Ken Tool 30165 User Manual

Self-Tapping Splines
The dual wheel stud remover is used to remove the 13/16” flanged square drive inner cap nuts, which secure the inside dual wheels on truck and trailers. Frequently the square head becomes stripped making it impossible to remove with sockets or wrenches. To use the 30165 stud remover simply drive the stud remover over the 1­1/8” threads of the inner cap nut with a soft-faced non-metal dead blow hammer. (Always wear safety glasses when striking hardened steel). A series of heat-treated self-tapping splines cut into the threads of the cap nut. Use a standard 1-½” socket or wrench to unscrew the stripped inner cap nut. After removal, the stripped cap nut may be forced out of the 30165 sockets with a punch or drift pin inserted through the hole in the back of the socket.
The 30165 socket will eventually destroy its self-tapping splines and will need to be replaced with a new 30165 socket.
Although the best material and heat treating available is used to manufacture the 30165 socket, the manufacturer recognizes that after a few uses (4 to 10) the 30165
socket will destroy its self-tapping splines and must be replaced with a new 30165 socket. For this reason the manufacturer cannot replace damaged 30165
sockets under the normal terms of our limited warranty.
We suggest the user of 30165 sockets add the eventual replacement cost of the 30165 socket into the cost normally charged for removing stripped inner cap nuts.
1-½” Drive
768 E. North Street, P. O. Box 9320, Akron, Ohio 44305 – (330) 535-7177; Fax: (330) 535-1345 or (800) 872-4929
Part No.: 30165-98
Lubricate the threads of the stripped inner cap nut. Hammer the 30165 lug stud remover over the stripped inner cap nut threads at least ½” and as straight as possible to avoid premature destruction of the self-tapping splines. For the longer length inner cap nuts it’s recommended you drive the 30165 remover about ¾” over the thread. A crooked installation can overload the individual splines and blunt or distort their cutting edge reducing the life of the tool
Unscrew the stripped inner cap nut with a 1-½” socket or wrench applied to the back of the 30165 socket. Remove the stripped cap nut from the 30165 socket by suspending the socket over an open vise so the damaged cap nut can be hammered out of the 30165 socket with a punch or drift pin inserted through the hole in the rear of the socket.
768 E. North Street, P. O. Box 9320, Akron, Ohio 44305 – (330) 535-7177; Fax: (330) 535-1345 or (800) 872-4929
Part No.: 30165-98