This document provides detailed setting guidance for all applications and modules (email
clients, calendars and address books, data synchronization) supported by Kerio MailServer.
While some of these applications are supported directly (i.e. no additional installations are
needed, it is only necessary to perform specific settings), others require installation of supportive modules and extensions.
In addition to external applications, this document also addresses the Kerio WebMail interface
which is used to access user data and email accounts via the most wide-spread web browsers,
such as Internet Explorer, Firefox or Safari.
This guide addresses features and configuration of the following applications and interfaces:
Kerio WebMail
Kerio WebMail is a comfortable web interface which can be used to maintain email and
other folders saved in mailboxes on a particular server.
Kerio WebMail is available in two versions:
• Kerio WebMail — full version designed for most of supported browsers (see chapter
• Kerio WebMail Mini — a special, lite edition designed for unsupported browsers or for
computers with slow Internet connection (see chapter 2) and for mobile devices (see
chapter 3).
Microsoft Outlook
Support for Microsoft Outlook is allowed by two extension modules which enable better
exploitation of Kerio MailServer’s groupware features:
• Kerio Outlook Connector (Offline Edition) — is an extension for MS Outlook allowing
smoother cooperation of MS Outlook and Kerio MailServer. Kerio Outlook Connector(Offline Edition) supports groupware features of MS Outlook such as planning of meetings and task assignment. In addition to these features, other are included such as
message grouping, searching in message bodies and offline mode which allows users
working with MS Outlook even without Internet connection. This feature is helpful
especially for notebook users.
In detail, Kerio Outlook Connector (Offline Edition) is described in chapter
• Kerio Outlook Connector — an extension to MS Outlook. It allows scheduling and
sharing different types of data. Thanks to this module, MS Outlook is able to work
with groupware data (contacts, calendar, tasks, notices) stored in Kerio MailServer. In
detail, Kerio Outlook Connector is described in chapter 5.
• Kerio Synchronization Plug-in — this application allows synchronization of personal
calendar, contact and notes folders as well as public folders with calendars and contacts. This application is useful especially to users of notebooks who need to work
with their email, calendar and contacts offline. In detail, Kerio Synchronization Plug-in
is described in chapter 7.
Windows Calendar
Windows Calendar is an Microsoft Corporation’s application used for management of calendars. Support for Kerio MailServer allows publishing of calendars on the server or
subscription of any Kerio MailServer calendar.
Data synchronization with mobile devices
Kerio MailServer supports data synchronization with mobile devices via the ActiveSync
protocol. ActiveSync allows direct synchronization of data stored in email accounts with
mobile devices (it is not necessary to connect to a desktop synchronization application).
The ActiveSync protocol can use diverse applications in mobile devices (e.g. ActiveSync
on Windows Mobile, the VersaMail email client on Palm Treo, the Mail for Exchange applications in Nokia Eseries and Nseries, the RoadSync applications and others). Chapter 4
provides detailed information on which folders can be synchronized and how the synchronization should be configured on individual devices.
Microsoft Entourage
Microsoft Entourage is an MS Office 2004 for Mac email client which also supports management of personal information and groupware functions. The support provided by
Kerio MailServer is described in detail in chapter 10.
Apple Mail
Apple Mail is an email client developed by Apple Computer. The support provided by
Kerio MailServer allows displaying of calendar and contact folders in this client (for de-
tails, see chapter 14).
Apple iCal
Apple iCal is an Apple Computer’s application used for management of calendars. The
support from Kerio MailServer works as follows:
• Kerio Technologies has developed the Kerio Sync Connector for Mac application which
allows easy data synchronization between Kerio MailServer and Apple iCal. The synchronization with the server allows synchronization of locally created calendars and
To Do items (tasks). Details on the product are provided in chapter 13.
• Apple iCal calendars can be published in Kerio MailServer and it is also possible to
subscribe to any Kerio MailServer calendar. Calendars are created and saved in the
standard iCalendar format (for details, see chapter 11).
• Since version Mac OS X 10.5, Apple iCal supports CalDAV which enables subscription
and viewing of calendars saved in Kerio MailServer. The protocol also supports meeting scheduling (Free/Busy and invitations) and delegating of calendars to other users
(for details, refer to section 11.5).
Apple Address Book
Apple Address Book is an application developed by Apple Computer that is used as a standard address book (contact manager) in Mac OS X operating systems. Contacts can be
synchronized with the Kerio MailServer’s store by the two methods described below:
• Contacts stored in the Apple Address Book and in Kerio MailServer can be synchronized
by the Kerio Sync Connector for Mac extension. In addition to Apple Address Book
contacts, this application can also synchronize Apple iCal calendars and To Do items
(for details, see chapter 13).
• The address book can be synchronized with contacts stored in Kerio MailServer also
by using Apple iSync (for details, refer to chapter 12).
Chapter 1
Kerio WebMail
The Kerio WebMail is a Web interface that allows users to comfortably access their email and
workgroup features from any location using a web browser. Users can read, write or delete
messages, move them to and from folders, manage contacts, administer folders (create or
delete folders, set access rights, etc.) and change user settings such as passwords, message
filters, Kerio WebMail appearance, work with calendar, free time information (Free/Busy calendar), tasks and notes.
Kerio WebMail enables users to work with email, calendars, tasks, notes and contacts in a way
similar to a mail client using the IMAP protocol (all items are stored in folders on the server
and the client opens only the selected item, i.e. a particular message, event, etc.).
1.1 Web browsers
The full version of Kerio WebMail supports the following browsers:
• Internet Explorer versions 6 and 7,
• Firefox versions 1.5 and 2,
• Safari 1.3, 2 and 3 on Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard.
For technical reasons, the full version of Kerio WebMail cannot be run in older versions of the
listed browsers or in non-listed browsers, but it is possible to run the simplified version KerioWebMail Mini (for more information, see chapter 2). Kerio WebMail Mini is run automatically
in older versions of browsers, in text-based browsers such as Lynx or Links, in web browsers
designed for mobile devices (this view type is described in chapter 3). Kerio WebMail Mini does
not require CSS and JavaScript.
To use the secured access to the Kerio WebMail interface (by HTTPS protocol), the browser
must support SSL encryption. If it can be configured (e.g. in Internet Explorer), it is recommend
to enable support for SSL 3.0 and TLS 1.0 versions.
1.2 Authentication to Kerio WebMail
To access the Kerio WebMail interface service using a web browser, insert the IP address
(or the name if it is contained in DNS) of the computer where Kerio MailServer is running.
A protocol has to be specified in the URL — either HTTP for non-secured access or HTTPS
for SSL-encrypted access. The URL can have the following form: or
1.2 Authentication to Kerio WebMail
It is recommend to use the HTTPS protocol for remote access to the service (simple
HTTP can be tapped and the user login data can be misused).By default, the HTTP
and HTTPS services use the standard ports (80 and 443).If the standard ports are
changed, specify the port number in the URL address, like or
Note:The description above focuses accessing email via mobile devices.If it is not
possible to connect to Kerio MailServer, insert URL following one of these formats:
http://server_name/pda or http://ip_address/pda.
If the URL has been entered correctly, a login page will be displayed in the browser. Enter
the username and password on this page (if the user does not belong to the primary domain,
a complete email address is required).
Figure 1.1 Login page
Full and simplified interface
After the username and password has been entered, users can decide whether to use the full
version of Kerio WebMail or the simplified version — Kerio WebMail Mini— will be used:
The full version of Kerio WebMail is recommended for users with fast internet connection who
require high performance and functionality. The capabilities of the full version include:
• email folders management,
• calendars management,
• contacts management,
• tasks management,
Chapter 1 Kerio WebMail
• notes maintenance,
• viewing of public email folders and contact, calendar, tasks and note folders,
• folder management (creating, removing, moving, sharing and subscriptions),
• user’s settings of the interface.
Kerio WebMail Mini is optimized for slower internet connection types, for all browser types as
well as for mobile devices. The capabilities of the simplified version include:
• email folders management,
• contacts management,
• viewing of email and contact public folders,
• folder management (creating, removing, moving, sharing and subscriptions),
• user’s settings of the interface.
Kerio WebMail Mini is described in chapter
2 in more detail.
Connection from Windows Internet Explorer 7.0
Windows Internet Explorer 7.0 requires the new browser settings before the first connection to
the Kerio WebMail interface. The change to be done addresses configuration of security areas.
Brief help guidelines are available through the Recommended browser settings link available
on the Kerio WebMail’s login page. If you miss the link, the helplines are as follows:
1.Click on Tools → Internet Options and select the Security tab (see figure 1.2).
Figure 1.2 Internet Options → the Security tab
1.2 Authentication to Kerio WebMail
2.On the Security tab, click on Local intranet and then use the Sites button.
3.In the Local intranet dialog just opened, click on Advanced (see figure 1.3).
Figure 1.3 The Local intranet dialog
4.In the Add this Web site to the zone textfield, specify Kerio MailServer’s URL address (e.g. or, see figure 1.4).
Figure 1.4 URL addresses can be specified in the Local intranet dialog
This setting removes the address line displayed in header of every Windows Internet Explorer7 window.
Connection from Mozilla Firefox 2
Before the first connection to the Kerio WebMail interface, Mozilla Firefox 2 requires special
settings addressing usage of JavaScript in the browser. Brief help guidelines are available
Chapter 1 Kerio WebMail
through the Recommended browser settings link available on the Kerio WebMail’s login page.
If you miss the link, the helplines are as follows:
1.On the toolbar, click on Tools → Options.
2.In the Options dialog window just opened, select Content (see figure 1.5).
Figure 1.5 Options → Content
3.Click on the Advanced button next to the Enable JavaScript option.
4.In the Advanced JavaScript Settings dialog (see figure 1.6), enable the Raise or lowerwindows option.
Figure 1.6 Advanced JavaScript Settings
1.3 The Kerio WebMail environment
This configuration allows proper functionality of displaying of event and task reminders as
well as smooth opening of other Kerio WebMail windows and dialogs.
Log out
Users should always log out when they finish working in Kerio WebMail. To log out, use the
Logout link in the upper right corner of the window. After logout, users get disconnected from
Kerio MailServer immediately, which prevents misuse of such connection.
Note: By disconnection, all windows associated with Kerio MailServer are closed.
1.3 The Kerio WebMail environment
Once you are successfully connected to Kerio WebMail, a special user interface resembling of
usual email clients is opened in the browser (see figure 1.7). Kerio WebMail actually consists
of three main sections — one with a tree view of folders (remains unchanged), one with the
contents of the folder currently selected (changes according to the type and contents of the
folder), which is referred to as a main window, and the toolbar (its appearance depends on the
folder type).
This section addresses main Kerio WebMail components:
Figure 1.7 The first connection to Kerio WebMail
Chapter 1 Kerio WebMail
Page header
In the Kerio WebMail header, the name of the active folder and company logo is displayed. The
Logout button in the upper right corner is used for logging out from the server where Kerio
MailServer is installed (for details, check section 1.2).
Figure 1.8 Page header
Folder tree
The left pane of the Kerio WebMail window provides the folder tree (see figure 1.9). The tree
includes all folders of the mailbox. Clicking on any folder displays its contents in the main
pane (message list, calendar, etc.).
The folder tree allows manipulation with individual folders. This means that folders can be
moved, renamed, created and removed here. Folders and possible options are focused in
Figure 1.9 Folder tree
In addition to the basic operations, in the folder tree it is also possible to add or remove access
rights to users as well as subscribe folders of other users. Sharing and subscription of folders
is addressed in section 1.10.5.
1.3 The Kerio WebMail environment
The main pane
The main pane of Kerio WebMail displays contents of a folder currently selected in the folder
tree. To view content of the folder in the main pane, click on the particular folder in the tree.
The way of display in the main pane depends on folder type. Kerio WebMail supports viewing
of the following folder types:
• Email
In case of email folders, the main pane consists of three sections. These include a list of
messages, a special reading pane where the message body is displayed and a toolbar where
several email tools can be found (see figure 1.10).
Figure 1.10 Email
Email folders and their manipulation are addressed in chapter 1.5.
• Calendar
The layout of the calendar’s main pane depends on view mode. Figure 1.11 shows calendar
in the weekly view mode. Beside this mode, day and month views are available, as well as
two types of lists, distinguishing events with and without recurrence.
For detailed information on calendars, see chapter 1.7.
• Contacts
Like calendars, contact folders also allow various view modes. The modes available for
calendars are either address cards or a list of contacts (at figure 1.12, the address cards
mode is shown).
For detailed information on contacts and their management, see chapter 1.6.
Chapter 1 Kerio WebMail
Figure 1.11 Calendar
Figure 1.12 Contacts
• Tasks
In case of tasks, the main pane provides a list of created tasks and a toolbar allowing
comfortable administration of tasks (see figure 1.13).
Figure 1.13 Tasks
1.3 The Kerio WebMail environment
For detailed information on tasks, see chapter 1.8.
• Notes
The main pane of the Notes folder provides a list of notes (see figure 1.14). The notes use
customizable colours to distinguish various topics. The main pane also includes a toolbar
allowing creation of new notes, their removal, printing, etc.
Figure 1.14 Notes
For detailed information on notes, see chapter 1.9.
The Kerio WebMail pop-up menu
The Kerio WebMail’s pop-up context menu, opened by right-clicking on an object (folder, message, note, etc.), provides a list of actions. The pop-up menu is always associated with a particular object. This implies that right-clicking on an email message opens a menu (this menu is
shown at figure
1.15) which includes options different from the options included the pop-up
menu associated with the Tasks folder (opened by right-clicking on Tasks in the folder tree).
The Kerio WebMail’s pop-up context menu generally includes the same items as found on
toolbars of individual folders.
• If a new contact, event, task or another item is created through the pop-up context menu
(see figure 1.16), these items are added automatically in the default folders (Contacts, Calendar, Tasks). Default folders are folders included in Kerio WebMail by the moment where
the particular account is created (such as Inbox) and they cannot be removed.
Chapter 1 Kerio WebMail
Figure 1.15 Context menu for email
Figure 1.16 The pop-up menu for creation of a new item (message, contact, event, etc.)
• On Apple Macintosh computers, click the mouse button and hold the Ctrl key to simulate
the right mouse button behavior. On the standard two-button mouse, the right mouse
button shows the context menu.
1.3 The Kerio WebMail environment
Today page
The “Today” page provides overview of the current status of the mailbox. It shows current
number of unread messages in Inbox (Settings allow to add more folders for which this information will be shown) as well as tasks and events for the current day. It also includes a quota
for disk space reserved for the particular mailbox (if the quota has been set by the server
administrator). This section also provides information about current free and occupied space
in the mailbox so the user can always easily recognize how much of the mailbox is currently
To open the “Today” page, click on the root folder (at figure
1.17, the root folder is
In the user interface it is possible to set the “Today” page as an introductory page that would
be displayed upon each connection to Kerio WebMail (for details on these settings, see chapter 1.11.1). Thus the users can see right at the start what should be done on that day and
they do not have to surf through individual folders. Individual items at the “Today” page
are formated as links which can be simply clicked to view the particular event, task or email
Figure 1.17 Today page
The “Today” page is divided into four parts. The information in individual sections vary
(events, tasks, quota and number of unread messages):
• Calendar — this section includes a list of events scheduled for the current day. In Kerio
WebMail’s user settings, up to seven days may be set to be displayed at the “Today” page.
For details on where and how number of days to be displayed can be set, see chapter 1.11.1.
• Tasks — by default, this section shows a list of tasks set for the current day. However, in the
user interface it is possible to change the “Today” page settings so that all tasks included
in the particular folder are always displayed. The settings are addressed in chapter 1.11.1.
Chapter 1 Kerio WebMail
To make manipulation with tasks even more comfortable, various types of information
are also displayed, such as priority (an exclamation mark or a blue arrow), information on
uncompleted tasks where the due date has already expired (items marked red), etc. These
attributes are shown at figure 1.17.
• Quota — server administrators can set a so-called quota and apply it to particular mail-
boxes. The quota is a limit for number of messages and for diskspace reserved for the
mailbox. The Quota section informs users if quota is set and how much of the reserved
mailbox capacity is left. When the mailbox is full, the server generates an automatic message recommending to remove some messages in the mailbox and sends it to the corresponding user. If the user ignores this warning, other mail will not be delivered to the
mailbox since no more capacity is left.
• Messages — by default, this section shows all unread email in Inbox. In the Kerio WebMail
user settings, it is possible to allow also displaying of other email folders. Details on where
and how these settings can be done are addressed in chapter
1.4 Specific features and technical limitations
Automatic logout
For security reasons, Kerio WebMail logs off the user automatically after a certain time of
inactivity. By default, the length of inactivity period is set to 1 hour. Kerio MailServer administrators can change this value.
When the inactivity period expires, clicking on any link or button returns the user to the login
page and the user has to log in again.
Pop-up killers
If any pop-up blocker (pop-up killer) is installed on the computer where Kerio WebMail is
running, it is necessary to create an exceptional rule in Kerio WebMail or to connect via secure
connections (see chapter 1.2). Otherwise, event and task reminders will not work in KerioWebMail.
If the pop-up blocker is embedded in the web browser, create an exception for Kerio WebMail
or disable the pop-up blocker completely.
Message size limits
Size of any outgoing email message (event, task or contact) must not exceed the limit set by
Kerio MailServer administrator (for detailed information, see the Kerio MailServer administrator’s guide). otherwise the particular message will not be delivered. No limit applies to
incoming mail.
1.4 Specific features and technical limitations
Duplication of default folders
After certain period of using, some default folders, such as Deleted items, Junk email, etc., may
be duplicated in the Kerio WebMail’s folder tree.
This problem occurs under the following circumstances:
• besides Kerio WebMail, a user connects to his/her mailbox also via an email client which is
not directly supported by Kerio MailServer (e.g. MS Outlook Express),
• this unsupported email client is not in English,
• client applications connects to the server via IMAP.
If the conditions described above are met, the mail client might create its own set of special
folders (they cannot be found at the server since their names are in English there). These
changes are copied by Kerio WebMail.
In MS Outlook Express, the problem can be removed by renaming the critical folders (Sent Items
and Drafts) under Tools → Accounts:
1.Click on the particular email account and click Properties.
2.Select the bottom IMAP folder and change the Sent Items and Drafts folder names (for
details, see figure
Figure 1.18 Renaming folder names in MS Outlook Express
Messages signed in MS Outlook
Senders who use MS Outlook with the Kerio Outlook Connector (however, this problem can arise
even if some obsolete email clients are used) can send digitally signed messages in a format
that is not supported by Kerio WebMail. This problem can be solved by allowing sending of
digitally-signed email messages in MS Outlook as clear text messages.
If your messages are digitally signed, in MS Outlook check the Send clear text signed mes-sage when sending signed messages option under Tools / Options on the Security tab (see
1.19). This option provides that also Kerio WebMail users may read the message.
Chapter 1 Kerio WebMail
Figure 1.19 Setting verification of digitally signed messages in MS Outlook
Note: The settings shown here applies to MS Outlook 2003. For MS Outlook (2000/XP), the
settings may differ slightly. In MS Outlook 2007, these settings may be done under Tools →
Trust Center → E-mail Security
Problems with Back and Forward buttons
Also note that the Back and Forward buttons located in the toolbar of the web browser will
not work properly in Kerio WebMail. Therefore, it is recommended not to use these buttons in
Kerio WebMail.
1.5 Email
The most frequently used folders are email folders. These folders store all email messages of
a particular mailbox. Number of email folders in a mailbox is not limited.
The most essential folder is Inbox. By default, new messages are delivered to this folder. It is
also possible to make the server deliver messages sorted by certain criteria to other folders,
however, this issue will be addressed in chapter 1.12. Inbox is showed at figure 1.20.
Another basic email folder is Sent Items. Here, copies of all messages sent from the mailbox
are stored.
Another email folder to be mentioned is Drafts. This folder stores any messages which have
been started or even completed but not sent.
The three basic folders described above cannot be removed as they belong to so-called default
folders. Details on default folders as well as on other folder types are focused in chapter 1.10.
1.5.1 Toolbar
First, we will focus on the toolbar of email folders to learn about its options:
New mail
This button opens a dialog where new messages can be created and sent (for details, see
chapter 1.5.5).
Reply, Reply All
The button covers two options:
• Reply — a reply to the sender of the message (this option displays the message editor
page; the original message text appears in the body of the reply message).
• Reply All — a reply to the sender and all recipients of the original message; this option
works similarly to the Reply option. This option can be found in the selection menu
of the Reply button.
Click on this button to forward the message to another email address.
Spam/Not spam
The toolbar will show only the button that can change the message status.
The Is spam button marks the selected message as spam. If a message is marked as spam,
the Kerio MailServer spam detection tool will automatically mark all similar messages as
spam (for more information, see chapter
1.5.7). Such messages will be deleted or moved
to Junk E-Mail. Use the Settings option in the General tab to decide if the message should
be deleted permanently or moved to the Deleted items folder (see chapter 1.11.1).
The spam detection tool may occasionally mark a solicited message as spam. In such
cases, it is recommended to use the Not spam option. The subsequent messages that
are similar to the message above will be treated as non-spam (for more information, see
chapter 1.5.7).
1.5 Email
Move or copy
This option moves or copies the message to a selected folder. Users can also click the
selected message and drag it to any of the mail folders in the folder tree.
To print messages, click the Print button. First, the printed page preview appears; then
the standard Print dialog box is displayed.
Click the Delete button to delete the message or move it to the Deleted items folder.
Use the Settings option in the General tab to decide if the message should be deleted
permanently or moved to the Deleted items folder (see chapter 1.11.1).
Messages can be deleted also by the Delete key (in Mac OS X also by Backspace).
Search for:
This button opens a standard box called Search that allows users to find one or more
messages that meet the criteria entered (for more information, see chapter 1.5.9).
Use the Search field to find messages based on their subject or sender. Any search string
(a word, part of a word or character) can be entered in this field. The messages found will
be displayed directly in the main window.
Chapter 1 Kerio WebMail
1.5.2 Message list
In this section, we will focus on how email folders are displayed and how they work. The mail
folders are arranged in a table (list). Each row contains one message and available information.
Information to selected messages are listed in the columns.
Figure 1.20 The Inbox email folder
Each line may include icons referring to other features of the particular message (the description provided below addresses them in the order from left as they may appear in the line):
• Priority — this icon represents the importance of the message. High priority is marked by
a red exclamation mark, whereas a blue downward arrow stands for a low priority message.
Priorities are set by sender. In chapter1.5.5, message priority settings are addressed in
• Attachment — the paperclip icon indicates that the message contains an attachment (i.e.
an attached file).
• Flag — flags are represented by a little red flag icon used to highlight messages (so it is
later easier to find them).
• Icon — these icons indicate different types of messages (forwarded message, spam, invita-
tion, etc.).
• From — the address of the sender.
• Subject — the subject of the message.
• To — the address(es) of the recipient(s).
• Cc — the address(es) of the copy recipients.
• Received — the date/time when the message was received. On the day of receipt, this
column shows only the time data; from the next day on, the date is displayed as well.
1.5 Email
• Date — the day when the message was sent. If the message is received on the same day,
only time data are shown. From the next day on, the date is displayed as well.
• Size — the size of the message in kilobytes.
high priority messages
low priority messages
message flag
unread message
read message
unread spam
read spam
messages already replied
forwarded messages
event (meeting invitation or a reply to an invitation)
task (notice informing of the user’s participation on a task or a reply to such a notice)
Table 1.1 Overview of icons used in message lists
By default, up to 20 messages are listed on one page. To change number of messages displayed
on a single page, use the Settings section in Kerio WebMail (see chapter 1.11.1).
1.5.3 Message reading
New messages are delivered to the Inbox folder by default (folders for incoming messages can
be specified in the rules— see chapter 1.12). The unread messages are marked in bold. The
number of unread messages is indicated in parentheses next to the folder name. Double-click
selected message to open it in a new window (or select a message in the list and press Enter).
The reading pane is an area where the message body is displayed (message body, images, etc.).
There are two options of location of the reading pane (at the bottom or on the right — see
figures 1.21 and 1.22) or it can be hidden. If the window is hidden, message contents are
displayed in separate windows. The reading pane can be enabled or disabled in Settings. For
detailed information on user settings, see chapter 1.11.1.
Chapter 1 Kerio WebMail
Figure 1.21 Message reading
Figure 1.22 The reading pane is located on the right from the list of messages
Message list editing
• Adding and deleting columns
The appearance of the message table can be changed depending on the information shown.
Kerio WebMail enables users to display or hide any of the columns. Columns can be set as
+ 360 hidden pages
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