Kern SCD-4.0 User guide

KERN & Sohn GmbH
Ziegelei 1
Instruction Manual
KERN PC-Software
Balance Connection SCD-4.0
Version 4.2
D-72336 Balingen
Fax: +49-[0]7433-9933-149
KERN PC-Software
Instruction Manual
Balance Connection SCD-4.0
Version 4.2 07/2012
1 Hardware and software requirements ......................................................... 3
2 Installation ...................................................................................................... 3
3 Operation ........................................................................................................ 7
3.1 Program start ............................................................................................................................ 7
3.2 “Select application“ window ................................................................................................... 8
3.3 “Balance“ window .................................................................................................................... 9
3.3.1 Select predefined type of balance .............................................................................................. 9
3.3.2 Adding additional types of balances ......................................................................................... 11
3.4 “Interface settings“ window .................................................................................................. 13
3.5 “Data transfer“ window ......................................................................................................... 16
4 Application examples .................................................................................. 17
4.1 Data transmission from a KERN balance to Microsoft EXCEL .......................................... 17
4.2 Importing measuring values into text file ............................................................................ 19
5 Software Licence Agreement ...................................................................... 22
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1 Hardware and software requir ements

Software requirements:
Operating system: starting from Microsoft Windows XP (Windows Vista, 7, 8, …)
Microsoft .NET Framework (included in delivery)
Hardware requirements:
Free serial interface port (RS232)

2 Installation

Insert CD in the CD-ROM drive.
To start the program execute “setup.exe“ file.
Select the language (German English).
Click on NE X T.
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4 SCD-BA-e-1141
If you accept the terms below, click „I accept the agreement“, then „Next“.
Select Installation Folder. Click on NE X T.
Select Additonal Tasks. Click on NEXT .
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Click on INS TA L L .
After a successful installation process appears the following window:
Finally click on F INIS H.
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3 Operation

3.1 Program start

Start program with click on Desktop-Symbol
or via the start menu.
Click on this icon in order to change the language (German English).
Click on this icon in order to disable/enable the help function for the user interface.
Click on this icon in order to display information about the program.
Click on this icon in order to finish the program.
Default remote control command: Balance is receiving stable weighing values only.
Default remote control command: Balance is receiving instable and stable weighing values.
Default remote control command: Sending balance command for taring.
A green LED indicates that the interface is open, a red LED that it is closed.
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3.2 “Select application“ window

The software asks you to select the application to which you wish to transmit data. Selecting an application is quite simple. Start your application program, keep it opened in the background and left-click your mouse, keeping the mouse button pressed down, so that you can drag the searching tool with your selected application to the window of your application and then release the mouse button. Afterwards the application selected by you will appear in the box under SELECTED APPLICATION (e.g. Microsoft Excel).
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+ 18 hidden pages