Kenwood KNA-G431 User Manual

Read this manual carefully before starting to operate the Kenwood Car Navigation System and follow the manual’s instructions. Kenwood is not liable for problems or accidents resulting from failure to observe the instructions in this manual.
Lea el manual cuidadosamente antes de poner en funcionamiento este Sistema de Navegación Kenwood y siga las instrucciones del manual. Kenwood no se hace responsable de los problemas o accidentes derivados de no seguir las instrucciones de este manual.
Leia com muita atenção este manual antes de começar a utilizar o Sistema de Navegação Kenwood Car e siga as instruções do manual. A Kenwood não é responsável por problemas ou acidentes resultantes da falta de cumprimento das instruções contidas neste manual.
Garmin® is a trademark of Garmin Ltd. or its subsidiaries, registered in the USA and other countries. XM Radio and XM NavTrafc are trademarks of XM Satellite
Radio Inc. SiRF, SiRFstar and the SiRF logo are registered trademarks of SiRF Technology, Inc. SiRFstarIII and SiRF Powered are trademarks of SiRF Technology.•
Garmin® es una marca comercial registrada de Garmin Ltd. o de sus subsidiarias y no se podrá utilizar sin autorización expresa de Garmin. SiRF, SiRFstar y el
logotipo de SiRF son marcas comerciales registradas de SiRF Technology, Inc. SiRFstarIII y SiRF Powered son marcas comerciales de SiRF Technology.
Garmin® é uma marca registada de Garmin Ltd. ou das suas subsidiárias, não podendo ser utilizada sem a autorização expressa da Garmin. SiRF, SiRFstar e o
logótipo SiRF são marcas registadas da SiRF Technology, Inc. SiRFstarIII e SiRF Powered são marcas registadas da SiRF Technology.
January 2008 Part Number 190-00834-04 Rev. A Printed in Taiwan
Table of ConTenTs
Warning ..................................................iv
Caution ....................................................v
Software License Agreement
First Time Setup ......................... 1
Find It and Go! ............................ 2
Finding a Restaurant ............................. 2
Following Your Route ............................. 3
Where To? ................................... 4
Finding an Address ............................... 4
Finding a Place Using the Map .............. 5
Understanding the Information Page ..... 6
Finding Recently Found Places ............ 6
Finding Places in a Different Area .......... 7
Narrowing Your Search .......................... 7
My Locations .............................. 8
Saving Places You Find ......................... 8
Saving Your Current Location ................ 8
Setting a Home Location ........................ 9
Finding Saved Places ............................ 9
KNA-G431 Instruction Manual iii
Editing Saved Places ........................... 10
Deleting a Saved Place .........................11
The Map and Other Tools ......... 12
Viewing the Map Page ......................... 12
Trip Computer ...................................... 13
Turn List ............................................... 13
GPS Info Page ..................................... 14
Creating and Editing Routes ... 15
Creating a New Saved Route .............. 15
Editing a Saved Route ......................... 16
Adding Stops to Your Route ................. 17
Saving the Active Route ....................... 18
Navigating a Saved Route ................... 18
Recalculating the Route ....................... 18
Deleting All Saved Routes ................... 18
Stopping Your Route ............................ 18
Adding a Detour to a Route ................. 18
Adding Avoidances .............................. 19
Using The Logs ......................... 20
Adjusting the Track Log ....................... 20
Using the Mileage Logs ....................... 20
Trafc Information .................... 21
Viewing Trafc Events .......................... 21
Avoiding Trafc .................................... 22
Changing the Trafc Settings ............... 23
Adding a Trafc Subscription ............... 24
Changing the Settings ............. 25
Adjusting the Volume ........................... 25
Changing the General Settings ............ 25
Changing the Map Settings .................. 28
Changing the Navigation Settings ........ 30
Viewing Unit Information (About) ......... 31
Restoring the Settings .......................... 31
Appendix ................................... 32
Using the Remote Control .................... 32
Updating Software and Map Data ........ 32
Clearing All User Data .......................... 32
Custom POIs (Points of Interest) ......... 33
Index .......................................... 34


This manual uses the term Warning to indicate a potentially hazardous situation, which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.
Failure to avoid the following potentially hazardous situations could result in an accident or collision resulting in death or serious injury.
When navigating, carefully compare information displayed on the unit to all available navigation sources, including information from street signs, visual sightings, and maps. For safety, always resolve any discrepancies or
questions before continuing navigation.
Always operate the vehicle in a safe manner. Do not become distracted by the unit while driving, and always be fully aware of all driving conditions. Minimize the amount of time spent viewing the screen of the unit while driving and use voice prompts when possible.
Do not enter destinations, change settings, or access any functions requiring prolonged use of the unit’s controls while driving. Pull over in a safe and legal manner before attempting such operations.
Keep the system’s volume at a low enough level to be able to hear outside noises while driving. If you can no longer hear outside noises, you may be unable to react adequately to the trafc situation. This may
cause accidents.
iv KNA-G431 Instruction Manual
This navigation system can be used when the ignition key is turned to
ON or ACC. However, to preserve the battery, it should be used with the engine running whenever possible. Using the navigation system for a long time with the engine switched off can cause the battery to run
The navigation system will not display the correct current position of the vehicle the rst time it is used after purchase, or if the battery has been removed for a long time. GPS satellite signals will soon be received, however, and the correct position will be displayed.
Be careful of the surrounding temperature. Using the navigation system at extremely high or low temperatures can lead to malfunction or damage. Also note that the unit can be damaged by strong vibration or metal objects or by water getting inside.


This manual uses the term Caution to indicate a potentially hazardous situation, which, if not avoided, may result in minor injury or property damage. It may also be used without the symbol to alert you to avoid unsafe practices.
Failure to avoid the following potentially hazardous situations may result in injury or property damage.
The unit is designed to provide you with route suggestions. It does not reect road closures or road conditions, trafc congestion, weather conditions, or other factors that may affect safety or timing while
Use the unit only as a navigational aid. Do not attempt to use the unit for any purpose requiring precise measurement of direction, distance, location, or topography.
The Global Positioning System (GPS) is operated by the United States government, which is solely responsible for its accuracy and maintenance. The government’s system is subject to changes which could affect the accuracy and performance of all GPS equipment, including the unit. Although the unit is a precision navigation device, any navigation device can be misused or misinterpreted and, therefore,
become unsafe.
Important Information
MAP DATA INFORMATION: One of the goals of Garmin is to provide customers with the most complete and accurate cartography that is available to us at a reasonable cost. We use a combination of governmental and private data sources, which we identify in product literature and copyright messages displayed to the consumer. Virtually all data sources contain inaccurate or incomplete data to some extent. In some countries, complete and accurate map information is either not available or is prohibitively expensive.
The California Electronic Waste Recycling Act of 2003 requires the recycling of certain electronics. For more information on the applicability to this product, see
KNA-G431 Instruction Manual v

Software License Agreement

Garmin grants you a limited license to use the software embedded in this device (the “Software”) in binary executable form in the normal operation of the product. Title, ownership rights, and intellectual property rights in
and to the Software remain in Garmin.
You acknowledge that the Software is the property of Garmin and is protected under the United States of America copyright laws and international copyright treaties. You further acknowledge that the structure, organization, and code of the Software are valuable trade secrets of Garmin and that the Software in source code form remains a valuable trade secret of Garmin. You agree not to decompile, disassemble, modify, reverse assemble, reverse engineer, or reduce to human readable form the Software or any part thereof or create any derivative works based on the Software. You agree not to export or re-export the Software to any country in violation of the export control laws of the United States of America.
Information on Disposal of Old Electrical and Electronic Equipment (applicable for EU countries that have adopted separate waste collection systems)
Products with the symbol (crossed-out wheeled bin) cannot be
disposed as household waste. Old electrical and electronic equipment should be recycled at a facility capable of handling these items and their waste by products. Contact your local authority for details in locating a recycle facility nearest to you. Proper recycling and waste disposal will help conserve resources whilst preventing detrimental effects on our health and the environment.
vi KNA-G431 Instruction Manual

first time setuP

firsT Time seTup
The rst time you use your Kenwood Navigation System, you need to complete a series of steps to setup the system. These steps normally have to be performed only once.
Select a language
Select your current time zone
Select whether you want your system to auto-adjust for daylight saving time
Select your preferred units of measure (statute or metric)
KNA-G431 Instruction Manual 1

find it and Go!

find iT and Go!
Follow the instructions on the next two pages to nd a place and go to it!

Finding a Restaurant

Touch Where To.
Touch a food category.
2 KNA-G431 Instruction Manual
Touch Food, Hotel….
Touch a place.
Touch Food & Drink.
Touch Go To.
find it and Go!

Following Your Route

Follow the route to your destination using the map. As you travel, the navigation system guides you to your destination with voice prompts, arrows, and directions along the top of the map. If you depart from the original route, the navigation system recalculates the route and provides new route instructions.
Your route is marked
with a green line.
For more information about using the map and the other tools, see pages 12–14.
Follow the arrows. A checkered ag marks
your destination.
KNA-G431 Instruction Manual 3

Where to?


Finding an Address

Where To?
From the Menu page, touch
Where To. Touch Address.
Enter the street name and
touch Done.
4 KNA-G431 Instruction Manual
Select a state. Select a city
or enter a postal code.
Select the street. Select the
city, if necessary.
Enter the address number
and touch Done.
Select the address, if
necessary. Touch Go To.
Where to?
Finding a Place Using theUsing the Map
From the Menu page, touch View Map. You can also touch Where to > Browse Map. Touch anywhere on the map to recenter the map on that location.
Touch any object on the map. Touch Review.
Touch Go To or Advanced.
Tips for Browsing the Map
• Use the and icons to zoom in and out.
• Touch an object on the map. The map recenters on that location, and an arrow appears pointing at the object you selected.
• Touch page; for more information, see the next page.
• Touch selected by the pointer to your Favorites.
• Touch
Review to open the location’s information
Save As Favorite to save the location
Back to return to the previous screen.
KNA-G431 Instruction Manual 5
Where to?

Understanding the Information Page

When you nd a location, select it in the search results
list to open the item’s information page.
Information Page
Touch Go To to create and follow a route to this location. Touch Advanced to view other options for this location:
Insert in Current Route—add this point as the next
stop in your route.
Add As Favorite—add this location to your
Favorites. For more information, see page 8.
Find Near Point—nd a location near this point.
Browse Map—view this location on the map.
6 KNA-G431 Instruction Manual

Finding Recently Found Places

The last 50 places you have found are stored in Recent
Touch Where To > Recent Finds.
Select an item from the search results list.
Touch Category to display recent nds from a certain category, such as Food, Hotel….
Where to?

Finding Places in a Different Area

You can search for locations in a different area, such as a
different city or near your destination.
From the search results list, touch Near….
Select one of the search options.

Narrowing Your Search

To narrow your search, you can spell part of the name of the location you are searching for.
From the search results list, touch Spell.
Enter part of the name and touch Done.
KNA-G431 Instruction Manual 7

my Locations

my loCaTions

Saving Places You Find

After you have found a place you want to save, select it in the results list.
Touch Advanced.
Touch Add As Favorite.

Saving Your Current Location

From the Menu page, touch View Map.
Touch anywhere on the map.
Touch Save As Favorite.
8 KNA-G431 Instruction Manual
my Locations

Setting a Home Location

You can set a Home Location for the place you return to most often. From the Menu page, touch Where To.
Touch Go Home.
After you set your Home Location, touch Where To and then touch Go Home.
Select an option.
Touch Save Home.

Finding Saved Places

From the Menu page, touch Where To.
Touch My Locations.
Touch Favorites.
Touch a saved place.
KNA-G431 Instruction Manual 9
my Locations

Editing Saved Places

From the Menu page, touch Tools > My Data > Favorites.
Touch Edit/Review Favorites.
Touch the item you want to edit.
Touch the item you want to edit.
Name—enter a new name for the location using the on-screen keyboard. Location—edit the location of the place; you can use the map or enter
new coordinates using the keyboard.
Elevation—enter the elevation of the saved place. Category—assign this place to a category; touch to view the
Touch Edit.
Symbol—select a symbol that is shown on the map for this location.
10 KNA-G431 Instruction Manual
my Locations

Deleting a Saved Place

From the Menu page, touch Tools > My Data > Favorites.
Touch Delete Favorites.
Touch Delete.
Touch By Selection.
By Selection—touch each location and delete it individually. By Category—select one category to delete all of the locations assigned
to that category.
Delete All—removes all saved places from your Favorites.
Touch a saved location.
KNA-G431 Instruction Manual 11

the maP and other tooLs

The map and oTher Tools

Viewing the Map Page

From the Menu page, touch View Map to open the map. Touch an area of the map to see additional information, as shown below. The position icon shows your current location.
While navigating a route, touch the blue text
bar to open the Turn List. See page 13.
Touch to zoom in.
Touch to zoom out.
The distance to the next turn.
Touch the Speed or Arrival
data eld to open the Trip
Touch the map to view and
browse a 2-D map.
Map Page while Navigating a Route
Computer. See page 13.
12 KNA-G431 Instruction Manual
the maP and other tooLs

Trip Computer

The Trip Computer indicates your current speed and provides helpful statistics about your trip.
To view the Trip Computer, select on the map. Or, from the Menu page, touch Tools >
Navigation > Trip Computer.
of travel
Touch Reset Trip to reset all information on the Trip
Computer. To reset the Maximum Speed, touch Reset
Trip Computer, select Speed or Arrival
Current speed
Distance to your nal

Turn List

The Turn List displays a list of turn-by-turn instructions for your entire route as well as arrival information.
While navigating a route, touch the green text bar on the map page to open the Turn List. Or, from the Menu page,
touch Tools > Navigation > Turn List.
Direction of this turn
Distance to this turn
Turn directions
Touch View All to see all the turns in the route. Touch
and to scroll through the list.
Touch a turn to see the turn on a map (the Next Turn page). Touch and to scroll through all the turns in the route. Touch and to zoom in and out of the turn on the map.
KNA-G431 Instruction Manual 13
the maP and other tooLs

GPS Info Page

From the Menu page, touch the signal strength bars in
the upper left corner to view the GPS Info page. Or, from the Menu page, touch Tools > Navigation > GPS Info.
Sky view
Satellite signal
strength bars
The sky view shows the satellites you are receiving. The satellite signal strength bars indicate the strength of each satellite you are receiving. A solid bar indicates the GPS satellite is ready for use.
GPS Settings
From the Menu page, touch Settings > General > GPS. You can also access the GPS Settings by touching the
GPS Settings button on the GPS Info page.
Use Indoors—touch Yes to turn the GPS receiver off. Set Position
enabled. Select your location on the map and touch OK. WAAS/EGNOS—disable and enable WAAS/EGNOS.
WAAS and EGNOS are systems of satellites and ground stations that provide GPS signal corrections, giving you even better position accuracy. To learn about WAAS and EGNOS, visit
—set your position, if Use Indoors is
14 KNA-G431 Instruction Manual

creatinG and editinG routes

CreaTinG and ediTinG rouTes

Creating a New Saved Route

From the Menu page, touch Tools > My Data > Routes.
Touch Create New
Saved Route.
To add a stop, touch Yes, then
touch Next. Select the point.
Select an option and touch
Next. Select the starting point.
Select your preference
and touch Next.
Select an option and touch
Next. Select the ending point.
Touch Finish.
KNA-G431 Instruction Manual 15
creatinG and editinG routes

Editing a Saved Route

From the Menu page, touch Tools > My Data > Routes.
Touch Edit/Review Routes.
Touch the item to edit.
Touch the route to edit.
Rename—enter a new name for the route using the on-screen keyboard. Edit/Review Points—add, arrange, remove, re-order, and review points
in the route. For more info, see the next page.
Change Preference—change calculation preference to Faster Time,
Shorter Distance, or Off Road.
Delete Route—delete this route.
Touch Edit.
16 KNA-G431 Instruction Manual
creatinG and editinG routes

Adding Stops to Your Route

You can add midpoints (also called via points or stops) to your route as you create it, as described on page 15. You can also add points to your route when you edit the route, as described below. Follow the steps on the previous page
to begin editing the route.
Touch where you to want to
Touch Edit/Review Points.
Touch a method and then
select the point.
Touch Add.
Add points as necessary.
Touch Done when nished.
add the point.
Auto Arrange—arranges the points
to provide the shortest route.
Remove—touch the point you want
to remove and then touch Remove.
Re-Order—touch the point to move
and touch Move Up or Move Down. Touch Done when nished.
KNA-G431 Instruction Manual 17
creatinG and editinG routes

Saving the Active Route

From the Menu page, touch Tools > My Data >
Routes > Save Active Route.

Navigating a Saved Route

From the Menu page, touch Tools > My Data >
Routes > Navigate Saved Route. Touch the route
you want to navigate.

Recalculating the Route

From the Menu page, touch Tools > My Data >
Routes > Recalculate Route.

Deleting All Saved Routes

From the Menu page, touch Tools > My Data >
Routes > > Delete All Saved Routes.

Stopping Your Route

From the Menu page, touch Stop. Then touch Yes.

Adding a Detour to a Route

If you need to take a detour from your current route, open the Menu page and touch Detour.
1 kilometer, 5 kilometers, or 10 kilometers—select
the distance of the detour. For example if a road sign indicates that the street is closed for the next ve kilometers, touch 5 kilometers in the list. The navigation system recalculates your route for the next ve kilometers.
Detour by Road(s) In Route—select roads in your route
to avoid. For example, if the highway ramp is closed, select the ramp in the list of roads. The navigation system recalculates your route to avoid that ramp.
Detour by Trafc Event on Route—if you are using
an FM Trafc Receiver, you can detour around trafc
Remove All Detours—touch to remove any detours you
have entered for the route.
18 KNA-G431 Instruction Manual
creatinG and editinG routes

Adding Avoidances

From the Menu page, touch Settings > Navigation > > Avoidance Setup. Select the road type to avoid. Touch
to view more road types to avoid.
Creating Custom Avoids
You can enter specic areas and roads
to avoid in your routes. From the Avoidance Setup menu, touch two times and then touch Custom
Touch Add New Avoid Area or Add New Avoid Road.
Touch the second corner and touch Next.
Touch the rst corner
and touch Next.
Touch Finish.
KNA-G431 Instruction Manual 19

usinG the LoGs

usinG The loGs

Adjusting the Track Log

As you travel, the navigator creates a bread crumb trail (track log) of your movement. From the Menu page,
touch Tools > My Data > Track Log.
Recording—turn off and on the track log recorder.

Using the Mileage Logs

You can keep four different mileage logs of your travels. From the Menu page, touch Tools > My Data > Mileage
Log. Touch a log to edit it.
Percentage Full
—displays the current percentage
capacity of the track log. To clear the track log, touch
Percentage Full > Yes > OK.
Map Display—displays the current track log on the
map. Select a zoom setting at which the track log is shown. Touch OK. Your track log is displayed as a ne dotted line on the map.
Name—enter a new name. Distancereset the mileage log. Active—make this log active or inactive.
20 KNA-G431 Instruction Manual

traffic information

TraffiC informaTion
Using an optional FM Trafc Receiver, the navigation system can receive and use trafc information. When a trafc message is received, you can see the event on the map and change your route to avoid the trafc incident.
For more information about the FM Trafc Receiver, visit the Garmin Web site ( For participating FM subscription providers and covered
cities, refer toc.
Make sure the FM Trafc Receiver is connected to the KNA-G431. Refer to the installation guide for more
Viewing Trafc Events
From the Menu page, touch Tools > Trafc Info. Select an item in the Trafc Events list to view the details. Touch Near… to view trafc at a different location.
Trafc Symbol
Trafc Events List
KNA-G431 Instruction Manual 21
traffic information
Avoiding Trafc
The map page displays a when there is a trafc event on your current route or on the road you are driving. When
you are following a route, touch the to avoid the trafc.
From the map, touch .
Touch an item to avoid.
Touch Detour Around.
Severity Color Code
The bars to the left of the trafc symbols indicate the severity of the trafc incident:
= Low severity (green); trafc is still owing. = Medium severity (yellow); trafc is a bit congested. = High severity (red); trafc is heavily congested or stopped.
22 KNA-G431 Instruction Manual
traffic information
Trafc Symbols
Road Condition
Road Construction
Changing the Trafc Settings
From the Menu page, touch Settings > Trafc. Subscriptions—view your trafc subscriptions. Touch
the subscription to display the expiration date. To add a subscription, touch Add Subscription. See the next page
for information about adding an FM Trafc subscription.
Symbols on Map—change the symbols used to indicate the type of trafc event. Touch Style to use American or International symbols. Touch each symbol to set the zoom scale at which each symbol appears on the map.
Severity on the Map—select the scale at which the severity is displayed on the map.
Audio Notication—turn on or off the audio notication when a trafc event occurs on the road you are traveling
on or the route you are navigating.
Avoid Trafc—select Yes to avoid trafc events when
generating a route.
KNA-G431 Instruction Manual 23
traffic information
Adding a Trafc Subscription
Your FM Trafc Receiver may come with a subscription, or you may be in an area with free service. You can also add
subscriptions to expand your service area. Touch Settings > About > FM Trafc Receiver and write down your FM Trafc Receiver’s unit ID. Go toc to purchase a trafc subscription and get a 25-character trafc subscription code.
Touch Settings.
Touch Next.
24 KNA-G431 Instruction Manual
Touch Trafc.
Enter the code and
touch Next.
Touch OK.
Touch Add
+ 90 hidden pages