
l 34465A - 6½-digit DMM
l 34470A - 7½-digit DMM
The factory-installed options and the options that can be installed by you or a distributor are listed in the tables below. You can determine the installed options from the instrument's front panel by pressing
[Shift] > [Help] > About.

Options Installed at Factory

34460A 34461A 34465A 34470A Description
*N/A *N/A 34465A-
*N/A *N/A 34465A-
*N/A ­Standard
*N/A ­Standard
*N/A ­Standard
*N/A ­Standard
*N/A ­Standard
*N/A ­Standard
Rear panel LAN/LXI web interface, external triggering for 34460A.
NISPOM and file security for Truevolt series DMMs license.
User-installable GPIB interface module
Accessory kit for 34460A - Test Leads, USB Cable
Certificate of calibration – ANSI/NCSL Z540.3-2006, prin­ted
Digitizing and advanced triggering. Now included with latest firmware update.
2 MB memory license

Options Installed by Distributor or End Customer

3446LANU Option *N/A -
3446SECU Option Option Option Option NISPOM and file security for Truevolt series
3446GPBU Option Option Option Option User-installable GPIB interface module
3446ACCU Option *N/A -
3446MEMU *N/A *N/A Option Option 2 MB memory for 34465A and 34470A Truevolt
*N/A = Not Applicable.
34460A 34461A 34465A 34470A Description
*N/A ­Standard
*N/A ­Standard
*N/A ­Standard
*N/A ­Standard
Enable rear panel LAN/LXI web interface, external triggering for 34460A
DMMs license.
Accessory kit for 34460A - Test Leads, USB Cable
DMMs license
Keysight TruevoltSeries Operating and Service Guide
Introduction to the Instrument

Remote Interface Configuration

If you have the security option installed on your instrument, the instrument must be unsecured with the security code to perform many of these actions.
The instrument supports remote interface communication over three interfaces: GPIB (optional), USB, and LAN (optional on 34460A). All three are "live" at power up when the instrument ships from the factory.
GPIB Interface: Set the instrument's GPIB address and connect to your PC using a GPIB cable.
USB Interface: Use the rear-panel USB connector to communicate with your PC. For details, see USB
LAN Interface: By default, DHCP is on, which may enable communication over LAN. The acronym
DHCP stands for Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, a protocol for assigning dynamic IP addresses to networked devices. With dynamic addressing, a device can have a different IP address every time it connects to the network.

Connectivity Software

The instrument ships with the Keysight Automation-Ready CD. This CDcontains Keysight IO Librar- ies Suite software, which must be installed to enable remote-interface operations. The CDauto-starts and provides information on installing the software. Also includes Keysight Technologies
USB/LAN/GPIB Connectivity Guide, which contains additional information.

GPIB Configuration

Each device on the GPIB (IEEE-488) interface must have a unique whole number address between 0 and
30. The instrument ships with a default address of 10, and the GPIB address is displayed at power-on.
l This setting is non-volatile; it will not be changed by power cycling or *RST or SYSTem:PRESet.
l Your computer’s GPIB interface card addressmust not conflict with any instrument on the interface
Front Panel: Press [Utility] > I/O Config > GPIB Settings. From this menu, you can set the GPIB
address and turn GPIB on or off. After making changes, you must cycle power on the instrument for the change to take effect.
SYSTem:COMMunicate:GPIB:ADDRess <address> SYSTem:COMMunicate:ENABle {ON|1|OFF|0},GPIB
Keysight TruevoltSeries Operating and Service Guide
Introduction to the Instrument

LAN Configuration

The following sections describe the primary front panel LAN configuration functions, including SCPI com­mands where applicable. Some LAN configuration functions can be performed only via SCPI. See SYSTem
Subsystem - I/O Configuration for all LAN configuration commands, and see LAN Configuration Pro­cedure to configure the LAN via the front panel.
Some LAN settings require you to cycle instrument power to activate them. The instru­ment briefly displays a message when this is the case, so watch the screen closely as you change LAN settings.
Resetting the LAN
You can clear the Web Interface password, turn DHCP on, and restart the LAN at any time:
Front Panel:[Utility] > I/O Config > LAN Reset
The message "Performing LAN Reset" is displayed while the LAN is reset.
DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) can automatically assign a dynamic IP addressto a LAN device. This is typically the easiest way to configure the instrument for LAN.
l This setting is non-volatile; it will not be changed by power cycling or *RST or SYSTem:PRESet.
Front Panel:[Utility] > I/O Config > LAN Settings > Modify Settings
Then set the first softkey to DHCP to use DHCP to automatically assign an IP address.
If you change this parameter, you must either press the Apply Changes softkey (front panel) or send
SYSTem:COMMunicate:LAN:UPDate (remote interface) for the change to take effect.
To manually set an IP address, Subnet Mask, or Default Gateway, turn DHCP off, then change the IP setup as described below.
Keysight TruevoltSeries Operating and Service Guide
Introduction to the Instrument
IP Address
You can enter a static IP address for the instrument as a four-byte integer expressed in dot notation. Each byte isa decimal value, with no leading zeros (for example,
l If DHCP is on, it attempts to assign an IP address to the instrument. If it fails, Auto-IP attempts to
assign an IP address to the instrument.
l Contact your LAN administrator to obtain an IP address.
l This setting is non-volatile; it will not be changed by power cycling or *RST or SYSTem:PRESet.
Front Panel:[Utility] > I/O Config > LAN Settings > Modify Settings
Then set the first softkey to Manual and press IP Address to enter a new IP address.
SCPI: SYSTem:COMMunicate:LAN:IPADdress"<address>"
If you change this parameter, you must either press the Apply Changes softkey (front panel) or send
SYSTem:COMMunicate:LAN:UPDate (remote interface) for the change to take effect.
Subnet Mask
Subnetting allows the LAN administrator to subdivide a network to simplify administration and minimize network traffic. The subnet mask indicates the portion of the host address used to indicate the subnet.
l Contact your LAN administrator for details.
l This setting is non-volatile; it will not be changed by power cycling or *RST or SYSTem:PRESet.
Front Panel:[Utility] > I/O Config > LAN Settings > Modify Settings
Then set the first softkey to Manual and press Subnet Mask to enter a new subnet mask with the arrow keys (for example:
SCPI: SYSTem:COMMunicate:LAN:SMASk "<mask>"
If you change this parameter, you must either press the Apply Changes softkey (front panel) or send
SYSTem:COMMunicate:LAN:UPDate (remote interface) for the change to take effect.
Keysight TruevoltSeries Operating and Service Guide
Introduction to the Instrument
Default Gateway
A gateway is a network device that connects networks. The default gateway setting is the IP address of such a device.
l You need not set a gateway address if using DHCP.
l Contact your LAN administrator for details.
l This setting is non-volatile; it will not be changed by power cycling or *RST or SYSTem:PRESet.
Front Panel:[Utility] > I/O Config > LAN Settings > Modify Settings
Then set the first softkey to Manual and press More and Gateway. Then set the appropriate gateway address using the arrow keys.
SCPI: SYSTem:COMMunicate:LAN:GATeway "<address>"
If you change this parameter, you must either press the Apply Changes softkey (front panel) or send
SYSTem:COMMunicate:LAN:UPDate (remote interface) for the change to take effect.
A hostname is the host portion of the domain name, which is translated into an IP address.
l The instrument receives a unique hostname at the factory, but you may change it. The hostname must
be unique on the LAN.
l The name must start with letter; other characters can be an upper or lower case letters, numeric digits,
or dashes("-").
l This setting is non-volatile; it will not be changed by power cycling or *RST or SYSTem:PRESet.
Front Panel:[Utility] > I/O Config > LAN Settings > Modify Settings
Then press Host Name and enter the hostname with the front panel arrow keys.
SCPI: SYSTem:COMMunicate:LAN:HOSTname "<name>"
If you change this parameter, you must either press the Apply Changes softkey (front panel) or send
SYSTem:COMMunicate:LAN:UPDate (remote interface) for the change to take effect.
Domain Name
A domain name is a registered Internet name that gets translated into an IP address. You cannot set it from the front panel or SCPI.
Keysight TruevoltSeries Operating and Service Guide
Introduction to the Instrument
DNS Server
DNS (Domain Name Service) is an Internet service that translates domain names into IP addresses. The DNS server address is the IP address of a server that performs this service.
l Normally, DHCP discovers DNS address information; you only need to change this if DHCP is unused
or not functional. Contact your LAN administrator for details.
l This setting is non-volatile; it will not be changed by power cycling or *RST or SYSTem:PRESet.
Front Panel:[Utility] > I/O Config > LAN Settings > Modify Settings
Then set the first softkey to Manual and press More and Primary DNS or Second DNS to enter a DNS address using the front panel arrow keys.
SCPI: SYSTem:COMMunicate:LAN:DNS[{1|2}] "<address>"
If you change this parameter, you must either press the Apply Changes softkey (front panel) or send
SYSTem:COMMunicate:LAN:UPDate (remote interface) for the change to take effect.
Current Configuration (LAN)
Press[Utility] > I/O Config > LAN Settings to view the MAC address and current LAN configuration. There is no equivalent SCPI command.
l If the instrument goes into remote, all LAN changes will be canceled and the display will go to a dif-
ferent screen. Re-selecting the LAN Settings page will display the new settings if a LAN restart took place.

Web Interface

The instrument includes a built-in Web Interface for remote instrument access and control over LAN via a Web browser. For details, see Web Interface.
Keysight TruevoltSeries Operating and Service Guide
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