AC power input to the AC inlet of the CPU unit passes
through the units shown below and reaches the output
CPU unit →Power supply unit E/6 → CPU unit → Power
transformer → Power supply unit D/6 → Power supply
unit C/6 → Amplifier unit → Power supply unit E/6
Output terminals
The CPU unit has an AC inlet. AC power input to the
AC inlet passes through a nois e-reducing capac itor,
protection fuse, and input v oltage selec tor switch, and
reaches the power supply unit E/6 provided with the
main switch. When the main switch is thrown, the AC
power returns to the CPU unit once and is input to the
power trans former. The AC power insulated by the
power transformer and transformed to the voltage,
which depends on the model, is rectified by t he power
supply unit D/6, smoothed by the power supply unit C/6,
controlled to the set value by the amplifier unit, and is
output through the output terminals of the power supply
unit B/6.
The PW-A power supply unit has as many routes as the
number of ouputs following the power transformer.
In addition to these units, the PW-A power supply unit
consists of power s upply unit A/6, dis play unit, and
CPU unit. The power supply unit A/6 generates power
for the internal circ uits, the display unit serves as the
interface, and the CPU unit controls the power and
executes various func tions.
The IF-40RS/GU/USB option provides the PW-A power
supply unit with remote control funct ions.
The YB option (factory option) is also av ailable. This
factory option provides the PW-A power supply unit
with quicker voltage descent when the out put is off.
With the input unit is connected with the amplifier unit,
the YB option discharges electric charge f rom the
output capacitors and lowers the v oltage quickly.
PANEL UNIT (X66-182)
(A number is a number of a block diagram)
1. Rotary encoder (S25) ---- Rotary encoder for a setup
attached to a front panel. When it turns in the direction
of a clockwise rotation, COM is cont acted in order of A
and B, and it is set t o L level. If it is an opposite
direction, it will become the order of B and A.
2. LED driver (IC1) Driver, which makes voltage
display LED turns on.
3. Voltage display LED (ED 1-4, D1) -- 7 segment LED
that displays a voltage v alue. D1 is a minus.
4. LED driver (IC2) -- Driver, which makes the current
display LED, turn on.
5. Current display LED (ED 5-8, D2) -- 7 segment LED
which displays a current value. D2 is a minus.
6. LED driver (IC3) -- LED with a switch and Driver,
which makes LED turn on
7. LED with switch (S1-12, S15-18, S21, S22, and S24)
---- LED for a display of eac h function and the switch for
a setup. LED is turned on by the driver, a switch
constitutes a matrix and scan is carried out f rom CPU.
Therefore, the switch and LED are separated in circuit .
8. Tact switch (S13, 14, 19, 20, 23) Switch for an
each setup. The matrix is const ituted with LED with
switch, and sc an is carried out from CPU.
9. Light Emitting Diode (D3-11) -- LED for each dis play.
LED which displays the beam of output and setting
change. The beam of setting change makes a voltage
and current side turns on by t he same s ignal. It is
driven by LED driver (IC3).
Details of a signal
CS* -- Data is taken in by putting in H pulse after a
serial data (16Bit) input.
DATA -- The Serial data input (16Bit)
CLK -- IC clock pulse which operates IC, the s erial data
of DATA is taken in in the st andup of this pulse.
Power supply unit X68-2210-xx is divided into six of AF, and each has another function. Moreover, PC boards
of PW16-5ADP differ for the circuit composit ion
different from other models, and PW16-5ADP becomes
(A number is a number of a block diagram)
X68-2210(2300)-xx A/6
The unit which makes the power supply for int ernal
1. Rectification, flat and smooth circuit -- It rectifies
and carries out flat and smooth the power supply used
by the digital system used in a CPU unit.
The voltage after being flat and smooth is about DC9V.
2. Regulation circuit
-- The output of the above 1 is
regulated to DC5V.
The consumption current in a CPU
unit is about 350mA, when IF unit is connected, it is
about 450mA.
3. Rectification, flat and smooth circuit -- It rectifies
and carries out flat and smooth the power supply used
by CH1 and 2 side among the power supplies of the
analog system used in an amplifier unit. The voltage
after being flat and smooth is about DC±17V. In AQ,
the power supply system here is used for 4CH(s) for
the same COM. ±12V is regulated in an amplifier unit.
Regulation circuit -- The output of t he above 3 is
regulated to DC±5V.
Consumption current is about
200mA, respectively.
5. Rectification, flat and smooth circuit -- It rectifies
and carries out flat and smooth the power supply used
by CH3 and 4 side among the power supplies of the
analog system used in an amplifier unit. The voltage
after being flat and smooth is about DC ±17V.
(modification 02 to 04 and 08, X68-2300-00 are no
used) ±12V is regulated in an amplifier unit.
6. Regulation circuit
-- The output of the above 5 is
regulated to DC ±5V.
Consumption current is about
200mA, respectively. (modificat ion 02 to 04 and 08,
X68-2300-00 are no used)
7. Regulation circuit
-- Power supply±12V used in t he
circuit of 8 t o 12 are made. For power consumption, 12V are about 30 to 40mA. +12 is about 10mA.
8. Heat detection circuit -- The heat of an exhaust gas
is detected with t he thermistor of TH101
9. OHA signal generating circuit -- If a fixed value wit h