Shuttle Pod Mini RefeRence Guide
The Kessler Shuttle Pod Mini is a smaller, easier to transport version of
the original Shuttle Pod. It is about half the size and half the weight of its
big brother, yet still provides the versatility needed to get the manual or
motorized shot you require.
caRRiaGe aSSeMbly
1. Locate the top plate, wheel assem-
blies (x2), and the 3/4” long thumb
screws (x4).
2. Insert the thumb screws loosely into
top plate.
3. Slide the wheel assemblies into place
and tighten the 4 thumb screws completely.
4. The carriage is now assembled.
tRack aSSeMbly
1. Locate 2 sections of track, one (1)
aluminum joiner insert, and two (2)
3/4” long Kessler thumb screws
2. Insert the aluminum joiner into one
section of track and loosely insert a
thumb screw.
3. Insert the other track section over
the other side of the joiner and install
second knob.
4. Tighten both knobs to complete track
inStallinG cRoSS bRace
The optional cross base can be used at
track joints for supporting the center of
the track assembly on a tripod or other
1. Remove the thumb screws at the
2. Insert the cross brace between track
and re-insert the thumb screws.
3. Re-tighten the two thumb screws.
4. Repeat on opposite track to complete
NOTE: Track must be supported at least
every 8 feet. Do not support the track
at center only. Always use at least two
points of support.
inStallinG end claMPS
The end clamps can be used for mounting the track to tripods, all terrain feet, or
other surfaces. They feature 1/4-20 and
3/8 thread mounting points.
1. Loosen but do not remove the large
knobs on the end clamp.
2. Slide the end clamp over the ends of
the Shuttle Pod tracks.
3. Re-tighten the two knobs.
NOTE: If you will be using the motion
control kit, we recommend leaving 1-2
inches of track extending out the end for
adjusting belt tension.
all teRRain feet
The optional Shuttle Pod Mini All Terrain
Feet Kit is an adjustable foot support
system that can be attached to the
Shuttle Pod Minie end clamp for easy
setup in a variety of locations.
1. Loosen and extend the outrigger feet.
2. Tighten the feet so they remain
3. Align the 1/4” bolt inset on the top of
the foot bracket to the 1/4” hole on
the bottom of the Shuttle Pod Mini
end clamp.
4. Slide the Shuttle Pod track into the
clamp on top of the outrigger feet.
5. Re-tighten the two knobs.
6. Adjust angle of outrigger feet so
assembly sits level.
MountinG the keePeR/GRabbeR
The optional keeper/grabber wheel kit
is used to hold your Shuttle Pod Mini to
the track when using it in an inclined or
inverted conguration.
1. Locate the four (4) thumb screws and
two (2) wheel skirts.
2. Align the two holes on the wheel skirt
to the corresponding holes on the
Shuttle Pod Mini carriage.
3. Insert and loosely tighten the thumb
4. With the thumb screws slightly loose,
grab the top and bottom wheel skirts
and pull them together with your ngers as you tighten down the thumb
5. Repeat on other side.
6. Check the carriage and make sure it
travels smoothly on the track. Adjust
tension between upper and lower
wheel skirt as necessary.
MountinG the tRiPod bowl
The optional 100mm bowl mount allows
for mounting a 100mm ball uid head
to the Shuttle Pod. You may also mount
a 75mm ball uid head by using the
optional 100mm - 75mm bowl Adapter
1. Remove the four (4) 3/4” long thumb
screws holding the camera cheeseplate in place.
2. Insert the 100mm bowl mount and re-
place the thumb screws from below.
3. Securely tighten the thumbscrews
and install your 100mm bowl uid
head. Optionally you can use the
large 3/8” thumb wheel for a lower
prole install underneath.
MountinG the dRive belt
The optional drive belt kit allows the
Shuttle Pod Mini to utilize the ElektraDRIVE motor for motorized motion
1. Locate the drive belt, two end
clamps, mounting plate/belt pulley,
and two (2) 3/4” ne thread thumb
2. Insert the belt into the mounting
plate/belt pulley.
3. Using the 3/4” ne thread thumb
screws, attach the mounting plate/
belt pulley to the corresponding holes
on top of the Shuttle Pod Mini Carriage. Keep the belt to the inside of
the Shuttle Pod Mini track.
4. Slide a belt clamp into the end of the
Shuttle Pod Mini track end. There is a
small dovetail slot it will snap into.
5. Loosen the belt gripper on top of the
clamp. Insert the drive belt and tighten. The belt should be on the inside
track side of the belt clamp.
6. Repeat the process on the opposite
end of the track. Pull the belt tight before tightening the belt gripper.
7. Once the belt is installed, you can
loosen one of the end clamps on the
track and slide it as necessary to adjust belt tension.
MountinG the elektRadRive
The ElektraDRIVE motor is attached
to the mounting plate / belt pulley. The
motor is powered via one of the Kessler
Control units such as the ORACLE.
1. Locate two (2) 1/2” ne thread thumb
2. Loosely insert the screws into the
ElektraDRIVE motor
3. Slide the motor into the mounting
4. Pull the motor belt over the mounting
plate’s pulley and then left the motor
up to create tension on belt.
5. Tighten the two (2) thumbs screws to
secure the motor in place.
uSinG the PedeStal feet
The Shuttle Pod Mini carriage top plate
can be mounted to the optional pedestal feet. They can be used to set the top
plate on the ground when converting the
Shuttle Pod Mini to a winch system or
using as a low mount shooting platform.
1. Loosen but do not remove the thumb
screws securing the Shuttle Pod Mini
Wheel skirts.
2. Remove the wheel skirts and install
the Pedestal Feet in their place.
3. The top plate can now be used as a
ground level mounting platform.