KENT Gold+ User Manual

F:\LnK_Chandresh_2015_BOX & MANUALS\KENT\Manual\Kent Gold Plus + English+Hindi\Kent Gold + English+Hindi.cdr size: 5.5”× Date: 17 03 15 Job no. XXXX8.25”
UF Membrane Storage Water Purifier
For customer complaints, contact customer care officer at:
A-2, Sector-59, Noida, U.P.-201 309, India Call Toll-Free: 1800 100 1000 or Fixed line: +91-120-4669666 E-mail:
Marketed by:
Manufactured by:
Khasra No. 93, Village-Bantakhedi, Tehsil-Roorkee, District-Haridwar, Uttarakhand-247 668, India
Instruction Handbook for Installation, Operation and Maintenance.
System Tested and Certified by NSF International against
NSF/ANSI Standard 53 for
the Reduction of Cyst
March, 2015
System Tested and Certified by NSF International against
NSF/ANSI Standard 53 for
the Reduction of Cyst
“System tested & certified
by WQA to WQA S-200 for the
reduction of Chlorine Taste
and Odor only as verified and
substantiated by test data."
“System tested & certified
by WQA to WQA S-200 for the
reduction of Chlorine Taste
and Odor only as verified and
substantiated by test data."
1. The Warra nty perio d commenc es from the da te of purc hase by t he first end-us er. The prod uct may cons ist of several pa rts and diffe rent part s may be cover ed for a differ ent warrant y peri od. During this peri od of one year fro m the date of pur chase, KENT or its Au thoris ed Ser vice Provid er wil l repl ace or rep air any pa rt of the KENT wat er puri fier, that in t he opinio n o f KE NT or its Autho rised Serv ice Provide r, would be defect ive in oper ation due to faulty mater ial o r work manship (i.e . manu facturi ng defec ts) with the exce ption of cons umables s uch as Sed iment Fil ter, Carbo n Filt er and UF Me mbrane. H owever, if the UF Memb rane gets clogge d wit hin f irst six months, it shal l be cleane d / r epaired / re placed at no extra char ge.
2. The produ ct's plasti c body is not covered unde r the Warra nty and hen ce, it must be ha ndled wit h care to guard agai nst brea kage.
3. Cust omer can avail servi ces under Warrant y at the poin t of sale, by pro ducing the d amaged part (s) alon g with the origi nal invoi ce.
4.. T his Warrant y Agreeme nt shall no t be interp reted to rend er KENT or its Autho rised Ser vice Provi der liabl e f or any injuri es or damages of an y k ind, dire ct, c onsequ ential, or conti ngent, to person s or proper ty.
5. KENT o r its Author ised Ser vice Prov ider shal l not be held lia ble for claims exc eeding the co st o f repa ir of the defects in workma nship.
6. KENT o r its Author ised Ser vice Prov ider shal l not be held r esponsi ble by repres entativ e or buyer for failu re to abid e by any of th e obli gation s of this Warra nty Agreem ent if such fail ures are the re sult of circu mstanc es of Force s Maje ures: such as, but not lim ited to, floo ds, eart hquakes, t ranspor tation stri kes, labo ur dispu tes with o utside su pplier s, or any o ther con dition s beyond t he cont rol of K ENT or its Authori sed Servic e Provid er.
7. KENT o r its Author ised Ser vice Prov ider shal l not be held liabl e for repair or alte rations made wit hout prio r written a pproval; for p roducts cl ogged by susp ended mat ter, prec ipitate s, or biol ogical growt h; or for failur es re sultin g fro m the lack of prop er main tenance .
8. Prod uct retur ned to KENT or its Aut horised Ser vice P rovider for War ranty examina tion m ust be shippe d freig ht prep aid.
9. KENT rese rves the right to alter or improve desi gn and spec ificat ions at any t ime, with out any c ontinge nt obli gations to pros pective buyers or owners of the produc ts previ ously sold.
10. A ny dis agreeme nts a nd obl igation s bas ed upo n the purcha se of K ENT pro ducts, and th ereby impo sed o n KE NT or its Auth orised Ser vice Prov ider, shal l be gover ned by and c onstrue d acco rding to the la ws of INDIA and su bject to the juri sdictio n of Delhi Court s only.
11. K ENT or its Au thoris ed Ser vice Provide r cann ot and shall not be held liable for any sickne ss or illn ess due to th e cons umption of dr inking water from any w ater p urifie r supp lied by KENT, s ince KENT or i ts Author ised Serv ice Provi der does not have any c ontrol over the mainte nance and usag e of the wate r purif ier.
12. Th is Warra nty A greement excludes all produ cts/ compon ent parts or damage to any part of this water purif ier whi ch, in the opinion of KENT or it s Author ised Service P rovider, have been s ubjected to m isuse, m isapplicat ion, neg ligence, alteratio n, accide nt or ope ration con trary to our instr uctions; incomp atibility wit h ac cessories not in stalled by KENT or i ts Autho rised S ervice Provider ; or that have been repaire d wi th co mponent parts oth er than thos e manufactured by and / or ob tained from KENT or its Aut horised Ser vice Provider ; or damage caused by fr eezing, flood, fire, or Act of God, ar e not covered by t his Warranty. In a ll such cases, regula r charges will apply. This limited Warranty does not in clude se rvice to diagn ose a claime d malfuncti on in this unit.
13. T his Warrant y i s void if the cl aimer is no t the orig inal p urchase r of t he uni t or i f the unit i s not oper ated under nor mal munici pal water or well wate r condit ions.
14. KE NT or its Autho rised Serv ice Provider a ssumes no Warra nty liab ility in connecti on with this wat er purif ier ot her th an th at spe cified herein. This Warranty is in lieu of all other warranti es, express ed or impli ed, includin g warranties of fi tness for a part icular purpos e. KENT or its Authori sed Service Provi der does not auth orize an y person or repres entative to assume for them any other obligat ions on the sale of this water purifier.
15. U nder no circu mstanc es are the term s mention ed above negot iable, and no emp loyee of KEN T or its Au thoris ed Serv ice Prov ider has the auth ority to supers ede the ter ms ment ioned above.
KENT warrants all new products manufactured by it to be free from defects in material and workmanship under normal usage and service from the date of purchase as under:
Dear Customer,
Welcome to the wor ld of KENT- the leaders of water puri fica tion industry in India. W ith a K ENT product you have all the rea son to smile. We at KEN T take prid e in our quality and laboratory-tested perfor mance of our products.
We are confident th at yo ur decision t o own KENT Gold UF Membrane Storage Water Purifier will go a long way in serving you with safe and cle an drinking water – thus keeping you and your family in good heal th. We assure you that you will be sa tisf ied with its pe rformance and qua lity, which comes with out any compromise.
This manual is an effort towards familiarising you with the operation and maintenance of KENT Gold . Before opera ting the unit, please read it thoroughly and r etai n it for future reference. Should you need furth er assistance o r in fo rm at i on , d o n o t he si ta t e t o co n ta ct your nearest KENT deale r or branch.
Best wishes,
Terms & Conditions of Warranty
Presenting the all new KENT UF Membrane Storage Water Purifier,
which provides you and your family with safe and clean drinking water. With
innovative KENT , dependence on electricity and usage of chemicals
to obtain purer drinking water will now be problems of the past.
At the heart of KENT is a state-of-the-art Hollow Fiber UF(Ultra Filter)
Membrane. This Membrane effortlessly reduces suspended impurities as
well as bacteria and cysts
to generate clean and safe drinking water.
(certified by Toray, Japan) (certified by NSF
1. Introduction 1
2. Items in the box 1
3. Salient features 2
4. Technical specifi cations 2
5. Know your KENT Gold 3
6. Exploded view of KENT Gold 4
7. Important instructions 5
8. Filtration pr ocess 5
9. Setting up your KENT Gold 6
10. Maintaining your KENT Gold 7
Part 1:- Cleaning the UF Membrane 7
Part 2:- Cleaning the water tanks 8
Part 3:- Cleaning the Sediment & Carbon Filters 8
Part 4:- Replacing the Sediment Filter 9
Part 5:- Replacing the Car bon Filter 9
Part 6:- Replacing the UF Membrane 10
Part 7:- Restori ng your KENT Gold 11
(when leaving for long vacations)
Gold Installation Manual 1
Ple ase ver if y the following i tems in th e pa cka ged box:
1. Outer Tank (transparent) 1 No.
2. Inner Tank (transparent) 1 No.
3. Bottom Stand 1 No.
4. Top Cover 1 No.
5. Top Lid 1 No.
6. Carbon Assembly with Inlet Funnel 1 Set
7. Hollow Fiber UF Membran e Cartridge 1 No.
8. Spare Sediment Filter 1 Pair
9. 50ml Cleaning Syringe 1 No.
10. Y-Fork 1 No.
11. Tap 1 No.
12. Instr uction Manual 1 No.
Items in the box
Gold Installation Manual 3
SS Screen
• Ideal for Tap water or Municipal Corporation water supply
• Use of Hollow Fiber Ultra Filtration (UF) Membrane filters as well as reduces . Cysts are deadly pathogens that cannot be removed by most non-electric storage
water purifiers
• No use of chemicals such as Chlorine, Bromine or Iodine for purification, thereby providing healthier and tastier drinking water
• Use of Activated Carbon Filter for better contaminant reduction of water
• Designed with a high Bottom Stand so that a glass can be filled easily and the purifier is not required to be placed at the
edge of a table/slab
• High storage capacity of 20 litres, to provide purified water on demand
• Food grade plastic construction for trouble-free maintenance and a long life
bacteria (certified by Toray, Japan) cysts
(certified by NSF International)
Salient Features
Technical Specifications
Know your KENT Gold
Manufact urer Details : KEN T RO S YSTEMS LTD.
A-2, Sector-59, Noida, U.P.- 201 309, India Ph.: +91-120-3075075 sales@ke
Model : KENT Gold U F Membran e Storage Water Pu rifier
Model No. : 110 15
Mountin g : Table top
Dimensi ons : H (540mm), W (360mm ), D (380mm) - (when assembled)
Inner Tank storage capacity : 10 litres (Approx.)
Outer Tank storage capacity : 10 litres (Approx.)
Membran e type : UF Membrane
Filters : Sedim ent, Granu ler Acti vated Carbon, SS(Stainless Steel) Screen
Expected life of UF Membrane : 40 00 litres / 105 8 gallons
Maximum Operatin g Water Tempera ture : 35° C/
Minimum Operatin g Water Tempera ture :
Filtrat ion Cap acity : 0.3 1 litre per minute (under standard testing conditi ons)
Usage : The system should be used only with cold water.
10°C/50 °F
WQA Performance Data: This system has been tested according to S-200 for reduction of the s ubstances listed below. The concentra tion of the indicated substanc es in water enter ing the system was reduced to a co ncentration less than or equal to t he per missible limit for water le aving t he syst em, as specifie d in S-200."
Substan ces Minimum
Percent Percent Challenge Permissi ble Influent Effluent Reducti on Reductio n Concentr ation product water Concent ration Co ncentration
(mg/L) concentra tion ( mg/L) (mg/L)
Alachlo r 85% 87% 0.04 + 10% 0.002 0 .04 0.001
Average Influen t Maximum Aver age Average
NSF Performance Data
This system has been te sted u nder N SF/ANSI 53 for reducti on of the substances listed below. Th e conc entration of t he indicat ed sub stances in wate r enter ing th e syst em was reduced to a conce ntration less t han or equal to the permissibl e limit for wa ter le aving th e syste m as specified in NSF/AN SI 53.
Substan ce I nfluent challenge concentrati on Reducti on requ irement
cyst minimum 50,000/L 99.95%
Percentag e of Cyst Reducti on afte r testi ng 99.9 9% red uction (Though testing was performed under standard laboratory condition s actua l perfor mance may vary.)
"Gold filters are certified by WQA to S-200 for the reduction of chlorine, taste and odour only, as verified and substantiated by test data."
Top Lid
Top Cover
Inlet Funnel
Sediment Filter
Inner Tank
UF Membrane Cartridge
Bottom Stand
Granuler Activated Carbon Filter
Outer Tank
Tap water or Municipal Corporation water supply is filled in the 10 litres Inner Tank. Water while being filled, passes through the Sediment Filter which reduces the suspended impurities. It then passes through the Activated , which reduce organic/ chemical impurities such as Chlorine, bad taste and odour.
The filtered water gets collected in the Inner Tank, and then percolates down through the UF Membrane into the Outer Tank. During this process, most of the bacteria (certified by Toray, Japan) and cysts (certified by NSF International) are reduced and only cleaner & safer drinking water is allowed to pass through. The purified water gets collected in the Outer Tank, ready to be dispensed when required.
Carbo n Filter
Gold Installation Manual 5
Important Instructions
Filtration Process
Exploded view of KENT Gold
1. Avoid exp osur e to direc t sunli ght, as over heat ing can da mage th e purif ier' s pl asti c body.
2. Do not confine the purifie r in a cabinet .
3. Keep bo th the sto rage ta nks cle an. Proper ly wash a nd rins e them wit h p ure water once in a week .
4. Cle an the Se dimen t and Car bon Fil ters at le ast onc e in a mont h. Frequenc y can be incre ased depen ding on the qu alit y of raw water.
5. Back wash the UF Membran e at least once in a mo nth. Frequenc y can be increas ed depen ding on the q ualit y of raw water.
6. Rep lace the Sedimen t Filter every 3 mont hs.
7. Rep lace the Activate d Carbon Filter every 6 mon ths/ 1800 litres .
8. Rep lace the UF M embra ne every 12 mon ths.
9. At the tim e o f i nstal lati on, note down th e n ext due date for cha nge of Filt ers and Membr ane (a s advi sed i n inst ruct ions 6 -8 abo ve) on t he sti cker pl aced o n the r ear side of t he p urif ier. This will help you keep tra ck of the time to chang e the respe ctive part s.
10. T he system should be used o nly with cold water.
11. Any di sagreemen ts and obligation s based upon the pur chase of KENT prod ucts and there by impose d on KENT or its ASP shall be gover ned by and cons true d according to the laws of INDIA and subject to the jurisdiction of Delh i Courts only.
12. Fo r all the repla cemen t ele ment such as Se dime nt Fi lter, C arbo n Fil ter, UF Membr ane etc., kindly contact author ised dealers of KE NT RO Systems Ltd. or Custo mer Care as p er the a ddre ss given on the back of the booklet .
13. R eplac emen t of spa re parts are as un der :­SPARE CODE : 20062 DESCR IPTI ON - Kent G old Spa re Kit
20065 SP UF Membr ane KEN T Gold : 1 Pc 20063 SP Activat ed Car bon 190 g m. : 1Pc 20064 SP Sedime nt Filt er KEN T Gold : 1 Pair
14. D o not use water that is microb iolo gical uns afe or of unknown qual ity witho ut adequ ate disi nfecti on before or after the sys tem. System cer tified for Cyst reduct ion may be us ed on d isinfe cted waters that may contain filtera ble cyst.
15. T he system and in stal latio n must comply with applicabl e stat e and local laws & regul atio n.
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