KERN ALS 120-4, ALS 220-4, ALJ 120-4, ALJ 220-4, ALJ 160-4M Operating Instructions Manual

Version 1.9 03/2008
Operating Instructions Electronic precision and analytical balance
1 Technical Data_________________________________________________ 37 2 Declaration of conformity _______________________________________ 41 3 Fundamental information (general)________________________________ 43
3.1 Intended Use ____________________________________________________ 43
3.2 Inappropriate use ________________________________________________ 43
3.3 Guarantee ______________________________________________________ 43
3.4 Monitoring the test substances_____________________________________ 44
4 Fundamental safety information __________________________________ 44
4.1 Observe the information in the operating instructions__________________ 44
5 Transport and storage __________________________________________ 44
5.1 Acceptance check _______________________________________________ 44
5.2 Packaging ______________________________________________________ 44
6 Unpacking, installation and commissioning ________________________ 45
6.1 Place of installation, place of use ___________________________________ 45
6.2 Unpacking ______________________________________________________ 45
6.2.1 Installation __________________________________________________________ 46
6.2.2 List of items supplied __________________________________________________ 47
6.3 Mains supply____________________________________________________ 47
6.4 Connection of peripheral equipment ________________________________ 47
6.5 Initial start-up ___________________________________________________ 47
6.5.1 Power display ________________________________________________________ 47
6.5.2 Stability display_______________________________________________________ 47
6.5.3 Balance zero-display __________________________________________________ 48
6.5.4 Auto-zero-function ____________________________________________________ 48
6.6 Adjustment _____________________________________________________ 48
6.6.1 Adjusting with internal weight (only PLJ/ALJ) ________________________________ 49
6.7 Adjusting with external weight (only PLS/ALS)________________________ 49
6.8 Verification _____________________________________________________ 50
6.9 Under floor weighing _____________________________________________ 51
7 Operation_____________________________________________________ 52
7.1 Operating elements ______________________________________________ 52
7.1.1 Rear illuminated Display________________________________________________ 52
7.1.2 Keyboard: ___________________________________________________________ 53
7.2 Weighing _______________________________________________________ 54
7.2.1 Simple weighing ______________________________________________________ 54
7.2.2 Weighing Units _______________________________________________________ 54
7.3 Taring__________________________________________________________ 56
7.4 Adding of display values (only PLJ)_________________________________ 56
7.5 Parts counting __________________________________________________ 58
7.6 Percentage determiation __________________________________________ 59
7.6.1 Determination of a reference weight by weighing_____________________________ 59
7.6.2 Determination of a reference weight by numeric entry _________________________ 60
8 Functions_____________________________________________________ 61
8.1 Weighing functions ______________________________________________ 61
8.2 General functions ________________________________________________ 62
8.3 Parameter for the serial interface ___________________________________ 63
9 Data output RS 232 C ___________________________________________ 64
9.1 Technical Data __________________________________________________ 64
9.2 Pin allocation of the balance exit plug (front view) _____________________ 64
9.3 Interface cables _________________________________________________ 64
9.4 Description of the data transfer (data format) _________________________ 65
9.4.1 Output when pressing the PRINT-button ___________________________________ 65
9.4.2 Remote commands ___________________________________________________ 65
9.4.3 Output format ________________________________________________________ 66
10 Maintenance, upkeep, disposal _________________________________ 67
10.1 Cleaning _______________________________________________________ 67
10.2 Maintenance, upkeep _____________________________________________ 67
10.3 Disposal________________________________________________________ 67
11 Troubleshooting _____________________________________________ 68
1 Technical Data
KERN ALS 120-4 ALS 220-4 ALJ 120-4
Readability (d) 0.1 mg 0.1 mg 0.1 mg Weighing range (Max) 120 g 220 g 120 g Taring range (subtractive) 120 g 220 g 120 g Reproducibility 0.2 mg 0.2 mg 0.2 mg Linearity ± 0.2 mg ± 0.2 mg ± 0.2 mg Minimal piece weight for
Parts counting
> 0.5 mg > 0.5 mg > 0.5 mg
Recommended adjusting weight, not included (class)
100 g (E2) 200 g (E2) internal
Warming up time (operating temperature)
8 h
Verifiable no Reference piece numbers for
Parts counting
10, 20, 50, freely selectable
Weighing Units mg, g, ct, gn, mom, oz, dwt Stabilization time (typically) 4 sec.
Permissible ambient temperature + 15° C .... +30° C
Humidity of air max. 80 % (not condensing) Under floor weighing device Loop for under floor weighing, serial Housing (W x D x H) mm 206 x 312 x 260 Weighing plate mm 85 Weight kg (net) 6,3
KERN ALJ 220-4 ALJ 160-4M ALJ 220-4M
Readability (d) 0,1 mg 0,1 mg 0,1 mg Weighing range (Max) 220 g 160 g 220 g Minimum load (Min) - 10 mg 10 mg Taring range (subtractive) 220 g 160 g 220 g Reproducibility 0,2 mg 0,2 mg 0,2 mg Linearity ± 0,2 mg ± 0,2 mg ± 0,2 mg Minimal piece weight for
Parts counting
> 0,5 mg > 0,5 mg > 0,5 mg
Adjustment weight internal internal internal Verifiable no yes yes Verification value (e)
- 1 mg 1 mg
Accuracy category
- I I
Warming up time (operating temperature)
8 h
Reference piece numbers for parts counting
10, 20, 50, freely selectable
Weighing Units
mg, g, ct, gn,
mom, oz, dwt
mg, g, ct
Stabilization time (typically) 4 sec.
Permissible ambient temperature + 18° C .... + 30° C
Humidity of air max. 80 % (not condensing) Under floor weighing device Loop for under floor weighing, serial Weighing plate mm 206 x 312 x 260 Housing (W x D x H) mm 85 Weight kg (net) 6,3
KERN PLS 360-3 PLS 510-3 PLS2100-2 PLS 4000-2
Readability (d) 0.001 g 0.001 g 0.01 g 0.01 g Weighing range (Max) 360 g 510 g 2,100 g 4,000 g Taring range (subtractive) 360 g 510 g 2,100 g 4,000 g Reproducibility 0.002 g 0.002 g 0.02 g 0.02 g Linearity ± 0.002 g ± 0.002 g ± 0.02 g ± 0.02 g Minimal piece weight for
Parts counting
> 0.005 g > 0.005 g > 0.05 g > 0.05 g
Recommended adjusting weight, not included (class)
200 g (F1) 500 g (E2) 2000 g (F1) 2000 g (F1)
Verifiable no no no no Warming up time
(operating temperature)
2 h
4 h 2 h
4 h
Reference piece numbers for parts counting
10, 20, 50, freely selectable
Weighing Units mg, g, ct, gn, mom, oz, dwt Stabilization time
4 sec.
Permissible ambient temperature
+ 15° C .... +30° C
Humidity of air max. 80 % (not condensing) Under floor weighing
Loop for under floor weighing, serial
Weighing plate mm 128 x 128 165 x 165 Housing (W x D x H) mm
206 x 312 x 160
(with draft shield)
206 x 312 x 98
(without draft shield)
Weight kg (net) 4,6 5,4
PLJ 360-3M PLJ 510-3M PLJ 2100-2M PLJ 4000-2M PLJ 6100-2
Readability (d) 0.001 g 0.001 g 0.01 g 0.01 g 0.01 g
Weighing range (Max) 360 g 510 g 2,100 g 4,000 g 6,100 g
Minimum load (Min) 0,02 g 0,02 g 0,5 g 0,5 g -
Taring range (subtractive) 360 g 510 g 2,100 g 4,000 g 6,100 g
Reproducibility 0.002 g 0.002 g 0.02 g 0.02 g 0.01 g
Linearity ± 0.002 g ± 0.002 g ± 0.02 g ± 0.02 g ± 0.03 g
Minimal piece weight for Parts counting
> 0.05 g > 0.005 g > 0.05 g > 0.05 g > 0.05 g
Adjustment weight internal internal internal internal internal Verifiable yes yes yes yes no Verification value (e) 0.01 g 0.01 g 0.1 g 0.1 g ­Accuracy category II II II II ­Warming up time (operating
2 h 4 h 2 h 4 h 4 h
Reference piece numbers for parts counting
10, 20, 50, freely selectable
Weighing Units mg, g, ct,
mg, g, ct, gn, mom, oz, dwt
Stabilization time (typically) 4 sec.
Permissible ambient temperature + 15° C .... +30° C
Humidity of air max. 80 % (not condensing)
Under floor weighing device Loop for under floor weighing, serial
Weighing plate mm 128 x 128 165 x 165
Housing (W x D x H) mm 206 x 312 x 160
(with draft shield)
206 x 312 x 98
(without draft shield)
Weight kg (net) 4,6 5,4
2 Declaration of conformity
KERN & Sohn GmbH
D-72322 Balingen-Frommern Postfach 4052 E-Mail:
Tel: 0049-[0]7433- 9933-0 Fax: 0049-[0]7433-9933-149 Internet:
Declaration of conformity for apparatus with CE mark
Konformitätserklärung für Geräte mit CE-Zeichen
Déclaration de conformité pour appareils portant la marque CE
Declaración de conformidad para aparatos con marca CE
Dichiarazione di conformitá per apparecchi contrassegnati con la marcatura CE
We hereby declare that the product to which this declaration refers conforms with the following standards.
Wir erklären hiermit, dass das Produkt, auf das sich diese Erklärung bezieht, mit den nachstehenden Normen übereinstimmt.
Nous déclarons avec cela responsabilité que le produit, auquel se rapporte la présente déclaration, est conforme aux normes citées ci-après.
Manifestamos en la presente que el producto al que se refiere esta declaración est´´a de acuerdo con las normas siguientes
Dichiariamo con ciò che il prodotto al quale la presente dichiarazione si riferisce è conforme alle norme di seguito citate.
Electronic Balance: KERN ALS, ALJ KERN PLS, PLJ
Mark applied EU Directive Standards
89/336EEC EMC EN 61000-4-2 :1999
EN 61000-4-3 :1996 EN 61000-4-4 : 1999 EN 61000-4-5 : 1998 EN 61000-4-6 : 1999 EN 61000-4-11 : 1997 EN 55022 :2000
Date: 22.12.2005 Signature:
Gottl. KERN & Sohn GmbH Management
Gottl. KERN & Sohn GmbH, Ziegelei 1, D-72336 Balingen, Tel. +49-[0]7433/9933-0,Fax +49-[0]7433/9933-149
KERN & Sohn GmbH
D-72322 Balingen-Frommern Postfach 4052 E-Mail:
Tel: 0049-[0]7433- 9933-0 Fax: 0049-[0]7433-9933-149 Internet:
Declaration of conformity for apparatus with CE mark
Konformitätserklärung für Geräte mit CE-Zeichen
Déclaration de conformité pour appareils portant la marque CE
Declaración de conformidad para aparatos con marca CE
Dichiarazione di conformitá per apparecchi contrassegnati con la marcatura CE
We hereby declare that the product to which this declaration refers conforms with the following standards.
This declaration is only valid with the certificate of conformity by a notified body.
Wir erklären hiermit, dass das Produkt, auf das sich diese Erklärung bezieht, mit den nachstehenden Normen übereinstimmt.
Diese Erklärung gilt nur in Verbindung mit der Konformitätsbescheinigung einer benannten Stelle.
Nous déclarons avec cela responsabilité que le produit, auquel se rapporte la présente déclaration, est conforme aux normes citées ci-après.
Cette déclaration est valide seulement avec un certificat de conformité d’un organisme notifié.
Manifestamos en la presente que el producto al que se refiere esta declaración está de acuerdo con las normas siguientes.
Esta declaración solo será válida acompañada del certificado de conformidad de conformidad de la parte nominal.
Dichiariamo con ciò che il prodotto al quale la presente dichiarazione si riferisce è conforme alle norme di seguito citate.
Questa dichiarazione sarà valida solo se accompagnata dal certificato di conformità della parte nominale.
EU Directive Standards EC-type-approval
certificate no.
Issued by Model
T6656 NMI PLJ 360-3M
PLJ 510-3M PLJ 2100-2M PLJ 4000-2M
90/384/EEC EN 45501
TCM 128/06-4438 CMI ALJ 160-4M
ALJ 220-4M
Date: 15.9.2006
Gottl. KERN & Sohn GmbH Management
Gottl. KERN & Sohn GmbH, Ziegelei 1, D-72336 Balingen, Tel. +49-07433/9933-0,Fax +49-074433/9933-149
3 Fundamental information (general)
3.1 Intended Use
The balance you have acquired serves to determine the weighing value of the material to be weighed. It is intended to be used as a “non-automatic“ balance, i.e. the material to be weighed is manually and carefully placed in the centre of the weighing plate. The weighing value can be read off after a stable weighing value has been obtained.
3.2 Inappropriate use
Do not use the balance for dynamic weighing. In the event that small quantities are removed or added to the material to be weighed, incorrect weighing results can be displayed due to the “stability compensation“ in the balance. (Example: Slowly draining fluids from a container on the balance.) Do not leave a permanent load on the weighing plate. This can damage the measuring system. Be sure to avoid impact shock and overloading the balance in excess of the prescribed maximum load rating (max.), minus any possible tare weight that is already present. This could cause damage to the balance. Never operate the balance in hazardous locations. The series design is not explosion-proof. Structural alterations may not be made to the balance. This can lead to incorrect weighing results, faults concerning safety regulations as well as to destruction of the balance. The balance may only be used in compliance with the described guidelines. Varying areas of application/planned use must be approved by KERN in writing.
3.3 Guarantee
The guarantee is not valid at the following:
non-observation of our guidelines in the operating instructions
use outside the described applications
alteration to or opening of the device
mechanical damage and damage caused by media, liquids, natural wear and tear
inappropriate erection or electric installation
overloading of the measuring equipment
3.4 Monitoring the test substances
The metrology features of the balance and any possible available adjusting weight must be checked at regular intervals within the scope of quality assurance. For this purpose, the answerable user must define a suitable interval as well as the nature and scope of this check. Information is available on KERN’s home page (www.kern- with regard to the monitoring of balance test substances and the test
weights required for this. Test weights and balances can be adjusted quickly and at a reasonable price in KERN’s accredited DKD calibration laboratory (return to national normal).
4 Fundamental safety information
4.1 Observe the information in the operating instructions
Please read the operating instructions carefully before erecting and commissioning, even if you already have experience with KERN balances.
4.2 Staff training
The device may only be operated and looked after by trained members of staff.
5 Transport and storage
5.1 Acceptance check
Please check the packaging immediately upon delivery and the device during unpacking for any visible signs of external damage.
5.2 Packaging
Please retain all parts of the original packaging in case it should be necessary to return items at any time. Only the original packaging should be used for return consignments. Before despatch, disconnect all attached cables and loose/movable parts. Apply any intended transport security devices. Secure all parts e.g. weighing plate, mains power supply etc. against slipping and damage.
6 Unpacking, installation and commissioning
6.1 Place of installation, place of use
The balance is constructed in such a way that reliable weighing results can be achieved under normal application conditions. By selecting the correct location for your balance, you will be able to work quickly and precisely.
Therefore please observe the following at the place of installation:
Place the balance on a firm, level surface;
Avoid extreme heat as well as temperature fluctuation caused by installing
next to a radiator or in the direct sunlight;
Protect the balance against direct draughts due to open windows and doors;
Avoid jarring during weighing;
Protect the balance against high humidity, vapours and dust;
Do not expose the device to extreme dampness for longer periods of time.
Inadmissible bedewing (condensation of air moisture on the device) can occur if a cold device is taken into a significantly warmer environment. In this case, please acclimatise the device for approx. 2 hours at room temperature after it has been disconnected from the mains.
Avoid static charging of items to be weighed, or weighing container.
Major display deviations (incorrect weighing results) are possible if electromagnetic fields occur as well as due to static charging, currents and instable power supply. It is then necessary to change the location.
6.2 Unpacking
Carefully remove the balance from its packaging, remove the plastic wrapping and position the balance in its intended working location.
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