1000, 2000, 2500 & 2500NV,
3000, 3500 & 3500NV, 3500DT
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Your Kestrel Weather & Environmental Meter is designed to provide accurate measurement of current conditions only.
Rapid temp erature and humid ity changes (i.e ., moving your mete r from indoors to outd oors) may cause inaccu rate readings of temp erature
and humidi ty, as well as all readi ngs that rely on either o f these values. Bef ore relying on
Kestrel Weath er & Environmental Me ter readings, be su re to use care to either a) force a ir ow over the sensors by w aving or slinging yo ur
meter thro ugh the air; or b) wait unti l your unit’s readi ngs have stabilized , indicating that it has e quilibrated to its n ew environment.
To maximize the accuracy and reliability of your readings:
• Ensure th at your Kestre l Meter is in goo d repair and w ithin factor y calibrati on.
• Take readings frequently and carefully according to the guidelines above.
• Allow yo ur meter’s re adings to stab ilize after s ignicant ch anges in temp erature or hu midity (i.e ., changin g location fro m
indoors to outdoors).
• Allow a ma rgin of safet y for changi ng condition s and reading e rrors (2-3% of readi ng is recomme nded).
Use ex tra care and go od judgme nt when refe rring to your Ke strel Weathe r & Environm ental Mete r to make any dec isions
Depending on your location and environment, conditions may change rapidly.
regarding safety, health or property protection.
Your Kestrel Weath er/Environmental Weath er Meter may provi de Heat Index or Wi nd Chill Index, m easurements relat ing to estimation
of danger o f injury to peop le or animals from he at or cold. Certain in dividuals or anim als may be more suscept ible to harm relatin g to
environmental conditions and require additional precautions. For example, very young or elderly individuals, individuals with asthma,
and indivi duals who have not be come acclimatized to h ot conditions are like ly to be more
prone to hea t injury.
Know you rself and the i ndividual s and items you ar e responsib le for.
Where ap propriate , seek the guid ance of a medica l professio nal.
Know wha t to do in the event of h eat or cold inj ury and be pre pared with su pplies.
In the case o f heat illne ss, remembe r the rule – “Cool rst, transp ort second.” An i nexpensi ve ice bath can mea n the diere nce
between life and death.
Your Kestre l Weather/E nvironmen tal Meter is n ot a medical d evice. It is o nly one sour ce of informa tion and mus t be
To reduce the risk of injury or death to persons, read and follow these guidelines!
employ ed with care a nd good judg ment.
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Features & Options ....................................................4
Getting to Know Your Kestrel ..................................5
Getting Started ...........................................................6
Setup + Options .........................................................6
Barometric Pressure & Altitude Adjustment ........ 7
Measurement Notes ..................................................8
Maintenance & Service .............................................9
Sensor Calibration ...................................................10
Warranty ....................................................................11
CR2032 batteries contain lithium, a toxic substance.
Ingestion may cause serious injury or death. Keep
battery out of the reach of children. If swallowed,
immediately seek medical help. Have doctor phone
24-hour hotline at (202) 625-3333, call collect if
necessary. Dispose of batteries properly and according
to local regulations. Do not puncture or burn batteries.
If the battery compartment does not close securely, stop
using the product and keep it away from children.
WARNING: This product and/or its included or
branded accessories can expose you to chemicals,
including lead, lead compounds and phthalate DEHP,
which are known to the State of California to cause
cancer and lead and lead compounds, bisphenol A
(BPA), and phthalate DnHP, which are known to the
State of California to cause birth defects or other
reproductive harm. For more information, go to
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The table below shows all Measurement screens available, listed with their
corresponding screen icon and “Hint” abbreviation.
Measurement Icon Hint Units of Measure 1000 2000 2500 3000 3500 3500DT
Wind Speed SPd mph | kt | B | m/s | ft/min | km/h • • • • • •
Temperature dEG ˚F | ˚C • • • • •
Wind Chill chill ˚F | ˚C • • • •
Relative Humidity % r.h. % • • •
Heat Stress Index % H.I ˚F | ˚C • •
Dewpoint Temp d. P. ˚F | ˚C • • •
Barometric Pressure bAro inHg | hPA | mb • • •
Altitude Alt m | ft • • •
Wet Bulb Temp bulb ˚F | ˚C • •
Backlit Display • • • • •
Pressure Trend • •
Delta T dElt •
• • •
*The NV series f eatures a dim red backlight f or use in low light or nighttim e situations.
*Only one ar row icon will be displayed on screen to indicate the 3-ho ur pressure trend.
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