Kenwood RC-R0905 User Manual

About this remote control...
;,'c"iDared to staouara ^er^ote controls, this remote control has several operation modes. These modes enable the re-^.ote control to control other audio/vicJeo components. In order to effectively use the remote centro. T s imoortant to read the operating instructions and obtain a proper understanding of the remote
“ontroi and hov. to switch its ooeration modes (etc.!
.in ''o the control without completely understanding its design and how to switch the operation
'"Does mav 'es,. • m incorrect operations.
B60-3275-00 CH (K) .WSi 98/12 11 10987654321 97/12 11 10 9 8
Thank you for purchasing the RC-R0905 universal remote control unit from KENWOOD. This remote control unit is an optional unit designed for use with KENWOOD audio video receivers 1090VR and 1060VR.
For customers with the 1090VR, you can use this remote control specifically for ROOM B, allowing you to leave separate remote controls in each room. See the instruction manual supplied with your 1090VR for details.
For customers with the 1060VR, this remote control's FutureSet upgrade feature allows you to register and control components that could not be registered with the supplied remote control.
The input names and display information shown in this manual are those corresponding to the 1090VR audio video receiver. Likewise, the instructions regarding OSD operations are for 1090VR only. When using this remote control with the 1060VR, some of the input names and display information will be different. For details regarding the input names and display informations of the 1060VR, please refer to the instruction manual supplied with your receiver.
• AvoiT. leav-g f'-e n a •'eel sunligh! r - near a source heat, sucf as a heatef
Water and moisture
•.Avoiu leavihg the t where t may be subject to high humid.ty
Getting started
Special features Names and functions of parts ^ ^ ^ Preparing the remote control » .
Operations .... ...
Set up code chart ™ In case of difficulty » » » Specifications Remote operation of other components
Cleaning the unit
• When the unit becomes dirty, wipe u w‘th a dry silicon cloth or a sott cioth Do not use thinnen benzine, etc., as these could lead to discoloration.
introduction Precautions
Registering setup codes for other components Operating other components ChtT'g'ng iconfimning) the operation mode Preparing for automatic operations (MACRO play)
Execi-'ting an automatic operation................................................................................................... 12
Controlling the sound in another room (ROOM B) (for 1090VR}.........................................................13
FutureSet upgrade option....................................................................................................................14
Setup code correlation........................................................................................................................ 16
, , ™ .
3 4 5
23 24
RC-ROaOñ [En¡
Universal IR (InfraRed) remote control
[n addition to the basic receiver operations, this remote control can also operate almost al! of your remote controllable audio ana
video components. Just follow the simple setup procedure to register the components you have connected.
Dual IR emitters
This remote control has two IR emitters: one to send commands in a straight line ove r long distances, allowing you to control the receiver and your other components from farther away; and one for wide dispersion of commands in a closer proximity, for near­field operation even when the remote control is not pointed directly at the respective component. -._5.
MACRO piay
The MACRO function lets you perform a senes of operations automatically, like turning ON the power of the receiver and connected components, switching the input selectors, and starting playback. (Be sure to register your components before starting tne macro set up procedure.)
FutureSet, automatic update feature
This tynction lets you update the remote control sc it can operate new components which do not appear m the setup code list at the ena of the manual. Theretom tne remote control will always be compatible. “jC

For the U.S,A.

I " 5 generare c use ran
"'.an hcat O"? are exo'esslv acnroven
c-a-Qf. n'oa'h.r.atiO'' 's r^^ade
Tn;s eau'0'^’f’'n has Dee^' tested and fcune ’ ' nc'-itaiv W'*'' tp 'or a Class В digital device, pursuant to Part 1 5 of the FCC Rules. These limits am oes g'leu :c crovoe reasor'iaoie pmie..: a,ga ' ■■'terference in a resiaential ¡r'-stailation. This equipment may cause harmful
■'teuemnce to maio communications. ■■ - -m '-s'a-eo а-п; ased m accordance with the instructions However, there is no guarantee that mtederence w:'i not occur a particular '^'sta aonn • s m.o.ionie"’* does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can he oete^rr.-.ned bv turning tne eauipment of* am:; o". тгет s encouraged to tw to correctthe interference by one or more of the following measures' — Reorient or relocate tne receiving anie''na — increase me seoaration oetwee'" tne еаи-о'пе'Ч a''c 'ece'ven — Connect tne eouicnient -nto an outlet o" a crcuh q.t'erent mom that to which the receiver is connected. — Ccnsuit tne oea e' or an епоепепсео ran о ^ 'em'-nc a'' 'or he:p
ge:; or modifications to tnis equipment may cause harmful interference unless
Tne user could lose the authority to operate this equipment if an unauthorized
RC-R09ÜS (Enl
0 POWER key -
Use to to''-' 'OP receiver on and o'’ Use coo'.omaticn wii'i the inp^^t se *-­1 AUDIO V DEO. or TV.i Keys ar'd ■ . Pv to t'.,!" va'icus ccvriDonents on ano c"
O MACRO key - ’o
usi- cn''"0 nat c" vvitn me Aof' O' ODEO O' '"■■■■. f.eys to execute a sp'-p conmoT'os aotori'at'CSi'y iWACRQ ^0 a
© VIDEO selector key - b
Selects t'le ymeo mpuTs (VIDEO ■. V-'O 2 VIDEOS VIDE04 AVAUX)anoset' " rp^'ctp to ooe'a'.e the consponent -p,; Ipre'ti at me 'esoective input
O Multi control keys ~ -’j
use m operate tr^e selecteo compor'--- ■
Use to operate me on-screer'. aispiay u- '
0 REC key -. 2-
Use to operate me selected compone":
O TUNING/SKIP key -„24
Use G'..ring me setup procedure to spec 'y various settings. Use to operate The tunp" O' selected component
Use in compmation with the VOLUME ir e vs toad u St the volume of me subwoofer
Use m corr.hrnation with the numeric keys to execute alternate commands.
O Numeric keys
p'ov.oe functions Identical to those of the o''a-''a' remote supplied with the compo nen' you are controliing. Tr .'.(■■•cess the functions printed above the
Press within 3 seconds of pressing t'-n ' uijCTiOM SHIFT key. Function avall an ty vanes for each component.
© SHIFT key
■jsn ■■ compmation with the AUDIO and VIDEO keys to Change the remote control mode without changing the input selector or •’ cc'hDination with the POWER key to
tu'n on ano ott components programmed
into the remote.
© TV selector key C
Set'r the remote to operate a TV or cable 00' 'f \ 1. TV 2. CABLE). This key does not
ci'ia'’.ge me input selector on the receiver.
© AUDIO selector key ~
Selects the audio inputs (CD, TAPE1/MD. TUNER, PHONO) and sets the remote to operate the respective KENWOOD audio component If you connect audio components from KENWOOD and other makers to the TAPE1/MD or CD jacks, you can set the remote to operate these components by registering the appropriate setup code at the respective input.
© GUIDE key -¿1
Use to activate the OSD menu functions of registered components.
© VOLUME key
Use to adjust the receiver volume.
© MUTE key
Use to temporarily mute the sound.
© SOUND key
Use to activate the Sound OSD and set the remote to OSD control mode (for 1090VR). Use to adjust the bass, treble, and input level (for 1060VR).
Use to select the desired surround mode.
© SETUP key
Use to activate the Setup OSD and set the remote to OSD control mode (for 1090VR). Use to adjust the surround setup (for 1060VR).

Loading the batteries

O Remove the cover.
1. Replace a.if four batteries with new ones when you notice a snortening of the distance from which the remote control will operate or if the
remote control bunks 5 times when you push a key Tne remote control is designed to retain set ud cooes in memory while you change batteries.
2. Placing the remote sensor in direct sunlight, or n direct light from a high frequency fluorescent lamp may cause a malfunction. In such a case, change tne location or tne systenn installation to prevent malfunction.
O Insert the batteries.
Insert four AAA-size (LR03) batteries as indicated by the polarity markings.
O Close the cover.
RC-RG905 [En]

Operating distance

This remote conirol has two IR emitters one to send commands iri a suaighi line over long distances, allowing you to control the '■eceiver a'^d your other comooneots from farther away; and one tor wioe dispersion of commands m a closer prox-mity. for near­field operaiion even when tne remott' cor^hrol is not pointed o recfcy tne respective component
RerTiote sensoi
6 n- i
30 30
The remote control supplied with this receiver is also capable of controlling components from a variety of manufacturers once
0 you register the appropriate setup codes into the remote control unit.
Refer to "Remote operation of other components" for details about the operations available for each component. - 24
Wnen registering setup codes for KENWOOD audio components which are connected to this unit by system control cords, use the following codes to insure proper system control operation: Cassette; 7000, CD; 8099, MD; 9000, To control other KENWOOD components (VCRs, LD players, audio components not connected with system control coras, etc.) fo'low the procedure described below.

Low battery warning

Replace all four paueries with new ones vv'hen yo.j notice a sr-iortening of the distance from wmch the '"er^mte connoi wih ooeraie or c me re-'-'Ote co”tro:
blinks 5 times vvhef' vou Dush a key The remote conrcl iS designed to retain set up codes m memory while 'vO'.j change catteries
Registering setup codes for other components

Find the setup code of the component to be registered.

Refer to the setup code lists to find the setup code for the component to be registered. - 17 Example: To register a CD made by KENWOOD, you would enter"8037" If you own a new component that is not covered by the setup code list, you can use the FutureSet upgrade feature.

Hold down the ENT key until the backlight flashes twice and remains lit.

Select the component to be registered.
input Component
(CD: CD piaver VIDEO 1
•.At tr"s time all inputs oecorne ava'iable regardless of any earlier reo'stratio".
TV 1
TV 2
6626, 8037 ,AUDIO
Perform each of the following steps within 5 seconds.
Press the VIDEO, AUDIO, or TV key repeatedly to select the de sired component
o Q o
2 VIDE02 (LD)
3 VIDE03 (VCR) ^ VIDE04(DSS)
Example : To register the component connected to the VIDEO 1 lacks. select ''VIDEO 1 (SAT:i'.
r n T
.. I r"i I
TV key
1 TV1
I 2 TV2
L- 3

Enter the setup code.

Press POWER, and check to see that the component you want to control turns on.

RC-RD905 iEn}
• ExarTiDle- Press 5258 to register a LD player maae by KENWOOD.
• Tne Dackiignt flasnes once eac'" time a number is eme'ed.
• P an invalid setuo code is e'^terea tne 'emote will output one long Dlm.iv □isregara that coae a.”id mtur'' to tne beginning of steo 4.
• If you push an invalid Key, the remote wiH exit tne setup mode
• PLAY or TUNING/SKIP can also be used instead of POWER
• it tne cor^'iDonent ooes not react, and tnere is more thar" one setup code, enter anotner setup coae and try again.
• It the component is already on. pressing POWER will turn it oft.

Press the ENT key to store the code you have just input

The backlight flashes twice
Repeat steps 3to6 for all components you
want to control.

Hold down the ENT key until the backlight flashes twice.

• Tnis code replaces any previous setup codes entered rorthe respective component.
d you have comoonents that am not remote controllable, like a recora
olaver (etc.), you wi' need to register a Non-IR code at the respective
incut. This keens the respective mput rn the remote control's cyclic list
so vou can select it using the remote control Please consult the owner's rrianual of the components you are connecting tor information 'egardiog mmote coi^trollabiliiy. The list of Non-IR cooes is included at
the beginning of the Set up code chart. -JL
• This operation should ta<e about 3 seconds.
• Once registerea, the display on tne receiver shows the component type instead of the default input name.
Example: if you register a VCR at the VIDEO 1 sacks, "VCR" appears
nsteaa of "VIDEO KSAT)"
• Botn tne default input name and the component type (¡.e., " VIDE01
'VCR' ") are shown irr the on screen display when the OSD mode is set to ON (for 1 090VRk
• After initial setup, any VIDEO (VIDEO 1,2, 3, 4) or TV 101/1, TV2, CABLE)
inputs that nave not been program,med with a setup code or Non-IR coae are deleted Tom the cyclic list (except for the "AV AUX" VIDEO inputi. The PHONO input will be deleted if a Non-IR code was not registered
• The INPUT SELECTOR on the front panel ot the receiver always cycles
through 3'i inputs
eac" setL.p coae ,s oes c'en m w
tries mav 0"' V operate so'"^ of thr
s'umber of different models, certain coaes may not work with some moaels. (Also,
a-.-ailapie on a oiven m-odel.)
RC-RD9D5 [En)
Keys or controls usea tn this ope-'anon
Operating other components
This operation lets you operate the registered components. KENWOOD audio components with system control turn on and off automatically with the receiver via the system control connections.
• Pressing the VIDEO or AUDIO key aiso cnanges the input selector on
tl'ie leoeiver. If you do not want to change the current input, press the
SHIFT key before step O. - .9.. VIDEO key
VIDEO! (VCR 1) 2 V1DE02 (VCR 2) 3 VIDEOS (LD)


• Pressing the SHIFT key is only required when turning the selected component on or off. Pressing the POWER key directy turns the receiver on ana off.
• See "Remote operation of other components" at the end of this manual for a list of keys available with each component. ~JS.
1 CD (CD) 2 TAPE1/MD
TV key
2 TV2
The remote control mode remains in the set at the compo
nent selected in step O mode until you select another component (etc.).
Be su'p tc oom’ the remote ' r-.
INbt'^ svsten- co^'hoi co'ds Otnr-'.-,
01 at r'-e sensor O" the receiver wnen you want to operate KENWOOD components connected by
point tn.' re-nore contml at the component you want to operate.
This operation lets you change the remote control operation mode without changing the input selector. You may find this useful when you want to control one component while using another. {For example, if you want to rewind the tape deck while listening to a CD.) This operation is also useful if you don't know the which mode the remote control is set to. Executing this operation allows you to change or reconfirm the operation mode you desire.

Press SHIFT.

RC-R0905 (En)
Keys or controls used in this operation.
To operate a TV, start from, step S.
Go to step 2 within 3 seconds.

Select the component to be controlled.

Press the VIDEO, AUDIO or TV key repeatedly to display the re mote control mode for the com ponent you want to control.
O 2 O
Execute the desired operations.
Sf G
Tne component to be controlled is displayed n parenthesis
• Pressing any other keys after the SHIFT key cancels the shift function
and sends the .normal code associated with the respective key.
• The input selector does not change during this operation.
• The remote control mode is shown in the on screen display when the OSD mode is set to ON (for 1090VR).
• If you press VIDEO or AUDIO key more than 3 seconds after pressing the SHIFT key, the input selector changes together with the operation mode.
See "Remote operation of other components" for a list of keys available with each component. - J4..
The operation mode remains set at the component specified in step 2.
To return control to the original component, press SHIFT and then press the VIDEO or AUDIO key to return to the original control nnode.
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