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The VISA instrument driver supplied with the BHK-MG 200 Watt (Full Rack) and 40 Watt (1/2 Rack) Power Supply is provided to simplify programming with a VISA compatible GPIB controller. The latest driver can be downloaded from the Kepco website ( The driver includes the source code (C) for all VISA functions (kp_BHK.c).
Since the software drivers supplied by Kepco are VISA compliant, they require the installation of the proper VISA driver from your GPIB card supplier. The Kepco website ( provides links to various vendor sites for these drivers.


Kepco’s BHK-MG VISA instrument driver provides programming support for Kepco’s BHK-MG 40 Watt (1/2 Rack) Series Power Supplies (VISA I/O). It contains functions for opening, configuring, taking measure­ments from, test, calibration and closing the instrument. To successfully use this module, the instrument must be connected to the GPIB and the GPIB address supplied to the initialize function must match the GPIB address of the instrument.
Table 1 lists the functions that are available.
Purpose Function Name Description
Initialize KpBhk_init Initializes the instrument and sets it to a default configuration.
APPLICATION FUNCTIONS — This class of functions contains high-level test and measurement routines. These functions call other instrument driver functions to configure, start, and get readings from the instrument.
Set and Measure KpBhk_ApplicSetMeas Used to either set and read back, or just read back the output voltage,
current and operating mode of the power supply
Get/Set Memory Value KpBhk_GetSetListValue This function can either get or set the values stored in any one of the 40
CONFIGURATION FUNCTIONS — This class of functions configures the instrument by setting system configuration parameters.
Get Current Range KpBhk_getCurrRange FULL RACK units only. Gets the current range:
Set Current Range KpBhk_setCurrRange FULL RACK units only. Sets the current range:
Set Maximum Limit Val ue
Get Maximum Limit Val ue
Get Minimum or Maxi­mum Value
KpBhk_SetMaxLimValue Sets the temporary voltage limit or current limit of the power supply.
KpBhk_GetMaxLimValue Gets the maximum limit value of the power supply.
KpBhk_GetMinMaxValue Gets the minimum or the maximum output voltage, output current,
available memory locations. Six parameter values can be stored in any one of the 40 locations: voltage level, current level, overvoltage level, overcurrent level, duration of the setting (if used in a program) and next memory address (if used in a program). Depending on the slide selec­tion position, and the value of get/set switch, one of these values is read or set. The values are checked against the maximum acceptable values for the corresponding power supply.
1 = High range, 0 = Low range
1 = High range, 0 = Low range
The limit reduces the output range of the power supply. For example, the output voltage range of a 0 to 10V power supply can be limited to the range of 0 to 5.25V by setting the voltage limit to 5.25V.
overvoltage level, or overcurrent level of the power supply depending on the min_max switch and slide selection position.
BHK-MG-VISA 010906 3
Purpose Function Name Description
Set Trigger Voltage and Current
Set Trigger Value KpBhk_SetTrigValue Sets the trigger voltage or trigger current level, depending on the switch
Get Trigger Value KpBhk_GetTrigValue Gets the trigger voltage or the trigger current level, depending on the
Set Overvoltage and Overcurrent
Set Protection Delay KpBhk_setProtDelay Sets the protection delay: the delay between the moment the output
Get Protection Delay KpBhk_getProtDelay Displays the protection delay count for the power supply. A count of 30
ACTION/STATUS FUNCTIONS — This class of functions executes commands and queries. It also provides functions which allow the user to determine the current status of the instrument.
Set Voltage and Current KpBhk_Set_Volt_Curr Sets the output voltage and current at the same time.
Set Value KpBhk_SetValue Sets the output voltage, the output current, the overvoltage level, or the
Get Value KpBhk_GetValue Gets the output voltage, the output current, the overvoltage level, or the
Trigger KpBhk_Trig Triggers the instrument once. The output will go to the trigger voltage
Measure Output Value KpBhk_MeasValue Measures the value of output voltage or current depending on the
Get Source Mode KpBhk_GetSourceMode Gets the operating mode of the power supply.
Output On/Off KpBhk_OutputOnOff Sets the output on or off.
Get Output Status KpBhk_getOutputState Returns the output status (on or off).
Get Current Range KpBhk_getCurrRange Gets the operating current range of the power supply.
Set Current Range KpBhk_setCurrRange Sets the operating current range of the power supply
Abort Measurement KpBhk_abortMeas Sends the abort command.
Beep KpBhk_beep The selected BHK-MG power supply will emit a beep.
DATA FUNCTIONS — This class of functions transfers data to or from the instrument.
Questionable Data KpBhk_StatQues Tests for questionable data, then gets the condition.
Run/Stop LIST Program KpBhk_Prog Sends a RUN or STOP LIST program command.
Get Status of LIST Pro­gram
Send Direction of LIST Program
Send Loop Count of LIST Program
KpBhk_SetTrig_Volt_Curr Sets the trigger voltage and trigger current at the same time
switch position.
KpBhk_Set_OVvolt_OVcurr Sets both the overvoltage and overcurrent values.
voltage and current are changed and the moment the overvoltage and overcurrent protections are enabled.
represent ~ 1 second. The protection delay is the delay between the moment the output voltage and current are changed and the moment the overvoltage and overcurrent protections are enabled.
overcurrent level of the power supply, depending on the slide selection position. The values are checked against the maximum acceptable val­ues for the corresponding power supply.
overcurrent level of the power supply depending on slide selection position.
and current values.
switch position.
KpBhk_Prog_Stat Gets status of program: 0 = stopped, 1 = running
KpBhk_Prog_Dir Sends direction to run LIST program (UP or DOWN). Does NOT apply
to 40-step LIST programs available from front panel.
KpBhk_Prog_Count Sends loop count value - how many times the LIST program will run.
Value of 0 = run continuous. Does NOT apply to 40-step LIST pro­grams available from front panel.
4 BHK-MG-VISA 010906
Purpose Function Name Description
Send Loop Count Skip Value of LIST Program
Save/Recall Settings KpBhk_SaveRecSet Saves the current settings to the selected memory location or restores
UTILITY FUNCTIONS — This class of functions provides lower level functions to communicate with the instrument and to change instrument parameters.
Identify Power Supply KpBhk_identify Returns the full message returned by the power supply to the *IDN?
Revision Query KpBhk_RevisionQuery Returns the revision numbers of the instrument driver and instrument
Model Query KpBhk_ModelQuery Return the model number of the BHK-MG power supply.
Serial Number Query KpBhk_SerialnQuery Returns the serial number of the BHK-MG power supply. The serial
Query SCPI Version KpBhk_GetScpiVersion Returns the power supply answer to the Query SCPI Version com-
Set/Reset Keypad Lock KpBhk_setResetKeybLock Locks or unlocks keypad operation. Used to prevent changing the set-
Keypad Lock Status KpBhk_keybLockStat Return the status of the local keypad access: 0 if local access enabled;
Display Text KpBhk_display Configures the front panel display of the instrument. In normal mode
Get Display Text KpBhk_getDisplay Gets the string which is displayed on the second line of the display.
Get Display Contrast KpBhk_getContrast Gets the contrast value of the front panel display of the instrument
Set Display Contrast KpBhk_setContrast Configures the contrast of front panel display of the instrument (value
Write To Instrument KpBhk_writeInstrData This function writes commands and queries to the instrument to modify
Read Instrument Data KpBhk_readInstrData This function reads data from the instrument's output buffer and returns
Reset KpBhk_psReset Resets the instrument to a known state and sends initialization com-
Self-Test KpBhk_selfTest Runs the instrument's self test routine and returns the test result(s).
Error-Query KpBhk_errorQuery Reads an error code from the instrument's error queue.
Error Message KpBhk_errorMessage Takes the Status Code returned by the instrument driver functions,
KpBhk_Prog_Count_Skip Sends skip value used after first pass through LIST program. Repre-
sents loop-back point from which program will be repeated after the first pass through.
previously stored settings from a memory location. The memory loca­tion range is from 1 to 40.
query. This message contains four fields: manufacturer, power supply type, serial number and firmware version.
firmware version from the *idn? query. This instrument driver's Revision Number is "Rev 1.0, 9/95, CVI 3.1" and the BHK-MG firmware version is Firmware Version "1.0". This data is necessary when requesting technical support.
number is extracted from the answer to the *idn? query.
mand. Checks the Standard Commands for Programmable Instru­ments (SCPI) language version.
tings of the power supply from the local keypad.
1 if local access is disabled.
the values measured at the output of the power supply are displayed. In text mode a user defined string can be displayed on the second row of the display.
(between 0.1 and 0.9).
between 0.1 and 0.9).
parameters and query device settings.
it to the specified variable in memory. Because the instrument may return both numeric and text data in response to queries, this function returns the data in string format. NOTE: If valid data is not available at the instrument's output buffer when this function is called, the instru­ment will hang up and the function will not return until it times out. If the time-out is disabled,` this function will hang indefinitely and it may be necessary to reboot the computer to break out.
mands to the instrument.
interprets it and returns it as a user readable string.
BHK-MG-VISA 010906 5
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