W'lon hsi.jllitKj 111 tilt; ci)r. (ii.-t;itlij ititj bust [xisition tjv (jiving pf(ipt'( (tonsidititition ol
ilii; system .is it wtiCilu nriil ease; ol stjitttv'.
SiiifX' Ihu rriiJin amplilii;i has nt; parts which requifu
operation, It can be instatlad at a position away
Irom the (Inver's scttl without any hinderannes But
dt;ii to its considfitablfi wuight, it needs to be in
stalled securely.
As generally accepted petitions lor its installation,
[ilaces sueti as under the front scat or inside the
tiunk, etc- can h(t considered
• Use the extension cables CA-18F (1 ml, CA-28F
12 rni, and CA-48F (4 m) (optional) when the con
nocted models are to be installed away from the
main amplifier
When the installing this unit in the trunk, place it
with its heat radiation holes facing upwards to
maximize their effect
Do not cover the upper and lower side of heat
radiation holes