Kern PLS 20000-1FM, PLS 6100-1FM, PLS 20000-1F, PLS 3100-2F, PLS 2100-2FM Service Manual

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Service manual Precision balances
KERN PLE-N KERN PLS-F / PLJ-F with strain gauge (DMS)
Version 2.1 2/2010 GB
Version 2.1 2/2010
Service manual
Table of Contents
1 Basic Information _______________________________________________ 3 2 Calibration _____________________________________________________ 4
2.1 Models with external weight ________________________________________ 4
2.1.1 Calibration with recommended calibration weight (factory setting) _________________ 4
2.1.2 Calibration with weights of other nominal values ______________________________ 5
2.2 Models with internal weight _________________________________________ 6
3 Verification Mode / Certified balances (OIML) _________________________ 8 4 Linearity Adjustment ____________________________________________ 9
4.1 Procedure - Software release rL 2.xx _________________________________ 9
4.2 Delete linearity and calibration values _______________________________ 10
5 Adjustment of Internal Calibration Weight (only PLJ-F models) ___________ 11 6 Measuring Points on Main Board _________________________________ 12
Precision balances
6.1 PLE-N __________________________________________________________ 12
6.2 PLS-F __________________________________________________________ 14
7 Load Cell Replacement _________________________________________ 16 8 Off-Center Load Adjustment (Eccentricity) ___________________________ 19 9 Main Board Replacement ________________________________________ 21 10 Troubleshooting / Error Messages ________________________________ 22 11 Spare Parts ___________________________________________________ 23
11.1 PLE 310-3N _____________________________________________________ 23
11.2 PLE 3100-2N ____________________________________________________ 26
11.3 PLS 310-3F _____________________________________________________ 29
11.4 PLS 3100-2F ____________________________________________________ 32
1 Basic Information
Grundlegende Hinweise
The device must be repaired only by trained specialist staff or personnel with professional formation (such as a repair-specialist accredited by law concerning verification).
The service manual is obligatory for repair work. After repair, original conditions of the device have to be restored. Only original spare parts should be used.
Instructions about conformity-evaluated scales: Repair must be carried only at 100% compliance with the type approval.
A violation of this specification will result in a loss of the type approval! After successful repair the balance will have to be reverified before it can be
used again in a statutorily regulated field.
Das Gerät darf nur von geschultem oder beruflich ausgebildetem Fachpersonal (z. B. eichrechtlich anerkannter Instandsetzer) repariert werden.
Die Serviceanleitung ist bindend für Reparaturen. Das Gerät muss nach erfolgter Reparatur wieder in den Originalzustand
zurückversetzt werden. Es dürfen nur Originalersatzteile verwendet werden.
Hinweis zu konformitätsbewerteten Waagen: Reparatur darf nur in 100% -iger Übereinstimmung mit der
Bauartzulassung erfolgen. Ein Verstoß gegen diese Vorgabe führt zum Erlöschen der Bauartzulassung!
Nach erfolgreicher Reparatur muss eine Nacheichung erfolgen, um die Waage wieder im gesetzlich geregelten Bereich verwenden zu können.
2 Calibration
2.1 Models with external weight
Ö Observe stable environmental conditions. A warming up time of approx. 2 - 4
hours is required for stabilization.
Ö Ensure that there are no objects on the weighing plate.
2.1.1 Calibration with recommended calibration weight (factory setting)
Weight value of the required calibration weight see operating manual, chpt. 1 “Technical specifications“:
Ö Ensure that there are no objects on the weighing plate. Press the CAL key
Ö Wait until the weighed value for the required calibration weight appears flashing.
Ö During the flashing display put the required calibration weight carefully in the
center of the weighing plate. The flashing display disappears. After successful calibration the balance automatically returns to weighing mode.
Ö Take away calibration weight.
2.1.2 Calibration with weights of other nominal values
Weights of different nominal values may be used for calibration but are not optimal for technical measuring, possible calibration points see table 1.
Ö Ensure that there are no objects on the weighing plate. Press the CAL button
and keep it pressed until the acoustic signal gets mute.
Ö Wait until „load“ appears.
Ö During the flashing display put the calibration weight carefully in the center of
the weighing plate. The flashing display disappears. After successful calibration the balance automatically returns to weighing mode.
Ö Take away calibration weight.
An error message will be displayed in the event of a calibration error or incorrect calibration weight. Wait until the balance is again in weighing mode and repeat the calibration procedure.
Table 1 Model
Recommended calibration weight (see chap. 2.1.1)
Other measurement-technically not optimal nominal values for calibration (see chap. 2.1.2)
PLE-N models
PLE 310-3N 300 g 100 g, 200 g PLE 3100-2N 3000 g 1000 g, 2000 g
PLS 210-3FM 200g 100g PLS 310-3F 300g 100g, 200g PLS 610-2FM 500g 100g, 200g, 300g, 400g, 600g PLS 2100-2FM 2000g 1000g PLS 3100-2F 3000g 1000g, 2000g PLS 6100-1FM 5000g 1000g, 2000g, 3000g, 4000g, 6000g PLS 20000-1F 20000g 10 kg PLS 20000-1FM 20000g 10 kg
2.2 Models with internal weight
For non verified balances four calibration possibilities are available in the menu. Menu settings In weighing mode press the MENU button and keep it pressed until
the acoustic signal gets mute. The first menu item „units“ is displayed.
Press MENU button repeatedly until „CAlib“ appears and confirm
using PRINT button.
Use the MENU key to choose between the following settings:
Automatic calibration with internal weight if there is a
change in temperature or time controlled. Factory settings of verified balances.
Calibration with internal weight after having pressed CAL, locked in verifiable units.
Calibration with external weight locked for verifiable units
Technicial calibration Adjustment of internal calibration weight
Take over selection using the PRINT button.
To confirm “TEC-CAL” press PRINT button and keep it pressed until the acoustic signal gets mute. The balance returns to menu “CAlib”.
To finish the menu press the MENU button and keep it pressed until
the acoustic signal gets mute. The balance returns automatically into weighing mode.
Factory setting of verified balances
With activated AUT-CAL function the internal calibration is automatically started when the balance
after the weighing balance was disconnected from the mains
after pressing ON/OFF in stand-by mode
after a temperature change of 1.5 °C
with non loaded weighing plate / zero display
after a time interval of 20 min with non loaded weighing plate / zero display
The automatic calibration function is always enabled. You can start calibration at any time by pressing the CAL-key manually.
When the I-CAL function is activated, the internal calibration is started only by pressing the CAL button. Before pressing CAL ensure that there are no objects on the weighing plate.
At the models with internal calibration weight the calibration with external weight is not recommended.
TEC-CAL Technical Calibration Adjustment of internal calibration weight This function allows storing the value of internal reference mass.
3 Verification Mode / Certified balances (OIML)
On certified balances (only PLS-FM, PLJ-FM), some parameters are locked, e.g. TEC-CAL. In order to change these parameters, proceed as follows:
1. Switch off the balance, unplug the power supply and open the housing.
2. Press and hold button SW1 on the backside of LCD-display board (see Fig. 1 and 2) and plug-in the power supply of the balance.
You get an acoustic signal and [OIML on] or [OIML oFF] is displayed.
3. Press the
key to select desired setting.
4. Take over selection using the The balance returns automatically into weighing mode.
Fig. 1
Fig. 2
4 Linearity Adjustment
4.1 Procedure - Software release rL 2.xx
For models with four linearity points (“up and down mode”)
1. Switch on the balance and notice the warming-up time.
2. Press sequentially buttons .
3. You will see "Lin" on display, press to confirm.
4. The display shows on left side the number “1”. Wait for stability (approx. 3
seconds) and press to confirm the zero point..
5. When display shows on left side the number “2”, put on first weight (see table
2). Wait for stability (approx. 3 seconds) and press to confirm.
6. Display shows number “3”. Put on second weight, wait for stability and press
to confirm.
7. Display shows number “4”. Put on third weight, wait for stability and press
to confirm.
8. Display shows number “5”. Now press and keep it pressed until the acoustic signal gets mute. Release the key. Display shows number “3”.
9. Remove the last weight from weighing pan, wait for stability and press confirm.
10. Display shows number “2”. Remove the second weight from weighing pan, wait for stability and press to confirm.
11. Display shows number “1”. Remove the first weight from weighing pan (pan is unloaded), wait for stability and press to confirm.
12. The balance goes automatically in stand-by mode. Press to return to weighing mode.
13. Do the calibration and check the linearity.
During linearity adjustment (“up and down mode”) loads the required weights according table 2 incremental on weighing pan. For example load 100g weight and then add another 100g weight and so on, as you reached the last value. Then unload the weights in reverse order.
Table 2
PLE 310-3N 310 0,001 0 + 100 + 100 + 100 100 - 100 - 100 - 0 PLE3100-2N 3100 0,01 0+1000+1000+1000 1000-1000-1000-0
PLS 310-3F 310 0,001 0 + 100 + 100 + 100 100 - 100 - 100 - 0 PLS 3100-2F 3100 0,01 0+1000+1000+1000 1000-1000-1000-0
4.2 Delete linearity and calibration values
1. Switch on balance.
2. Press sequentially buttons
3. You will see "Lin" on display, press to confirm.
4. The display shows on left side the number “1”. Press key and keep it
pressed until the display shows CLEAR.
5 Adjustment of Internal Calibration Weight (only PLJ-F models)
Technical Calibration (TEC-CAL)
This function allows storing the value of internal reference mass.
1. In weighing mode press the button and keep it pressed until the acoustic signal gets mute. The first menu item “units“ is displayed.
2. Press button repeatedly until “CAlib“ appears and confirm using button.
3. Use the button to choose “TEC-CAL”. Press the button and keep it pressed until the acoustic signal gets mute. Display shows “CAlib”.
4. To finish and store the menu setting, press the button and keep it pressed until the acoustic signal gets mute. The balance returns automatically into weighing mode.
5. With empty pan press button. The display appears “- CAL -“.
6. Wait until the exact size of calibration weight appears flashing in the display. Now place the required weight in the centre of the weighing pan. The flashing display disappears.
7. The balance returns to normal weighing mode. Take away calibration weight.
8. Display shows the zero point, e.g. “0.000”. Press the button and keep it pressed until the acoustic signal gets mute. The technical calibration starts. During this process the display appears “tEc MEM”.
9. After having stored the value of internal calibration weight automatically, the balance returns to normal weighing mode.
10. Return to calibration mode (see chapter 2.2) and set the desired calibration mode (AUT-CAL or I-CAL).
Use weights class E2 to maintain the accuracy !
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