Activated Rosin
Activated Rosin
Cored W
Cored W
For Lead-bearing and Lead-free alloys
For Lead-bearing and Lead-free alloys
Product Description
Kester 88 activated rosin flux for cored solder
consists of high quality Grade WW rosin to which
has been added an extremely ef fective activating
agent. This rosin flux formulation is similar to the
popular Kester 44 which has been the standard of
the electronics industry for decades. The degree
of activity has been increased, however, to be able
to provide better fluxing action in those cases
where Kester 44 flux will not wet met al surfaces
which are excessively oxidized. Kester 88 flux
core is classified as ROM1 per J-STD-004.
Kester 88 activated rosin flux is used for
applications where organic flux residue is too
corrosive and conductive and a more active flux
than normal activated rosin flux is required. Kester
88 flux is recommended for difficult-to-solder metals
such as nickel or for metals with excessive oxides.
Performance Characteristics:
• High activity RA formulation
• Solderability on nickel and other difficult-tosolder metallizations
• Comp atible with leaded and lead-free alloys
• Classified as ROM1 per J-STD-004
RoHS Compliance
This product meets the requirements of the RoHS
(Restriction of Hazardous Subst ances) Directive,
2002/95/EC Article 4 for the st ated banned
substances. (Applies only if this core flux is
combined with a lead free alloy)
Reliability Properties
Copper Mirror Corrosion: Moderate
Tested to J-STD-004, IPC-TM-650, Method 2.3.32
Corrosion Test: Moderate
Tested to J-STD-004, IPC-TM-650, Method 2.6.15
Silver Chromate: Fail
Tested to J-STD-004, IPC-TM-650, Method 2.3.33
Chloride and Bromides: 0.88%
Tested to J-STD-004, IPC-TM-650, Method 2.3.35
Fluorides by Spot Test: Pass
Tested to J-STD-004, IPC-TM-650, Method