Keri Systems TAP100 User Manual

Keri Systems

User Manual
TAP100 Application Software
TAP 100 Application Software Manual
© 1997 Keri Systems, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Document Number 01813-001, Revision 3.3 February, 1999
Keri Systems, ProxNet, TAP100, HPP-100 Hand-Held Programmer, PXL-100, OB-3, OB-9, and KMM-40 Memory Module are trademarks of Keri Systems, Inc. Other product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their owners.
Keri Systems, Inc. reserves the right to change, without notice, product offerings or specifications.
No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without written permission from Keri Systems Inc.
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TAP100 Application Software Manual
Introducing the TAP100 Software 6
Software Manual Conventions 6 Software Notes 6
Minimum System Requirements 6
Software Installation 7
Checking the PC System’s Time and Date 7
Starting the Program 9
Using the Menu System 10
The Menu Bar 10 Selecting a Menu Item 10 The Status Message Line 11 The Pull-Down Menus 11 The Network Communication Sprite 11 The Info and Quit Menu Options 11
The Info Option 11 The Quit Option 12
Dialog Boxes 12
System Security 13
Setting/Changing a Unique Password 13 Entering Your PIN 14 Changing Your PIN 15
Configuring the TAP100 Software 17
Setting TAP100 Program Options 17
Enable/Disable Auditory Signals 17 Set Default Time Zone Values 17
The Default Time Zone Value for Disabled Access Cards 17 The Initial Enrollment Time Zone for New Cards 18
Set Event Log Viewing Options 18
Identifying the Database Files Directory 19
Configuring/Verifying Communications 20
Serial Port Configuration 20 Serial Port Connection 20 Modem Setup 21 Phone Hangup 22 Advanced Communication Setup Parameters 22 Verifying Network Operation 23
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Configuring the ProxNet 26
Set the Timing Functions 26
Set the System Time and Date 26 Set Daylight Savings Time 27 Set Time Zones 27 Set Holidays 30
Configure the Readers 33
Opening the Reader Database 33 Query Status of a Reader 37 Global Secure 37
Setting Reader I/O Assignments 38
Setting an ‘OR’ I/O Assignment 39 Setting an ‘AND’ I/O Assignment 43 Clearing All I/O Assignments 46
Create a Cardfile Database 48
Enrolling Cards 48 Open Cardholder File 50 Search for Cardholder Data 55 Voiding Cards 56 Get Network Card Data 57
Transaction Data File Management 58
Open Transactions File 59 Archiving a Transaction Log 63 Backup File 64 Get Network Transaction Data 64
Monitor Network Events 66 Install New Reader 67
Lock/Unlock Commands 67
Lock A Reader 67 Unlock A Reader 68 Enable Global Lock/Unlock 68 Disable Global Lock/Unlock 69
Card Security Management Commands 70
Anti-Passback Amnesty 70 Set the Card Security Fence 70
Status of Doors Table 75
Responding Nodes Table 78
Time Zone Table Worksheet 81
Glossary 82
Customer Support Information 83
Warranty Information 84
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TAP 100 Application Software Manual

TAP100 Software Setup and Navigation

Introducing the TAP100 Software

The TAP100 Software provides access control programming for one or for multiple access control sites, each with multiple access locations. It features complete alarm management and programming flexibility for networks of up to 32 PXL-100 Control Units. Software programming is performed through an easy to manage pull-down menu structure. For any given command, all required information is displayed on the screen to provide easy set-up and management of your access control system.

Software Manual Conventions

Bold Face
Information displayed by the computer will be shown in
For example:
Information you will be asked to type will be presented
For example:
Wherever appropriate, sample screen displays will be placed in the document, providing information on the subject at hand.
cd \proxnet <ENTER>
Like This

Software Notes

Several of the commands in the menus in the TAP100 software refer to a Memory Module. The KMM-40 Memory Module is an obsolete product, but the TAP100 software still supports its basic operation. For those customers who already have and use KMM-40 Memory Modules, please contact your Keri Systems dealer or installer for details on how to use the KMM-40 Memory Module with the TAP100 software.

Minimum System Requirements

The TAP100 software requires a PC type of computer for operation. The following list defines the minimum requirements for the PC system.
PC-386 or greater microprocessor
EGA color monitor or better
20 Mbyte hard drive
1 Mbyte RAM with at least 520K of free conventional memory
3.5” floppy disk drive
serial port communications card
Optional requirements.
mouse or track-ball pointing device
parallel printer port
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Software Installation

The TAP100 software must be loaded and executed from the PC system’s hard drive. The following set of instructions explain how to load the TAP100 software onto a PC system.
1. Start-up the computer.
2. At the
3. Insert the TAP100 floppy disk into the 3.5” disk drive. Depending upon your system configuration, this may be either the assumes the 3.5” disk drive is the substitute
4. Copy the TAP100.EXE program from the TAP100 floppy disk to the newly created ‘proxnet’ directory by typing:
DOS prompt, create a new directory by typing:
C:\> md proxnet <ENTER>
drive or the B: drive. The following instruction
drive; if it is the B: drive on your system, please
for A:.
cd \proxnet <ENTER>
5. Confirm that the TAP100 software was copied to the hard drive and is in the correct directory by typing:
The computer should display:
copy a: TAP100.EXE <ENTER>
dir *.exe <ENTER>
TAP100 exe {file size} {creation date} {creation time}
{floppy disk related information}
This confirms the TAP100 software was copied to the hard drive and is in the correct directory. If the computer does not confirm the transfer of the TAP100 software, please repeat this operation, beginning with Step 1.

Checking the PC System’s Time and Date

Most of the functions within the TAP100 software are dependent upon having an accurate time and date entered into the host PC system and, in turn, on the control units. Before starting the TAP100 program, verify that the host PC system’s time and date are correct.
To verify/change the host PC system’s time:
At the
DOS prompt, type:
C:\> time <ENTER>
The system will respond with:
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TAP 100 Application Software Manual
Current time is XX : XX : XX . XX p/a
This lists the time on the host PC system in Hours : Minutes : Seconds . Hundredths of a Second and then P.M. or A.M. If you are satisfied the system time is correct, type:
If you need to change the system time, enter the hours, minutes, and P.M. or A.M. indicator to which you want to set the host PC system clock.
For example: To set the host PC system clock to 9:15 A.M., type:
Enter new time: 9:15 a <ENTER>
The host PC system’s clock will be set to the new time.
NOTE: All time commands are formatted to a 24-hour clock. For example: 6:15 P.M. becomes 18:15 hours.
To verify/change the host PC system’s date:
At the
DOS prompt, type:
C:\> date <ENTER>
The system will respond with:
Current date is Day-of-Week MM-DD-YYYY
This lists the date on the host PC system as the Day-of-the-Week followed by the Month, Day, and Year. If you are satisfied the system date is correct, type:
If you need to change the system date, enter the Month, Day, and Year to which you want to set the host PC system date.
For example: To set the host PC system date to April 15, 1995, type:
Enter new date 04-15-95 <ENTER>
The host PC system’s calendar will be set to the new date.
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Starting the Program

Due to the manner in which PC systems allow executing programs to locate and access support files, the TAP100 program must be executed from the PROXNET directory. This allows the TAP100 program to locate and access all its support files. If the program is executed from another directory, it will not be able to locate and access its support files and will not execute correctly.
If the system is already in the PROXNET directory (identified by a DOS prompt of
), the program may be executed immediately by typing:
If the system is not in the PROXNET directory, regardless of which directory the system prompt is at on the hard drive; to change to the PROXNET directory and begin executing the program, type:
cd \proxnet <ENTER>
Upon execution, the program will clear the screen, identify itself, and request a password. The following information will appear on the screen.
tap100 <ENTER>
tap100 <ENTER>
Keri Systems Transactions Analysis/ProxNet Program VERSION x.xx Build Date: [date] Time: [time]
Enter your password:
When entering the program for the first time, the factory default password is ‘X X X X’ (all upper­case characters). Enter the program by typing:
Enter your password:
NOTE: You do not need to press verification begins upon pressing the fourth character.
when entering your password. Password
If the program has accepted your password, it will immediately display the Main Menu screen. If the password is not accepted, the program will exit and the DOS prompt will reappear.
If the program has the factory-default password “X X X X’ is entered in UPPER-CASE. If the password is still not accepted the password may have been changed. Instructions for resetting the password can be obtained from your Keri distributor or system installer.
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accepted your password; repeat the steps from above, making sure that
TAP 100 Application Software Manual

Using the Menu System

Once the password has been accepted, the TAP100 program begins, displaying the main menu.
TAP100 - Keri Systems, Inc.
Cards Transactions Readers Utilities Setup Info Quit
Menu Bar
Network Communication Sprite
‘Hot’ Key
Status Message Line
Press a hot key to make a selection.
Figure 1 - TAP100 Main Menu Screen

The Menu Bar

At the top of the main menu is the menu bar (see Figure 1). The menu bar consists of the quit option, the TAP100 software information option, and five pull-down menus. Each pull-down menu controls some facet of the access control system’s setup, operation, and maintenance.

Selecting a Menu Item

Three methods are available for navigating and selecting menu bar items.
used to move the TAP100 cursor around the screen to select a menu item. Once the rectangular cursor is positioned over the desired item, click the left-button of the Mouse or Trackball to select that item.
Arrow Keys
be used to move the TAP100 command highlight across the menu bar to select a menu item.
Once highlighted, the item can then be selected by pressing
‘Hot’ Keys
Figure 1). These are called “hot’ keys and are used as short-cuts to the desired menu item. By pressing the letter on the PC’s keyboard corresponding to the highlighted ‘hot’ key, that menu item is selected.
At any time when using a pointing device, the Arrow Keys, or the ‘Hot’ Keys, you can escape from any command or sub-menu item by pressing the
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— If your PC is setup with a ‘pointing device,’ the pointing device can be
— For systems without a pointing device, the four arrow keys [! " # $] can
— For each menu item, one letter will be highlighted in a contrasting color (see
(escape) key on the PC’s keyboard.
TAP100 Application Software Manual

The Status Message Line

At the bottom of the menu screen is a status message line (see Figure 1). The status message line displays information about the command in progress. When working with complex commands, don’t neglect the status message line. It can assist you in tracking where you are in the command or prompt you for the type of information to be entered.

The Pull-Down Menus

Selecting a pull-down menu from the menu bar will cause a list of items to appear. Typically, these items will allow the operator to execute a command function. However, some items will, in turn, cause a sub-menu to appear, supporting the more complex commands. Commands and sub-menus will be explained in detail in a later section.
Table 1 - Pull-Down Menu Summary
Cards create a card file, enroll and void cards, assign access levels Transactions create a transaction file, manage transaction/event data Readers manage a single reader or a global set of readers, monitor a reader Utilities manage time zone, PIN, and timing functions Setup basic system configuration and communications port configuration

The Network Communication Sprite

Whenever an operation requires communication with networked control units a small, rotating sprite appears in the lower left-hand corner of the main menu screen (see Figure 1). This sprite continues rotating until communication has completed and control has been returned to the main menu. When communication is being established, the sprite is white on a blue background. When data is being transferred, the sprite is white on a green background.

The Info and Quit Menu Options

The two remaining items on the menu bar each perform one task.
The Info Option
The Info menu option displays the TAP100 software revision, the software copyright, and the amount of computer memory available for the system software to use.
© 1993-1995 Keri Systems, Inc.
xxxxxx bytes free memory
Figure 2 - Info Menu Option Information
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The Quit Option
The Quit menu option exits the TAP100 program and returns to DOS. To quit the TAP100 program, use your pointing device and select Quit. The following prompt box will appear.
This will end your session with TAP100.
To exit the program, use your pointing device and select YES/OK. To remain in the TAP100 program, use your pointing device and select NO/CANCEL to return to the main menu.

Dialog Boxes

Once a command has been selected from a menu or sub-menu, a dialog box will appear, providing information and allowing the user to view and modify the parameters necessary to perform a command. These dialog boxes follow certain conventions.
Red dialog boxes contain important warnings or confirmations that require acknowledgment by the user before proceeding with the command. Please read this information before acknowledging these boxes.
Dialog boxes with a series of data records or fields will have item highlighted in green. Use one of the methods described above to select the item that you want to open for modification.
NOTE: If a list contains more records or fields than can be displayed on one screen, you must use the arrow keys to scroll the list up and down to find the record or field you want.
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System Configuration

This section provides a logical progression of commands required for configuring your system for an access control application. Please review this section in its entirety before configuring your system. This section will cover system security, setting program operating options, configuring system communications, and configuring the ProxNet system.

System Security

This section provides instructions for setting/changing the TAP100 software password, for entering a Personal Identification Number (PIN), and for changing a PIN. You must enter the correct password to be allowed access to the TAP100 program. You must enter the correct PIN to make system configuration changes.

Setting/Changing a Unique Password

Before working with the TAP100 software, we recommend that you change from the factory default password and set a unique password as soon as possible to ensure the security of your PXL-100 access control system. These instructions also apply if you wish to change from one unique password to a new unique password.
If you are already in the TAP100 program, use your pointing device to exit the program by selecting Quit and then confirming the operation by selecting Yes.
This will leave you at the
NOTE: This is a lower-case ‘p.’
The system will display the following information on the screen.
DOS prompt. At the DOS prompt, type:
tap100 -p <ENTER>
Keri Systems Transactions Analysis/ProxNet Program VERSION x.xx Build Date: [date] Time: [time]
Enter your password:
Enter the current password. If it is the system default, this will be ‘X X X X.’ If the password is entered incorrectly, the screen will display:
Sorry your Password is Unacceptable.
The TAP100 software will then return to DOS.
If you password is accepted, the screen will display:
Please enter the NEW password:
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Enter your new password.
NOTE: Passwords are ‘case-sensitive.’ This means a password may consist of both upper- and lower-case letters. Be sure to enter the new password exactly as you want it to be, paying close attention to the upper- and lower-cases.
Once entered, the program will ask you to confirm the new password by displaying:
Please enter it again just to be sure:
Again, carefully enter your new password. If the second entry matches the first, the screen will display the following message and will then enter the program.
New Password installed.
If the two password entries do not match, the following error message will be displayed, and the program will exit to DOS.
The two passwords did not match. Your password has not been changed.
Just repeat this procedure, taking extra care to enter the new password correctly and identically, when prompted.

Entering Your PIN

Before the TAP100 software will allow any system configuration changes, your Personal Identification Number (PIN) must be entered. The software uses this number to identify an operator with the authority to change the system configuration. Without the correct PIN number, commands that affect system/network configuration or operation will not be transferred to the system/network.
Using your pointing device, select Setup from the main menu. The following list directory of commands will appear.
TAP100 - Keri Systems, Inc.
Cards Transactions Readers Utilities Setup Info Quit
Enter PIN TAP options Directory path Port assignments Serial connection Modem setup Advanced COM
Press a hot key to make a selection.
Figure 3 - Setup Menu Option Screen
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Using your pointing device, select Enter PIN. The following prompt box will appear, asking for your 4 digit PIN.
PIN Entry
Enter your PIN: + + + +
The status message line will display:
Your PIN must be verified to enable communications with ProxLock.
The very first time the PIN is entered, it will be the factory default PIN: 0 0 0 0.
Enter your four digit PIN by typing:
0 0 0 0 <ENTER>
When your PIN is accepted, a prompt box will appear, confirming the PIN entry.
Your PIN entry was accepted.
NOTE: You must be careful when entering your PIN. Any PIN will be accepted by the system but only the correct PIN will allow you to actually set or make system configuration changes.

Changing Your PIN

We recommend that you change from the factory default PIN and set a unique PIN as soon as possible to ensure the security of your PXL-100 access control system.
Changing your PIN is done from the Utilities menu.
TAP100 - Keri Systems, Inc.
Cards Transactions Readers Utilities Setup Info Quit
Time Zones Holidays I/O Assignments Time and Date Change System PIN APB Amnesty Erase Memory Module Query Network Phone Hangup
Press a hot key to make a selection.
Figure 4 - Utility Menu Option Screen
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Use your pointing device and select Utilities, and then select Change System PIN. The following prompt box will appear, asking for the new 4 digit PIN.
Set System PIN
Enter new PIN: + + + +
The status message line will display:
Change the system PIN to a new value.
Enter your new four digit PIN by typing the desired digits.
For example: To enter a new PIN of 1 2 3 4 type:
1 2 3 4 <ENTER>
The following prompt box will appear.
You are about to change the system PIN.
Use your pointing device and select YES/OK if you have entered the desired PIN. The TAP100 software will initiate communication with the control unit/readers on the network to inform them of the new PIN. Once communication is complete, the system will confirm the new PIN with the following prompt box.
Successfully changed system PIN.
You must now enter your PIN in the
SETUP menu to communicate with the
ProxLock master.
NOTE: If you have changed your PIN, you must re-enter your PIN as described in the Entering Your PIN section on page 14, before the TAP100 software will allow any system configuration changes.
If you have selected NO/CANCEL to exit the selection and cancel the new PIN, the system will confirm the cancellation with the following prompt box.
System PIN not changed.
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Configuring the TAP100 Software

This section provides instruction for setting TAP100 program options, identifying the directory used for storing the program and the data files required by the system, configuring system communications, configuring the ProxNet control units, and configuring the card readers.

Setting TAP100 Program Options

There are three TAP100 program options: enabling/disabling auditory signals (BEEPs), setting default time zone values, and setting the event log viewing options.
Using your pointing device, select Setup from the main menu, and then select TAP options. A prompt box will appear, displaying the three options.
Auditory signals Timezone defaults Event Log display
Enable/Disable Auditory Signals
Auditory signals are simply BEEPs from the computer’s speaker that prompt you to enter information or alert you when a command has been accepted. Using your pointing device, select
uditory signals. A prompt box will appear, displaying the enable/disable option.
( • ) Enable ( ) Disable
The status message line will show:
Choose system sound state.
Use your pointing device and select Enable or Disable to meet your needs and select OK. Or, select QUIT to exit the selection without making a change.
Set Default Time Zone Values
Setting the default time zone values allows you to set the default time zone value for disabled access cards and to set the initial enrollment time zone for new cards.
The Default Time Zone Value for Disabled Access Cards
When an active card is disabled, it is automatically assigned to the time zone set by the default time zone value for disabled access cards command. By setting this default time zone, you give yourself the ability to disable an access card (and know it cannot have access to a controlled area) without removing it from the database. This time zone should be configured as a ‘Never’ time zone. A ‘Never’ time zone is defined to not allow access at any time (the process for setting time zones is described in a later section). You can then re-enable the card at a later date, simply
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by assigning it to a working time zone. This is an easy and convenient way to disable a card for someone who is on vacation or has taken a leave-of-absence. The card cannot be used while it is assigned to this time zone. But, the card remains in the database, and can be quickly enabled when the person returns.
NOTE: By factory default, time zone 7 has been configured as a ‘Never’ time zone.
The Initial Enrollment Time Zone for New Cards
The initial enrollment time zone for new cards automatically assigns the defined time zone to newly enrolled cards. These cards stay at this time zone value until manually reassigned by the software operator. This is an easy and convenient way to assign one time zone to a batch of cards being enrolled; where one time zone value is set for typical users.
To set the default time zone values, use your pointing device, and select Timezone defaults. A prompt box will appear, displaying the current time zone values.
Default Time Zones
Disabled Cards: 7 Initial Enrollment: 7
The status message line will display:
Specify timezones to be automatically assigned.
Using your pointing device, select the default time zone value that you want to set, and type in the number.
For example: To set the Initial Enrollment time zone to 5, point to the Initial Enrollment field and type:
Set Event Log Viewing Options
The set event log viewing options command formats the cardholder and reader data in the event log for viewing by a system operator. Using this command, you can format event data to display the cardholder name with or without the card’s slot number and the reader’s name with or without the reader’s ID number.
To set the event log viewing options, use your pointing device, and select Event Log display. A prompt box will appear, displaying the current event log viewing options.
Event Log Viewing Options
( ) Show Slot Numbers and Cardholder Names ( ) Show Cardholder Names Only
( ) Show Reader Numbers and Names ( ) Show Names of Readers Only
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The status message line will display:
Choose event display settings.
Use your pointing device and select the event log viewing options that meet your needs and select OK. Or, select QUIT to exit the selection without making a change.

Identifying the Database Files Directory

When the TAP100 software was loaded onto the PC system, it was recommended that the software be installed into a directory named
install the software in a different directory. In order for the TAP100 software to be able to locate all of its database and system configuration files, you must identify the directory where the software was installed (in DOS terms, this is called identifying the path).
To identify the database files directory, use your pointing device, and select Directory path. A prompt box will appear, requesting the path where the TAP100 software is loaded on the PC host system. It also displays the names of the system database and configuration files.
Database Files
. Some system operators may decide to
Path: Cardholder file name: chf.dbf Log file name: log.dbf System Configuration: sysinfo.cfg
The status message line will display:
Enter the directory path where the database files are located.
Type in the name of the directory where the TAP100 software is installed, and press
For example: To enter the factory recommended directory of Path field and type:
place the cursor in the
c:\proxnet <ENTER>
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Configuring/Verifying Communications

The next four commands in the setup menu deal specifically with configuring the usage of the system’s communications network for the TAP100 software. These commands allow you to assign which of the computer’s COM ports to use, define the use of the COM port (for serial communication, modem communication, or for uploading or downloading memory module information), define the modem setup information (if a modem is used), and set the communication port’s interrupt vectors and port addressing.
Serial Port Configuration
The serial port configuration command asks you to define the serial COM port to use for each of the three possible communication options.
To configure the serial port, use your pointing device, and select Port assignments. A prompt box will appear, displaying the three possible communication devices and displaying the factory default values. For all three communication devices, the factory default is COM port 1.
Port Configuration
Prox port: 1
Modem port: 1
Memory module port: 1
ENTER = accept ESC = quit
The status menu line will display:
Select serial port assignments.
To change a port assignment, use your pointing device and move the blinking cursor to the port value to be changed, type the new number, and press
For example: To change the proxnet communication port to 2, place the cursor in the field to the right of the Prox port call-out and type:
Serial Port Connection
The serial port connection command allows you to define the use of the serial port: for serial communication in a PXL-100 network, modem communication (for remote communication with a PXL-100 network), or for uploading or downloading memory module information.
To define the use of the serial port, use your pointing device, and select Serial connection. A prompt box will appear, displaying the three possible communication devices. The factory default is to enable the local prox network on COM1.
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Serial Port Connection
( • ) Local Prox Network on COM1 ( ) Phone connection/modem on COM1 ( ) Memory Module on COM1
The status message line will display:
Select a new connection.
NOTE: The Memory Module is an obsolete hardware option. It is supported for those customers who already have Memory Modules in use. For details on Memory Module operation, please contact your Keri dealer or system installer.
Use your pointing device and select the serial port connection mode that meet your needs and select OK. Or, select QUIT to exit the selection without making a change.
Modem Setup
The modem setup command asks you to define the modem initialization string and the telephone dialing method: pulse or tone.
NOTE: Prior to executing the modem setup command, the master PXL-100 control unit must be set to the modem mode with the modem connected. Refer to the HPP-100 Hand Held Programmer manual for instructions on setting the PXL-100 to modem mode.
NOTE: The modem used for communication must be capable of operating at 9600 baud or greater, and its error correction and data compression features must be disabled.
To setup the modem, use your pointing device, and select Modem setup. A prompt box will appear, displaying the two modem setup commands.
Initialization String Dialing Method
To set the initialization string, use your pointing device and select Initialization String. A prompt box will appear, displaying the factory default modem initialization strings.
Modem Initialization String
Your init string: S0=0 TAP init string: &F&C1&D2E0V1Q0
Use your pointing device, move the blinking cursor to the beginning of the ‘Your init string’ field, and type in your modem’s initialization string.
For example: To enter a possible modem initialization string for a US Robotics 14.4 Sportster modem, place the cursor in the correct field and type:
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To set the phone dialing method, use your pointing device and select Dialing Method. A prompt box will appear, displaying the two options.
Dialing Method
( • ) Tone ( ) Pulse
The status message line will display:
Select tone or pulse dialing.
Use your pointing device and select the dialing method that meets your telephone system and select OK. Or, select QUIT to exit the selection without making a change.
Phone Hangup
To ensure proper disconnect of the telephone line following modem operations, use the phone hangup command. Use your pointing device and select Utilities, and then Phone Hangup. The following prompt box will appear.
You are about to hang up the phone.
If you are not ready to hang-up the phone, use your pointing device and select NO/CANCEL to exit the selection without disconnecting the modem. Otherwise, use your pointing device and select YES/OK. The modem will be disconnected from the telephone line.
Advanced Communication Setup Parameters
The advanced com command asks you to define the interrupt request values and port addresses for the four communication ports (COM1 through COM4). This command should be used carefully. You must know the correct values to enter in these fields; an incorrect entry can entirely disable your PC’s communication ability.
To define the interrupt request values and port addresses for the four communication ports, use your pointing device, and select Advanced COM. A prompt box will appear with a table displaying the factory default com port interrupt request values and port addresses.
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Advanced COM Setup
TAP100 Application Software Manual
PORT IRQ COM1 4 03F8 COM2 3 02F8 COM3 4 03E8 COM4 3 02E8
ENTER = accept ESC = quit
F1 = restore default values
The status message line will display:
Customize IRQ assignments and interrupt service vectors.
To exit this command without making a change, press <ESC>. To restore the IRQ and ADDR values to the factory default, press <F1>. To change an IRQ/ADDR value, use your pointing device, move the blinking cursor to the IRQ or ADDR fields, and type in the IRQ and ADDR values for your PC system.
For example: To change COM4 to IRQ 7, ADDR 0FF8, place the cursor in the COM4, IRQ field and type:
Then place the cursor in the COM4, ADDR field and type:
Verifying Network Operation
If the TAP100 software has been configured for COM port/serial communication, this command is used to verify the access control system network is communication properly. To verify network communication, use your pointing device and select Utility and then Query Network. The status message line will state:
Initiating communication with local network on COM1 . . . please wait.
Once communication has been established, the status message line will go blank and the following prompt box will appear.
Network Information
System ID = 0
Net Faults = 0
P/O Self Test Fail = 0
P/O Count = 0
Net Security = Secured
Status of Doors = 00000000
Responding Nodes = 00000001
Favorite Nodes = 00000001
Links in Bindery = 0
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The System ID is the address of the master control unit on the network.
Net Faults is a counter keeping track of the number of times there is a network failure or a control unit goes off-line. If power is removed from a control unit, it will go off-line and the counter will be incremented. A high number in this field may indicate a loose wire somewhere in the communication network.
P/O Self Test Fail is a counter keeping track of the number of times there has been a power-on RAM check failure. This number should be 0. A high number in this field indicates the control unit’s RAM is being corrupted. This may be due to electrical events such as sparks or static charges, or it may be due to magnetic interference.
P/O Count is a counter keeping track of the number of times the system’s power has been cycled on. A high number in this field indicates the control unit’s power is being cycled off and on. Verify the control unit’s power connections are secure and that its power source is operating properly.
Net Security identifies if all doors on the network are secured or unsecured per the global secure command (see the Global Secure command on page 38).
Status of Doors identifies how many and which doors are secured. An eight digit hexadecimal value is displayed in the status of doors field. To determine which doors are secured, a conversion process must be applied to each digit in that hexadecimal value.
Each hexadecimal digit in the status of doors field represents four doors. Working from right-to- left, the first digit represents doors 1 through 4, the second digit represents doors 5 through 8, and so on to the eighth digit representing doors 29 through 32.
Each hexadecimal digit must be converted to binary to determine specifically which doors are secured. Again, working from right-to-left, convert the hexadecimal digit to its binary value. The first digit in the binary value refers to the first door in the group (i.e. a group of doors 5 through 8, the first digit would refer to door 5), the second digit refers to the second door (6), the third digit to the third door (7), and the fourth digit to the fourth door (8). Wherever there is a zero in the binary value, that indicates the corresponding door is secured.
To simplify this process, a table, breaking down this conversion process is provided in Appendix
1. By working the status of doors value through the table in Appendix 1, you can easily determine
which doors are secured.
Responding Nodes identifies how many and which controllers are responding to the network in a manner similarly to the status of doors value. An eight digit hexadecimal value is displayed in the responding nodes field. To determine how many and which controllers are responding, a conversion process must be applied to each digit in that hexadecimal value.
Each hexadecimal digit in the responding nodes field represents four controllers. Working from right-to-left, the first digit represents controllers 1 through 4, the second digit represents controllers 5 through 8, and so on to the eighth digit representing controllers 29 through 32.
Each hexadecimal digit must be converted to binary to determine specifically which controllers are on-line and active. Again, working from right-to-left, convert the hexadecimal digit to its binary value. The first digit in the binary value refers to the first controller in the group (i.e. a group of controllers 5 through 8, the first digit would refer to controller 5), the second digit refers to the second controller (6), the third digit to the third controller (7), and the fourth digit to the fourth controller(8). Wherever there is a one in the binary value, that indicates the corresponding controller is responding to the network.
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TAP100 Application Software Manual
To simplify this process, a table, breaking down this conversion process is provided in Appendix
2. By working the responding nodes value through the table in Appendix 2, you can easily
determine which controllers are responding to the network
Favorite Nodes, by factory definition, is always set to 00000001.
Links in Bindery identifies the number of reader I/O links that have been defined for the system. For information on I/O links, see the Setting Reader I/O Assignments section on page 38.
When you are finished viewing this information, use your pointing device and select OK.
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TAP 100 Application Software Manual

Configuring the ProxNet

In this section, we will describe the configuration of the ProxNet: setting all system timing functions, configuring the reader database, and defining the reader’s I/O assignments.

Set the Timing Functions

The following commands deal with setting system time, date, time zone, and holiday zone functions.
Set the System Time and Date
Synchronizing the time and date between access control units on the network and the host computer allows for accurate time/date tracking of events. To set the time and date for the control units on the network to match that of the host computer, use your pointing device and select
tility and then Time and Date. The status message line will state:
Initiating communication with local network on COM1 . . . please wait.
Once communication has been established, the following prompt box will appear.
When you hit ENTER, the time and date
of the ProxLock system will be set to
the computer’s time and date.
Press ESC to quit without changing.
the TAP100 software will set the access control unit’s time and date to match that of the host computer. The software will confirm the operation completed successfully by displaying the new time.
For example: If the computer’s time is 17:35:45 (5:35 P.M. and 45 seconds) and its date is July 4, 1995, the following information will be displayed.
to exit the operation without changing the time and date. Or, press
Setting system time and date.
Sending time: 17:34:45
Sending date: 07/04/95, Tue
NOTE: All time commands are formatted to a 24-hour clock. For example: 6:15 P.M. becomes 18:15 hours.
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