Keysight MXR, EXR User Manual

Keysight Infiniium MXR/EXR-Series Real-Time Oscilloscopes
User's Guide
© Keysight Technologies, Inc. 2014-2020
Manual Part Number
Sixth edition, November 2020
Available in electronic format only
Published by: Keysight Technologies, Inc. 1900 Garden of the Gods Road Colorado Springs, CO 80907 USA
Print History
54925-97000, May 2020
54925-97005, June 2020
54925-97006, November 2020
54925-97010, September 2020
54925-97011, November 2020
54925-97013, November 2020
The material contained in this document is provided "as is," and is subject to being changed, without notice, in future editions. Further, to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, Keysight disclaims all warranties, either express or implied, with regard to this manual and any information contained herein, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Keysight shall not be liable for errors or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, use, or performance of this document or of any information contained herein. Should Keysight and the user have a separate written agreement with warranty terms covering the material in this document that
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The hardware and/or software described in this document are furnished under a license and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of such license.
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This product has been designed and tested in accordance with accepted industry standards, and has been supplied in a safe condition. The documentation contains information and warnings that must be followed by the user to ensure safe operation and to maintain the product in a safe condition.
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A WARNING notice denotes a hazard. It calls attention to an operating procedure, practice, or the like that, if not correctly performed or adhered to, could result in personal injury or death. Do not proceed beyond a WARNING notice until the indicated conditions are fully understood and met.
2 Keysight Infiniium MXR/EXR-Series Real-Time Oscilloscopes User's Guide

Infiniium MXR/EXR-Series Real-Time Oscilloscopes—At a Glance

+ +
Table 1 Infiniium MXR-Series real-time oscilloscopes
8-Channel Model 4-Channel Model Bandwidth Sampling rate
MXR608A MXR604A 6 GHz 16 GSa/s
MXR408A MXR404A 4 GHz 16 GSa/s
MXR258A MXR254A 2.5 GHz 16 GSa/s
MXR208A MXR204A 2 GHz 16 GSa/s
MXR108A MXR104A 1 GHz 16 GSa/s
MXR058A MXR054A 500 MHz 16 GSa/s
Keysight Infiniium MXR/EXR-Series Real-Time Oscilloscopes User's Guide 3
Table 2 Infiniium EXR-Series real-time oscilloscopes
8-Channel Model 4-Channel Model Bandwidth Sampling rate
EXR258A EXR254A 2.5 GHz 16 GSa/s
EXR208A EXR204A 2 GHz 16 GSa/s
EXR108A EXR104A 1 GHz 16 GSa/s
EXR058A EXR054A 500 MHz 16 GSa/s
In addition to the number of input channels, bandwidths, and sampling rates described in the previous table, the Keysight Infiniium MXR/EXR-Series real-time oscilloscopes deliver these features:
10-bit analog-to-digital converter (ADC) with low noise and high effective number of bits (ENOB), with additional high-resolution settings that increase the effective number of bits at lower bandwidths.
Hardware acceleration and high waveform update rates that make it more likely to capture waveform anomalies.
16 digital input channels (1-bit vertical resolution) enabled with the MSO license.
A mixed-signal oscilloscope (MSO) lets you debug your mixed-signal designs using analog signals and tightly correlated digital signals simultaneously. The 16 digital channels have a 8 GSa/s sample rate, with a 400 MHz toggle rate. Thresholds levels can be set per nibble.
Many trigger modes including: edge, glitch, pulse width, pattern/state, runt, setup and hold, edge transition, edge then edge, timeout, window, OR'd edges, Nth edge, and burst. Also available are sequential triggering and InfiniiScan (Zone triggering and finders for measurements, serial bit streams, runts, and non-monotonic edges).
Protocol triggering and decode options for many types of protocols including: ARINC-429, BroadR-Reach/100BaseT1, CAN, CAN-FD, eSPI, eUSB2, Ethernet 10BT, Ethernet 100BT, I2C, I2S (LJ, RJ, TDM), LIN, Manchester, MIL-STD 1553, MIPI-I3C, Quad-SPI, RS-232/UART, SENT, Spacewire, SPI, SPMI, SVID, USB
2.0, USB-PD, and more.
Protocol decode and search options for even more protocols.
Built-in counter and digital voltmeter (DVM) hardware for the analog input channels.
Built-in, license-enabled waveform generator with: sine, square, ramp, pulse, DC, noise, sine cardinal, exponential rise, exponential fall, cardiac, Gaussian pulse, PRBS, and demo waveforms output to the GEN OUT side-panel BNC connector. Generated signals can be used to provide stimulus to a device under test (DUT) or for demos.
Front-panel knobs and keys for: default and autoscale setups, acquisition run control (run, stop, and single), horizontal settings (time/division, trigger
4 Keysight Infiniium MXR/EXR-Series Real-Time Oscilloscopes User's Guide
position, zoom window, and time navigation), vertical settings (scaling down to 1 mV/div in hardware and offset), multiple markers (to check voltage or at any point on a waveform), trigger level, digital channels, protocol decode, clearing acquisitions from the display, and more.
Knobs are pushable for making quick selections.
15.6 inch color 1920x1080 (FHD) capacitive touch screen display with multi-touch (gestures), handles, and resizing allows oscilloscope operation without an external pointing device.
High-capacity removable solid state hard drive for fast boot-up, storing setups, and saving measurement results.
USB 3.0 and LAN ports make printing, saving, and sharing data easy.
VGA and DisplayPort ports on the motherboard I/O panel for displaying the screen on a different monitor.
64-bit Windows operating system and graphical user interface with familiar menus, toolbars, etc. Ability to install other Windows applications like vector signal analysis (VSA) software.
Eight analog channel waveform memories and one digital channels waveform memory for comparing with other channels or math waveforms.
More than 50 automated measurements and measurement statistics.
Up to 16 math function waveforms selectable from these operations: add, subtract, multiply, divide, d/dt, integrate, invert, FFT magnitude, FFT phase, magnify/duplicate, square, square root, absolute value, low pass filter, high pass filter, averaged value, smoothing, envelope, magnify, maximum, minimum, peak-peak, measurement trend, bus chart, and user-defined functions with MATLAB analysis.
New analysis tools including: Fault Hunter and Power Analysis.
Legacy Infiniium analysis tools including: histograms, mask testing (now with multiple masks for separate waveforms), jitter, real-time eye, equalization, crosstalk, and phase noise.
Supports many compliance testing applications for technologies like: 100BASE-T1, 1000BASE-T1, 10/100/1G Ethernet, 10GBASE-T, 10GBASE-CX4, Broad-R Reach, CPRI, DDR2/LPDDR2, DDR3/LPDDR3, Energy Efficient Ethernet, HDMI, MGBASE-T (2.5G/5G), MIPI C-PHY, MIPI D-PHY, MIPI M-PHY, MOST, NBASE-T (2.5G/5G), OBSAI, ONFI, PCI Express Gen 1-4, Serial RapidIO, TC8 (OPEN), USB 2.0, and XAUI.
Keysight Infiniium MXR/EXR-Series Real-Time Oscilloscopes User's Guide 5

In This Guide

This guide provides the information you need to begin using the Infiniium MXR/EXR-Series real-time oscilloscopes.
Chapter 1, “Setting Up,” starting on page 11, includes unpacking steps, power
and air flow requirements, and other setup information.
Chapter 2, “Getting Started,” starting on page 21, familiarizes you with the inputs
and outputs, front-panel knobs and keys, the graphical user interface, and describes how to perform basic operations with the oscilloscope.
Chapter 3, “Demos and Online Help,” starting on page 49, describes the Infiniium
oscilloscope application's online demos and online help contents. The online help describes in detail how to use the Infiniium oscilloscope.
Chapter 4, “Other Oscilloscope Tasks,” starting on page 53, describes the Infiniium
oscilloscope application's online help contents and online demos. The online help describes how to use the Infiniium oscilloscope application in detail.
Chapter 5, “Calibrating the Oscilloscope,” starting on page 59, describes how to
perform a user calibration.
Chapter 6, “Testing Performance,” starting on page 65, describes the procedures
used to verify that the oscilloscope is operating within specification.
Chapter 7, “Troubleshooting,” starting on page 107, describes what to do if you
encounter any problems with your MXR/EXR-Series oscilloscope.
For More Information
For detailed information on how to use the oscilloscope, see the Infiniium oscilloscope application's online help. See "Accessing the Online Help" on page 51.
For information on controlling the oscilloscope from a remote computer, see the Oscilloscopes Programmer's Guide found in the Infiniium oscilloscope application's online help.
For technical assistance, contact your local Keysight Technologies representative at
6 Keysight Infiniium MXR/EXR-Series Real-Time Oscilloscopes User's Guide


1 Setting Up
Infiniium MXR/EXR-Series Real-Time Oscilloscopes—At a Glance / 3
In This Guide / 6
Inspecting Package Contents / 12
Environmental Characteristics / 13
Positioning for Proper Airflow / 14
Tilting the Oscilloscope for Easier Viewing / 15
Connecting Accessories and a LAN Cable to the Oscilloscope / 16
Connecting Power to the Oscilloscope / 17
Turning On the Oscilloscope / 18
Changing the Administrator Password / 19
2 Getting Started
Front Panel Connectors / 22
Side Panel Connectors / 23
Knobs and Keys on the Front Panel / 26
Channel inputs / 22 Probe compensation terminal / 22
Motherboard I/O / 23 Digital channels connector / 24 GEN OUT / 24 AUX OUT / 24 10 MHz REF IN (50Ω)/24
Maximum input voltage at 10 MHz REF IN input / 24 10 MHz REF OUT (50Ω)/24 AUX TRIG IN (50Ω)/25
Maximum voltage at AUX TRIG IN input / 25 TRIG OUT / 25
Graphical User Interface (GUI) / 28
Keysight Infiniium MXR/EXR-Series Real-Time Oscilloscopes User's Guide 7
Connecting Oscilloscope Probes / 30
Maximum input voltage at analog inputs / 30
Verifying Basic Oscilloscope Operation / 31
Default Setup and Autoscale / 32
Using Default Setup / 32 Using Autoscale / 32
Starting and Stopping Waveform Acquisitions / 33
Clearing the Waveform Display / 33
Adjusting the Horizontal Settings / 35
Adjusting the Horizontal Scale / 35 Adjusting the horizontal trigger position (delay) / 36 Magnifying a part of the waveform using Zoom / 36 Using the Navigate Controls / 37 Setting the scale, position, and timebase reference point / 37
Adjusting the Vertical Settings / 39
Turning an analog channel on or off / 40 Adjusting an analog channel's vertical scale and offset / 40
Trigger Level and Other Controls / 41
Entry Knob / 41 [Multi Purpose] Key / 41 Setting Up Triggers / 42 Waveform Generator / 43 Saving and Printing / 44 Using the Touch Screen / 44
Using Markers / 45
Making Measurements / 46
Using Quick Measurements / 47
Using Digital Channels and Protocol Decode / 48
Controlling Digital Channels / 48 Decoding Serial Protocol Data / 48
3 Demos and Online Help
Using the Demo Wizard / 50
Accessing the Online Help / 51
8 Keysight Infiniium MXR/EXR-Series Real-Time Oscilloscopes User's Guide
4 Other Oscilloscope Tasks
Changing Windows Operating System Settings / 54
Installing Application Programs on Infiniium / 55
Forcing a Default Setup / 56
Hard Drive Recovery / 57
Cleaning the Oscilloscope / 58
5 Calibrating the Oscilloscope
When to Perform a User Calibration / 60
Equipment Required / 61
Calibration Time / 62
Calibration Procedure / 63
6 Testing Performance
Performance Verification General Information / 66
Performance Test Interval / 66 Performance Test Record / 66 Test Order / 66 Test Equipment / 66
Input Impedance Test / 67
Offset Accuracy Test / 69
DC Gain Accuracy Test / 76
Analog Bandwidth—Maximum Frequency Test / 79
Time Scale Accuracy (TSA) Test / 86
Performance Test Record / 89
7 Troubleshooting
Verifying Basic Operation / 108
Before You Contact Keysight / 113
Returning the Oscilloscope to Keysight for Service / 114
Power Up the oscilloscope / 108 Run the oscilloscope self tests / 109 Run the keyboard, LED, and touch screen self tests / 109 Run a user calibration / 112 Verify system performance / 112
Keysight Infiniium MXR/EXR-Series Real-Time Oscilloscopes User's Guide 9
10 Keysight Infiniium MXR/EXR-Series Real-Time Oscilloscopes User's Guide
Keysight Infiniium MXR/EXR-Series Real-Time Oscilloscopes
User's Guide

1 Setting Up

Inspecting Package Contents / 12 Environmental Characteristics / 13 Positioning for Proper Airflow / 14 Tilting the Oscilloscope for Easier Viewing / 15 Connecting Accessories and a LAN Cable to the Oscilloscope / 16 Connecting Power to the Oscilloscope / 17 Turning On the Oscilloscope / 18 Changing the Administrator Password / 19
This chapter shows how to set up and prepare your Infiniium oscilloscope for first-time use.
1 Setting Up

Inspecting Package Contents

Inspect the shipping container for damage.
Keep the shipping container or cushioning material until you have inspected
the contents of the shipment for completeness and have checked the oscilloscope mechanically and electrically.
If the shipping container is damaged, or the cushioning materials show signs
of stress, notify the carrier and your Keysight Technologies Sales Office. Keep the shipping materials for the carrier's inspection. The Keysight Technologies Sales Office will arrange for repair or replacement at Keysight's option without waiting for claim settlement.
Inspect the oscilloscope.
If there is mechanical damage or a defect, or if the oscilloscope does not operate properly or does not pass performance tests, notify your Keysight Technologies Sales Office.
Verify that you received the following items in the Infiniium oscilloscope
Infiniium oscilloscope
Power cord
Mouse (USB optical)
Accessory pouch (mounts on rear of oscilloscope)
Front panel cover
Calibration cable
Quick Start poster
500 MHz passive probes (one for each of the analog channel inputs)
Digital channels cable, BNC probe tip adapter, and 17-channel flying lead
kit (with the MSO option)
If anything is missing, contact your nearest Keysight Technologies Sales Office.
Verify that you received the options and accessories you ordered and that none
were damaged.
For a complete list of options and accessories available for the MXR/EXR-Series real-time oscilloscopes, see:
Infiniium MXR-Series Real-Time Oscilloscopes Data Sheet
Infiniium EXR-Series Real-Time Oscilloscopes Data Sheet
12 Keysight Infiniium MXR/EXR-Series Real-Time Oscilloscopes User's Guide

Environmental Characteristics

Environment Indoor use only
Ambient Temperature Operating: +5 °C to +40 °C
Non-operating: –40 °C to +70 °C
CAUTION: If storing the oscilloscope above +40 °C, make sure the flip-out front feet are retracted.
Humidity Operating: maximum relative humidity 80 percent for temperatures up to
31 °C, decreasing linearly to 50 percent relative humidity at 40 °C
Non-operating: up to 95 percent relative humidity, non-condensing, at 40 °C; decreasing linearly to 50 percent relative humidity at 70 °C
Altitude Operating: up to 3,000 meters (9,842 feet)
Non-operating: up to 15,300 meters (50,000 feet)
Weight 32 lbs (14.5 kg)
Setting Up 1
Dimensions Height = 328 mm (12.91 in, with flip-out front feet and handle retracted)
Width = 445 mm (17.52 in)
Depth = 224 mm (8.82 in, including knobs and rear feet)
Safety UL 61010-1:2010/CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 61010-1-12
IEC 61010-1:2017
IEC 61010-2-030:2017
UL 61010-2-030:2018
CAN/CSA-22.2 No. 61010-2-030-17
Installation Category II
Voltage Fluctuations Note that the mains supply voltage fluctuations are not to exceed ±10% of
the nominal supply voltage. Temporary overvoltages may not exceed the allowed voltage fluctuations of +10% nominal.
Pollution Degree The Infiniium MXR/EXR-Series real-time oscilloscopes may be operated in
environments of Pollution Degree 2.
Pollution Degree Definitions
Pollution Degree 1: No pollution or only dry, non-conductive pollution occurs. The pollution has no influence. Example: A clean room or climate-controlled office environment.
Pollution Degree 2. Normally only dry non-conductive pollution occurs. Occasionally a temporary conductivity caused by condensation may occur. Example: General indoor environment.
Pollution Degree 3: Conductive pollution occurs, or dry, non-conductive pollution occurs which becomes conductive due to condensation which is expected. Example: Sheltered outdoor environment.
Keysight Infiniium MXR/EXR-Series Real-Time Oscilloscopes User's Guide 13
1 Setting Up
Front view
Minimum 0 mm
Minimum 25.4 mm
Minimum bottom clearance: No intrusion into the space under the oscilloscope as defined by the feet. Feet must rest on hard surface.
Top view
Minimum 0 mm
Minimum 25.4 mm
Rear panel
Minimum 75 mm

Positioning for Proper Airflow

Position the oscilloscope where it will have sufficient clearance for airflow around the back and sides.

Figure 1 Positioning the MXR/EXR-Series oscilloscope with sufficient clearance

14 Keysight Infiniium MXR/EXR-Series Real-Time Oscilloscopes User's Guide

Tilting the Oscilloscope for Easier Viewing

Flip-out tabs
Tabs under the front feet of the oscilloscope can be flipped out to tilt the oscilloscope for easier viewing.
Setting Up 1

Figure 2 Latching the front feet

Keysight Infiniium MXR/EXR-Series Real-Time Oscilloscopes User's Guide 15
1 Setting Up
Hard Drive
To prevent data loss,
power down instrument
before insertion or
removal of hard drive.
650 Watts MAX
10 MH z REF IN
MSO Connector Angle
External monitor connector
Audio connectors
AC power input
Mouse and keyboard connectors (USB 3 host ports)
LAN connector
USB 3 Device port

Connecting Accessories and a LAN Cable to the Oscilloscope

1 Plug the mouse and keyboard into the USB host ports. Four host ports are on
the side panel, with two more on the front panel.
2 If you want to connect to a Local Area Network, connect your LAN cable to the
RJ-45 connector on the side panel. Connect the other end to an open LAN port.

Figure 3 Side panel

16 Keysight Infiniium MXR/EXR-Series Real-Time Oscilloscopes User's Guide

Connecting Power to the Oscilloscope

Table 3 Power requirements
Power 100-120 V, 50/60/400 Hz
100-240 V, 50/60 Hz
650 W MAX on 8-channel models
450 W MAX on 4-channel models
Connect the power cord to the side of the oscilloscope, then to a suitable AC voltage source. Route the power cord so the oscilloscope's feet do not pinch the cord.
The power cord is the disconnecting device for Mains. Position the equipment so the power cord is easily reached by the operator.
Use only the power cord that came with the oscilloscope
Setting Up 1
The power cord provided is matched to the country of origin of the order.
To avoid electric shock, be sure the oscilloscope is properly grounded.
Keysight Infiniium MXR/EXR-Series Real-Time Oscilloscopes User's Guide 17
1 Setting Up

Turning On the Oscilloscope

Press the power switch in the lower left corner of the oscilloscope front panel.

Figure 4 Turning On the oscilloscope

After a short initialization period, the oscilloscope display appears. The oscilloscope is ready to use.
You can connect and disconnect probes and cables while the oscilloscope is turned on.
Turning Off the
To turn the oscilloscope off, press the power switch at the lower left corner of the oscilloscope front panel. The oscilloscope will go through a normal Windows operating system shutdown process.
18 Keysight Infiniium MXR/EXR-Series Real-Time Oscilloscopes User's Guide

Changing the Administrator Password

On Keysight Infiniium MXR/EXR-Series real-time oscilloscopes with the Windows 10 operating system, depending on when the oscilloscope was manufactured, the default Administator user account password is either "keysight4u" or "Keysight4u!". Change the Administrator password to something more secure (and less well-known).
See Also "Changing Windows Operating System Settings" on page 54
"Installing Application Programs on Infiniium" on page 55
Setting Up 1
Keysight Infiniium MXR/EXR-Series Real-Time Oscilloscopes User's Guide 19
1 Setting Up
20 Keysight Infiniium MXR/EXR-Series Real-Time Oscilloscopes User's Guide
Keysight Infiniium MXR/EXR-Series Real-Time Oscilloscopes
User's Guide

2 Getting Started

Front Panel Connectors / 22 Side Panel Connectors / 23 Knobs and Keys on the Front Panel / 26 Graphical User Interface (GUI) / 28 Connecting Oscilloscope Probes / 30 Verifying Basic Oscilloscope Operation / 31 Default Setup and Autoscale / 32 Starting and Stopping Waveform Acquisitions / 33 Adjusting the Horizontal Settings / 35 Adjusting the Vertical Settings / 39 Trigger Level and Other Controls / 41 Using Markers / 45 Making Measurements / 46 Using Digital Channels and Protocol Decode / 48
This chapter describes how to use the Infiniium MXR/EXR-Series oscilloscope's inputs and outputs, front panel controls, and user interface.
The familiar front-panel oscilloscope interface with knobs and keys is optimized for common tasks and basic measurements.
With the graphical user interface for the Infiniium MXR/EXR-Series oscilloscope you can access all of the oscilloscope's configuration and measurement features through an easy-to-use system of windows, menus, toolbars, dialog boxes, and buttons.
You have the option of using either the front panel controls or the user interface for many common tasks.
2 Getting Started
~ ~
+ +

Front Panel Connectors

On the Infiniium MXR/EXR-Series oscilloscopes, the channel inputs, probe compensation terminal, and ground lug appear on the lower part of the front panel. Two USB 3.0 host ports are also located here.

Figure 5 Front panel connectors

Channel inputs

Your Infiniium oscilloscope comes with 10:1 500 MHz passive probes for each analog input channel.
The AutoProbe interface also works with the InfiniiMax probing system.
See "Connecting Oscilloscope Probes" on page 30.

Probe compensation terminal

This terminal has a square wave signal that is used to adjust compensated passive probes.
You can also output a DC level on this terminal using the Infiniium oscilloscope application's Calibration Output dialog box (Utilities > Calibration Output...).
22 Keysight Infiniium MXR/EXR-Series Real-Time Oscilloscopes User's Guide

Side Panel Connectors

Hard Drive
To prevent data loss,
power down instrument
before insertion or
removal of hard drive.
650 Watts MAX
10 MH z REF IN
MSO Connector Angle
External monitor connector
Audio connectors
AC power input
Mouse and keyboard connectors (USB 3 host ports)
LAN connector
USB 3 Device port
The Infiniium MXR/EXR-Series oscilloscope's right side panel has the motherboard I/O connectors, reference clock synchronization connectors, and BNC connectors.
Getting Started 2

Motherboard I/O

Figure 6 Infiniium MXR/EXR-Series oscilloscope side panel I/O

The motherboard provides these inputs/outputs/ports in the oscilloscope: four USB ports for peripherals, an external monitor connector, a USB III device port (for remote control of the oscilloscope from a PC), a LAN port, and speaker and microphone connectors.
Keysight Infiniium MXR/EXR-Series Real-Time Oscilloscopes User's Guide 23
2 Getting Started

Digital channels connector



10 MHz REF IN (50Ω)

The MSO option includes a 17-channel flying lead set logic probe, an MSO cable, and a calibration fixture.
Waveform generator signals are output to this BNC connnector. See "Waveform
Generator" on page 43.
This output signal is selected by the Infiniium oscilloscope application's Calibration Output dialog box. It can be a DC level, the probe compensation signal (a square wave used to adjust compensated passive probes), the trigger out signal, or a demo signal.
The 10 MHz REF IN (50) BNC connector is used to synchronize the oscilloscope's horizontal timebase system to a reference clock that you provide.
Maximum input voltage at 10 MHz REF IN input
The clock you provide must meet the following specifications:
Input frequency lock range: 10 MHz ±20 ppm
Amplitude, sine wave input: 356 mVpp (-5 dBm) min to 5 Vpp (+18 dBm) max
Amplitude, square wave input: 285mVpp min to 4Vpp max
Input impedance: 50 (typical)
To use an external reference clock, connect the external clock to the 10 MHz REF IN (50) BNC connector; then, in the Infiniium oscilloscope application's Horizontal dialog box (Setup > Horizontal...), enable the External 10 MHz Reference Clock.

10 MHz REF OUT (50Ω)

You can use the 10 MHz REF OUT (50) BNC connector to send the oscilloscope's 10 MHz reference clock output signal to another instrument's reference clock input.
The output has these characteristics:
Amplitude into 50 (internal or external timebase reference selected): 1.65 ±0.05 Vpp (8.3 ±0.3 dBm) sine wave
24 Keysight Infiniium MXR/EXR-Series Real-Time Oscilloscopes User's Guide
Frequency accuracy, internal timebase reference selected: 10 MHz ±(8 ppb initial +
75 ppb/year aging)
Frequency accuracy, external timebase reference selected: external reference frequency (input to 10 MHz REF IN 50Ω)


You can set up the oscilloscope to trigger on the auxiliary trigger signal connected to this BNC input.
Maximum voltage at AUX TRIG IN input
The input impedance is 50, and the signal you provide must be 5 Vpp maximum between -5 V and +5 V.


Getting Started 2
Pulses corresponding to oscilloscope triggers can be sent to this BNC output. TTL levels into a high impedance load are output.
Keysight Infiniium MXR/EXR-Series Real-Time Oscilloscopes User's Guide 25
2 Getting Started
Horizontal controls
Entry knob
Vertical controls
Markers controls
Trigger controls
Setup and Display controls
Acquisition run controls
Analysis controls

Knobs and Keys on the Front Panel

Figure 7 Front panel controls

26 Keysight Infiniium MXR/EXR-Series Real-Time Oscilloscopes User's Guide
Getting Started 2
The Infiniium MXR/EXR-Series oscilloscope front panel controls provide direct access to the functions needed to perform the most common measurements. Knobs and keys let you directly set vertical and horizontal parameters. You can see the oscilloscope's configuration at a glance.
The oscilloscope uses color consistently throughout the front panel and user interface. For example, the color of the knob for channel 1 is the same color as the waveform for channel 1. All configuration items and values related to channel 1 are displayed in the same color.
The MXR-Series oscilloscopes have the [RTSA] front panel key for the RTSA (Real-Time Spectrum Analysis) mode. At the same location in the EXR-Series oscilloscopes is the [Fault Hunter] key for the Fault Hunter analysis feature.
Keysight Infiniium MXR/EXR-Series Real-Time Oscilloscopes User's Guide 27
2 Getting Started
Set horizontal scale & position
Open Channel dialog box
Drag/drop measurements
Acquisition run controls
Add waveforms
Customize Results display
Ground indicator
Open Horizontal dialog box
Zoom on/off
Open Add Markers dialog box
Menu bar
Set vertical scale & offset
Clear display Open Acquisition
dialog box
Pin/unpin controls
Memory bar
Open Trigger dialog box
Trigger slope
Set trigger level
Grid selection modes:
draw rectangle
drag waveform

Graphical User Interface (GUI)

The user interface is arranged so the most common functions affecting the waveform display are located around the edge of the waveform display area.
Context-sensitive menus are available by right-clicking something in the waveform display area, such as a grid, a signal, a bookmark, or a measurement. You can mouse over or touch other areas, such as the drag-and-drop measurements area and horizontal and acquisition control regions, to find more information about those areas or to enter data.

Figure 8 Infiniium oscilloscope display

28 Keysight Infiniium MXR/EXR-Series Real-Time Oscilloscopes User's Guide
Getting Started 2
Table 4 Infiniium oscilloscope display descriptions
Menu bar Use menu selections to perform defined operations and access every
function the oscilloscope provides.
Grid selection modes The selected grid mode determines whether you draw a selection box or
manipulate waveforms when you touch the screen.
Waveform display area The waveform display area shows up to eight waveform windows. Several
display options are available, such as grids or horizontal and vertical scales.
Results pane A Results pane is visible at the bottom of the display when you do
something that produces results, such as taking a measurement or using bookmarks. When it is not needed, the Results pane is not visible.
Keysight Infiniium MXR/EXR-Series Real-Time Oscilloscopes User's Guide 29
2 Getting Started
~ ~
+ +
8 or 4 analog input channels where probes are connected

Connecting Oscilloscope Probes

Figure 9 MXR/EXR-Series oscilloscope probe connectors

Maximum input voltage at analog inputs
Do not exceed the maximum input voltage rating.
The maximum input voltage for the 50 input impedance setting is ±5 V.
The maximum input voltage for the 1 M input impedance setting is 30 Vrms or ±40 Vmax (DC+Vpeak).
Probing technology allows for testing of higher voltages; the included N2873A 10:1 probe supports 300 Vrms or ±400 Vmax (DC+Vpeak). No transient overvoltage allowed. Mains isolated circuits only.
When measuring voltages over 30 V, use a 10:1 probe.
The Keysight Infiniium MXR/EXR-Series oscilloscopes are not rated for Measurement Category II, III, or IV.
For complete documentation on Keysight oscilloscope probes for your Infiniium oscilloscope, see the Probe Resource Center at:
To connect oscilloscope probes:
1 Attach the probe connector to the desired oscilloscope channel or trigger input
using the probe instructions.
2 Connect the probe to the circuit of interest using the browser or other probing
30 Keysight Infiniium MXR/EXR-Series Real-Time Oscilloscopes User's Guide
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