Instructions for using a CR-78 fitted with the Kenton KADI socket kit
Setting up:
Your Pro-KADI converter should be set up in the following way:
Connect the cable between the Pro-KADI and the CR-78. Connect the power supply to the Pro-KADI and switch
on. Select menu option F (trigger length) and set to 40. (then store by pressing the select button until ST appears)
Note that when the KADI port is connected and the Pro-KADI is on, the CR-78 internal sequencer will not run.
Playing the sounds:
Set the FADE switch on the back panel to ON (down). This allows the sounds to play, otherwise they are muted by
the fade circuit. With a CR-78 set to its default note assignments, you will be able to play the following 10 sounds
C #36 Bass Drum
C# #37 Snare Drum
D #38 Rim Shot
D# #39 HiHat
E #40 Cymbal
F #41 Maracca
F# #42 Clave
G #43 Hi Bongo
G# #44 Lo Bongo
A #45 Lo Conga
Notes on using the clock input:
If you want to just run the CR-78 in time with MIDI clock, you will need to unplug the 15 pin KADI cable and instead,
connect a lead from the clock output of the Pro-KADI to the clock input of the CR-78.
You will need to set clock divide ratio (menu option H) to 2.
When you start your sequencer, the CR-78 will then play in time with your sequence. You will always have to start
the sequence from the top as the CR-78 will not recognise song position pointers.
Troubleshooting Clock:
1) Ensure that you are using a mono jack lead, not stereo.
2) You need to make sure that the clock output is enabled on your sequencer, this is very often on a setup
page or on a pull-down menu. The clock output on Kenton converters must receive a MIDI start command
before they will output a clock signal, so if your CR-78 doesn't start with your sequencer, check that your
converter is receiving both timing clock and a MIDI start command. Instead of a start command, some
sequencers send a song position pointer zero followed by a continue message, if this is the case, you will need
to set “continue = start” to ON.
3) MIDI sync isn't on any particular MIDI channel, it's on a sort of global channel of its own.
Kenton Electronics www.kentonuk.com
Brookfarm House, Station Road, South Wimbledon, London, SW19 2LP, UK
Tel: 020-8544-9200 Fax: 020-8544-9300
International tel: +44 20-8544-9200 Fax +44 20-8544-9300