Kettler SG1 Training And Operating Instructions

Training and operating instructions
Training and operating instructions Table of Contents
Safety instructions 2
• Service 2
•Your safety 2
Short description 3
• Display area / display 3
• Keys 3
• Resetting the Display 3
•Type of pulse measurement 3
• Device interface 3
• Selecting Language 3
• Display Settings 3
•Values and Symbols Displayed 4
Quick start (to become familiar) 4
•Training stand-by 4
• Beginning of training 4
• Interruption of training 4
•Stand-by 4
Main Menu 5 Menu -> Users 5
• Selecting User 5
• Entering User Data 5
• Sample Data “Thomas” 5
Menu -> Programme 5
•Performance (manual) 6
•Performance (preset) Profile 6
•Performance (individual) 6
• HRC (manual) 6
• HRC (preset) Profile 6
• HRC (individual) 6
Tra ining 7
Select a training programme 7
• Performance (manual) “Count Down” 7 Current default settings 7 Training stand-by 7
•Performance (fixed) 7 Current default settings 7
Mode: Time or distance 8 Training stand-by 8
• Manual pulse input 8
“HRC Count Down” 8 Current default settings 8 Training stand-by 8
• Pulse-profile HRC (fixed) HRC-Profil 1 8
Current default settings 8 Training stand-by 8
Beginning of training 9
• Adjusting the Display 9
Training functions 9
•Operating mode
independent from / dependent on rota­tion speed 9
• Monitoring of rotation speed/perfor­mance 9
• Pulse monitoring
Target pulse 10 Maximum pulse 10
•(recover y pulse measuring) 10
• Interruption or end of training 10
• Resume training 11
Individual training profiles Editing 11
•Performance (individual) 11
• HRC (individual) 11
Main menu -> Default Settings 12
• 1. Display & functions 12
• 2. Training values 13
• 3. Pulse default settings 13
Main menu - > Settings 14
• 1. Units 14
• 2. Display 14
• 3. Time and date 14
• 4. Stand-by 15
• 5. Factory Settings 15
General information 15
•System beeps 15
• Recovery 15
• Switching time / distance 15
•Profile display during training 15
• Operation dependent on rotation speed 15
• Operation independent from rotation speed 15
• Calculating the average value 15
• Information on pulse measuring 15
with ear clip 15 with chest strap 16
• Malfunction of the training computer 16
• Information on the interface 16
Training instructions 16
• Endurance training 16
• Stress intensity 16
• Amount of stress 16
Glossary 16
This emblem in the instructions refers to the glossary, where the respective term is explained.
Safety instructions
Please observe the following instructions for your own safety:
• The training appliance must be erected on a suitable and stable surface.
• Before putting into operation for the first time and after the appliance has been in operation for appro­ximately 6 days, all connections must be checked to ensure a secure fit.
• In order to prevent injuries caused by incorrect loa­ding or overloading, the training appliance may only be used as per instructions.
•A permanent erection of the appliance in damp rooms is not recommended since rust will form.
• Conduct regular checks to ensure that the functional efficiency and general overall condition of the trai­ning appliance are as they should be.
• The Operator's responsibilities also include technical safety checks and must be conducted at regular intervals and with the required thoroughness and precision.
• Defective or damaged components must be replaced immediately.
• Use only original KETTLER spare parts
• The appliance must not be used until repair work has been completed.
•The level of safety of the appliance can only be maintained if it is checked at regular intervals for damage and wear-and-tear.
For your safety:
Before taking up training, consult your GP to
ensure that your state of health is such that the appliance is a suitable form of training for you. Your own personal training programme should be based on the medical findings. Incorrect or excessive training can damage your health.
The cross ergometer EXT7 is additional­ly equipped with hand pulse sensors.
Appliance interface
The USB interface to the PC is located at the backside of the display panel.
Selecting Language
When switched on for the first time, the language menu.
Use navigation keys “ Up ” and “Down” to select language. Press “Select” to accept language selection and to open the
“Display” menu. Press “Cancel” to get back to the main menu. Settings will not
be saved, display will be shown when switched on again.
Display Settings
After selecting the language, the menu for selecting brightness and contrast of the display is shown.
Press “Back” to get back to the main menu. The set- tings will be saved.
Press “Cancel” to get back to the main menu instantly. Settings will not be saved, display will be shown when switched on again.
When the optimal contrast is set, there will be no heavy sha­des. The setting “Contrast” applies to the lower display and “Brightness” to both displays.
Short descriptionv
The electronic unit consists of function keys and a display.
Display area / Display
Function keys
By means of these 4 keys, you can activate functions, which are then shown in the above display, e.g. Back, Menu etc. The functions of the keys may vary from one menu to the other.
Navigation keys
Use the navigation keys to select menu features or menu entry fields.
Enter keys minus - / plus +
By means of these keys, you can alter values, adjust the stress values for training and shift profiles.
• “Plus” increases the values or alters settings
• “Minus” reduces the values or alters settings
•Press “Plus” or “Minus” for a longer period of time > quick
•Press “Plus” and “Minus” at the same time:
• Stress skips to smallest performance
•Programmes skips to default setting
•Value input skips to Off
Resetting the Display (Software-Reset)
Pressing the three keys at the same time, will restart the equipment.
Type of pulse measurement
The pulse measurement can be carried out in two ways:
1. Ear clip The plug is put into the pulse female connector;
2. built-in receiver and Polar chest strap T34 (please refer to the appropriate instructions) Ear clips must be taken off.
Pulse female connector
Display values The illustrations show the operation as
wheel ergometer. If the rotation speed corresponds to the
example values on the display, the values for speed and distance at the cross ergonometers are lower
At a pedal rate of 60 min-1 Wheel ergometer = 21.3 km/h Cross ergometer = 9.5 km/h
Training and operating instructions
Quick Start
(Introduction, no settings)
After turning on the power switch, first all features will be displayed, then the total distance and total time.
Training stand-by
• After 10 seconds: Display Training Programme “Count Up”
Beginning of training
During pedalling the value displays are counting up.
Display: : current values
Pedal rate, Speed, Distance, Work Out Time, Performance, Energy Consumption and Pulse (if activated). The % indication above POWER shows the ratio of current performance to maximum performance to be set individually by each user.
Changing performance during training: Press “Plus” to increase performance by 5 points Press “Minus” to decrease performance by 5 points
Interruption of training
If you achieve less than 10 pedal rotations/min, the electronic system will recognise a training interruption. Pedal rate and speed are displayed with “0”.
Display: Average values,
pedal rate, speed, performance and pulse (if measuring is active)
Display : Total values
distance, energy consumption and training time
“Menu”, “User” will be explained on page 5 ff, “Display”on page 9, “Presettings” on page 7“, CoolDown” and “WarmUp on page 14 and the function “Fix/Var” on page 9.
Stand-by (sleep mode)
If there are no more workout impulses and no keys will be pressed, the display switches to standby mode. The only featu­re being displayed is “POWER“. The switch off time can be set in the menu “Settings/Standby”. Pressing a key or resu­ming work out, will activate the workout mode again.
Pedal rate
Value 0 – 199
Average (AVG
pedal slower/faster
Average (AVG
Conversion selectable
Value 0 – 99,9
Value 0 – 249
Value 0 – 99,59
Energy Consumption
Conversion selectable
Conversion selectable
Value 0 – 9999
Maximal Puls
Average (AVG
Heart symbol (blinks)
Target pulse undershot -11
Warning (blinks) max.pulse +1
Target pulse overshot +11
Value 0 – 220
Alarm ON/OFF
Percentage Curr. pulse/max pulse
Value 0 – 600
Average (AVG
Max. perform. achie-
ved in HRC mode
Curr. perform./ Max perform.
Main menu:
The functions of the 4 menus: Users, Programmes, Presettings and Settings are grouped by topics.
Use this menu to enter users and their individual data and set­tings and to select who will be the users during the next work out and who will be the users the next time the equipment will be switched on.
Press “Select” to access the submenu under the menu option highlighted in black.
Press “Training” to jump to the standard workout program­me of the “active” user.
Example: “Guest” (active) will be working out next. “User 1” (standard) is to be activated the next time the equip-
ment is switched on. This setting will be saved until changed again.
User -> select User
“Zurück” drücken springt zum Menü “Personen” zurück.
Press “Back” to jump to the “Users” menu. Press “Training” to jump to the user's standard workout pro-
gramme. Press “Standard” to set the user highlighted in black as user
the next time the equipment is switched on.
Press “Select” to open the respective submenu of the user highlighted in black.
In this menu, you can choose from 3 submenus:
User Data
Use to enter user-related data.
Use to enter data related to display and functions, set workout options and pulse rates.
Workout Data
Use to access overall workout data.
User -> User 1 -> User Data
Press “Select” to access the “User Data” submenu: “User 1”. Enter user-related data into this menu.
User 1 -> User Data
Enter user-related data into this menu.
• Here, entering the name replaces “User 1”.
• The Date of Birth affects the pulse-rate presettings.
• The height affects the B.M.I. calculation.
• The weight affects the B.M.I. calculation.
• At this stage, the user's “Sex” is irrelevant. The “BMI” will be calculated from your data.
User data -> enter Name
Highlight “Name” and press “Select” to acces the submenu ”Enter Name”.
Delete the entry User 1 before entering name Use the navigation keys to select areas and/or characters.
The active area is highlighted in black. Press “Insert” to insert the selected character. A maximum of
8 characters may be entered. Press “Back” to enter the entry. Enter at least 1 character,
otherwise the option “Back” will not be displayed.
Use the -/+ keys to adjust “Age”, “Height” and “Weight” and to select the “Sex”.
The personal data of our fictitious user “Thomas” could look like this.
This menu contains the overview of the equipment’s workout programmes.
Training and operating instructions
If the content of a menu cannot be displayed within the space of the display, use the navigation keys “Up” and “Down” to scroll the display. The selection will move and be highlighted in black as you scroll. For the first menu option, the highlighting will be on top, for the last ones it will be on the display's bottom.
Performance (manual):
Changing the performance while working out. Features such as Time, Distance... may be increased or decreased.
Performance (preset):
The performance will be controlled by performance profiles.
Performance (individual)
Adjust the performance profile according to your require­ments.
HRC (manual) HRC=Heart Rate Control.
Enter a pulse rate and the performance will be controlled automatically by your pulse rate.
HRC (fixed)
Pulse-profile programmes control the performance according to changing pulse rates.
HRC (individual)
Adjust basic pulse-profile programmes according to your requirements.
Programmes -> Performance (manual)
Under the option “Performance (manual)”, there are two wor­kout programmes: “Count Up” and “Count Down”. Use both programmes to adjust the performance while working out. “Count Up” increases and “Count Down” decreases the set­tings you entered or that were taken over from the menu:
Presets -> Workout Settings
Use the navigation keys “Up” and “Down” to highlight the selection in black and to activate.
Press “Standard” to select the highlighted programme as Standard programme of the “active” user.
Press “Training” to select the highlighted programme and to view the “Ready for Training“ mode.
“Presets” displays the Presets that yet need to be or
Programmes - > HRC programmes (manual)
The menu item “HRC (manual)” contains two training pro­grammes: “Count Up” and “Count Down”. In both program­mes a target pulse is achieved by performance regulation and is maintained over the training period. The target pulse is eit-
her adopted from the default settings in the menu: Default Settings - > Default Setting Pulse or is set to 130, if no data is
available. The values, which you preset or which have been adopted from the default settings in the menu: Default Settings
- > Training values, are counted up in the “Count Up” mode and are counted down in the “Count Down” mode.
Programmes - > HRC (fixed)
The menu item “HRC (fixed)” contains 5 training profiles, which differ in duration and intensity. In these programmes, changing target pulses are achieved by performance regula­tion. The profile height of the programme depends on the ent­ries of your maximum pulse in the menu: Default Settings - > Default Setting Pulse. If no data is available, an age of 50 years and a maximum pulse of 170 are set automatically.
Programmes - > HRC (individual)
The menu item “HRC (individual)” contains 3 training profiles. You can edit the duration and the intensity of these profiles.
On how to create an “HRC (individual)” pressing “Edit”, plea­se see page 15.
have already been entered into “active“ programmes.
The functions assigned to the function keys do not change when selecting a workout programme. To avoid redundancy, they will not be repeated in the following.
Programmes -> Performance Profiles (fixed)
Under the option “Performance Profile (preset)”, 10 training profiles of varying duration and intensity are listed. Performance will be adjusted according to profile presets. Next to the programme number, the duration and the distance of the programme are indicated.
Use the navigation keys “Up” and “Down” to highlight in black and to activate.
Programmes -> Performances (individual)
Under the option “Performance Profiles (individual)”, 5 wor­kout profiles are listed. Duration, distance and intensity of these profiles may be changed.
On how to create“Performance Profiles (individual)” pressing “Edit”, please see page 14.
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