Kern PFB Service Manual

KERN & Sohn GmbH
Ziegelei 1 D-72336 Balingen E-Mail:
Service manual Precision balance
Version 1.0 1/2010 GB
Tel: +49-[0]7433- 9933-0 Fax: +49-[0]7433-9933-149 Internet:
Version 1.0 1/2010
Service manual
Table of Contents
1 Basic information .................................................................................................. 3
2 Transportation lock ............................................................................................... 3
3 Keyboard description ............................................................................................ 4
4 Battery operation ................................................................................................... 5
5 Calibration .............................................................................................................. 6
6 Parameter setting (incl. linearity adjustment) ............................................................ 7
6.1 Navigation in the menu ............................................................................................... 7
6.2 Parameter table ........................................................................................................... 8
7 Error messages.................................................................................................... 10
8 Trouble shooting ................................................................................................. 11
9 Countermeasures for each trouble .................................................................... 12
Precision balance
10 Schematics ........................................................................................................... 17
11 Exploded drawing ................................................................................................ 23
11.1 Capacity 120g~3000g ................................................................................................ 23
11.2 Capacity 6000g .......................................................................................................... 25
12 LCD display – numeric and alphabetic characters ........................................... 27
1 Basic information
Grundlegende Hinweise
The device must be repaired only by trained specialist staff or personnel with professional formation (such as a repair-specialist accredited by law concerning verification).
The service manual is obligatory for repair work.
After repair, original conditions of the device have to be restored.
Only original spare parts should be used.
Das Gerät darf nur von geschultem oder beruflich ausgebildetem Fachpersonal (z. B. eichrechtlich anerkannter Instandsetzer) repariert werden.
Die Serviceanleitung ist bindend für Reparaturen. Das Gerät muss nach erfolgter Reparatur wieder in den Originalzustand zurückversetzt
werden. Es dürfen nur Originalersatzteile verwendet werden.
2 Transportation lock
The balance must be installed in a way that the weighing plate is exactly in horizontal position.
Remove the transportation lock [ 1 ] (PFB 120-3, PFB 200-3, PFB 1200-2, PFB 2000-2):
3 Keyboard description
Key Designation Pressed once and released
Ö Turn on/off
Ö Set weight display at zero Ö Activate the current element in the menu Ö Select in Weighing units (menu F UNIT):
change to the next unit
Ö Taring
Ö Call-up %-function Ö In the percent mode back to weighing mode Ö Only % function
Ö Call-up piece counting mode Ö In the piece count mode back to weighing mode
Ö Weighing units switch-over; Ö At weighing unit switch-over (menu „F UNIT“):
Set weighing unit on/off
Ö Counting up in piece counting mode Ö Select menu and pass through menu items
from top to bottom
Ö Changing readability
Ö Print out weighing result Ö Exit menu (jumping back to weighing mode)
4 Battery operation
The balance come with a rechargeable battery, can be operated from the battery if desired. The battery life is approximately 40 hours.
There is a battery symbol on display used to indicator battery status
Flick: charging battery Full: battery full or charge finished Half: battery with half power
When battery symbol become blank, please change battery or use AC adapter, the scale does not need to be turned on. The battery should be charged for 12 hours for full capacity.
As the battery is used it may fail to hold a full charge. Note: new batteries are shipped partially charged. Before you can use your scale,
you need to charge the battery, as indicated by the following instructions. Some batteries perform best after several full charge/discharge cycles. Battery performance depends on many factors, including your backlight setting and operate.
To maximize your battery’s performance:
Always use original batteries and AC adapter. The scale warranty does not cover damage caused from using non original batteries and/or battery chargers.
New batteries or batteries that have been stored for long periods of time may require a longer charge time.
Maintain the battery at or near room temperature when charging.
Do not expose batteries to temperatures below -10°C (14°F) or above 45°C
Over extended periods of time, batteries gradually wear down and require longer charging times.
This is normal. If you charge your battery regularly and notice a decrease in operate time or an increase in charging time, then it is probably time to purchase a new battery.
Blank: need be charged
Never use any charger or battery which is damaged. Do not short-circuit the battery. Accidental short-circuiting can occur when a metallic object (coin, clip or pen) causes direct connection of the + and - terminals of the battery (metal strips on the battery). Do not dispose of batteries in a fire Dispose of batteries according to local regulations (e.g. recycling). Do not dispose as household waste. Avoid charging under airless conditions
5 Calibration
Observe stable environmental conditions. A warming up time of approx. 2 hours is required for stabilization. Ensure that there are no objects on the weighing plate.
Balance display Operation
Ö In weighing mode press approx. 3 sec. until
When display „LoAd“ appears, put the necessary calibration weight on the center of the weighing plate.
PFB 120-3: 100g (F1) PFB 200-3: 200g (F1) PFB 1200-2: 1000g (F1) PFB 2000-2: 2000g (F1) PFB 6K0.05: 5000g (F1) PFB 6000-1: 5000g (F1)
UnLoAd“ appears.
Calibration will be carried out automatically after dead stop control.
Ö Wait for stability display
Pass“ appears, the calibration process has been finished successfully.
Ö Take away calibration weight
Wait until the balance is again in the weighing mode.
6 Parameter setting (incl. linearity adjustment)
The scale has 9 parameters (include 6 technical parameter) plus a method of entering the calibration section.
The menu is called-up by pressing the key during self test.
The display appears the first parameter "F1 UNT".
6.1 Navigation in the menu
Key Direction in the
Select menu and pass through menu items from top to bottom
Select current element
Exit the current element, return to weighing mode
Note: When display shows “tECH”, press key to enter. Display shows “Pin”.
Press , then and finally key to enter technical parameter setting mode.
The display appears “P1 L in”. With the key you can select the desired pa-
6.2 Parameter table
Selection of weighing units
F1 Unt
ct / lb / oz / d / gn / ozt / dwt / mom / tl.T / tl.c / tl.t / t / bt / n
Backlight on/automatic/off
F2 bL
: backlight always on
: backlight switches on automatically
: backlight always off
RS-232-interface (ASCII code, 8 data bits, no parity)
Select RS-232 or USB (not used): S 232 S USB
: RS-232 interface
: USB interface (not used)
Select communication mode: P Prt:
data output via Print-key (After each weighing unload the pan) P Cont: P AUto:
beep. Remove the weight immediately. The automatic printout – number + weighing value – starts.)
WirELE Select interface settings:
xxx: baud rate 600/ 1200/ 2400/ 4800/ 9600bps
Press , then and finally key to enter technical parame­ter setting mode.
continuous data output
autom. Printout (After the stability marks appears, there is a
: wireless (not used)
: tP: normal printer / LP-50: label printer (not used
The display appears “P1 L in”. With the key you can select the desired parameter.
Linearity adjustment: Pin:
Press , then and finally key. Display will show
LoAd 0.
all weights from the pan and wait until display shows next step. Display appears
1. Put the first weight on the pan and wait for next step. Display appears
2. Put the second weight on the pan and wait for next step. Display appears
3. Put a weight of full capacity on the pan. Short time later the balance automatically returns to weighing mode. During that time remove the weights.
Note: Calibration weights of LoAd1, LoAd2 and LoAd3 must be integer. Example: PFB 6000-1: LoAd 1: e.g. 1kg, 2kg or 3kg LoAd 2: e.g. 3kg, 4kg or 5kg LoAd 3: maximum weight (6kg)
P3 Cnt
Calibration procedure: The display appears "UnLoAd Remove all weights from the pan and wait for stabilization.
When display „LoAd“ appears, put the necessary calibration weight on the center of the weighing plate.
PFB 120-3: 100g (F1) PFB 200-3: 200g (F1) PFB 1200-2: 1000g (F1) PFB 2000-2: 2000g (F1) PFB 6K0.05: 5000g (F1) PFB 6000-1: 5000g (F1)
Calibration will be carried out automatically after dead stop control.
PASS“ appears, the calibration process has been finished success­fully. Take away calibration weight.
Display will show the internal counts, e.g. 74130. Press key to escape.
P4 AZn
P5 GrA
Autozero function: Options: oFF, 0.5d, 1d, 2d, 4d
Gravity adjustment: When the balance is first used or has been moved to different place, it should be calibrated using a calibration weight. When a calibration weight is not available, the correction of the gravity factor will compensate the balance. Change the gravity factor of the balance to the value of the area where it will be used.
For example: Local latitude= 9.85, latitude of calibrated place= 9.75 Input new gravity factor (9,85 : 9,75). In this case 1.01025.
Note: After you do the calibration “P2 CAL”, the gravity factor will reset to 1.00000
Set scale capacity For example PFB 6000-1= 6000 G Note: This parameter is not available at all software versions.
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