Kettler SM 9150-75 Training And Operating Instructions

SM 9150-75
Computer- und Trainingsanleitung
SM 9150-75
Training and operating instructions
22 GB
Safety information
Please observe the following points for your personal safety:
• The training machine must be assembled on an appro­priate and solid surface.
• Ensure that the connections are secure before first put­ting the machine into operation and after approximate­ly six days of use.
• In order to prevent injury as a result of incorrect use or overloading, the training machine may only be opera­ted according to the instructions.
• A permanent installation of the machine in wet rooms is not recommended due to the formation of rust.
• Ensure that the training machine is in a perfect functio­ning and working order on a frequent basis.
• Safety checks are included under the obligations of the operator and must be carried out correctly and on a regular basis.
• Faults or damaged parts must be exchanged immedia­tely. Only original KETTLER spare parts may be used.
• The machine may not be used until repairs have been completed.
• The safety level of the machine can only be maintained on the condition that it is regularly checked for dama­ge and wear and tear.
For your safety:
Before starting to train, please consult your doctor to ensure that you are physically fit and able to train on this machine. The results from this examination should form the basis for the structuring of your training program. Incorrect or excessi­ve training may pose potential risks to your health.
Safety information 22 Brief description 23
• Functional area and buttons 24-25
• Display area 25-27
Quick start 27
• For beginners 27
Individual presets 28
• User presetting (U1–U0) 28
General training program 28
• H.R.C. (target heart rate) 29
• USER 29
Target values 30
• PULSE Heart rate 30
• TIME Training time 30
• DISTANCE Training course 30
• CALORIES Energy consumption 30
Personal training settings 30
• General 30
• Target value settings 31 Example: DISTANCE
• Sleep mode 31
• Stop or pause training 32
Training 33
Setting the training program 33
• MANUAL 33 Manual training
• FITNESS 33-34 Preset program for fitness training
• PROGRAM 34 12 preset programs for training
• H.R.C. (target heart rate) 35-36 Training using a target heart rate (THR)
• USER 36-37 Training program using user settings
• RECOVERY 37 Recovery heart rate
General information 38
• Calculation of fitness level 38 Formula 35
• Information on pulse measurement 38 With an ear clip 38 With a hand pulse sensor 38 With a chest strap 38
• Computer faults 38
Training instructions 39
• Endurance training 39
• Training intensity 39
• Training distance 39
Glossary 40
The use of this symbol in the instruc­tions makes reference to the glos­sary. The respective term is explai­ned in this glossary.
SM 9150-75
23 GB
Display area
Functional area
Brief description
The machine is equipped with a functional area with buttons and a display area (display) with variable symbols and gra­phics.
The electronics have the following functions:
• Personal user settings can be saved on a long-term basis U1 – U4; gender, age, weight
• Monitoring with visual and audible signals Age-related maximum pulse, target heart rate
• Display of fitness level between 1and 6 calculated from the recovery heart rate after 1 minute
• Training program with individual or preset options for fitness, endurance, strength or target heart rate training
• Motor-controlled brake stage adjustment
• Calculation of energy consumption according to the brake stage and pedaling frequency
• Selection of the speed and distance display [KM/H or M/H]
• Selection of the temperature display [°C or °F]
• Pre-installed pulse receiver for the T34 POLAR chest strap.
Training and operating instructions
24 GB
Brief instructions
Functional area
The buttons are briefly explained below. The correct use of these buttons is explained in the
individual chapters. The names of the functional but­tons are also used in these descriptions as follows:
This button starts the workout. By pressing this button again, the computer counter is stopped and the set­tings can be adjusted. If the START button is then pressed again, the computer will continue to count according to the new settings.
The ENTER button is combined with the UP/DOWN control knob. The ENTER button is pressed to con­firm the settings, menus, programs and functions which have been selected by turning the control knob.
Pressing and holding the ENTER button restarts the training computer, see chapter 1.
The UP/DOWN control knob is combined with the ENTER button. Turning this knob slowly gradually changes the set values. Turning the knob quickly allows for a quick change of the set values. The ENTER button is pressed to confirm the settings, menus, programs and functions which have been selected by turning the control knob.
– Using the UP/DOWN control knob, default
values can be adjusted. This must take place when the machine is in a STOP position > the bottom left STOP button will blink
– During training, this control knob can be used to
increase or decrease the overall intensity level > graphical bar chart.
– The desired user settings are preselected using the
UP or DOWN control knob (USER U1-U0).
– The selection of a training program (MANUAL,
PROGRAM, USER or H.R.C.) is also carried out using the UP or DOWN control knob.
– After selecting and confirming a training pro-
gram, the further parameter settings for this trai­ning program are also set and confirmed using the UP/DOWN control knob: TIME, DISTANCE, CALORIES or PULSE.
UP Upwards adjustment of default values. By turning the control knob to the right (UP), you can increase the set value.
DOWN Downwards adjustment of default values. By turning the control knob to the left (DOWN), you can decrease the set value.
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SM 9150-75
User presetting (U1 / U2 / U3 / U4 / U0)
Using the USER button, the desired or preset user can be selected.
If the machine has to be disconnected from the mains and reconnected for e.g. due to a change in location, the input personal user data will be retai­ned when the machine is restarted (U1 to U4).
U 0 can be selected for a guest user. IMPORTANT! No training data is saved using this
USER setting (TIME, DISTANCE and CALORIES)! This data is only counted during a training session.
The RECOVERY button can be used to activate the recovery heart rate measurement after your training session.
Heart rate measurement
The heart rate measurement can be taken in 3 ways:
1. Hand pulse sensor (standard)
2. Ear clip (optional) The plug is connected to a socket in the machine.
3. Chest strap without receiver (optional) The receiver is built into this electronic unit behind the display. If an ear clip is plugged in, this must be removed. The POLAR T34 chest strap without a plug-in receiver is available as an accessory (Item no. 67002000).
Display functions
The display is divided into four separate display areas
1. The top row displays information on the status or selected training program
2. The top left zone gives information on the current user (U 0-4) and user-specific data is recorded: gender, age and weight.
Using this input data, the computer calculates data relating to heart rate and the level of intensi­ty during training.
3. The large screen which displays a graphic image of the training distance (course profile) offers sim­ple user guidance during the training session. One bar = low intensity; 16 bars above one ano­ther = maximum intensity.
4. Below the user display and in the entire bottom row of the screen, there are several adjacent sym­bols where the different target values and training units are displayed. When presetting these units, the functional symbol will blink > e.g. TIME.
Training and operating instructions
26 GB
Training program
Distance / temperature
Turns / speed
Personal user data
Time / training time / start - stop
Display of heart rate
Heart symbol blinks when recording heart rate
Gender symbol
km or miles
Default setting
Room temperature
when paused
in ° Celsius
Training time
Pedal turns / minute
Value 0 – 220
Preset program
Manual training
Personal recommended heart rate as a training target
Fitness training
Training program using
user settings
Training using a target
heart rate
U1 – U4; U0
START / STOP display
Speed km/h
Percentage value
90% of the target value 75 % of the target value 55 % of the target value
Adjustment of settings when
starting the machine
SM 9150-75
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Quick start (for beginners)
You can start training without previous experience. The different information will then be displayed on the screen. For an effective training session and to adjust your personal training settings, please read and follow these operating instructions.
Please also read the general information in the training instructions.
Setting the time:
After first switching on or reconnecting the machine to the mains, the time window will be displayed on the bottom left of the screen with setting options for hours and minutes.
The time can be changed using the UP/DOWN con­trol knob: First move the hours UP/DOWN and con­firm by pressing ENTER, then repeat to set the minu­tes and confirm the selected time by pressing the ENTER button.
If the machine is restarted by pressing and holding the ENTER button, the set time will be maintained as normal. By pressing the ENTER button twice (confir­ming the time) you will have further selection opti­ons.
The user display will then appear (U 1–0) U = USER. By pressing the USER button you can opt for a quick start U 0 > guest user.
Press the START button and start training.
You can finish your workout by stopping and pres­sing the STOP button. The training values achieved will then be displayed.
Energy consumption
Intensity display
Bar chart
16 columns
Intensity profile
1 point (height) = 1 level
1 row = level 1
1 column corresponds to 1 minute for cross-trainers:
200 m or 0.1 miles For exercise bikes: 400 m or
0.2 miles
Calories burnt
+ 15 hidden pages