Keri Systems PXL-250 Quick Start

PXL-250 Tiger Controller
This quick start guide provides, basic installation information, drawings, first time power-on instructions, and short descriptions of key terms and concepts for installing controllers. For comprehensive information regarding the PXL­250 Tiger Controller, please refer to the Technical Reference (P/N 01836-004).
NOTE: It is the responsibility of the installation organization to have only technically qualified personnel performing the installation.
Figure 1: The PXL-250 Controller
PXL-250Quick Start Guide
1530 Old Oakland Road, Suite 100 01835-002 Rev. 4.2 San Jose, CA 95112 USA (800) 260-5265 (408) 451-2520 FAX (408) 441-0309 Web: E-mail: Page 1 of 25
PXL-250 Tiger Controller

1.0 Specifications

Unit Dimensions
PXL-250 controller PCB
- 6.75 inches high by 6.00 inches wide by 1.75 inches deep, including wiring connectors
- (17.15 cm by 15.25 cm by 4.45 cm)
PXL-250 controller PCB with an SB-293 Satellite Board
- 7.25 inches high by 6.00 inches wide by 1.75 inches deep, including wiring connectors
- (18.45 cm by 15.25 cm by 4.45 cm)
PXL-250 controller PCB with an LCD-1 Alpha/Numeric Display
- 7.70 inches high by 6.00 inches wide by 1.75 inches deep, including wiring connectors
- (19.60 cm by 15.25 cm by 4.45 cm)
PXL-250 controller PCB with an SB-293 Satellite Board and an LCD-1 Alpha/Numeric Display
- 8.10 inches high by 6.00 inches wide by 1.75 inches deep, including wiring connectors
- (20.60 cm by 15.25 cm by 4.45 cm)
- 9.70 inches high by 8.20 inches wide by 2.60 inches deep
- (24.65 cm by 20.85 cm by 6.60 cm)
Operating Temperature/Humidity Range
Quick Start GuidePXL-250
0°F to 140°F (-18°C to 60°C)
0% to 90% Relative Humidity, non-condensing
Controller Power Requirements
12 VDC @ 1 A
Current Draw
maximum current draw 270 mA for a controller plus reader current draw (refer to Table 1 for Reader current draw)
120 mA max for a PXL-250 Controller
150 mA max for an SB-293 Satellite Board
Table 1: Reader Current Draw
Reader Type
MS-3000 MS-4000 MS-5000 MS-7000 MS-9000
Current Draw
NOTE: If an electronic locking device (such as a magnetic lock, a door strike, or similar device) is to be driven by the same power supply as the PXL-250 controller, please ensure the power supply provides enough current to drive every device connected to that supply plus an adequate safety margin. AC power cannot be used.
Controller Memory Retention
5 year lithium battery back up to support controller RAM and real-time clock
Output Relay Contact Rating
1 Amp @ 24 VDC
50 mA 50 mA 100 mA 200 mA 200 mA
1530 Old Oakland Road, Suite 100 01835-002 Rev. 4.2 San Jose, CA 95112 USA (800) 260-5265 (408) 451-2520 FAX (408) 441-0309 Web: E-mail: Page 2 of 25
PXL-250 Tiger Controller
Input Device Configuration - 3 Inputs
Door Sense normally closed
Request to Exit normally open
Global Unlock normally open, or Auxiliary RTE A-Door normally open

2.0 Cable Requirements

RS-232 Serial Cable
four conductor, shielded, stranded, AWG 24 wire (Belden 9534 or a larger gauge)
50 feet maximum length (per RS-232 industry specification - greater lengths are not recommended)
RS-485 Network Cable
two conductor, shielded, twisted pair, stranded, AWG 24 wire (Belden 9501 or a larger gauge)
16,000 feet total network length
refer to the Network Wiring
Input Power
two conductor, stranded, AWG 18 wire (Belden 8461 or a larger gauge)
200 foot maximum length for systems using an SB-293 with two readers
NOTE: On long power cable runs, the cable resistance causes a drop in voltage at the end of the cable run. Be sure your power supply does provide 12 VDC at the end of the cable run.
Application Note (P/N 01824-002) for specific network wiring information
Earth Ground
Single conductor, AWG 18 wire (or a larger gauge)
Keri Systems Proximity Readers
six conductor, shielded, stranded, AWG 24 wire (Belden 9536 or a larger gauge)
four conductor, shielded, stranded, AWG 24 wire (Belden 9534 or a larger gauge) for the MS-4000 only (there is no beeper or LED in the MS-4000)
see Table 2 for maximum cable lengths
Table 2: Maximum Cable Lengths by Wire Gauge for
Proximity Readers
Cable Length by Wire Gauge
Reader Type 100 feet 250 feet 500 feet
AWG 24 AWG 24 AWG 24
AWG 24 AWG 24 AWG 24
AWG 24 AWG 24 AWG 24
AWG 24 AWG 24 AWG 20
AWG 24 AWG 22 AWG 18
PXL-250Quick Start Guide
1. Ground wire is green with or without yellow tracer.
1530 Old Oakland Road, Suite 100 01835-002 Rev. 4.2 San Jose, CA 95112 USA (800) 260-5265 (408) 451-2520 FAX (408) 441-0309 Web: E-mail: Page 3 of 25
PXL-250 Tiger Controller
Wiegand Compatible Readers
five to seven conductor, shielded, stranded, wire – depending upon the Wiegand reader’s requirements
a minimum gauge of AWG 24 is required for data transfer with a 500-foot maximum run length per Wiegand
Input and Output Connections
two conductor, stranded, AWG 22 (or a larger gauge)
NOTE: The Lock Output relay may require a heavier gauge of wire depending upon the current demands of the lock and the length of the lock wiring run.
NOTE: If plenum cable is required, please reference the Belden plenum equivalent to the cables listed above.

3.0 When Installing Controllers

plan ahead to meet power and telephone requirements the host computer and one for each master PXL-250 in each network)
mount controllers in environmentally suitable areas - they require protection from weather and from temperature/
Quick Start GuidePXL-250
humidity extremes
mount the controller at least 3 feet away from the controller's power supply to prevent EMI radiated from the power supply from affecting the controller
use the enclosure as a mounting template to mark drilling holes for permanent mounting
consider mounting requirements - central versus distributed
- central mounting places all controllers in one location, running lengths of cables out to each door to support
readers, inputs and outputs
- distributed mounting places each controller near the door it supports running short lengths of cable out to each
door, but running a long network communication cable
note the locations of the knockouts in the enclosures and remove the appropriate knockout for the easiest cable routing into the controller
route all controllers in a network in a single, continuous daisy-chain
route cables in accessible areas for ease of maintenance
connect all controllers to a quality earth ground
add transient suppression across electric devices attached to a controller output
use an isolation relay (P/N IRP-1) if attaching to a parking gate, a turnstile, or any application using a large electric motor
verify the controller's supply voltage is 12 VDC – long power line runs cause a drop in voltage at the end of the run
verify proper operation of the host computer's COM port
for a single door application, install the reader to the TB-5, "A" reader connection
attach the reader to be used for card enrollment to the master controller (this reader can be used for access control as well as enrollment, but during the enrollment process the door associated with the enrollment reader will not allow access until the enrollment process is complete)
for your system (1 phone line for the modem connected to
1. The wire gauge to use should be determined by the current draw requirements of the Wiegand device and the actual length of the cable run. A +5 VDC and a +12 VDC Wiegand device must have a full +5 VDC or +12 VDC at the device (long cable runs have a voltage drop across the length of the run due to the resistance in the cable). To ensure proper voltage is available at the device a larger gauge of wire (having less resistance) or a power supply at the Wiegand device may be required.
2. Phone lines are only needed for remote communication between host computer and network using a modem.
3. Ground wire is green with or without yellow tracer.
1530 Old Oakland Road, Suite 100 01835-002 Rev. 4.2 San Jose, CA 95112 USA (800) 260-5265 (408) 451-2520 FAX (408) 441-0309 Web: E-mail: Page 4 of 25
PXL-250 Tiger Controller
make modem phone line connections through PBX telephone switching systems - most modems are not compatible with PBX systems leading to disconnection problems with the modem
locate the PXL-250 controller near EMI sources - EMI sources can affect the performance of the controller
use switching power supplies - they are EMI sources
route network and reader cables beside power cables - transients on the power cables may be picked-up by network and reader cables
stretch or over-tension cables
route over sharp objects
let the wires get tangled
mix PXL-250s with PXL-100s in the same network
route all controllers in a network in spur, hub, or loop configurations
connect earth ground at one point on the network to prevent ground loops
use gender changer plugs when making RS-232 serial communication connections (unless you know it is a "straight-through" plug) - gender changers may have internal wiring changes that can disrupt communications
to the network cable shield - the PXL-250 automatically connects earth ground to the shield
PXL-250Quick Start Guide
1530 Old Oakland Road, Suite 100 01835-002 Rev. 4.2 San Jose, CA 95112 USA (800) 260-5265 (408) 451-2520 FAX (408) 441-0309 Web: E-mail: Page 5 of 25
PXL-250 Tiger Controller

4.0 Wiring Instructions

Refer to Figure 1 on page 1 for all wiring connections.

4.1 Terminal Blocks

Figure 2: Connecting Wires and Removing Terminal Blocks
NOTE: Screws on terminal blocks must be tightened securely.
Quick Start GuidePXL-250

4.2 Connecting the Earth Ground and the 12 VDC Power

Figure 3: Earth Ground and 12 VDC Power Connections
NOTE: TB2 is colored red to make it easier to tell it apart from the network connector.
1530 Old Oakland Road, Suite 100 01835-002 Rev. 4.2 San Jose, CA 95112 USA (800) 260-5265 (408) 451-2520 FAX (408) 441-0309 Web: E-mail: Page 6 of 25
PXL-250 Tiger Controller

4.3 Connecting a Keri Systems Proximity Reader to a PXL-250P

The "A" reader is wired to TB5.
The "B" reader is wired to TB6.
Figure 4: Proximity Reader Connections

4.4 Connecting a Wiegand Compatible Reader to a PXL-250W

The PXL-250W controller can be configured to accept input from single-line LED, dual-line LED, and Essex keypad Wiegand input devices (through the
™ software).
NOTE: The Wiegand Reader must transfer data according to the Security Industry Association's Wiegand Reader Interface Standard (document number AC-01D-96). Keri Systems, Inc. cannot guarantee the performance or reliability of Wiegand Readers that do not meet these data transfer guidelines.
NOTE: All Keri Systems proximity readers use 12 VDC power while most Wiegand compatible readers use 5 VDC power. Check your reader's power requirements and verify jumper JP4 is set correctly per the Verify the Wiegand Reader Supply Voltage section on page 21. Early revisions of the surface mount PXL-250W mislabeled the JP4 jumper as JP5. All instructions for the JP4 jumper apply to the jumper labeled as JP5 (see Figure 1 on page 1 for the location of the jumper).
NOTE: The wire colors called out in Figures 5 and 6 are industry standard wire colors. However, some manufacturers may not follow these industry standard designations. Before installation, please refer to the Wiegand device’s manual to see if the device’s wire colors follow the industry standard. If not, then match the wire’s purpose to the callouts in Figures 5 and 6 before installation.
PXL-250Quick Start Guide
1530 Old Oakland Road, Suite 100 01835-002 Rev. 4.2 San Jose, CA 95112 USA (800) 260-5265 (408) 451-2520 FAX (408) 441-0309 Web: E-mail: Page 7 of 25
PXL-250 Tiger Controller
Make the following connections for a single-line LED or Essex Keypad Wiegand device.
The "A" input device is wired to TB5.
The "B" input device is wired to TB6.
Figure 5: Single-Line LED and Essex Keypad Wiegand Reader Connections
Quick Start GuidePXL-250
Make the following connections for a dual-line LED Wiegand device.
The "A" input device is wired to TB5.
The "B" input device is wired to TB6.
Figure 6: Dual-Line LED Wiegand Reader Connections
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