Setup is different for 4K (KD-IP922) and 1080p (KD-IP1080, KD-IP120) systems.
There are separate setup instructions for each where applicable.
1. Supported Models and System Facts Pg. 2
2. Network Switch Requirements for Enterprise AV Pg. 3
3. Verified Network Switches Table Pg. 4
4. Araknis Setup for 1080p Systems Pg. 6
5. Araknis Setup for 4K Systems Pg. 11
6. Cisco Setup for 1080p Systems Pg. 16
7. Cisco Setup for 4K Systems Pg. 24
8. D-Link Setup for 4K and 1080p Systems Pg. 38
9. Engenius IGMP Setup for 1080p Systems Pg. 46
10. Linksys IGMP Setup for 1080p Systems Pg. 50
11. Linksys IGMP Setup for 4K Systems Pg. 56
12. Netgear IGMP Setup for 4K and 1080p Systems Pg. 65
13. Pakedge S3 IGMP Setup for 4K and 1080p Systems Pg. 70
14. Pakedge SX Series IGMP Setup for 4K and 1080p Systems Pg. 75
15. Titan Networx IGMP Setup for 1080p Systems Pg. 80
16. Wifi Router Setup and Requirements Pg. 88
1 | P a g e
Stream Resolution
4K @ 60Hz/30Hz
≤ 850 Mbps
1080p @ 60Hz
≤ 250 Mbps
1080i / 720p @ 60Hz
≤ 125 Mbps
Stream Resolution
1080p @ 60Hz
≤ 15 Mbps
1080i / 720p @ 60Hz
≤ 12 Mbps
480p @ 60Hz
≤ 4 Mbps
Supported Models:
Key Digital Enterprise AV product family consists of many different models. Not all models are compatible together
System Facts
KD-IP922 models (4K System)
Video Compression Standard: Motion JPEG 2000
Data Stream Bandwidth: < 900 Mbps
Latency: ≈ 40ms @4K. Less at lower resolutions.
PoE Power Consumption: ≤ 9 Watts per unit
Required network cabling: CAT6 UTP/STP, CAT6A, CAT7
KD-IP1080, KD-IP120 models (1080p System)
Video Compression Standard: H.264
Data Stream Bandwidth: < 15 Mbps
Latency: ≈ 400ms @1080p. Less at lower resolutions.
PoE Power Consumption: ≤ 6 Watts per unit
Required network cabling: CAT5e UTP/STP, CAT6 UTP/STP, CAT6A, CAT7
2 | P a g e
4K System (KD-IP922 models)
1080p System
(KD-IP1080, KD-IP120 models)
X (for non-video preview systems)
X (for video preview systems)
8K Jumbo Frame
Optional (excl KD-IP120PoE models)
Network switch Requirements for Enterprise AV
Key Digital’s Enterprise AV is an HDMI over IP system that utilizes multicasting technology to broadcast streams
throughout the network.
Enterprise AV requires a network switch with IGMP (Internet Group Management Protocol) support in order to
direct traffic of the broadcasted streams, ensuring that only the desired decoders receive the stream from the
selected encoder.
For 1080p systems (KD-IP1080, KDIP120 models) that plan to use the video preview feature of the Key Digital App,
IGMP v3 must be enabled. For 1080p or 4K systems that will not use the video preview feature, IGMP v2 is enabled.
KD-IP922 systems require the following IP addresses to be reserved. They cannot be assigned to KD-IP922 units:
1. Before Araknis network switch is configured Key Digital KD-IP120/KD-IP1080 HDMI switch set must be
connected to all HDMI sources/displays/network switches, and configured using Key Digital KD-IP120 Key
Digital Management Software latest version; refer to Key Digital KD-IP120/KD-IP1080 configuration manual.
2. Power-up all the system components. Using Key Digital KD-IP120 Key Digital Management Software, switch
All Outputs -> Through at switching page.
3. IMPORTANT: Disconnect all the DHCP devices like routers, servers from the Araknis network switch.
4. Locate a pinhole “RESET” button at the front panel left bottom corner of your Araknis network switch. Using
a paper clip press and hold a reset button for more than 10 seconds and then release. Wait while the device
is restarted and ready to use (about 5min).
5. IMPORTANT: At this point all the displays should be displaying distorted randomly flashing video images.
6. Connect your PC to the Araknis network switch directly using a network cable.
7. If you have not done yet, configure your PC’s IP address to the same range as the switch (default
8. Enter the switch’s IP address (default is in your browser and press ENTER.
9. Enter user name and password (default is “araknis” for both). Then click Log In.
7 | P a g e
10.Navigate to Settings -> System. Under IP Address Settings elect Static. Change an IP address to, Subnet Mask to, Default Gateway to (in this case), and at the
bottom click Apply. If you are setting up multiple network switches it is recommended to set first one to, second to, and so on, and each switch must be set individually same way as
described below.
8 | P a g e
11. Page will refresh. Configure your PC’s IP address to the same range as the switch (default
Enter the switch’s IP address (default is in your browser and press ENTER.
12. Make sure the settings remain as above.
13. Navigate to Advanced -> Multicast -> IGMP Snooping. Under Settings select Enable for Status, V3 for
Version, and Enable for Report Suppression. Under VLAN Settings / VLAN ID 1 select Enable for IGMP
Snooping Status and Enable for Fast Leave. Under Querier Settings / VLAN ID 1 select Enable for Querier
State, V3 for Querier Version and make sure all other setting are exactly as shown below. Click Apply.
9 | P a g e
14. IMPORTANT: At this point all the displays should be displaying stable running video from the selected
sources. If you do not have them displaying properly, than network switch is configured incorrectly.
15. Navigate to Maintenance -> Restart Device and click Restart Switch. After switch is rebooted and back to
normal log in again, check all the settings again.
10 | P a g e
16. IMPORTANT: Now you can connect back you DHCP equipment (routers, servers and so on).
17. Power down Araknis network switch and power it up back again. Wait for the whole system to start and
until you can see video on your displays.
18. Log in to your Araknis network switch again and make sure that IGMP settings are intact.
19. Rescan your components with Key Digital KD-IP120 Key Digital Management Software and make sure HDMI
video switch is functional.
20. At this point your Araknis network switch is set and ready to use.
11 | P a g e
IGMP Setup Guide: Araknis
4K Systems (KD-IP922)
1. Before Araknis network switch is configured Key Digital KD-IP120/KD-IP1080 HDMI switch set must be
connected to all HDMI sources/displays/network switches, and configured using Key Digital KD-IP120 Key
Digital Management Software latest version; refer to Key Digital KD-IP120/KD-IP1080 configuration manual.
2. Power-up all the system components. Using Key Digital KD-IP120 Key Digital Management Software, switch
All Outputs -> Through at switching page.
3. IMPORTANT: Disconnect all the DHCP devices like routers, servers from the Araknis network switch.
4. Locate a pinhole “RESET” button at the front panel left bottom corner of your Araknis network switch. Using
a paper clip press and hold a reset button for more than 10 seconds and then release. Wait while the device
is restarted and ready to use (about 5min).
5. IMPORTANT: At this point all the displays should be displaying distorted randomly flashing video images.
6. Connect your PC to the Araknis network switch directly using a network cable.
7. If you have not done yet, configure your PC’s IP address to the same range as the switch (default
8. Enter the switch’s IP address (default is in your browser and press ENTER.
9. Enter user name and password (default is “araknis” for both). Then click Log In.
12 | P a g e
10.Navigate to Settings -> System. Under IP Address Settings elect Static. Change an IP address to, Subnet Mask to, Default Gateway to (in this case), and at the
bottom click Apply. If you are setting up multiple network switches it is recommended to set first one to, second to, and so on, and each switch must be set individually same way as
described below.
13 | P a g e
11. Page will refresh. Configure your PC’s IP address to the same range as the switch (default
Enter the switch’s IP address (default is in your browser and press ENTER.
12. Make sure the settings remain as above.
13. Navigate to Advanced -> Multicast -> IGMP Snooping. Under Settings select Enable for Status, V2 for
Version, and Enable for Report Suppression. Under VLAN Settings / VLAN ID 1 select Enable for IGMP
Snooping Status and Enable for Fast Leave. Under Querier Settings / VLAN ID 1 select Enable for Querier
State, V2 for Querier Version and make sure all other setting are exactly as shown below. Click Apply.
14 | P a g e
14. Enter Settings -> Ports and set Jumbo Frame size to 9216 bytes, enabling the required 8K jumbo frame
support feature.
15 | P a g e
15. IMPORTANT: At this point all the displays should be displaying stable running video from the selected
sources. If you do not have them displaying properly, then network switch is configured incorrectly.
16. Navigate to Maintenance -> Restart Device and click Restart Switch. After switch is rebooted and back to
normal log in again, check all the settings again.
17. IMPORTANT: Now you can connect back you DHCP equipment (routers, servers and so on).
18. Power down Araknis network switch and power it up back again. Wait for the whole system to start and
until you can see video on your displays.
19. Log in to your Araknis network switch again and make sure that IGMP settings are intact.
20. Rescan your components with Key Digital KD-IP120 Key Digital Management Software and make sure HDMI
video switch is functional.
21. At this point your Araknis network switch is set and ready to use.
16 | P a g e
IGMP Setup Guide: Cisco SF500-48
1080p Systems (KD-IP1080, KD-IP120)
Note: Compatible with KD-IP1080, KD-IP120 Enterprise AV Systems Only
1. Before Cisco network switch is configured Key Digital KD-IP120/KD-IP1080 HDMI switch set must be
connected to all HDMI sources/displays/network switches, and configured using Key Digital KD-IP120 Key
Digital Management Software latest version.
2. Power-up all the system components. Using Key Digital KD-IP120 Key Digital Management Software, switch
All Outputs -> Through at switching page.
3. IMPORTANT: Disconnect all the DHCP devices like routers, servers from the Cisco network switch.
4. Locate a pinhole “RESET” button at the front panel left bottom corner of your Cisco network switch. Using a
paper clip press and hold a reset button for more than 10 seconds and then release. Wait while the device
is restarted and ready to use (about 5min).
5. IMPORTANT: Make sure the green “SYSTEM”LED next to the pinhole “RESET” button is flashing.
6. IMPORTANT: At this point all the displays should be displaying distorted randomly flashing video images.
7. Connect your PC to the Cisco network switch directly using a network cable.
8. If you have not done yet, configure your PC’s IP address to the same range as the switch (default
9. Enter the switch’s IP address in your browser and press ENTER (check the user manual for a default IP
address - it is usually
10. Enter user name and password (check the user manual for a default user name and password; it is usually
“cisco” for both). Then click Log In.
17 | P a g e
11. Change Password screen will appear. Enter old and then new password two times as at the picture below
and click Apply.
18 | P a g e
12. Getting Started screen will appear.
19 | P a g e
13.Navigate to Administration -> Management Interface -> IPv4 Interface. Select “1” under Management
VLAN. Select Static for IP Address Type. Change an IP address to If you are using multiple
network switches it is recommended to set first one to, second to, and so on.
Leave Network Mask as, set Administrative Default Gateway as User Defined and enter
your router IP address (in this case:, then click Apply.
14. Click OK to confirm.
20 | P a g e
15. Log in again using new password and new IP address.
21 | P a g e
16. Confirm all the administration page settings as at the picture below.
17. Navigate to Multicast -> Properties. Check Enable box next to the Bridge Multicast Filtering Status box.
Make sure the other settings are exactly as shown below. Then click Apply.
22 | P a g e
18. Navigate to Multicast -> IGMP Snooping. Check the IGMP Snooping Status: Enable box and click Apply.
19. Click on a radio button on the left and then click Edit. New window will appear.
23 | P a g e
20. Click on a radio button on the left and then click Edit. New window will appear. Select “1” for VLAN ID.
Check Enable box under IGMP Snooping Status. Check Enable box under Immediate Leave. Check Enable
box under IGMP Querier Status. Select User Defined next to Administrative Querier Source IP Address:
and select For IGMP Querier Version: select IGMPV3. Then click Apply and Close. Make sure
all the setting are exactly as shown at the picture below.
21. IMPORTANT: At this point all the displays should be displaying stable running video from the selected
sources. If you do not have them displaying properly, than network switch is configured incorrectly.
22. On the top of the page click on flashing “x Save”. For Source File Name: select Running configuration. For
Destination File Name: select Startup configuration. Check the selections and make sure they are exactly
as shown below. Click Apply.
24 | P a g e
23. Click Apply to confirm.
24. Click Done.
25 | P a g e
25. IMPORTANT: Now you can connect back you DHCP equipment (routers, servers and so on).
26. Power down Cisco network switch and power it up back again. Wait for the whole system to start and until
you can see video on your displays.
27. Log in to your Cisco network switch again and make sure that IGMP settings are intact:
28. Rescan your components with Key Digital KD-IP120 Key Digital Management Software and make sure HDMI
video switch is functional.
29. At this point your Linksys network switch is set and ready to use.
26 | P a g e
Step 1
Make sure that nothing is connected to
the switch.
Step 2
During Express Setup, the switch acts as
a DHCP server. If your PC or laptop has a
static IP address, temporarily change
your PC or laptop settings to DHCP.
Note. Do not connect LAN cable from
your PC or laptop to Cisco’s switch until
Step 7.
Step 3
Install the power supply modules. See the “Power Supply Installation” chapter in the Catalyst 3850 Switch
Hardware Installation Guide for instructions.
IGMP Setup Guide: Cisco C3850 Series
4K Systems (KD-IP922)
Cisco Catalyst 3850 series
This guide describes how to use Express Setup to initially configure your Catalyst 3850 switch. We have modified
original Express Setup guide from Cisco to help out you install it easily. For more installation and configuration
information, see the Catalyst 3850 documentation on
Running Express Setup & Configuration Setup for KD-IP922
Use Express Setup to enter the initial IP information. This action enables the switch to connect to local routers and
the Internet. You can access the switch through the IP address for further configuration.
Note : Even you already finish Express Setup on your switch, please check every step one by one.
27 | P a g e
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