Kettler 03 012 16-0000, 03 012 16-1000, 03 012 16-3000, 03 012 16-5100, 03 012 16-7000 Operating Instructions Manual

Bedienungsanleitung für Relaxsessel „BasicPlus”
03 012 16-0000 / -1000 / -3000 / -5100 / -7000
Abb. ähnlich
120 kg
IMPORTANT, PLEASE KEEP FOR LATER REFERENCE: READ CAREFULLY. This is important information on the use of this piece of garden furniture. Keep these instructions for your information or for ordering spare parts.
Caring instructions
The product is 100% recyclable.
In most cases it can be cleaned using a sponge and clean water only. To remove especially stub-
born stains, use lukewarm water, soap and a soft brush. Never use abrasives, acetone (nail-varnish remover) or cleaning agents based on chlorine.
You can use our cleaning and care product, specially developed for KETTLER leisure furniture, for
regular cleaning and maintenance (see ordering of replacement parts). It is available from authori­sed retailers. Please take note of the cleaning instructions.
Clean soiled areas of the fabric or lining thoroughly with a soft brush or with a sponge and warm
water or light soap (a lot of water and little detergent). Dry thoroughly after cleaning.
Only use soft brushes, cloths or sponges that do not contain ground particles (see manufacturer
description of individual items). Do not use steel wool or steel brushes!
ATTENTION! Please be aware that painted/varnished surfaces can be damaged by sunscreens. If
the surface of your KETTLER leisure furniture comes into contact with sunscreen, the surface is to be cleaned without delay as described above. Only in this way can lasting discolouration of the sur­face by the ingredients of the sunscreen be prevented.
KETTLER guarantees that this product was produced from high-quality materials and with the utmost
diligence. If defects should arise, please turn to your local merchant for complaints, presenting the original copy of the sales receipt. Legal warranty begins on the date of purchase. The repair of defects does not lead to a renewal of warranty.
Defects that arose due to improper treatment or assault are not subject of this warranty.
The manufacturer does not include damages through environmental influences (e.g. atmospheric
pollution and/or pollution of water or rain) in this warranty. The manufacturer declines responsibili­ty and will not bear the expenses for the removal of such damages.
We recommend storing patio furniture in suitable areas over the winter months.
In the event that the above mentioned care and maintenance instructions are not followed, claims
may not be made. KETTLER offers above the legal warranty of the additional guarantees for selected articles of the lei-
sure furniture range. These articles are indicated appropriately in the respectively valid leisure fur­niture catalogue as well as in the product-related presentations at Warranty regu­lations as well as guarantee statements can vary in different countries, please pay attention to the statement valid for your country.
For Your Safety
This product may only be used for its intended purpose as outdoor furniture for residential spaces.
Check all components regularly for correct functioning, damages and loosened connections espe-
cially at the beginning of the season and at intervals of 1 – 2 months depending on the use.
Control locking mechanisms, catches and joints in particular. If they are rough-running, use com-
mercially available silicone oil or contact our customer service.
Damaged components may endanger your safety or shorten the life of the product. Replace all
damaged parts immediately. Use only spare parts manufactured by KETTLER.
Incorrect repairs or alterations to the product (e.g. removal of original KETTLER parts and their repla-
cement with non-KETTLER parts) may endanger the user's safety. Should you wish to purchase spare parts, please contact your KETTLER dealer.
Operating Instructions
The manufacturer is not liable for damage to the product caused by improper use.
ATTENTION! While assembly of the product keep off children’s reach (Choking hazard - contains
small parts).
Ensure that your working area is free of possible sources of danger, for example don’t leave any
tools lying around. Always dispose packaging material in such a way that it may not cause any danger. There is always a risk of suffocation if children play with plastic bags!
We reserve the right to make changes for technical reasons.
ATTENTION! Please note that if you adjust the back rest, the armrest must snap in properly.
List of spare parts page 46-50
In the case of enquiries regarding spare parts or in the event of a complaint, please contact the retai­ler (your contractual partner) from whom you purchased the product.
When ordering spare parts, always state the full article number, spare-partnumber, the quantity requi­red and the S/N of the product (see handling).
Example order: Art. no. 03 012 16-0000 / spare-part no. 68002715 / 2 pieces / S/N
.................... Please keep original packaging of this article, so that it may be used for transport at a
later date, if necessary. Goods may only be returned after prior arrangement and in (internal) packaging, which is safe for
transportation, in the original box if possible. It is important to provide a detailed defect description / damage report!
Important: spare part prices do not include fastening material if fastening material (bolts, nuts, was­hers etc.) is required, this should be clearly stated on the order by adding the words „with fastening material“.
Waste Disposal
KETTLER products are recyclable. At the end of its useful life please dispose of this article correctly
and safely (local refuse sites).
Fabric: 70% PVC, 30% PES
KETTLER GB Ltd. Kettler House, Merse Road North Moons Moat Redditch, Worcestershire B98 9HL
+44 1527 588995 +44 1527 62423
KETTLER International Inc. 1355 London Bridge Road Virginia Beach, VA 23453
+1 888 253 8853 +1 888 222 9333
– GB – Handling – F – Utilisation – NL – Handleiding
– E – Aplicación – I – Utilizzo – PL – Zastosowanie
– CZ – Pokyny k manipulaci – P – Notas sobre o manuseamento
– RUS – Указания по обращению – RO – Indicaţii privind manipularea
– H – Kezelési utasítások – HR – Napomene o rukovanju – SLO –Napotki za ravnanje
– SK – Pokyny k manipulácii – SRB –Uputstvo za rukovanje – BG – Указания за работа
– GR – Υποδείξεις χειρισµού – S – Produktens hantering – FIN – Käyttöohjeet
– TR – Kullanım ile ilgili bilgiler
– D – ACHTUNG! Bitte beachten Sie beim Verstellen der Rücken lehne auf das korrekte
Einrasten der Arm lehne.
– GB – ATTENTION! Please note that if you adjust the back rest, the armrest must snap in pro-
– F – ATTENTION! Lors du réglage du dossier, veillez à l'encliquetage correct de l'accoudoir.
– NL – ATTENTIE! Let bij het verstellen van de rugleuning er op dat de armleuningen goed ver-
grendeld zijn.
– E – ¡ATENCIÓN! Al ajustar el respaldo preste atención a que el apoyabrazos encaje correc-
– I – ATTENZIONE! Quando si regola lo schienale, assicurarsi che il bracciolo sia corretta-
mente inserito in posizione.
– PL – UWAGA! Przy nastawianiu oparcia proszę zwrócić uwagę na właściwe zazębienie
– CZ – POZOR! Prosím dbejte při přestavování opěrky zad na správné zaaretování ruční opěrky.
– P – ATENÇÃO! Ao ajustar o encosto para as costas, certifique-se do encaixe correto do apoio
para os braços.
– RUS – ВНИМАНИЕ! При регулировке спинки убедитесь, что подлокотники
зафиксировались надлежащим образом.
– RO – ATENŢIE! La reglarea spătarului aveţi în vedere blocarea corectă a braţelor.
– H – FIGYELEM! Kérjük, hogy a háttámla állításakor ügyeljen arra, hogy a karfa megfelelően
– HR – POZOR! Pri pomicanju naslona za leđa pazite da ispravno sjedne naslon za ruke.
–SLO –
POZOR! Pri razstavljanju hrbtnega naslonjala pazite na pravilno zaskočitev naslonjala
za roke.
– SK – POZOR! Pri nastavovaní operadla dbajte na správne zaistenie opierok na ruky.
– SRB – PAŽNJA! Pazite kod pomeranja naslona za leđa na pravilno uklapanje naslona za ruke.
– BG – ВНИМАНИЕ! При преместването на облегалката за гърба внимавайте за
правилното фиксиране на подлакътника.
– GR – ΠΡΟΣΟΧΗ! Παρακαλούµε κατά την αλλαγή θέσης της πλάτης, φροντίστε να
ασφαλίσει σωστά το υποβραχιόνιο.
– S – OBS! Se till att armstödet faller in i sitt spår när ryggstödet justeras.
– FIN – HUOMIO! Tarkista selkänojaa säätäessäsi, että käsinoja lukkiutuu moitteettomasti.
– TR – DİKKAT! Sırt dayamasının ayarını değiştirirken, kol dayamalarının yerlerine doğru
oturmasına lütfen dikkat ediniz.
+ 7 hidden pages