Keysight InfiniiVision DSOX1204A, InfiniiVision DSOX1204G User Manual

Keysight InfiniiVision DSOX1204A/G Oscilloscopes
User's Guide
© Keysight Technologies, Inc. 2005-2018
No part of this manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means (including electronic storage and retrieval or translation into a foreign language) without prior agreement and written consent from Keysight Technologies, Inc. as governed by United States and international copyright laws.
Manual Part Number
First edition, September 2018
Printed in Malaysia Published by:
Keysight Technologies, Inc. 1900 Garden of the Gods Road Colorado Springs, CO 80907 USA
Print History
N2137-97000, September 2018
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2 Keysight InfiniiVision DSOX1204A/G Oscilloscopes User's Guide

InfiniiVision DSOX1204A/G Oscilloscopes—At a Glance

Table 1 DSOX1204A/G Model Numbers, Bandwidths
Model: DSOX1204A DSOX1204G
Channels: 4
Bandwidth: 70 MHz
Bandwidth upgrades: 70 MHz to 100 MHz with D1200BW1A upgrade
70 MHz to 200 MHz with D1200BW2A upgrade
100 MHz to 200 MHz with D1200BW3A upgrade
Sampling rate: 2 GSa/s (interleaved), 1 GSa/s (non-interleaved)
Memory: 1 Mpts
Segmented memory: Yes
Waveform generator: No Yes (20 MHz)
Mask/limit test: Yes
Keysight InfiniiVision DSOX1204A/G Oscilloscopes User's Guide 3
The Keysight InfiniiVision DSOX1204A/G oscilloscopes deliver these features:
7 inch WVGA display.
50,000 waveforms/second update rate.
All knobs are pushable for making quick selections.
Trigger types: edge, pulse width, video, pattern, rise/fall time, and setup and hold.
Serial decode/trigger options for: I
Math waveforms: add, subtract, multiply, divide, FFT (magnitude and phase), and low-pass filter.
Reference waveforms (2) for comparing with other channel or math waveforms.
Many built-in measurements.
G-suffix models have built-in waveform generator with: sine, square, ramp, pulse, DC, noise.
USB/LAN ports makes printing, saving, and sharing data easy.
A Quick Help system is built into the oscilloscope. Press and hold any key to display Quick Help. Complete instructions for using the quick help system are given in "Access the Built-In Quick Help" on page 29.
For more information about InfiniiVision oscilloscopes, see:
C, UART/RS232, CAN, LIN, and SPI.
4 Keysight InfiniiVision DSOX1204A/G Oscilloscopes User's Guide

In This Guide

This guide shows how to use the InfiniiVision DSOX1204A/G oscilloscopes.
When unpacking and using the oscilloscope for the first time, see:
When displaying waveforms and acquired data, see:
When setting up triggers or changing how data is acquired, see:
Making measurements and analyzing data:
When using the built-in waveform generator, see:
Chapter 1, “Getting Started,” starting on page 11
"Running, Stopping, and Making Single
Acquisitions (Run Control)" on page 32
"Horizontal Controls" on page 33
"Vertical Controls" on page 36
"Analog Bus Display" on page 39
"FFT Spectral Analysis" on page 40
"Math Waveforms" on page 44
"Reference Waveforms" on page 46
"Display Settings" on page 47
"Triggers" on page 50
"Acquisition Control" on page 54
"Cursors" on page 61
"Measurements" on page 63
"Mask Testing" on page 65
"Digital Voltmeter" on page 72
"Frequency Response Analysis" on page 73
"Waveform Generator" on page 75
When using licensed serial bus decode and triggering features, see:
When saving, recalling, or printing, see:
"Serial Bus Decode/Trigger" on page 76
"Save/Recall (Setups, Screens, Data)" on page 82
"Print (Screens)" on page 85
Keysight InfiniiVision DSOX1204A/G Oscilloscopes User's Guide 5
When using the oscilloscope's utility
functions, see:
For reference information, see: "Specifications and Characteristics" on page 95
Abbreviated instructions for pressing a series of keys and softkeys
Instructions for pressing a series of keys are written in an abbreviated manner. Instructions for pressing [Key1], then pressing Softkey2, then pressing Softkey3 are abbreviated as follows:
Press [Key1]> Softkey2 > Softkey3.
The keys may be a front panel [Key] or a Softkey. Softkeys are the six keys located directly below the oscilloscope display.
"Utility Settings" on page 87
"Web Interface" on page 93
"Environmental Conditions" on page 96
"Probes and Accessories" on page 97
"Software and Firmware Updates" on page 98
"Acknowledgements" on page 99
"Product Markings and Regulatory
Information" on page 101
6 Keysight InfiniiVision DSOX1204A/G Oscilloscopes User's Guide


InfiniiVision DSOX1204A/G Oscilloscopes—At a Glance / 3
In This Guide / 5
1 Getting Started
Inspect the Package Contents / 12
Power-On the Oscilloscope / 13
Connect Probes to the Oscilloscope / 14
Maximum input voltage at analog inputs / 14
Do not float the oscilloscope chassis / 14
Input a Waveform / 15
Recall the Default Oscilloscope Setup / 16
Use Autoscale / 17
Compensate Passive Probes / 18
Learn the Front Panel Controls and Connectors / 20
Front Panel Overlays for Different Languages / 25
Learn the Rear Panel Connectors / 26
Learn the Oscilloscope Display / 27
Access the Built-In Quick Help / 29
2 Quick Reference
Running, Stopping, and Making Single Acquisitions (Run
Control) / 32
Keysight InfiniiVision DSOX1204A/G Oscilloscopes User's Guide 7
Horizontal Controls / 33
Horizontal Knobs and Keys / 33 Horizontal Softkey Controls / 33 Zoom / 34
Vertical Controls / 36
Vertical Knobs and Keys / 36 Vertical Softkey Controls / 36 Setting Analog Channel Probe Options / 38
Analog Bus Display / 39
FFT Spectral Analysis / 40
FFT Measurement Hints / 40 FFT DC Value / 42 FFT Aliasing / 42 FFT Spectral Leakage / 43
Math Waveforms / 44
Units for Math Waveforms / 45
Reference Waveforms / 46
Display Settings / 47
To load a list of labels from a text file you create / 48
Triggers / 50
Trigger Knobs and Keys / 50 Trigger Types / 50 Trigger Mode, Coupling, Reject, Holdoff / 51 External Trigger Input / 53
Acquisition Control / 54
Selecting the Acquisition Mode / 54 Overview of Sampling / 55
Cursors / 61
Cursor Knobs and Keys / 61
8 Keysight InfiniiVision DSOX1204A/G Oscilloscopes User's Guide
Cursor Softkey Controls / 61
Measurements / 63
Mask Testing / 65
Creating/Editing Mask Files / 65
Digital Voltmeter / 72
Frequency Response Analysis / 73
Waveform Generator / 75
Serial Bus Decode/Trigger / 76
CAN Decode/Trigger / 77 I2C Decode/Trigger / 78 LIN Decode/Trigger / 78 SPI Decode/Trigger / 79 UART/RS232 Decode/Trigger / 80
Save/Recall (Setups, Screens, Data) / 82
Length Control / 83
Print (Screens) / 85
To set up network printer connections / 86
Utility Settings / 87
Setting up the Oscilloscope's LAN Connection / 89 USB Storage Devices / 91 Configuring the [Quick Action] Key / 92
Web Interface / 93
Accessing the Web Interface / 93
Specifications and Characteristics / 95
Environmental Conditions / 96
Declaration of Conformity / 96
Probes and Accessories / 97
Software and Firmware Updates / 98
Keysight InfiniiVision DSOX1204A/G Oscilloscopes User's Guide 9
Acknowledgements / 99
Product Markings and Regulatory Information / 101
10 Keysight InfiniiVision DSOX1204A/G Oscilloscopes User's Guide
Keysight InfiniiVision DSOX1204A/G Oscilloscopes
User's Guide

1 Getting Started

Inspect the Package Contents / 12 Power-On the Oscilloscope / 13 Connect Probes to the Oscilloscope / 14 Input a Waveform / 15 Recall the Default Oscilloscope Setup / 16 Use Autoscale / 17 Compensate Passive Probes / 18 Learn the Front Panel Controls and Connectors / 20 Learn the Rear Panel Connectors / 26 Learn the Oscilloscope Display / 27 Access the Built-In Quick Help / 29
This chapter describes the steps you take when using the oscilloscope for the first time.
1 Getting Started

Inspect the Package Contents

• Inspect the shipping container for damage.
If your shipping container appears to be damaged, keep the shipping container or cushioning material until you have inspected the contents of the shipment for completeness and have checked the oscilloscope mechanically and electrically.
• Verify that you received the following items and any optional accessories you
may have ordered:
InfiniiVision DSOX1204A/G oscilloscope.
Power cord (country of origin determines specific type).
Oscilloscope probes (one for each analog input channel).
12 Keysight InfiniiVision DSOX1204A/G Oscilloscopes User's Guide

Power-On the Oscilloscope

Getting Started 1
To powe r-on the
Line voltage, frequency, and power:
• ~Line 100-120 Vac, 50/60/400 Hz
• 100-240 Vac, 50/60 Hz
•50W max
The air intake and exhaust areas must be free from obstructions. Unrestricted air flow is required for proper cooling. Always ensure that the air intake and exhaust areas are free from obstructions.
The fan draws air in from the left side and bottom of the oscilloscope and pushes it out behind the oscilloscope.
When using the oscilloscope in a bench-top setting, provide at least 2" clearance at the sides and 4" (100 mm) clearance above and behind the oscilloscope for proper cooling.
1 Connect the power cord to the rear of the oscilloscope, then to a suitable AC
voltage source. Route the power cord so the oscilloscope's feet and legs do not pinch the cord.
2 The oscilloscope automatically adjusts for input line voltages in the range 100
to 240 VAC. The line cord provided is matched to the country of origin.
Always use a grounded power cord. Do not defeat the power cord ground.
Keysight InfiniiVision DSOX1204A/G Oscilloscopes User's Guide 13
3 Press the power switch.
The power switch is located on the lower left corner of the front panel. The oscilloscope will perform a self-test and will be operational in a few seconds.
1 Getting Started

Connect Probes to the Oscilloscope

1 Connect the oscilloscope probe to an oscilloscope channel BNC connector. 2 Connect the probe's retractable hook tip to the point of interest on the circuit or
device under test. Be sure to connect the probe ground lead to a ground point on the circuit.
Maximum input voltage at analog inputs
150 Vrms, 200 Vpk
Do not float the oscilloscope chassis
Defeating the ground connection and "floating" the oscilloscope chassis will probably result in inaccurate measurements and may also cause equipment damage. The probe ground lead is connected to the oscilloscope chassis and the ground wire in the power cord. If you need to measure between two live points, use a differential probe with sufficient dynamic range.
Do not negate the protective action of the ground connection to the oscilloscope. The oscilloscope must remain grounded through its power cord. Defeating the ground creates an electric shock hazard.
14 Keysight InfiniiVision DSOX1204A/G Oscilloscopes User's Guide

Input a Waveform

The Probe Comp signal is used for compensating probes. 1 Connect an oscilloscope probe from channel 1 to the Demo, Probe Comp terminal
on the front panel.
2 Connect the probe's ground lead to the ground terminal (next to the Demo
A voltage source should never be connected to the ground terminal of this instrument. If, for any reason, the Protective Conductor Terminal is disconnected or not functioning properly and a voltage source is connected to the equipment's ground terminals, the entire chassis will be at the voltage potential of the voltage source, and the operator or bystanders could receive an electric shock.
Getting Started 1
Keysight InfiniiVision DSOX1204A/G Oscilloscopes User's Guide 15
1 Getting Started

Recall the Default Oscilloscope Setup

To recall the default oscilloscope setup: 1 Press [Default Setup].
The default setup restores the oscilloscope's default settings. This places the oscilloscope in a known operating condition.
In the Save/Recall menu, there are also options for restoring the complete factory settings or performing a secure erase (see "Save/Recall (Setups, Screens,
Data)" on page 82).
16 Keysight InfiniiVision DSOX1204A/G Oscilloscopes User's Guide

Use Autoscale

Getting Started 1
Use [Auto Scale] to automatically configure the oscilloscope to best display the input signals.
1 Press [Auto Scale].
You should see a waveform on the oscilloscope's display similar to this:
2 If you want to return to the oscilloscope settings that existed before, press Undo
3 If you want to enable "fast debug" autoscaling, change the channels
autoscaled, or preserve the acquisition mode during autoscale, press Fast Debug, Channels, or Acq Mode.
These are the same softkeys that appear in the Autoscale Preferences menu. See "Utility Settings" on page 87.
If you see the waveform, but the square wave is not shaped correctly as shown above, perform the procedure "Compensate Passive Probes" on page 18.
If you do not see the waveform, make sure the probe is connected securely to the front panel channel input BNC and to the Demo/Probe Comp terminal.
Keysight InfiniiVision DSOX1204A/G Oscilloscopes User's Guide 17
1 Getting Started
Perfectly compensated
Over compensated
Under compensated

Compensate Passive Probes

Each oscilloscope passive probe must be compensated to match the input characteristics of the oscilloscope channel to which it is connected. A poorly compensated probe can introduce significant measurement errors.
If your probe has a configurable attenuation setting (like the N2140/42A probes do), the 10:1 setting must be used for probe compensation.
1 Input the Probe Comp signal (see "Input a Waveform" on page 15). 2 Press [Default Setup] to recall the default oscilloscope setup (see "Recall the
Default Oscilloscope Setup" on page 16).
3 Press [Auto Scale] to automatically configure the oscilloscope for the Probe
Comp signal (see "Use Autoscale" on page 17).
4 Press the channel key to which the probe is connected ([1], [2], etc.). 5 In the Channel Menu, press Probe. 6 In the Channel Probe Menu, press Probe Check; then, follow the instructions
18 Keysight InfiniiVision DSOX1204A/G Oscilloscopes User's Guide
If necessary, use a nonmetallic tool (supplied with the probe) to adjust the trimmer capacitor on the probe for the flattest pulse possible.
On some probes (like the N2140/42A probes), the trimmer capacitor is located on the probe BNC connector. On other probes (like the N2862/63/90 probes), the trimmer capacitor is a yellow adjustment on the probe tip.
7 Connect probes to all other oscilloscope channels.
8 Repeat the procedure for each channel.
Getting Started 1
Keysight InfiniiVision DSOX1204A/G Oscilloscopes User's Guide 19
1 Getting Started
6. [Auto Scale] key5. [Default Setup] key
10. Tools keys
1. Power switch
2. Softkeys
3. [Intensity] key
4. Entry knob
11. Trigger controls
12. Vertical controls
19. Demo/Probe Comp and Ground
15. [Help] key20. USB
13. [Wave Gen] key
8. Run Control keys
9. Measure controls
7. Horizontal and Acquisition controls
16. Math function controls
18. Waveform generator
17. Analog channel
14. [FFT] key

Learn the Front Panel Controls and Connectors

On the front panel, key refers to any key (button) you can press.
Softkey specifically refers to the six keys next to the display. Menus and softkey labels appear on the display when other front panel keys are pressed. Softkey functions change as you navigate through the oscilloscope's menus.
For the following figure, refer to the numbered descriptions in the table that follows.
1. Power switch Press once to switch power on; press again to switch power off. See "Power-On the
Oscilloscope" on page 13.
2. Softkeys The functions of these keys change based upon the menus shown on the display next to the keys.
The Back key moves back in the softkey menu hierarchy. At the top of the hierarchy, the
Back key turns the menus off, and oscilloscope information is shown instead.
3. [Intensity] key Press the key to illuminate it. When illuminated, turn the Entry knob to adjust waveform intensity.
You can vary the intensity control to bring out signal detail, much like an analog oscilloscope.
20 Keysight InfiniiVision DSOX1204A/G Oscilloscopes User's Guide
Getting Started 1
4. Entry knob The Entry knob is used to select items from menus and to change values. The function of the Entry knob changes based upon the current menu and softkey selections.
Note that when the Entry knob symbol appears on a softkey, you can use the Entry knob, to select values.
Often, rotating the Entry knob is enough to make a selection. Sometimes, you can push the Entry knob to enable or disable a selection. Also, pushing the Entry knob can also make popup menus disappear.
5. [Default Setup]
6. [Auto Scale]
7. Horizontal and
Acquisition controls
Press this key to restore the oscilloscope's default settings (details on "Recall the Default
Oscilloscope Setup" on page 16).
When you press the [AutoScale] key, the oscilloscope will quickly determine which channels have activity, and it will turn these channels on and scale them to display the input signals. See "Use
Autoscale" on page 17.
The Horizontal and Acquisition controls consist of:
Horizontal scale knob — Turn the knob in the Horizontal section that is marked to
adjust the time/div setting. The symbols under the knob indicate that this control has the effect of spreading out or zooming in on the waveform using the horizontal scale.
Push the horizontal scale knob to toggle between fine and coarse adjustment.
Horizontal position knob — Turn the knob marked to pan through the waveform data
horizontally. You can see the captured waveform before the trigger (turn the knob clockwise) or after the trigger (turn the knob counterclockwise). If you pan through the waveform when the oscilloscope is stopped (not in Run mode) then you are looking at the waveform data from the last acquisition taken.
•[Acquire] key — Press this key to open the Acquire menu where you can select the Normal, XY, and
Roll time modes, enable or disable Zoom, and select the trigger time reference point.
Also you can select the Normal, Peak Detect, Averaging, or High Resolution acquisition modes and use segmented memory (see "Selecting the Acquisition Mode" on page 54).
Zoom key — Press the zoom key to split the oscilloscope display into Normal and Zoom
sections without opening the Acquire menu.
For more information see "Horizontal Controls" on page 33.
Keysight InfiniiVision DSOX1204A/G Oscilloscopes User's Guide 21
1 Getting Started
8. Run Control
9. Measure
When the [Run/Stop] key is green, the oscilloscope is running, that is, acquiring data when trigger conditions are met. To stop acquiring data, press [Run/Stop].
When the [Run/Stop] key is red, data acquisition is stopped. To start acquiring data, press [Run/Stop].
To capture and display a single acquisition (whether the oscilloscope is running or stopped), press [Single]. The [Single] key is yellow until the oscilloscope triggers.
For more information, see "Running, Stopping, and Making Single Acquisitions (Run
Control)" on page 32.
The measure controls consist of:
•[Analyze] key — Press this key to access analysis features like:
Trigger level setting.
Measurement threshold setting.
Video trigger automatic set up and display.
Display a bus made up of the analog channel inputs where channel 1 is the least significant bit
and channel 4 is the most significant bit. See also "Analog Bus Display" on page 39.
Enable serial bus decodes. See also "Serial Bus Decode/Trigger" on page 76.
Reference waveforms (see "Reference Waveforms" on page 46).
Mask testing (see "Mask Testing" on page 65).
Digital voltmeter (see "Digital Voltmeter" on page 72).
Frequency response analysis on models with a built-in waveform generator (see "Frequency
Response Analysis" on page 73).
•[Meas] key — Press this key to access a set of predefined measurements. See
"Measurements" on page 63.
•[Cursors] key — Press this key to open a menu that lets you select the cursors mode and source.
Cursors knob — Push this knob select cursors from a popup menu. Then, after the popup menu
closes (either by timeout or by pushing the knob again), rotate the knob to adjust the selected cursor position.
22 Keysight InfiniiVision DSOX1204A/G Oscilloscopes User's Guide
Getting Started 1
10. Tools keys The Tools keys consist of:
•[Save/Recall] key — Press this key to save oscilloscope setups, screen images, waveform data, or
mask files or to recall setups, mask files or reference waveforms. See "Save/Recall (Setups,
Screens, Data)" on page 82.
• [Utility] key — Press this key to access the Utility menu, which lets you configure the
oscilloscope's I/O settings, use the file explorer, set preferences, access the service menu, and choose other options. See "Utility Settings" on page 87.
• [Display] key — Press this key to access the menu where you can enable persistence, adjust the
display grid (graticule) intensity, label waveforms, add an annotation, and clear the display (see
"Display Settings" on page 47).
• [Quick Action] key — Press this key to perform the selected quick action: measure all snapshot,
print, save, recall, freeze display. and more. See "Configuring the [Quick Action] Key" on page 92.
•[Save to USB] key — Press this key to perform a quick save to a USB storage device.
11. Trigger controls The Trigger controls determine how the oscilloscope triggers to capture data. These controls consist of:
Level knob — Turn the Level knob to adjust the trigger level for a selected analog channel.
Push the knob to set the level to the waveform's 50% value. If AC coupling is used, pushing the Level knob sets the trigger level to about 0 V.
The position of the trigger level for the analog channel is indicated by the trigger level icon (if the analog channel is on) at the far left side of the display. The value of the analog channel trigger level is displayed in the upper-right corner of the display.
• [Trigger] key — Press this key to select the trigger type (edge, pulse width, video, etc.). See
"Trigger Types" on page 50. You can also set options that affect all trigger types. See "Trigger Mode, Coupling, Reject, Holdoff" on page 51.
•[Force] key — Causes a trigger (on anything) and displays the acquisition.
This key is useful in the Normal trigger mode where acquisitions are made only when the trigger condition is met. In this mode, if no triggers are occurring (that is, the "Trig'd?" indicator is displayed), you can press [Force] to force a trigger and see what the input signals look like.
Keysight InfiniiVision DSOX1204A/G Oscilloscopes User's Guide 23
1 Getting Started
12. Vertical
13. [Wave Gen] key On G-suffix models that have a built-in waveform generator, press this key to access waveform
14. [FFT] key Provides access to FFT spectrum analysis function. See "FFT Spectral Analysis" on page 40.
15. [Help] key Opens the Help menu where you can display overview help topics and select the Language. See also
The Vertical controls consist of:
Analog channel on/off keys — Use these keys to switch a channel on or off, or to access a
channel's menu in the softkeys. There is one channel on/off key for each analog channel.
Vertical scale knob — Use the knob marked to change the vertical sensitivity (gain) for
the selected analog input channel.
Push the vertical scale knob to toggle between fine and coarse adjustment.
The default mode for expanding the signal is about the ground level of the channel; however, you can change this to expand about the center of the display.
Vertical position knob — Use this knob to change the selected analog input channel waveform
vertical position on the display.
The voltage value momentarily displayed in the upper right portion of the display represents the
voltage difference between the vertical center of the display and the ground level ( ) icon. It also represents the voltage at the vertical center of the display if vertical expansion is set to expand about ground.
For more information, see "Vertical Controls" on page 36.
generator functions. See "Waveform Generator" on page 75.
"Access the Built-In Quick Help" on page 29.
16. Math function
17. Analog channel
The Math function controls consist of:
•[Math] key — provides access to math (add, subtract, etc.) waveform functions. See "Math
Waveforms" on page 44.
Vertical scale knob — Use the knob marked to change the vertical sensitivity (as with
the analog channel vertical controls).
Vertical position knob — Use the knob to change a math function waveform's vertical position on
the display (as with the analog channel vertical controls).
Attach oscilloscope probes or BNC cables to these BNC connectors.
In the InfiniiVision 1000 X-Series oscilloscopes, the analog channel inputs have 1 M
Also, there is no automatic probe detection, so you must properly set the probe attenuation for accurate measurement results. See "Setting Analog Channel Probe Options" on page 38.
Ω impedance.
24 Keysight InfiniiVision DSOX1204A/G Oscilloscopes User's Guide
Getting Started 1
18. Waveform
generator output
19. Demo/Probe
Comp, Ground terminals
20. USB Host port This port is for connecting USB mass storage devices or printers to the oscilloscope.
On G-suffix models, the built-in waveform generator can output sine, square, ramp, pulse, DC, or noise on the Gen Out BNC. Press the [Wave Gen] key to set up the waveform generator. See
"Waveform Generator" on page 75.
You can also send the trigger output signal or the mask test failure signal to the Gen Out BNC connector. See "Utility Settings" on page 87.
Demo terminal — This terminal outputs the Probe Comp signal which helps you match a probe's
input capacitance to the oscilloscope channel to which it is connected. See "Compensate
Passive Probes" on page 18. The oscilloscope can also output demo or training signals on this
Ground terminal — Use the ground terminal for oscilloscope probes connected to the Demo/Probe
Comp terminal. See the warning in "Input a Waveform" on page 15.
Connect a USB compliant mass storage device (flash drive, disk drive, etc.) to save or recall oscilloscope setup files and reference waveforms or to save data and screen images. See
"Save/Recall (Setups, Screens, Data)" on page 82.
To print, connect a USB compliant printer. For more information about printing see "Print
(Screens)" on page 85.
You can also use the USB port to update the oscilloscope's system software when updates are available.
NOTE: You must Eject a USB mass storage device before unplugging it; otherwise, the device will be marked as needing repair when connecting to a computer with the Windows operating system (even though there are no harmful effects to the device).
CAUTION:Do not connect a host computer to the oscilloscope's USB host port. A host computer sees the oscilloscope as a device, so connect the host computer to the oscilloscope's device port (on the rear panel). See "Learn the Rear Panel Connectors" on page 26.

Front Panel Overlays for Different Languages

Front panel overlays, which have translations for the English front panel keys and label text, are available in many languages. The appropriate overlay is included when the localization option is chosen at time of purchase.
To install a front panel overlay:
1 Gently pull on the front panel knobs to remove them. 2 Insert the overlay's side tabs into the slots on the front panel. 3 Reinstall the front panel knobs.
Keysight InfiniiVision DSOX1204A/G Oscilloscopes User's Guide 25
1 Getting Started

Learn the Rear Panel Connectors

For the following figure, refer to the numbered descriptions in the table that follows.
2. Kensington lock hole
3. USB Device port
4. LAN port
5. Ext Trig input
1. Power cord connector
1. Power cord
2. Kensington lock
3. USB Device
4. LAN port Lets you print to network printers (see "Print (Screens)" on page 85), access the oscilloscope's
15. Ext Trig input External trigger input BNC connector. See "External Trigger Input" on page 53 for an explanation
Attach the power cord here.
This is where you can attach a Kensington lock for securing the instrument.
This port is for connecting the oscilloscope to a host PC. You can issue remote commands from a host PC to the oscilloscope via the USB device port. See "Utility Settings" on page 87.
built-in web server, and issue remote commands. See "Web Interface" on page 93, "Accessing
the Web Interface" on page 93, and "Utility Settings" on page 87.
of this feature.
26 Keysight InfiniiVision DSOX1204A/G Oscilloscopes User's Guide

Learn the Oscilloscope Display

Analog channel sensitivity
Status line
Analog channels and ground levels
Trigger level
Trigger point, time reference
Delay time
Time/ div
Run/Stop status
Trigger type
Trigger source
Trigger level
Softkey labels and information area
Cursors defining measurement
Other waveforms
The oscilloscope display contains acquired waveforms, setup information, measurement results, and the softkey definitions.
Getting Started 1

Figure 1 Interpreting the oscilloscope display

Status line The top line of the display contains vertical, horizontal, and trigger setup information.
Display area The display area contains the waveform acquisitions, channel identifiers, and analog trigger, and
ground level indicators. Each analog channel's information appears in a different color.
Signal detail is displayed using 256 levels of intensity.
For more information about display modes see "Display Settings" on page 47.
Keysight InfiniiVision DSOX1204A/G Oscilloscopes User's Guide 27
1 Getting Started
Softkey labels and information area
Measurements area When measurements or cursors are turned on, this area contains automatic measurement and cursor
When most front panel keys are pressed, short menu names and softkey labels appear in this area. The labels describe the softkey functions. Typically, softkeys let you set up additional parameters for the selected mode or menu.
Pressing the Back key returns through the menu hierarchy until softkey labels are off and the information area is displayed. The information area contains acquisition, analog channel, math function, and reference waveform information.
You can also specify that softkey menus turn off automatically after a specified timeout period ([Utility] > Options > Menu Timeout).
Pressing the Back key when the information area is displayed returns to the most recent menu displayed.
When measurements are turned off, this area displays additional status information describing channel offset and other configuration parameters.
28 Keysight InfiniiVision DSOX1204A/G Oscilloscopes User's Guide
Getting Started 1

Access the Built-In Quick Help

To view Quick Help 1 Press and hold the key, softkey, or knob for which you would like to view help.
Quick Help remains on the screen until another key is pressed or a knob is turned.
To select the user
interface and
Quick Help
To select the user interface and Quick Help language:
1 Press [Help], then press the Language softkey. 2 Turn the Entry knob until the desired language is selected.
Keysight InfiniiVision DSOX1204A/G Oscilloscopes User's Guide 29
1 Getting Started
30 Keysight InfiniiVision DSOX1204A/G Oscilloscopes User's Guide
+ 80 hidden pages