KEY RK-2006LP Operating Manual

Version DC19
Controller RK-2006LP is designed for temperature control of solid fuel fired water boilers equipped with:
- Auger and feeding stoker working with the stoker,
- Blow-in fan,,
- Ignition glow plug for automatic start,
- Central heating pump,
- Hot tap water pump or mixing pump (option),
- Alarm indicator or ash removal system (option),
- Room termostat (option).
2. Connection.
Before turning on the controller, connect: power cables of: controller, blow-in fan, central heating and hot tap water pumps and auger to appropriate sockets in the rear of the controller. The temperature sensor should be placed in metering locations that shall be dry. Figure 2 presents the electrical connection diagram. For connection of stoker, alarm indicator and ash removal system the additional module UM-1 shall be applied.
CAUTION! Before plugging in the controller first check if the wiring system is properly grounded, and if the terminal screws of the output connector are tightened.
CAUTION! Total power of the fan, central heating and hot water pump which are connected to the controller must not exceed 900W. Outputs of the controller that are not used may remain disconnected.
CAUTION!!! Control outputs of the feeder and lighter are not protected and MUST BE protected with adequate fuses.
CAUTION! The controller is equipped with properly protected semiconductor
temperature sensors, yet metering locations with installed sensors must be dry.
3. Operation.
After turning the controller on, the name and software version is displayed and all signal lamps are on to enable checking of functionalities. When the controller is turn on it will return to its last state before turning off or power failure.
On the front panel of the controller (picture 1) there is: 1 - Display, 2 - Fan indicator, 3 - Auger indicator, 4 - Ignition glow plug indicator, 5 - Central heating circuit pump indicator, 6 - Hot tap water pump or mixing pump indicator, 7 - Room thermostat operation and boiler desired setting indicator, 8 - Previous parameter selection button, 9 - STOP button for alarm and settings change cancellation, 10- START button, 11- Next parameter selection button, 12- Boiler thermostat and parameters setting knob with OK confirmation button.
Picture 1. Front panel of RK-2006LP controller.
3.1. Main window, adjustment mode and devices mode.
Following turning on of the controller the main window is displayed. On the top of the display (1) boiler water temperature is shown, and on the bottom operation mode is displayed. Symbol „*” displayed in the right bottom corner indicates burner flame detection. Lights below the display indicate particular outputs and when switched on they indicate their operation.
B O I L E R T E M P . 6 7 c S T O P *
Basic operation of the controller is carried out by setting the desired temperature of the boiler. To do this turn the boiler thermostat knob (12) according to the desired setting and confirm with OK button (Press the knob).
D E S I R E D B O I L E R T E M P E R A T U R E → 5 8 c
CAUTION! When the household thermostat input works in the mode of adaptation, any attempts to change the boiler programmed temperature may end with failure, i.e. when the new value is confirmed, the change in the boiler programmed temperature to the value resulting from the algorithm of adaptation is automatic.
CAUTION! If the heating system is fitted with the domestic water tank, boiler water temperature controlled and maintained by the controller during tank preheating may be higher than desired temperature setting programmed with thermostat knob.
3.2. Device operation modes.
Table 1. Operation mode list.
Operation mode Description
STOP Boiler control stopped. Controller maintains central heating and domestic
water pump operation, but automatic ignition does not follow.
STANDBY Controller maintains central heating and domestic water pump operation. In
case of heat demand automatic ignition of boiler follows.
IGNITION Controller carries out automatic ignition of boiler.
Controlling the fan and auger to support the burner operation.
Fan and fuel feeder operate to reach boiler maximum power.
MODUL. POWER Controller reduces fuel feeding as much as boiler water temperature
corresponds to the desired setting.
MINIMUM POWER Fan and fuel feeder is minimized to maintain fire.
Controller activates blower to ensure removal of accumulated gases.
POSTCOMBUSTION No demand for heat or cleaning the furnace is needed. The feeder is turned off
and the fuel is reheated until the flame dies down.
Controller shuts down boiler operation.
CLEANING Burner cleaning.
Manual operation of fuel auger. Boiler control stopped. Controller maintains central heating and domestic water pumps operation, but automatic ignition does not follow.
Fuel ignition in auger channel. The controller empties ignited fuel from the auger channel until temperature drops.
ALARMS Safety and temperatures sensors failure alarms.
Controller maintains central heating and domestic water pumps operation only to protect the boiler against overheating and auger channel ignition. Room thermostat contacts closing(call for heat) and domestic water temperature drop do not result in any action. Pressing START button (10) will result in switching the controller to STANDBY mode.
In this mode controller does not carry out any additional operation, until room thermostat contacts close (call for heat) or domestic water temperature drop, the boiler operation will focus on maintenance of temperature according to thermostat setting programmed with the knob. If preheating of domestic water tank is necessary and the desired boiler temperature setting is higher from domestic water temperature setting the controller will follow higher setting. Pressing the STOP button (9) will result in switching to STOP mode.
Boiler controller is switched into IGNITION mode if demand for heat follows, and if the controller did not detect the flame. During ignition the controller activates fan, auger and igniter. Fuel and air feeding rate is adjusted by the technician. IGNITION
mode follows till flame is detected. If the flame is not detected within the specified time, the controller activates „Out of fuel alarm”. Pressing STOP button, exceeding time limit for cleaning, thermostat contacts opening or if water temperature in domestic water tank is obtained during operation in IGNITION mode will result in switching of the controller into the POSTCOMBUSTION mode.
After the flame has been detected the boiler burner is switched into the KINDLE FIRE STABILIZE mode. While in the mode the fan operates with the maximum power. The fuel dose given by the auger is the same as while at work with the minimum power. Additionally, depending on the service settings, the fuel dose may be increased gradually. KINDLE FIRE STABILIZE option is being carried out for the period of time set in the service settings or till the moment the boiler reaches the programmed temperature. Pressing STOP button, exceeding time limit for cleaning, thermostat contacts opening or if water temperature in domestic water tank is obtained during operation in the KINDLE FIRE STABILIZE mode will result in switching of the controller into the POSTCOMBUSTION mode.
CAUTION! The KINDLE FIRE STABILIZE mode can be turned off by the technical staff. In such case the controller is switched into the work with the maximum power after the ignition cycle has been finished.
When in this mode the controller operates fuel auger and fan to ensure max. power of the boiler. Fuel and air feeding rate is adjusted by the technician. Pressing STOP button, exceeding time limit for cleaning, thermostat contacts opening or if water temperature in domestic water tank is obtained during operation in MAXIMUM POWER mode will result in switching of the controller into EXTINCTION (SHUTDOWN) mode.
Depending on desired parameters the controller may gradually reduce fuel and air rate feeding to reduce burner power, as much as boiler water temperature corresponds to the programmed setting. Pressing STOP button, exceeding time limit for cleaning, thermostat contacts opening or if water temperature in domestic water tank is obtained during operation in MODULATED POWER mode will result in switching of the controller into POSTCOMBUSTION mode.
When in this mode the controller operates fuel feeding and fan operation to maintain firing to ensure the minimum fuel consumption. Fuel and air feeding rate is adjusted by the technician. If in spite of boiler minimum power, increase temperature follows of water temperature in relation to the top hysteresis parameter setting, the controller will be switched into EXTINCTION (SHUTDOWN) mode. When the boiler water temperature drops below the desired setting it will result in switching of the controller into „Maximum power operation mode”. Pressing STOP button, exceeding time limit for cleaning, thermostat contacts opening or if water temperature in domestic water
tank is obtained during operation in MINIMUM POWER mode will result in switching of the controller into POSTCOMBUSTION mode.
During the operation with minimum power output, the controller will activate flue scavenge (purging) to ensure removal of accumulated gases. Scavenge (purging) is provided with temporary fan operation in higher speed.
In the mode the auger is turned off by the regulator. The fan power is not altered (it works with same speed as when the POSTCOMBUSTION mode was turned off). The POSTCOMBUSTION prolongs till the moment the flame dies down, after which the regulator is switched into the EXTINCTION mode.
In this mode the fan power is changed to the value programmed by the technical staff to ensure complete fuel combustion and the burner cool down. When EXTINCTION (SHUTDOWN) is finished the controller is switched into CLEANING, STANDBY or STOP mode, provided POSTCOMBUSTION, EXTINCTION (SHUTDOWN) followed as a result of STOP button pressing.
The automatic furnace cleaning is carried out if the extinction time has been determined by the technician or the burner has been operating long enough. In the mode, the cleaning mechanism is activated for the period preprogrammed by the technician. If the STOP button has been pressed during the cleaning, the controller will enter either the STANDBY or STOP mode.
User may activate auger manual refilling function. When device is in STOP mode, press START and hold button for 5 seconds to start refilling. Refilling follows according to the time programmed by the technician or until it is manually turned off with STOP button.
If the auger is equipped with a temperature sensor, a temperature increase above the range programmed by the technician, it will result in activation of auger ignition alarm. The controller turns off the fan and auger. If the burner is equipped with the stoker, the device is switched additionally into AUGER EXTINCTION (EMERGENCY SHUTDOWN) mode. During shut down the stoker is engaged for the time needed to remove the ignited fuel from the stoker. In addition if the burner has cleaning mechanism, the controller will activate the cleaning cycle and remove fuel from the burner.
3.3. ALARMS.
RK-2006LP controller continually checks operations of installed devices as well as alarm sensors. In case of failure, the device activates alarm and proper operations are carried out. Information on the problem is also shown on the display. In addition depending on nature of damage the inner sound alarm system may be activated. To cancel alarm, first identify the cause and repair it and then STOP button shall be pressed. If alarm is cancelled and required repairs did not follow, sound alarm system will be turned off only. In case more than one alarm has been activated, information on each alarm will be displayed alternately.
If in IGNITION mode the controller fails to detect a flame within the time specified by the technician, „Out of fuel alarm” will be activated. To turn on the controller again first refill fuel, cancel the alarm with STOP button and begin setting-up process by pressing START button.
A L A R M : O U T O F
Depending on construction type, the boiler may be equipped with emergency sensor (e.g. hopper cover sensor). Activation of the alarm will result in fan and auger turning off, and switching the controller into STANDBY mode.
A L A R M : E M E R G E N C Y
CAUTION! This alarm does not result in engagement of inner sound system and does not require cancelling. Once the hopper cover is closed, the programmed process will be carried out from the moment when it was interrupted (it returns to the mode that was before alarm activation).
If the auger has been equipped with a temperature sensor, and the programmed setting of „Auger ignition temperature" was exceeded, it will result in activation of auger ignition alarm. The controller will go to SHUTDOWN mode.
A L A R M : A U G E R
CAUTION! This alarm may be cancelled only if the auger temperature drops below set point. If the alarm was cancelled before extinction completion, only sound alarm will be turned off.
B O I L E R T E M P . 6 0 c A U G E R E X T I N C T .
In case of auger temperature sensor damage, as in case of overheating, the controller will go to shut down mode and will activate the appropriate alarm:
A L A R M : A U G E R T E M P . S E N S O R
CAUTION! This alarm may be cancelled only after repairs.
If flame temperature detector (CT-1/2 or PT-1000) has been connected to the controller, its damage will result in activation of the alarm and switching into STANDBY mode.
A L A R M : B U R N E R T E M P . S E N S O R
RK-2006LP controller is provided with triple protection against boiler overheating. If boiler water temperature set point is equal to the programmed „Boiler max. temperature” service setting, the controller will engage central heating pump.
If water boiler temperature increases above 93°C, it will activate STB system which will automatically engage power for central heating pump and will shut off blower. Operation of STB will result in switching the controller to STANDBY mode. Normal operation of STB will be resumed, if boiler temperature drops below 90°C.
Boiler water temperature increases up to the programmed „Boiler overheating temperature” service setting will result in fan turning off, engagement of central heating pump and switching the controller in STOP mode, but EXTINCTION (SHUTDOWN) mode and alarm will not be activated:
A L A R M : B O I L E R
CAUTION! This alarm may be cancelled, if boiler water temperature drops below the overheating temperature setting.
In case of boiler water temperature sensor damage the controller turns off the fan, engages central heating pump, controller switches into STOP mode and activates alarm:
A L A R M : B O I L E R T E M P . S E N S O R
CAUTION! This alarm may be cancelled only if repairs are made.
If the heating system is fitted with domestic water circuit, in case of sensor damage the controller turns off the domestic water pump and activates alarm:
A L A R M : H O T W A T E R T E M P . S E N S O R
CAUTION! This alarm does not require cancellation. The alarm is deactivated automatically, if repairs are made.
If the heating system is provided with the mixing pump, in case of return water temperature sensor damage, the pump is switched off and the controller activates alarm:
A L A R M : R E T U R N T E M P . S E N S O R
CAUTION! This alarm does not require cancellation. The alarm is deactivated automatically, if repairs are made.
4. Review of user settings.
Pressing parameter buttons (8 and 11) allows reviewing user’s parameters while their activation is indicated with fast flashing of proper light. Following selection of the desired parameter you can switch to the change mode by pressing OK button (12) (indicated with the displayed symbol „→” on the left of the desired parameter). You can confirm new settings by pressing OK button. Press the STOP button to exit the change mode and resume the previous setting of the parameter. If the device was left in the change or parameters previewing mode for 60 seconds and no button was pressed, the controller will automatically cancel the last modification and will be switched into display mode. Table 2 presents user’s settings. Columns of the table represent: fast flashing light, parameter name and available minimum and maximum setting.
Table 2. User settings list.
Light Parameter Min. Max.
Auger Fuel type. 1 4
Desired boiler temperature. 40°C 90°C Boiler maximum power. 60% 100%
CH pump Central heating pump operation mode. WINTER SUMMER
Domestic water desired temperature. 30°C 60°C Domestic water heating priority. NO YES
Domestic water tank bacterial flora liquidation program. NO YES Measured domestic water temperature. Measured return water temperature.
Current furnace brightness (FD-1). Brightness when fuel ignition has occurred (FD-1). 0 255 Temperature of the burner (PT-1000, CT-1/2).
Burner temperature with fuel ignited (PT-1000, CT-1/2).
20°C 20°C
100°C Burner work time. Burner start up counter.
4.1. Fuel type selection.
RK-2006LP controller enables programming ignition settings for four different fuel types. „Fuel type” parameter enables switching between particular settings. Fan, auger and igniter operation are saved for the selected fuel type.
F U E L T Y P E 1
CAUTION! Fuel type may be changed, if the controller is in STOP mode only.
4.2. Boiler temperature setting.
Desired boiler temperature - it is the temperature setting that will be obtained by
the controller, if room thermostat input contacts are closed.
D E S I R E D B O I L E R T E M P E R A T U R E 5 0 c
4.3. Boiler operation maximum power.
Boiler operation maximum power - this parameter enables to limit boiler operation
max power. Power limitation is possible thanks to fuel reduction during operation at maximum power.
P O W E R 1 0 0 %
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