IntelliProx – SM-2000
1. Features of the IntelliProxTM System
2. Specifications
3. Cautions
4. Jumper Settings
5. IntelliProx Connections in Stand-alone Mode
6. IntelliProx Connections in 26-Bit Wiegand Reader Mode
7. Lock Connection Options
8. IntelliProx to D-Lite
9. First Time Power On Procedure: Pin and Memory Reset, LED Mode
10. Standard Operation
11. Troubleshooting the IntelliProx
12. Ordering Information
13. CE Declaration of Conformity
1.0 Features of the IntelliProx System
The IntelliProx is capable of operating as a stand-alone single-door entry control system or as a Wiegand output reader
with optional, back-up local door control. Small and unobtrusive, the IntelliProx can be mounted almost anywhere
within 500 feet of the reader (depending upon the type of reader and the maximum cable run allo wed by that reader).
When used with a host controller, the IntelliProx can be mounted up to 500 feet from the host. Therefore, with the
appropriate reader, the reader to host distance can be as great as 1,000 feet.
1.1 Stand-alone Entry Control System
The IntelliProx has a capacity of 500 user cards, maintained in nonvolatile memory. The cards are held in "slots" within
the IntelliProx's internal memory. A Form-C relay output provides normally open and normally closed contacts for
door lock control. A door sense input provides door status for local annunciation if the door is held open. Programming
is accomplished using either D-Lite card database management software or the Keri Hand-Held Programmer (P/N:
HPP-22). With both the D-Lite program and the Hand-Held Programmer, access to the IntelliProx is controlled with
Personal Identification Numbers (PINs). A user must enter the PIN associated with the IntelliProx, and the PIN
associated with the host computer (when using D-Lite), before access to the IntelliProx unit is granted.
D-Lite is a simple, spreadsheet based IntelliProx slot/card management program that can enroll cards, upload a set of
cards to an IntelliProx unit, or download a set of cards from an IntelliProx unit. Refer to the D-Lite Users Manual for
programming instructions, P/N 01869-001. D-Lite can be used when the IntelliProx is used as a stand-alone entry
system; it is not compatible with the IntelliProx when the IntelliProx is used as a 26-bit Wiegand output reader.
Communication between a host computer (with the D-Lite program) and the IntelliProx unit is done through an RS-232
serial connection.
The Hand-Held Programmer works like a television remote-control unit, issuing commands to the IntelliProx with
simple two or three step push-button functions. Refer to the HPP-22 Quick Start Guide for programming instructions,
P/N 01831-003.
IntelliProxQuick Start Guide
2305 Bering Drive 01830-003 Rev. H
San Jose, CA 95131 USA
(800) 260-5265 (408) 435-8400 FAX (408) 577-1792
Web: www.kerisys.com E-mail: sales@kerisys.com Page 1 of 10

IntelliProx – SM-2000
1.2 Wiegand Output Reader
The IntelliProx has a standard 26-bit output, allowing reader data to be passed through to a host controller. The
IntelliProx's LED can be driven by two control lines or by a single control line to accommodate the host controller's
configuration. Optionally, the door lock control relay may be used for back-up local door control should the host
controller go down. An IntelliProx unit can be easily integrated with larger access systems relying on the host
controller's larger database, or it can be used in conjunction with the host database for alternative applications. Host
controllers that provide 5 to 12 VDC can power the IntelliProx.
NOTE: For proper Wiegand operation, KC26X, PKT26X, or MT96X credentials must be used.
1.3 RS-232 Output
The RS-232 serial connection used for D-Lite communication also transmits card read data. If the IntelliProx unit is in
stand-alone mode, Keri proximity card ID data is sent out the RS-232 serial data lines. If the IntelliProx unit is in
Wiegand Output mode, Wiegand card ID data is sent out the Data 0/Data 1 lines and the RS-232 serial data lines. A host
computer or access panel can use the RS-232 serial data lines as an alternative method for receiving card ID data from
the IntelliProx unit. Data is transmitted in an ASCII stream at 9600 baud with 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, and no pari ty.
However, when receiving data in this manner, the host computer or access panel cannot transmit data back to the
Quick Start GuideIntelliProx
IntelliProx unit through the RS-232 serial data lines. Whenever the IntelliProx unit receives data through the RS-232
serial data lines, the IntelliProx unit assumes it should be in D-Lite communication mode and automatically switches to
D-Lite communication mode. When in D-Lite communication mode the IntelliProx unit’s LED fashes Red when the
first byte is received. The unit continues flashing Red and ignores card reads until the unit switches out of D-Lite mode
(done by a disconnect command from the D-Lite software or after 60 seconds of no communication).
2.0 Specifications
The IntelliProx system is made up of an SM-2000 smart module and a standard Keri Systems proximity reader.
Smart Module SM-2000 (see Figure 1):
Input Voltage 5 to 14 Volts DC
Current Consumption 50 mA, Nominal
Operating Temperature Range 0º to 65º Centigrade
User Capacity up to 500 Cards or Tags
Relay Contact Rating 1 Amp at 30 Volts DC or AC
Dimensions 3.5" High x 1.8" Wide x 0.7" Deep (8.89 cm x 4.57 cm x 1.78 cm)
Weight 5 Ounces (0.14 kg)
Door Unlock Time 7 Seconds (factory default cannot be changed)
Door Held Open Time 7 Seconds (factory default cannot be changed)
SM-2000 plus Reader (refer to the appropriate Reader Quick Start Guide):
Current Consumption with Readers
IP-2003/-2004 100 mA, Typical (MS-3000/MS-4000 Reader)
IP-2005 150 mA, Typical (MS-5000 Reader)
IP-2007 250 mA, Typical (MS-7000 Reader)
1. If the host controller provides 5 VDC reader power, the MS-7000 reader should be powered by a separate
power supply to ensure they have enough power for proper operation
2305 Bering Drive 01830-003 Rev. H
San Jose, CA 95131 USA
(800) 260-5265 (408) 435-8400 FAX (408) 577-1792
Web: www.kerisys.com E-mail: sales@kerisys.com Page 2 of 10

IntelliProx – SM-2000
3.0 Cautions
An IntelliProx must have clean power to ensure best operating conditions. Regulated, linear power supplies are
recommended. Switching power supplies and rectified AC power supplies cannot be used as they are known sources for
radiated electromagnetic interference that affects IntelliProx operation.
When using the IntelliProx in place of standard proximity readers ensure that Keri KC-26 (or compatible) 26-bit cards
are used. The use of alternate format cards will not output a proper 26-bit identification number to the host system,
making card enrollment difficult if not impossible.
A jumper is available for resetting the IntelliProx's PIN and memory. The IntelliProx will not operate if JP1 is
installed; JP1 must be removed for normal system operation. If JP1 is installed and power is applied to the IntelliProx,
the PINs are reset to the factory default values and to the Dual-Line LED control configuration. If power is applied
again with JP1 still installed, all information in system memory is erased and cannot be recove red unless it had been
previously uploaded to a data file stored by the D-Lite program.
Figure 1: The IntelliProx SM-2000
IntelliProxQuick Start Guide
2305 Bering Drive 01830-003 Rev. H
San Jose, CA 95131 USA
(800) 260-5265 (408) 435-8400 FAX (408) 577-1792
Web: www.kerisys.com E-mail: sales@kerisys.com Page 3 of 10