Kester 282 Data Sheet

General Information
Electrical Properties
Residue Removal
Kester 282 mildly activated rosin flux core consists of high quality Grade WW rosin to which a very small amount of an extremely effective activating agent has been incorporated. Kester 282 is classified as Type ROL1 flux under IPC ANSI/J-STD-004 Joint Industry Standard. It was formerly classified as Type RMA per MIL-F-14256.
Kester 282 rosin-cored solder has been developed for use in the electronics industry where a more active flux than plain rosin is required but where highly activated fluxes are considered potentially conductive. Rosin core 282 has particular application where difficult assemblies are to be soldered but the flux residue must be electrically inert.
Kester 282 rosin-core provides a greatly increased fluxing ability. However, the residue is nearly as electrically inert as plain, unactivated rosin flux. The low conductivity results from a negligible amount of ionic residue. The low ionic content in the flux is shown by the very high water extract resistivity. The rosin residue is non-corrosive, moisture and fungus resistant, and non-conductive.
Since the rosin residue is dry and practically inert after soldering, the surface is actually insulated from atmospheric corrosion. Residue removal is usually not required, but, if necessary for appearance or utility reasons, the rosin residue can be completely removed with Kester 5240 Rosin Residue Remover or 5768 Bio-Kleen Aqueous Saponifier.
Kester 282 rosin-core is available in any solder alloy, which can be supplied with a core.
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FFoorr CCoorreedd SSoollddeerr WWiirree
& Properties
Water Extract Resistivity 200,000 ohm-cm (typical) Effect on Copper Mirror None Spread Factor 88 (typical) Chloride and Bromide Test Pass
Health & Safety
This product, during handling or use, may be hazardous to health or the environment. Read the Material Safety Data Sheet and warning label before using this product.