General notes
System sounds
Switching on
On switching on, a short sound is emitted during the segment test.
Default countdown
The achievement of a default is signaled by a short
Maximum pulse exceeding
If the set maximum pulse is exceeded by one pulse beat,
2 short sounds are emitted every 5 seconds.
Error output
For errors, e.g. recovery not executable without pulse signal, 3 short sounds are emitted.
In the function the centrifugal mass is slowed down automatically. Further training is unsuitable.
Calculation of the fitness grade (F):
Grade (F) = 6.0 –
10 x (P1–P2)
P1 = load pulse, P2 = recovery pulse
F1 = very good,F6 = insufficient
Arrows up/down
If a power rate cannot be achieved with speed (e.g. 400
Watts with 50 pedal revolutions), the up or down arrow
prompts faster or slower pedaling.
Average value calculation
The average value calculation takes place per training
Notes on pulse measurement
Pulse calculation starts, when the heart in the display is
blinking simultaneously to your pulse beat.
With ear clip
The pulse sensor works with infrared light and measures
the alterations of the translucency of your skin, which are
caused by your pulse beat. Before you clamp the pulse
sensor to your earlobe, rub it well 10 times to increase
Avoid disturbing pulses.
• Attach the ear clip carefully to your earlobe and
search for the most suitable point for measuring (heart
symbol blinking without interruption).
• Do not execute your training directly under strong incidence of light e.g. neon light, halogen light, spot, sun
• Completely exclude vibrations and wobbling of the ear
sensor including the cable. Always fix the cable to
your clothing by means of the clip or even better to a
With chest strap (accessory)
Not included in delivery, available from authorised dealers.
The Cardio-Pulse-Set with Polar chest strap and plug-in is
available as an accessory (item no. 07937-600). If you
already have the Polar chest strap, you will only need the
plug-in (item no. 07937-650).
Interferences at the training computer
Press the reset key
Notes on the interface
The training programs “KETTLER World Tours“, Art.-Nr.
7926-800, which is available at your specialist dealer,
makes possible to control this KETTLER device by means
of a PC /notebook via the interface. For further information and for information on software updates (firmware) of
this device, go to
Training instructions
Sports medicine and training science use bicycle ergometry, among others, for examination of the functionality of
the cardiovascular and respiratory system.
Whether your training achieved the desired effects after
some weeks you can determine as follows:
1. You achieve a certain stamina with lower cardiovascular performance than before
2. You keep a certain stamina with the same cardiovascular performance over a longer period.
3. After a certain cardiovascular performance you recover faster than before.
Guide values for the stamina training
Maximum pulse: maximum load means the achievement
of the individual maximum pulse. The maximally achievable heart rate depends on the age.
To that applies the empirical formula: the maximum heart
rate per minute corresponds 220 pulse beats minus years
of age.
Example: age 50 years > 220 – 50 = 170 pulse/min.
Weight: a further criterion for determination of the opti-
mal training data is the weight. The nominal default for
maximum load is 3 Watts/kg body weight for men and
2.5 for women. Furthermore, it must be observed, that
from age 30 on capability decreases: for men approx. 1
% and for women 0.8 % per year of age.
Example: man; 50 years; weight 75 kg
> 220 – 50 = 170 pulse/min. maximum pulse
> 3 Watts x 75 kg = 225 Watts
> Minus “age discount” (20 % of 225 = 45 Watts)
> 225 – 45 = 180 Watt (nominal default for maximum