Keri Systems NXT Setup

NXT Reader Setup
NXT Readers are used exclusively with Keri’s revolutionary access control system based on the NXT and the MSC Series of IP-based Controllers. Communication to the readers is via the controller's RS-485 buses, enabling the data to be encrypted and allowing the readers to be fully supervised - reader events will be generated in the event of reader failure or disconnection
- (these reader 'offline' events can be setup as 'alerts' in the software).
Another NXT reader benefit is the fact you can add an NXT Exit reader (supported with the NXT-MSC controllers). The Exit reader is added to the same bus as the standard NXT reader but provides you with true In/Out reader capability without burning an addi­tional reader port. Even though the readers are wired into the same bus they show as independent readers within Doors.NET allowing you to control 4 x read IN and 4 x read OUT doors with a 4-door controller.
The RS-485 communication method also allows for a maximum cable run distance of 1,000 feet (approx. 300m) from the controller. The readers are compatible with all NXT Series cards and tags plus the readers can now be configured to read HID 125KHz cre­dentials via a quick firmware upgrade which can be easily performed from the software.
This guide explains how to connect the readers to the controller, how to perform a firm­ware upgrade, program the reader to read HID credentials and how to add and use an NXT Exit reader.
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NXT Reader Setup
NXT Reader Wiring to the Controller
NOTE: The recommended cable type is shielded, stranded, 4-conductor, (Belden 9534,
or equivalent) or shielded CAT-5.
Wiring when using CAT-5 Cable
Setting the Manufacturer Model
Once the reader has been connected to the controller then the controller will start to com­municate to it automatically. You should notice a reader online event in live events when the reader comes online. You should however, ensure the correct reader model is selec­ted in the reader properties.
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NXT Reader Setup
1. Go to Setup >> Hardware Setup >> All this will take you to the hardware tree.
2. Double-click the controller which will be listed beneath the communications gate­way.
3. Locate and select the NXT reader by expanding the controller bus.
4. Once selected, the reader properties will be displayed on the right.
5. Verify the correct NXT reader model is selected for the Manufacturer Model.
Upgrading the NXT Reader Firmware
Keri NXT readers are now flash upgradable and Doors.NET version includes a firmware version (04.00.03) that allows the NXT readers to read both NXT credentials and most 125KHz HID credentials, including; ProxCard II®, ISOProx® II, and ProxKey®II.
Firmware Upgrade Procedure
Verify the readers are upgradable
Note: Only NXT readers with firmware version 04.00.00 and above can be flash
upgraded. So the first thing to do is check if the reader can be flash upgraded. There are two ways you can check if the NXT reader is upgradeable:
- Check on the reverse of the reader and you will see a serial number. If the serial num­ber has a letter F suffix then the reader CAN be upgraded.
1. If the reader is online, highlight it in the hardware tree.
2. Ensure Advanced View is enabled for the reader properties.
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NXT Reader Setup
3. At the top of the reader's General properties you will see the current firmware ver­sion.
4. If the reader firmware does not begin 04 then the reader CANNOT be upgraded.
Upgrading when using Standard NXT hardware
1. Navigate to the hardware tree.
2. Highlight a standard NXT controller.
3. Click the Firmware Upgrade icon.
4. The firmware upgrade window will appear and the NXT controller will be high­lighted.
5. Click the expander (plus sign) located to the left of the controller, and you will see listed the NXT readers which are connected to the controller.
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NXT Reader Setup
6. Highlight the first NXT reader in the list.
7. From the Select Firmware File list, select the new 04.00.03 firmware (it will be the only NXT reader firmware available).
8. Once selected, click the APPLY button.
9. You will see a message notifying you that during the upgrade the reader may go off­line for a few minutes.
10. If you are happy to proceed click the YES button.
11. The new firmware will be sent to each of the NXT readers connected to the con­troller (one-after-the-other).
12. While a reader is being upgraded the reader's LED will be quickly flashing. Each reader should take no longer than 30 seconds to update.
13. A green progress bar will inform you of when the upgrading is complete.
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