KD-HDMIXHDMI is an HDMI cable extender
4 Extends the length of HDMI cable runs up to
150ft at 1080P when used with Key Digital®
HDMI cables
4 Designed to work either as a passive unit or
with the included power supply
4 Supports all SD, HD and Computer
resolutions up to 1080P
4 Incorporates 6 Key Digital
4 Can achieve cable run distances previously
unattainable with any HDMI resolution
Includes HDMI Cable clip for securing HDMI
cables to the mounting bracket with cable ties
Key Benefits General Info
Regulation: CE, RoHS
Power: 100VAC to 240VAC,
50Hz and 60Hz
Mounting Bracket
Enclosure: Molded ABS
3.25” x 2” x 1”
Shipping Carton Dimensions:
4.75” x 2” x 3.5”
Product Weight: > 1 lbs
Shipping Weight: 1 lbs
CAT5 Video/Audio Balun Devices
KD-CAT5XCAT5 is a CAT5 to CAT5 cable extender
4 Extends the length of CAT5 cable runs when
used between KD-HDMIXCAT5 or
KD-HDMIWPTX transmitters and KDCAT5XHDMI or KD-HDMIWPRX receivers
4 Designed to work either as a passive unit or
with the included power supply
4 Supports all SD, HD and Computer
resolutions up to 1080P
4 Allows for the use of less expensive CAT5
cable for HDMI signal transmission
over long distances
4 Incorporates 6 Key Digital
Key Benefits General Info
Regulation: CE, RoHS
Power: 100VAC to 240VAC,
50Hz and 60Hz
Mounting Bracket
Enclosure: Molded ABS
3.25” x 2” x 1”
Shipping Carton Dimensions:
4.75” x 2” x 3.5”
Product Weight: > 1 lbs
Shipping Weight: 1 lbs